Pure Storage Reinvents File Services, Redefining the Standards for Enterprise-grade Agility and Simplicity

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Pure Storage (NYSE:PSTG) has announced new innovations to its storage platform, including Real-time Enterprise File, a dynamic file service that adapts in real-time to meet modern application demands. The company also introduced a VM assessment tool and Universal Credits, extending its Storage-as-a-Service (STaaS) leadership.

Key features of Real-time Enterprise File include:

  • Real-time agility across all storage resources
  • Zero-Move Tiering for performance adjustments without data movement
  • Non-disruptive upgrades for hardware and software
  • New FlashBlade//S100 for cost-sensitive workloads
  • Cloud-like operations and AI Copilot for simplified management

The VM Assessment offers performance monitoring and optimization recommendations, while Universal Credits provide financial flexibility across various Pure Storage services.

Pure Storage (NYSE:PSTG) ha annunciato nuove innovazioni nella sua piattaforma di archiviazione, inclusi i File Aziendali in Tempo Reale, un servizio di file dinamico che si adatta in tempo reale per soddisfare le esigenze delle applicazioni moderne. L'azienda ha anche introdotto uno strumento di valutazione delle VM e Crediti Universali, ampliando la sua leadership nel Storage-as-a-Service (STaaS).

Le caratteristiche principali dei File Aziendali in Tempo Reale includono:

  • Agilità in tempo reale su tutte le risorse di archiviazione
  • Tiering Zero-Move per regolazioni delle prestazioni senza movimento dei dati
  • Upgrade non disruptivi per hardware e software
  • Nuovo FlashBlade//S100 per carichi di lavoro sensibili ai costi
  • Operazioni simili al cloud e AI Copilot per una gestione semplificata

La Valutazione VM offre monitoraggio delle prestazioni e raccomandazioni per l'ottimizzazione, mentre i Crediti Universali forniscono flessibilità finanziaria attraverso i vari servizi di Pure Storage.

Pure Storage (NYSE:PSTG) ha anunciado nuevas innovaciones en su plataforma de almacenamiento, incluyendo Archivos Empresariales en Tiempo Real, un servicio de archivo dinámico que se adapta en tiempo real para satisfacer las demandas de las aplicaciones modernas. La empresa también presentó una herramienta de evaluación de VM y Créditos Universales, ampliando su liderazgo en el Storage-as-a-Service (STaaS).

Las características clave de los Archivos Empresariales en Tiempo Real incluyen:

  • Agilidad en tiempo real a través de todos los recursos de almacenamiento
  • Tiering Sin Movimiento para ajustes de rendimiento sin movimiento de datos
  • Actualizaciones no disruptivas para hardware y software
  • Nuevo FlashBlade//S100 para cargas de trabajo sensibles al costo
  • Operaciones similares a la nube y AI Copilot para una gestión simplificada

La Evaluación de VM ofrece monitoreo de rendimiento y recomendaciones de optimización, mientras que los Créditos Universales proporcionan flexibilidad financiera en varios servicios de Pure Storage.

Pure Storage (NYSE:PSTG)는 현대 애플리케이션의 수요를 충족하기 위해 실시간으로 조정되는 역동적인 파일 서비스인 실시간 기업 파일을 비롯하여 저장 플랫폼에 대한 새로운 혁신을 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 또한 VM 평가 도구와 유니버설 크레딧을 도입하여 Storage-as-a-Service (STaaS)에서의 리더십을 확장했습니다.

실시간 기업 파일의 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 모든 저장 리소스에서의 실시간 민첩성
  • 데이터 이동 없이 성능 조정을 위한 제로 무브 계층화
  • 하드웨어 및 소프트웨어의 비파괴적 업그레이드
  • 비용 민감한 작업을 위한 새로운 FlashBlade//S100
  • 클라우드와 유사한 운영 및 관리 간소화를 위한 AI 코파일럿

VM 평가는 성능 모니터링 및 최적화 권장 사항을 제공하며, 유니버설 크레딧은 Pure Storage의 다양한 서비스에서 재정적 유연성을 제공합니다.

