Plus Therapeutics Presents Positive Interim ReSPECT-LM Phase 1 Data for Leptomeningeal Metastases at 2024 SNO/ASCO CNS Metastases Conference
Plus Therapeutics (Nasdaq: PSTV) presented positive interim data from its ReSPECT-LM Phase 1 trial of Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda for leptomeningeal metastases at the 2024 SNO/ASCO CNS Metastases Conference. The study showed continued feasibility and safety with up to 44 mCi of intrathecal treatment. Key highlights include:
- No dose-limiting toxicities through cohort 4
- Linear increase in absorbed radiation dose
- Mean reduction of 53% in CSF circulating tumor cells at 28 days post-treatment
- Median overall survival of 12 months
- Majority of adverse events were mild or moderate
The FDA has granted Fast Track and Orphan Drug designations for this treatment. The trial is currently enrolling in Cohort 5 and is partially funded by a $17.6 million grant from the Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas.
Plus Therapeutics (Nasdaq: PSTV) ha presentato dati positivi preliminari dal suo studio di Fase 1 ReSPECT-LM sull'Obisbemeda al Rhenium (186Re) per metastasi leptomeningeal durante la conferenza SNO/ASCO CNS Metastases 2024. Lo studio ha dimostrato continua fattibilità e sicurezza con dosi intratecali di fino a 44 mCi. I punti salienti includono:
- Nessuna tossicità limitante la dose fino al gruppo 4
- Aumento lineare della dose di radiazione assorbita
- Riduzione media del 53% delle cellule tumorali circolanti nel CSF a 28 giorni dopo il trattamento
- Sopravvivenza complessiva mediana di 12 mesi
- La maggior parte degli eventi avversi era lieve o moderata
La FDA ha conferito le designazioni Fast Track e Orphan Drug per questo trattamento. Lo studio sta attualmente reclutando pazienti nel Gruppo 5 ed è parzialmente finanziato da una sovvenzione di 17,6 milioni di dollari dell'Istituto per la Prevenzione e la Ricerca sul Cancro del Texas.
Plus Therapeutics (Nasdaq: PSTV) presentó datos intermedios positivos de su ensayo de Fase 1 ReSPECT-LM sobre Obisbemeda al Rhenium (186Re) para metástasis leptomeníngeas en la conferencia SNO/ASCO CNS Metastases 2024. El estudio mostró viabilidad y seguridad continuas con tratamientos intratecales de hasta 44 mCi. Los aspectos más destacados incluyen:
- No se encontraron toxicidades limitantes de dosis hasta el cohorte 4
- Aumento lineal en la dosis de radiación absorbida
- Reducción media del 53% en células tumorales circulantes en LCR a los 28 días post-tratamiento
- Supervivencia media global de 12 meses
- La mayoría de los eventos adversos fueron leves o moderados
La FDA ha otorgado las designaciones de Vía Rápida y Medicamento Huérfano para este tratamiento. El ensayo está actualmente reclutando en el Cohorte 5 y está parcialmente financiado por una subvención de 17,6 millones de dólares del Instituto de Prevención y Investigación del Cáncer de Texas.
Plus Therapeutics (Nasdaq: PSTV)는 2024 SNO/ASCO CNS 전이 회의에서 레티멘지얼 전이에 대한 Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda의 ReSPECT-LM 1상 시험의 긍정적인 중간 데이터를 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 44 mCi까지의 경막외 치료에 대한 지속적인 실행 가능성과 안전성을 보여주었습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:
- 4군까지 용량 제한 독성 없음
- 흡수된 방사선 용량의 선형 증가
- 치료 후 28일 동안 CSF 순환 종양 세포의 평균 53% 감소
- 중간 전체 생존 기간 12개월
- 대부분의 부작용은 경증 또는 중등도였습니다
FDA는 이 치료를 위해 패스트 트랙 및 오픈 약물 지정을 부여했습니다. 현재 시험은 5군에 등록 중이며, 텍사스 암 예방 및 연구 기관에서 1,760만 달러의 보조금으로 부분적으로 자금을 지원받고 있습니다.
