Carolina Rush Intersects 61 m @ 1.7 g/t Au and 0.3% Cu including 10.6 m @ 4.4 g/t Au and 1% Cu at Brewer

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Carolina Rush (TSXV: RUSH) (OTCQB: PUCCF) has reported results from its recent core drilling program at the Brewer Gold and Copper Project in South Carolina. Hole B24C-034 intersected 61 m @ 1.65 g/t Au and 0.28% Cu, including 10.6 m @ 4.36 g/t Au and 0.95% Cu. This result ranks among the top five on a grade-times-thickness basis across all 34 Brewer holes reported to date.

The mineralization in B24C-034 is hosted within a silicified polylithic breccia with zones of strong sulfide replacement. Individual samples returned >2% copper and >15 g/t gold. The phase four drill program, now complete, totaled 2,578 meters in 12 holes, with results pending for the last three holes.

The company follows strict sampling and QA/QC protocols, with assays conducted by ALS Laboratory using industry-standard methods. The technical information has been reviewed and approved by Patrick Quigley, the company's Senior Geologist and Exploration Manager, a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

Carolina Rush (TSXV: RUSH) (OTCQB: PUCCF) ha riportato i risultati del suo recente programma di perforazione alla Brewer Gold and Copper Project in Carolina del Sud. Il foro B24C-034 ha intercettato 61 m a 1,65 g/t Au e 0,28% Cu, comprese 10,6 m a 4,36 g/t Au e 0,95% Cu. Questo risultato si colloca tra i primi cinque per rapporto grado-spessore tra tutti i 34 fori della Brewer riportati fino ad oggi.

La mineralizzazione nel B24C-034 è ospitata all'interno di una breccia polilithica silicificata con zone di forte sostituzione di solfuri. I singoli campioni hanno restituito >2% di rame e >15 g/t di oro. Il programma di perforazione della fase quattro, ora completato, ha totalizzato 2.578 metri in 12 fori, con risultati in sospeso per gli ultimi tre fori.

L'azienda segue rigidi protocolli di campionamento e QA/QC, con analisi condotte da ALS Laboratory utilizzando metodi standard del settore. Le informazioni tecniche sono state esaminate e approvate da Patrick Quigley, il Senior Geologist e Exploration Manager dell'azienda, una Persona Qualificata come definita dalla NI 43-101.

Carolina Rush (TSXV: RUSH) (OTCQB: PUCCF) ha informado sobre los resultados de su reciente programa de perforación en el Proyecto de Oro y Cobre Brewer en Carolina del Sur. El pozo B24C-034 intersectó 61 m @ 1,65 g/t Au y 0,28% Cu, incluyendo 10,6 m @ 4,36 g/t Au y 0,95% Cu. Este resultado se encuentra entre los cinco mejores en base a la relación entre grado y grosor de los 34 pozos de Brewer reportados hasta la fecha.

La mineralización en B24C-034 se encuentra hospedada dentro de una brecha polilítica silicificada con zonas de fuerte reemplazo de sulfuros. Las muestras individuales retornaron >2% de cobre y >15 g/t de oro. El programa de perforación de la fase cuatro, ahora completo, totalizó 2,578 metros en 12 pozos, con resultados pendientes para los últimos tres pozos.

La empresa sigue estrictos protocolos de muestreo y QA/QC, con análisis realizados por ALS Laboratory utilizando métodos estándar de la industria. La información técnica ha sido revisada y aprobada por Patrick Quigley, el Geólogo Senior y Gerente de Exploración de la empresa, una Persona Cualificada según lo definido por NI 43-101.

카롤리나 러시 (TSXV: RUSH) (OTCQB: PUCCF)는 사우스캐롤라이나의 브루어 금 및 구리 프로젝트에서 최근 시추 프로그램의 결과를 보고했습니다. B24C-034 구멍은 61 m @ 1.65 g/t Au 및 0.28% Cu를 관통했으며, 그중 10.6 m @ 4.36 g/t Au 및 0.95% Cu가 포함됩니다. 이 결과는 지금까지 보고된 34개의 브루어 홀 중에서 등급과 두께 기준으로 다섯 번째로 높은 순위를 차지합니다.

B24C-034의 광물화는 강한 황화물 치환 구역이 있는 실리시파이드 다중 리트 브레치아 내에 위치합니다. 개별 샘플은 >2% 구리와 >15 g/t 금을 반환했습니다. 이제 완료된 4단계 시추 프로그램은 12개의 홀에서 총 2,578미터를 시추하며, 마지막 3개의 홀에 대한 결과는 보류 중입니다.