Pure Storage (NYSE:PSTG) a annoncé de nouvelles innovations sur sa plateforme de stockage, y compris Fichiers d'Entreprise en Temps Réel, un service de fichier dynamique qui s'adapte en temps réel aux exigences modernes des applications. L'entreprise a également introduit un outil d'évaluation VM et Crédits Universels, renforçant ainsi sa position de leader dans le domaine du Storage-as-a-Service (STaaS).

Les principales caractéristiques des Fichiers d'Entreprise en Temps Réel comprennent :

  • Agilité en temps réel sur toutes les ressources de stockage
  • Classement Zero-Move pour des ajustements de performance sans déplacement de données
  • Updates non disruptifs pour le matériel et les logiciels
  • Nouveau FlashBlade//S100 pour des charges de travail sensibles aux coûts
  • Fonctionnement similaire au cloud et AI Copilot pour une gestion simplifiée

L'évaluation VM offre un suivi des performances et des recommandations d'optimisation, tandis que les Crédits Universels permettent une flexibilité financière à travers divers services de Pure Storage.

Pure Storage (NYSE:PSTG) hat neue Innovationen für seine Speicherplattform angekündigt, darunter Echtzeit-Unternehmensdateien, einen dynamischen Dateiserivce, der sich in Echtzeit an die Anforderungen moderner Anwendungen anpasst. Das Unternehmen stellte auch ein VM-Bewertung-Tool sowie Universal Credits vor und erweitert damit seine Führungsposition im Bereich Storage-as-a-Service (STaaS).

Die wichtigsten Merkmale der Echtzeit-Unternehmensdateien umfassen:

  • Echtzeitagilität über alle Speicherressourcen hinweg
  • Zero-Move Tiering für Leistungsanpassungen ohne Datenbewegung
  • Unterbrechungsfreie Upgrades für Hardware und Software
  • Neues FlashBlade//S100 für kostensensible Workloads
  • Cloud-ähnliche Operationen und AI Copilot für vereinfachtes Management

Die VM-Bewertung bietet Leistungsüberwachung und Optimierungsempfehlungen, während die Universal Credits finanzielle Flexibilität über verschiedene Pure Storage-Dienste bieten.

  • Introduction of Real-time Enterprise File service, addressing limitations of traditional file storage
  • Launch of FlashBlade//S100, an AI-ready platform for entry-level enterprise use cases
  • Implementation of Zero-Move Tiering for improved performance without data movement
  • Introduction of VM Assessment tool for optimizing virtualization operations
  • Launch of Universal Credits, offering flexible purchasing options across Pure Storage services
  • None.


Pure Storage's announcement of Real-time Enterprise File and other innovations represents a significant leap in enterprise storage technology. The company is addressing key pain points in the industry, particularly around file services agility and simplicity. This could potentially increase Pure Storage's competitive edge and market share.

The introduction of FlashBlade//S100 expands Pure's addressable market to include more cost-sensitive workloads, which could drive revenue growth. The new Universal Credits system enhances financial flexibility for customers, potentially improving customer retention and increasing long-term revenue stability.

While specific financial projections aren't provided, these innovations could positively impact Pure Storage's top-line growth and market position. However, investors should monitor how quickly these new offerings translate into revenue and whether they can help Pure Storage gain market share from established competitors.

Pure Storage's Real-time Enterprise File is a game-changer in the enterprise storage space. Key technical innovations include:

  • Zero-Move Tiering: This eliminates the need for physical data movement between performance tiers, significantly reducing operational overhead and improving application responsiveness.
  • Global storage pools: This feature allows for more efficient resource utilization across the entire storage estate.
  • AI Copilot for File: The natural language model for file management could dramatically simplify storage operations, potentially reducing IT costs for customers.

The VM Assessment tool is another standout feature, offering free performance monitoring and optimization recommendations. This could be a strong differentiator in the virtualization market.

These advancements position Pure Storage well against competitors in the rapidly evolving enterprise storage landscape, particularly in AI and cloud-native environments.

