Petros Pharmaceuticals Featured in “New Era of Healthcare, AI, Data and Consumer Empowerment”
Petros Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:PTPI) is positioning itself in the healthcare technology sector by developing a proprietary platform for Rx-to-OTC drug transitions. Company President Fady Boctor, featured in 'The Intelligent Leadership Podcast,' discussed their strategy to utilize AI and quantum computing to expand consumer access to medications.
The company is developing technology tools around Drug Facts Label self-selection and AI implementation to ensure safe drug access. Their platform, supported by multiple research studies, aims to assist pharmaceutical companies in pursuing Rx-to-OTC switches, potentially opening opportunities for future pharma partnerships.
Petros Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:PTPI) si sta posizionando nel settore della tecnologia sanitaria sviluppando una piattaforma proprietaria per la transizione da farmaci da prescrizione a farmaci da banco. Il presidente della compagnia, Fady Boctor, ospite del 'The Intelligent Leadership Podcast', ha discusso della loro strategia per utilizzare l'IA e il calcolo quantistico per ampliare l'accesso dei consumatori ai farmaci.
L'azienda sta sviluppando strumenti tecnologici per la selezione autonomo delle etichette dei farmaci e l'implementazione dell'IA per garantire un accesso sicuro ai farmaci. La loro piattaforma, sostenuta da numerosi studi di ricerca, mira ad assistere le aziende farmaceutiche nel perseguire passaggi da RX a OTC, aprendo potenzialmente opportunità per future partnership nel settore farmaceutico.
Petros Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:PTPI) se está posicionando en el sector de tecnología de la salud desarrollando una plataforma propietaria para las transiciones de medicamentos de receta a venta libre. El presidente de la compañía, Fady Boctor, presentado en 'The Intelligent Leadership Podcast', discutió su estrategia para utilizar IA y computación cuántica para expandir el acceso de los consumidores a los medicamentos.
La empresa está desarrollando herramientas tecnológicas en torno a la auto-selección de la etiqueta de hechos del medicamento y la implementación de IA para garantizar un acceso seguro a los medicamentos. Su plataforma, respaldada por múltiples estudios de investigación, tiene como objetivo ayudar a las compañías farmacéuticas a realizar cambios de RX a OTC, potencialmente abriendo oportunidades para futuras asociaciones farmacéuticas.
Petros Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:PTPI)는 처방약에서 일반약으로의 전환을 위한 독점 플랫폼을 개발하여 의료 기술 부문에서 입지를 다지고 있습니다. 회사의 사장인 파디 보크터는 'The Intelligent Leadership Podcast'에 출연하여 AI와 양자 컴퓨팅을 활용하여 소비자의 약물 접근성을 확대하는 전략에 대해 논의했습니다.
회사는 약물 정보 라벨의 자가 선택 및 AI 구현에 대한 기술 도구를 개발하여 안전한 약물 접근을 보장하고 있습니다. 여러 연구에 의해 지원되는 그들의 플랫폼은 제약회사가 RX에서 OTC로의 전환을 추구하는 데 도움을 주며, 향후 제약 파트너십의 기회를 열어줄 가능성이 있습니다.
Petros Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:PTPI) se positionne dans le secteur de la technologie de la santé en développant une plateforme propriétaire pour les transitions de médicaments sur ordonnance à vente libre. Le président de l'entreprise, Fady Boctor, qui était invité dans 'The Intelligent Leadership Podcast', a discuté de leur stratégie d'utilisation de l'IA et de l'informatique quantique pour élargir l'accès des consommateurs aux médicaments.
L'entreprise développe des outils technologiques autour de la sélection autonome des étiquettes d'informations sur les médicaments et de la mise en œuvre de l'IA pour garantir un accès sûr aux médicaments. Leur plateforme, soutenue par plusieurs études de recherche, vise à aider les entreprises pharmaceutiques à poursuivre les transitions RX vers OTC, ouvrant ainsi potentiellement des opportunités pour de futurs partenariats pharmaceutiques.
Petros Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:PTPI) positioniert sich im Gesundheits-technologie-Sektor, indem es eine proprietäre Plattform für Übergänge von Rezept- zu OTC-Arzneimitteln entwickelt. Der Präsident des Unternehmens, Fady Boctor, der im 'The Intelligent Leadership Podcast' zu Gast war, diskutierte ihre Strategie, KI und Quantencomputing zu nutzen, um den Zugang der Verbraucher zu Medikamenten zu erweitern.
Das Unternehmen entwickelt technologische Werkzeuge rund um die Selbstwahl des Arzneimittelinformationsetiketts und die Implementierung von KI, um einen sicheren Zugang zu Medikamenten zu gewährleisten. Ihre Plattform, die durch zahlreiche Forschungsstudien unterstützt wird, zielt darauf ab, pharmazeutische Unternehmen bei der Verfolgung von RX-zu-OTC-Umstellungen zu unterstützen, was potenziell Möglichkeiten für zukünftige pharmazeutische Partnerschaften eröffnen könnte.
- Development of proprietary technology platform for Rx-to-OTC drug transitions
- Potential for pharmaceutical industry partnerships
- Strategic positioning in AI and quantum computing healthcare applications
- None.