Plus Therapeutics (Nasdaq: PSTV) a présenté des données intermédiaires positives de son essai de phase 1 ReSPECT-LM sur l'Obisbemeda au Rhenium (186Re) pour les métastases leptomeningées lors de la conférence SNO/ASCO CNS Metastases 2024. L'étude a montré une faisabilité et une sécurité continues avec des traitements intrathécaux allant jusqu'à 44 mCi. Les faits saillants incluent :
- Aucune toxicité limitant la dose jusqu'à la cohorte 4
- Augmentation linéaire de la dose de radiation absorbée
- Réduction moyenne de 53 % des cellules tumorales circulantes dans le LCR à 28 jours après traitement
- Survie globale médiane de 12 mois
- La majorité des événements indésirables étaient légers ou modérés
La FDA a accordé des désignations Fast Track et Medicament Orphelin pour ce traitement. L'essai recrute actuellement dans la Cohorte 5 et est partiellement financé par une subvention de 17,6 millions de dollars de l'Institut de Prévention et de Recherche sur le Cancer du Texas.
Plus Therapeutics (Nasdaq: PSTV) hat auf der SNO/ASCO CNS Metastases Konferenz 2024 positive vorläufige Daten aus seiner ReSPECT-LM Phase 1-Studie zu Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda für leptomeningeale Metastasen vorgestellt. Die Studie zeigte fortdauernde Durchführbarkeit und Sicherheit bei intrathekalen Behandlungen von bis zu 44 mCi. Wichtige Highlights sind:
- Keine dosislimitierenden Toxizitäten bis zur Kohorte 4
- Lineare Erhöhung der aufgenommenen Strahlendosis
- Mittelwert von 53% Reduktion von zirkulierenden Tumorzellen im Liquor nach 28 Tagen nach Behandlung
- Medianes Überleben von 12 Monaten
- Die Mehrheit der unerwünschten Ereignisse war mild oder moderat
Die FDA hat diesem Behandlungsansatz die Fast Track- und Orphan Drug-Einstufungen verliehen. Die Studie rekrutiert derzeit in Kohorte 5 und wird teilweise durch einen Zuschuss von 17,6 Millionen Dollar des Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas finanziert.
- No dose-limiting toxicities observed through cohort 4
- Linear increase in absorbed radiation dose to target areas
- Mean reduction of 53% in CSF circulating tumor cells at 28 days post-treatment
- Median overall survival of 12 months, with 8 of 16 patients alive at analysis
- FDA granted Fast Track and Orphan Drug designations for the treatment
- $17.6 million grant received from Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas
- None.
The interim data from the ReSPECT-LM Phase 1 trial for Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda in leptomeningeal metastases (LM) shows promising results. Key findings include:
- No dose-limiting toxicities up to 44 mCi of intrathecal administration
53% mean reduction in CSF circulating tumor cells at 28 days post-treatment- Median overall survival of 12 months
- High absorbed radiation doses in target areas (156 Gy to ventricles and cranial subarachnoid space)
These results suggest potential efficacy and a favorable safety profile. The 12-month median survival is particularly noteworthy for LM, which typically has a poor prognosis. However, it's important to note that this is a small sample size (n=16) in a Phase 1 trial and further studies are needed to confirm these findings.
The ReSPECT-LM trial data is encouraging for leptomeningeal metastases (LM) treatment. The 12-month median overall survival is impressive, considering LM's typically dismal prognosis of weeks to a few months. The high absorbed radiation dose (156 Gy) to the target areas with minimal systemic exposure (1 Gy to spleen) demonstrates excellent drug delivery. The
The positive interim data from the ReSPECT-LM trial could significantly impact Plus Therapeutics' (NASDAQ: PSTV) market position. Key financial implications include:
- Potential market expansion: Addressing the unmet need in leptomeningeal metastases treatment
- Regulatory advantages: FDA Fast Track and Orphan Drug designations may accelerate approval and provide market exclusivity
- Funding support:
$17.6 million grant from CPRIT reduces financial burden
While promising, investors should note that Phase 1 results don't guarantee future success. The company's ability to progress through clinical trials and achieve commercialization will be crucial. The stock may see increased interest, but volatility is likely as more data emerges. Long-term value will depend on the therapy's efficacy in larger trials and potential approval timeline.