Additional industry first innovations in the Pure Storage platform provide financial flexibility through Universal Credits and a new VM assessment to optimize VMware resources

SANTA CLARA, Calif. and LONDON, Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Pure Storage® (NYSE:PSTG), the IT pioneer that delivers the world's most advanced data storage technologies and services, today announced new innovations to the Pure Storage platform, including Real-time Enterprise File, dynamic file services that change, adapt and reconfigure in real-time to meet the fast paced demands of modern applications. Additional new innovations include a virtual machine (VM) assessment and industry-first Universal Credits, extending Pure Storage's as-a-Service (STaaS) leadership.

The Pure Storage platform delivers agility and risk reduction to organizations with a simple, consistent storage platform and subscription based services for the broadest set of use cases across on-premises, public cloud, and hosted environments. With continuous, non-disruptive upgrades and an industry leading as-a-service experience, the Pure Storage platform adapts seamlessly to the evolving needs of modern enterprises.

File Services Reimagined: Real-time Enterprise File
In today's fast paced business environment, data-intensive applications demand more than legacy file storage can offer. Traditional file storage, burdened by outdated, rigid architectures and multiple layers of protocol and management complexity, is extremely hard to update and change, making it impossible to meet the evolving needs of modern workloads like AI, analytics and VDI. Delivered via the Pure Storage platform, Real-time Enterprise File is purpose-built to address the limitations of traditional file storage, enabling customers to respond quickly and manage application demands in real-time. Organizations using Real-time Enterprise File deliver better outcomes at a lower total cost of ownership, while meeting the dynamic demands of the enterprise. Pure's latest innovations provide:

  • Real time agility: Legacy file storage is inflexible, forcing organizations into pre-configured silos that can't be used to their maximum capacity nor adjust to dynamic application requirements. Pure allows customers to adjust in real time to dynamic business changes with:
    • Agility across all storage resources: Real-time Enterprise File delivers agility to the business through global storage pools which allow organizations to maximize all of their storage resources, without the complexity of planning and creating storage reservations or allocations for each array. In addition, through Pure Fusion™, fleet-wide operations are automated, including workload placement and rebalancing of any combination of arrays across the organization's entire Pure Storage data storage estate.
    • Zero-Move Tiering: With legacy files, if an application requires access to data with a different performance profile, it forces IT to do time consuming physical data movement to the array that meets the performance needs. Real-time Enterprise File delivers industry-first zero move tiering which enables IT to deliver the required performance level without the need to physically move data between tiers.
    • Truly non-disruptive: Legacy systems require data movement, significant pre-planning and end user downtime for every upgrade and reconfiguration within the system. Only Pure offers true non-disruptive upgrades (NDU) across its entire platform. This ensures in-place upgrades for both hardware and software, without the need for data migration or any data loss, no matter what the upgrade is.
    • Expanded support for cost-sensitive workloads: Now introducing the new FlashBlade//S100, an AI-ready platform with GPUDirect support which brings progressive pricing across all price points and markets. It features a scale-out architecture designed for entry-level enterprise use cases, including AI, compliance, content sharing, image repositories, IoT, Edge, and ROBO applications.
  • Simplicity, architected from the ground up: Patchworking new capabilities into legacy storage architectures creates significant complexity and time consuming management. For example, individual workloads need to be configured for QoS. The Pure Storage platform redefines management simplicity with:
    • Cloud-like operations: Through the cloud-like operations of the Pure Storage platform, Real-time Enterprise File delivers radical levels of ease to IT. Data can be simply placed, assigned an SLA enabling storage to expand and auto adjust to data growth. It also ensures services such as QoS and multiprotocol configuration are automatically taken care of. 
    • Natural language for files: Pure Storage continues to simplify management with AI Copilot for File, an industry-first natural language model, that further builds on our lead in innovation by empowering IT generalists, DevOps teams, and seasoned storage practitioners alike to address file-related issues and eliminate IT bottlenecks.
  • The power of Storage as a Service - brought to file: Only Pure delivers true storage-as-a-service for file through Evergreen//One, backed by the industry's highest number of concurrent SLAs. 