회사는 엄격한 샘플링 및 QA/QC 프로토콜을 따르며, 분석은 업계 표준 방법을 사용하는 ALS 실험실에서 수행되었습니다. 기술 정보는 NI 43-101에 정의된 자격 있는 인물인 회사의 선임 지질학자이자 탐사 관리자 Patrick Quigley에 의해 검토되고 승인되었습니다.

Carolina Rush (TSXV: RUSH) (OTCQB: PUCCF) a rapporté les résultats de son récent programme de forage au projet de cuivre et d'or Brewerr en Caroline du Sud. Le trou B24C-034 a intersecté 61 m à 1,65 g/t Au et 0,28% Cu, y compris 10,6 m à 4,36 g/t Au et 0,95% Cu. Ce résultat se classe parmi les cinq premiers en termes de rapport grade-épaisseur parmi les 34 trous de Brewer rapportés jusqu'à présent.

La minéralisation dans B24C-034 se trouve dans une brèche polylithique silicifiée avec des zones de remplacement de sulfure important. Les échantillons individuels ont retourné >2% de cuivre et >15 g/t d'or. Le programme de forage de phase quatre, maintenant terminé, a totalisé 2 578 mètres sur 12 trous, avec des résultats en attente pour les trois derniers trous.

L'entreprise suit des protocoles stricts d'échantillonnage et de QA/QC, avec des analyses effectuées par ALS Laboratory en utilisant des méthodes standard de l'industrie. Les informations techniques ont été examinées et approuvées par Patrick Quigley, le géologue senior et directeur de l'exploration de l'entreprise, une personne qualifiée selon la définition de la NI 43-101.

Carolina Rush (TSXV: RUSH) (OTCQB: PUCCF) hat die Ergebnisse seines kürzlich durchgeführten Kernbohrprogramms im Brewer Gold- und Kupferprojekt in South Carolina bekannt gegeben. Die Bohrung B24C-034 hat 61 m @ 1,65 g/t Au und 0,28% Cu durchteuft, einschließlich 10,6 m @ 4,36 g/t Au und 0,95% Cu. Dieses Ergebnis zählt zu den fünf besten auf Basis des Grades mal Dicke unter allen bisher berichteten 34 Brewer-Bohrungen.

Die Mineralisierung in B24C-034 ist in einer silicifizierten polylithischen Brekzie mit Zonen starker Sulfid-Substitution enthalten. Einzelne Proben lieferten >2% Kupfer und >15 g/t Gold. Das abgeschlossene Bohrprogramm der Phase vier umfasste insgesamt 2.578 Meter in 12 Bohrlöchern, wobei die Ergebnisse für die letzten drei Löcher noch ausstehen.

Das Unternehmen befolgt strenge Probenahme- und QA/QC-Protokolle, wobei die Analysen von ALS Laboratory unter Verwendung branchenüblicher Methoden durchgeführt werden. Die technischen Informationen wurden von Patrick Quigley, dem Senior Geologen und Explorationsleiter des Unternehmens, der als qualifizierte Person gemäß NI 43-101 gilt, geprüft und genehmigt.

  • Hole B24C-034 delivered the second-best results among 15 holes in the Tanyard Zone
  • Mineralization in B24C-034 included high-grade intervals of >2% copper and >15 g/t gold
  • The Tanyard Breccia Zone is emerging as a promising new mineralized area at Brewer
  • Phase four drill program completed with 2,578 meters in 12 holes
  • Hole B24C-033 encountered no significant gold-copper mineralization

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - October 21, 2024) - Carolina Rush Corporation (TSXV: RUSH) (OTCQB: PUCCF) ("Carolina Rush," "Rush" or the "Company") is pleased to report results from its recently completed core drilling program at the Brewer Gold and Copper Project in South Carolina. Analytical results have been received for holes 33 and 34, targeting the Tanyard Breccia Zone located south of the former mine (see Table 1, Figure 1 and Figure 2).

Carolina Rush President and CEO Layton Croft stated: “Hole 34 delivered the second-best results among the 15 holes reported thus far in the Tanyard Zone, and ranks in the top five on a grade-times-thickness basis (GxT) across all 34 Brewer holes reported to date. This strengthens the significance of the Tanyard as a promising new mineralized zone and adds to Brewer’s overall large-scale gold copper target with considerable upsides.”

Table 1. Composited Assay Results for hole B23C-033 & B24C-034

BHIDFrom (m)To (m)Interval* (m)Au (g/t)Cu (%)
B24C-033No significant values


*Reported intervals are drilled width and do not represent true width.