Respect-LM dosing shows continued feasibility and safety of up to 44 mCi of intrathecal Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda
High absorbed radiation doses, mean circulating tumor cell reductions, and median overall survival of 12 months continue to show clinical promise
AUSTIN, Texas, Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Plus Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: PSTV) (“Plus” or the “Company”), a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company developing targeted radiotherapeutics with advanced platform technologies for central nervous system (CNS) cancers, presented data in a podium presentation updating the progress of its ReSPECT-LM clinical trial of Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda (Rhenium Nanoliposome, 186RNL) in leptomeningeal disease (LM). The data were presented at the 2024 Society for NeuroOncology (SNO)/American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) CNS Metastases Conference August 8-10, 2024 in Denver, Colorado.
The presentation, titled, “Phase 1 Dose Escalation of Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda (Rhenium Nanoliposome, 186RNL) for the Treatment of Leptomeningeal Metastases (LM): Ongoing Clinical Study Update for Initial Safety and Feasibility,” provided a safety and efficacy update on the single dose trial for the first 4 cohorts (n = 16 patients). The trial is currently enrolling in Cohort 5. The study was presented by Andrew Brenner, M.D., Ph.D., Professor and Kolitz/Zachry Endowed Chair Neuro-Oncology Research; Co-Leader, Experimental and Developmental Therapeutics Program, University of Texas Health, San Antonio.
Key ReSPECT-LM highlights through Cohort 4:
- 16 patients were treated: 8 patients had a breast cancer primary diagnosis, 4 patients had a lung cancer primary diagnosis, and 4 patients had a mix of other primary cancers
- There were no dose limiting toxicities through cohort 4 and the maximum tolerated dose or maximum feasible dose was not reached
- We observed a linear increase in absorbed radiation dose to the spinal fluid and ventricles and cranial subarachnoid space over 4 cohorts
- In cohort 4, the mean average absorbed radiation dose to the ventricles and cranial subarachnoid space was 156 Gy vs. 1 Gy to the spleen
- The majority of adverse events (AEs) across all 4 cohorts were mild or moderate and unrelated or unlikely related to the study drug
- There was a mean reduction of CSF circulating tumor cells (CTCs) of
53% at 28 days post treatment vs. baseline (CTCs only performed on only Cohorts 1-3 as testing was commercially unavailable during Cohort 4) - Median overall survival for Cohorts 1-4 was 12 months with 8 of 16 patients alive at the time of analysis
“The ReSPECT-LM Phase 1 dose escalation study continues to show feasibility, safety, and a response in circulating tumor cells in LM patients treated with Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda,” said Dr. Andrew Brenner, M.D., Ph.D., “Furthermore, a median overall survival rate of 12 months is very encouraging and is consistent with the high doses of absorbed radiation delivered and the mean circulating tumor cell reduction we have observed.”
The FDA has granted Fast Track designation to Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda for the treatment of LM. The FDA has also granted Orphan Drug designation to Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda for the treatment of LM in breast cancer patients.