Other new future-proof innovations announced in the Pure Storage platform include:
Optimize Virtualization Operations with the new Virtual Machines (VM) Assessment
As virtualization environments face increasing uncertainty and disruption, the Pure Storage platform offers an industry-first VM Assessment to help IT decision makers on modernizing their virtualization operations for critical workloads. Unique to our industry, VM Assessment offers performance monitoring, enhanced scenario planning, and rightsizing recommendations through Pure1®. Admins can now start identifying opportunities to optimize their VM resources, while gaining deep insights into their utilization and potential subscription impacts. VM Assessment is available to all customers free of charge with their Pure1 subscription.

Industry First Universal Credits Delivers Financial Flexibility
Further extending its leadership in STaaS, Pure Storage introduces the industry's first Universal Credits, offering unprecedented flexibility. Universal Credits allow businesses to purchase a pool of credits and use them across various services without being locked into specific subscriptions, while providing predictable billing. Customers can now leverage volume discounts by purchasing Universal Credits, applying them across various Evergreen//One™, Pure Cloud Block Store™ and Portworx® services.

Executive Insight
"Once again Pure is dramatically raising the bar for a modern data storage platform. For years, outdated and rigid legacy file storage has done customers a huge disservice by holding them back and forcing them towards frequent technology refresh cycles. Through the Pure Storage platform, Real-time Enterprise File along with the new VM assessment and Universal Credits empowers our customers to navigate today's fast-moving, complex business environment with confidence." — Ajay Singh, Chief Product Officer, Pure Storage 

"Storage modernization is a critical imperative for the data-driven modern business. A simplified storage environment easily accessed and managed is a must have for organizations measured by time to market. Pure Storage's highly differentiated platform has changed customers' perception of what a modern storage infrastructure can deliver. The introduction of Real-time Enterprise File and the extension of its STaaS capabilities further solidifies Pure's leadership in the market." — Matt Kimball, VP & Principal Analyst, Moor Insights & Strategy.

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About Pure Storage
Pure Storage (NYSE: PSTG) delivers the industry's most advanced data storage platform to store, manage, and protect the world's data at any scale. With Pure Storage, organizations have ultimate simplicity and flexibility, saving time, money, and energy. From AI to archive, Pure Storage delivers a cloud experience with one unified Storage as-a-Service platform across on premises, cloud, and hosted environments. Our platform is built on our Evergreen® architecture that evolves with your business – always getting newer and better with zero planned downtime, guaranteed. Our customers are actively increasing their capacity and processing power while significantly reducing their carbon and energy footprint. It's easy to fall in love with Pure Storage, as evidenced by the highest Net Promoter Score in the industry. For more information, visit

Pure Storage, the Pure Storage P Logo, Portworx, Pure Fusion, FlashArray, FlashBlade, Evergreen, Evergreen//One, Pure1, Pure Cloud Block Store and the marks on the Pure Storage Trademark List are trademarks or registered trademarks of Pure Storage Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries. The Trademark List can be found at Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Analyst Recognition:
Leader in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Primary Storage Platforms 
Leader in the 2023 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Distributed File Systems & Object Storage

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What is Real-time Enterprise File in Pure Storage's new platform?

Real-time Enterprise File is a dynamic file service introduced by Pure Storage that adapts in real-time to meet modern application demands. It offers features like real-time agility across storage resources, Zero-Move Tiering, and non-disruptive upgrades.

What is the new FlashBlade//S100 announced by Pure Storage (PSTG)?

The FlashBlade//S100 is a new AI-ready platform with GPUDirect support, designed for entry-level enterprise use cases. It features a scale-out architecture and is suitable for AI, compliance, content sharing, image repositories, IoT, Edge, and ROBO applications.

How do Universal Credits work in Pure Storage's (PSTG) new offering?

Universal Credits are a flexible purchasing option introduced by Pure Storage. They allow businesses to buy a pool of credits that can be used across various services, including Evergreen//One, Pure Cloud Block Store, and Portworx, without being locked into specific subscriptions.

What is the VM Assessment tool offered by Pure Storage (PSTG)?

The VM Assessment is a new tool offered by Pure Storage that provides performance monitoring, enhanced scenario planning, and rightsizing recommendations for virtualization environments. It helps IT decision-makers optimize their VM resources and is available free of charge with a Pure1 subscription.

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