The podcast appearance merely outlines broad aspirations around AI and quantum computing without any concrete business developments, partnerships, or financial implications. While the company discusses potential future applications of technology for Rx-to-OTC switches, there are no specific timelines, partnerships, or quantifiable metrics provided. For a micro-cap company with a market cap of just
Company positions itself for new innovation utilizing AI and quantum computing to help expand patient access to drugs via OTC access
NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / December 19, 2024 / Petros Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:PTPI) ("Petros" or the "Company"), a company focused on expanding consumer access to medication through over the counter ("OTC") drug development programs, today announced that in a recent podcast, The Intelligent Leadership Podcast, titled, "The New Era of Healthcare, AI, Data and Consumer Empowerment," Petros President Fady Boctor discussed the Company's concerted efforts to develop its proprietary platform as a prospective technology driven Rx-to-OTC switch solution across a multitude of conditions and existing Rx only therapies.
During the podcast, Boctor discussed Petros' technology tool development around a Drug Facts Label to self-select, as well as the utilization of AI to ensure safe engagement and access to a drug that has made the Rx-to-OTC switch. This previewed the Company's future strategic direction, demonstrating a thought-out approach that included the role of technology and AI in pharma [00:44], building a self-service platform [06:42], challenges and oversight in AI implementation [17:21], and future trends in healthcare and technology [25:22].
Boctor, in underscoring the opportunity to utilize technology to expand access, said during the podcast, "We're starting to empower consumers to make decisions and seek those treatments for themselves, leveraging their own custom healthcare data." He later emphasized the Company's belief that technology would be the way this might be executed, adding, "In many respects, we have high bets on technology led by way of artificial intelligence, but so much more."
Petros has developed a proprietary technology-assisted platform that, based on multiple research studies, could help pharmaceutical companies pursue Rx-to-OTC switches. The Company believes that further advancement of this technology, combined with the processing and calculative power of quantum computing, could provide significant opportunities for future pharma partnerships among companies seeking to extend access and commercial viability of their products through an OTC switch.
About Petros Pharmaceuticals
Petros Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is committed to the goal of becoming a leading innovator in the emerging
About the Pathway from Rx to OTC
The process of switching a prescription medication to OTC first involves the design of a Drug Facts Label ("DFL") that is well understood by potential consumers. Then, data must show that consumers can make an appropriate informed decision to use or not to use the product based only upon the information on the DFL and their personal medical history. Then consumers must demonstrate that they can properly use the product based upon the information on the DFL. To accomplish this, the FDA ordinarily requires a consumer tested OTC DFL. Such testing includes conduct of iterative Label Comprehension Studies (LCS) in the general population, Self-Selection Studies (SSS) in a population interested in using the product and in specific populations who may be harmed if they use the product, and usually one Actual Use Trial (AUT) demonstrating safe and appropriate use by consumers in a simulated OTC setting.
The regulations that the FDA is currently in the process of finalizing introduced Additional Conditions for Nonprescription Use ("ACNU") criteria that enable correct self-selection by consumers and may expand OTC access to medications that formerly could only be available by prescription. An ACNU may be an innovative computerized tool, or the additional conditions may use other approaches that support the switch process. Petros is developing a technology platform (SaaS) to assist companies in navigating this pathway.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements are based upon the Company's management's assumptions, expectations, projections, intentions, and beliefs about future events. In some cases, predictive, future-tense or forward-looking words such as "intend," "develop," "goal," "plan," "predict", "may," "will," "project," "estimate," "anticipate," "believe," "expect," "continue," "potential," "opportunity," "forecast," "should," "target," "strategy" and similar expressions, whether in the negative or affirmative, that reflect our current views with respect to future events and operational, economic and financial performance are intended to identify forward-looking statements, but are not the exclusive means of identifying such statements. Such forward-looking statements are only predictions, and actual results and the timing of certain events and circumstances may differ materially from those described by the forward-looking statements as a result of risks and uncertainties, Petros' ability to execute on its business strategy, including its plans to develop and commercialize its proprietary Rx-to-OTC switch technology; Petros' ability to comply with obligations as a public reporting company; Petros' ability to maintain compliance with the Nasdaq Stock Market's listing standards; risks related to Petros' ability to continue as a going concern; risks related to Petros' history of incurring significant losses; and risks related to Petros' ability to obtain regulatory approvals for, or market acceptance of, any of its products or product candidates, including its proprietary Rx-to-OTC switch technology. Additional factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the results anticipated in these forward-looking statements are contained in the Company's periodic reports and in other filings that the Company has filed, or may file, with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") under the headings "Risk Factors" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations" and elsewhere. The Company cautions readers that the forward-looking statements included in this press release represent our beliefs, expectations, estimates and assumptions only as of the date of hereof and are not intended to give any assurance as to future results. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for us to predict all these factors. Further, the Company cannot assess the effect of each such factor on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to be materially different from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Accordingly, you should not unduly rely on any forward-looking statements.
The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements contained in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events, a change in our views or expectations or otherwise, except as required by federal securities laws.
Jules Abraham
SOURCE: Petros Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
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