The ReSPECT-LM clinical trial is funded in part, by a 3-year,
About Leptomeningeal Metastases (LM)
LM is a rare complication of cancer in which the primary cancer spreads to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and leptomeninges surrounding the brain and spinal cord. All malignancies originating from solid tumors, primary brain tumors, or hematological malignancies have this LM complication potential with breast cancer as the most common cancer linked to LM, with 3
About Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda
Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda is a novel injectable radiotherapy specifically formulated to deliver direct targeted high dose radiation in CNS tumors in a safe, effective, and convenient manner to optimize patient outcomes. Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda has the potential to reduce off target risks and improve outcomes for CNS cancer patients, versus currently approved therapies, with a more targeted and potent radiation dose. Rhenium-186 is an ideal radioisotope for CNS therapeutic applications due to its short half-life, beta energy for destroying cancerous tissue, and gamma energy for real-time imaging. Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda is being evaluated for the treatment of recurrent glioblastoma and leptomeningeal metastases in the ReSPECT-GBM and ReSPECT-LM clinical trials. ReSPECT-GBM is supported by an award from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), and ReSPECT-LM is funded by a three-year
About Plus Therapeutics
Plus Therapeutics, Inc. is a clinical-stage pharmaceutical company developing targeted radiotherapeutics for difficult-to-treat cancers of the central nervous system with the potential to enhance clinical outcomes for patients. Combining image-guided local beta radiation and targeted drug delivery approaches, the Company is advancing a pipeline of product candidates with lead programs in recurrent glioblastoma (GBM) and leptomeningeal metastases (LM). The Company has built a supply chain through strategic partnerships that enable the development, manufacturing, and future potential commercialization of its products. Plus Therapeutics is led by an experienced and dedicated leadership team and has operations in key cancer clinical development hubs including Austin and San Antonio, Texas. For more information, visit
About the Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT)
CPRIT was created by the Texas Legislature and approved by a statewide vote in 2007 to lead the Lone Star State’s fight against cancer. In 2019, Texas voters again voted overwhelmingly to continue CPRIT with an additional
To date, CPRIT has awarded over
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This presentation contains statements that may be deemed “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of U.S. securities laws, including statements regarding clinical trials, expected operations and upcoming developments. All statements in this press release other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements may be identified by future verbs, as well as terms such as “potential,” “anticipating,” “planning” and similar expressions or the negatives thereof. Such statements are based upon certain assumptions and assessments made by management in light of their experience and their perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors they believe to be appropriate. These statements include, without limitation, statements regarding the following: the potential promise of Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda including the ability of Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda to safely and effectively deliver radiation directly to the tumor at high doses; expectations as to the Company’s future performance including the next steps in developing the Company’s current assets; the Company’s clinical trials including statements regarding the timing and characteristics of the ReSPECT-GBM, ReSPECT-LM and ReSPECT-PBC, clinical trials; possible negative effects of Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda; the continued evaluation of Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda including through evaluations in additional patient cohorts; the intended functions of the Company’s platform and expected benefits from such functions; and the development, utility and potential of the CNSide leptomeningeal metastases diagnostic test.
The forward-looking statements included in this press release could differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements because of risks, uncertainties, and other factors that include, but are not limited to, the following: the early stage of the Company’s product candidates and therapies, the results of the Company’s research and development activities, including uncertainties relating to the clinical trials of its product candidates and therapies; the Company’s liquidity and capital resources and its ability to raise additional cash, the outcome of the Company’s partnering/licensing efforts, risks associated with laws or regulatory requirements applicable to it, market conditions, product performance, litigation or potential litigation, and competition within the cancer diagnostics and therapeutics field, ability to develop and protect proprietary intellectual property or obtain licenses to intellectual property developed by others on commercially reasonable and competitive terms, and material security breach or cybersecurity attack affecting the Company’s operations or property. This list of risks, uncertainties, and other factors is not complete. Plus Therapeutics discusses some of these matters more fully, as well as certain risk factors that could affect Plus Therapeutics’ business, financial condition, results of operations, and prospects, in its reports filed with the SEC, including Plus Therapeutics’ annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q, and current reports on Form 8-K. These filings are available for review through the SEC’s website at Any or all forward-looking statements Plus Therapeutics makes may turn out to be wrong and can be affected by inaccurate assumptions Plus Therapeutics might make or by known or unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, including those identified in this press release. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements made in this press release, which speak only as of its date. The Company assumes no responsibility to update or revise any forward-looking statements to reflect events, trends or circumstances after the date they are made unless the Company has an obligation under U.S. federal securities laws to do so.
Investor Contact
Charles Y. Huang, MBA
Director of Capital Markets and Investor Relations
Office: (202)-209-5751 | Direct (301)-728-7222

What are the key results of Plus Therapeutics' ReSPECT-LM Phase 1 trial for PSTV stock?
How many patients were treated in the ReSPECT-LM trial for PSTV's Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda?
What regulatory designations has PSTV's Rhenium (186Re) Obisbemeda received for leptomeningeal metastases?