Drill hole B24C-033 was a vertical exploration hole drilled to a depth 155 meters and collared approximately 180 meters southwest of hole 34. The hole was designed to drill through the Tanyard sedimentary sequence to test an underlying chargeability anomaly. While no significant gold-copper mineralization was encountered, anomalous pathfinder elements and favorable alteration (e.g. quartz-pyrophyllite) were identified.

Drill hole B24C-034 was drilled to a depth of 223 meters with an azimuth of 120° and a -50° inclination. This was the first hole testing the Tanyard Breccia at this orientation and intersected mineralization at an elevation approximately 25 meters above B23C-021 (62.5 m @ 8.5 g/t Au). Mineralization is hosted within a silicified polylithic breccia that includes zones of strong sulfide replacement. These replacement bodies correlate with increased copper grades, with individual samples returning >2% copper. In addition, gold-telluride mineralization occurs in strongly oxidized quartz veins cutting the sulfide breccia with individual samples returning >15 g/t Au. Refer to Table 1 for a detailed breakdown of the mineralized interval.

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Figure 1. Example of mineralization encountered in drill hole B24C-034

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Figure 2. Tanyard Breccia Zone Drill Hole Location Map

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The phase four drill program is now complete, with a total of 2,578 meters drilled in 12 holes, 11 of which are in the Tanyard Zone. Results are pending for the last three holes of the program and will be reported as they are received.

Quality Assurance and Quality Control Statement
The Company's 2023-2024 exploration diamond core drilling was HQ and/or NQ size. The core was logged and marked for sampling and assaying by geologists contracted by Rush. Samples, typically 1.5 meters in length, were sawn in half using a diamond core saw and one-half of the core was placed in sample bags and tagged with unique sample numbers, while the remaining half was kept in the core box for storage. Each bagged core sample was shipped to ALS Laboratory in Twin Falls, ID where it was dried, crushed and pulverized to >80% passing -200 mesh. Gold was analyzed by fire assay (30 g) with an AA (atomic absorption) finish (method Au-AA23) with detection limits of 0.005 g/t gold. Samples containing greater than 10.0 g/t gold are analyzed by fire assay with a gravimetric finish (method Au-GRA21). Multielement analyses were analyzed with ICP-MS following a four-acid digestion (method ME-MS61) and samples containing >1.0% copper are analyzed via method Cu-OG62. ALS Minerals is accredited in accordance with International Standard ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and also inserts its own certified reference materials plus blanks and duplicates. Strict sampling and QA/QC protocols are followed, and assay integrity is monitored internally with a quality control program including the insertion of standards and blanks every 10th sample within the sample stream. Assay results are reviewed, and discrepancies are investigated prior to incorporation into the Company's database.

Qualified Person
The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements as set out in NI 43-101 and reviewed and approved by Patrick Quigley, MSc, CPG-12116, the Company's Senior Geologist and Exploration Manager and a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101.

About Carolina Rush
Carolina Rush Corporation (TSXV: RUSH) (OTCQB: PUCCF) is exploring the Carolina Terrane in the southeastern USA. Its flagship Brewer Gold-Copper Project is located at the past-producing, 397-hectare Brewer Gold Mine property in Chesterfield County, South Carolina, 17 kilometers along trend from the producing Haile Gold Mine. In January 2023, the Company signed exclusive mineral exploration lease and purchase option agreements for both the 246.6-hectare New Sawyer Gold Mine Property and the 54.6-hectare Sawyer Gold Mine Property, both located on the Sawyer Gold Trend and in Randolph County, North Carolina.

For further information, please contact:
Layton Croft, President and CEO
Jeanny So, Corporate Communications Manager
T: +1.647.202.0994

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What were the key drilling results for Carolina Rush at the Brewer Project?

Carolina Rush reported that hole B24C-034 intersected 61 m @ 1.65 g/t Au and 0.28% Cu, including a high-grade interval of 10.6 m @ 4.36 g/t Au and 0.95% Cu at the Brewer Gold and Copper Project in South Carolina.

How does the recent drill result compare to previous results at Brewer?

The result from hole B24C-034 ranks among the top five on a grade-times-thickness basis across all 34 Brewer holes reported to date, and is the second-best result among the 15 holes reported in the Tanyard Zone.

What is the significance of the Tanyard Breccia Zone for Carolina Rush (PUCCF)?

The Tanyard Breccia Zone is emerging as a promising new mineralized area at the Brewer Project, strengthening the overall large-scale gold-copper target and adding potential upside for Carolina Rush (PUCCF).

When did Carolina Rush complete its phase four drill program at Brewer?

Carolina Rush completed its phase four drill program at the Brewer Project as of October 21, 2024, with a total of 2,578 meters drilled in 12 holes, primarily in the Tanyard Zone.

Carolina Rush Corporation


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