Parsons Leading PFAS Groundwater Treatment at Burlington Air National Guard Installation

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Parsons (NYSE: PSN) has been selected by the National Guard Bureau to manage the operation and maintenance of a PFAS groundwater treatment system at Burlington Air National Guard Base, Vermont. The two-year task order involves optimizing the existing granular activated carbon treatment system using Parsons' Water Treatability Lab in Syracuse, New York.

Jon Moretta, president of Engineered Systems at Parsons, emphasized the significance of addressing PFAS as a widespread environmental issue. Parsons, a global leader in water and wastewater treatment, has completed nearly 2,000 PFAS investigations for various clients and designed and installed 7,000 PFAS point-of-entry treatment systems. The company's expertise spans hydrogeology, human health, ecological risk assessment, remediation, and modeling.

Parsons (NYSE: PSN) è stata selezionata dal Bureau della Guardia Nazionale per gestire l'operazione e la manutenzione di un sistema di trattamento delle acque sotterranee per PFAS presso la Burlington Air National Guard Base, nel Vermont. L'ordine di lavoro, della durata di due anni, prevede l'ottimizzazione dell'attuale sistema di trattamento a carboni attivi granulari utilizzando il laboratorio di trattabilità dell'acqua di Parsons a Syracuse, New York.

Jon Moretta, presidente dei Sistemi Ingegnerizzati di Parsons, ha sottolineato l'importanza di affrontare i PFAS come una questione ambientale diffusa. Parsons, leader globale nel trattamento delle acque e delle acque reflue, ha completato quasi 2.000 indagini sui PFAS per vari clienti e ha progettato e installato 7.000 sistemi di trattamento ai punti di ingresso per PFAS. L'esperienza dell'azienda spazia tra idrogeologia, salute umana, valutazione del rischio ecologico, bonifica e modellizzazione.

Parsons (NYSE: PSN) ha sido seleccionada por la Oficina de la Guardia Nacional para gestionar la operación y el mantenimiento de un sistema de tratamiento de aguas subterráneas para PFAS en la Base de la Guardia Nacional Aérea de Burlington, Vermont. El pedido de trabajo de dos años implica optimizar el sistema de tratamiento actual de carbón activado granular utilizando el Laboratorio de Tratabilidad de Agua de Parsons en Syracuse, Nueva York.

Jon Moretta, presidente de Sistemas Ingenierizados en Parsons, enfatizó la importancia de abordar los PFAS como un problema ambiental generalizado. Parsons, líder global en el tratamiento de agua y aguas residuales, ha completado casi 2,000 investigaciones sobre PFAS para varios clientes y ha diseñado e instalado 7,000 sistemas de tratamiento en puntos de entrada para PFAS. La experiencia de la compañía abarca hidrogeología, salud humana, evaluación del riesgo ecológico, remediación y modelado.

파슨스(뉴욕증권거래소: PSN)는 국가 방위군 사무국에 의해 버몬트주의 벌링턴 공군 기지에서 PFAS 지하수 처리 시스템의 운영 및 유지 관리를 관리하도록 선정되었습니다. 이 2년 간의 작업 명령은 뉴욕 시러큐스에 있는 파슨스의 물 처리 가능성 실험실을 사용하여 기존의 과립 활성탄 처리 시스템을 최적화하는 것입니다.

파슨스의 엔지니어링 시스템 부문 회장인 존 모레타는 PFAS 문제를 광범위한 환경 문제로 해결하는 것의 중요성을 강조했습니다. 전 세계적으로 물 및 폐수 처리의 선두주자인 파슨스는 다양한 고객을 위해 거의 2,000 건의 PFAS 조사를 완료하였고 7,000 개의 PFAS 입구 처리 시스템을 설계 및 설치했습니다. 회사의 전문성은 수리지질학, 인체 건강, 생태적 위험 평가, 복원 및 모델링에 걸쳐 있습니다.

Parsons (NYSE: PSN) a été sélectionnée par le Bureau de la Garde nationale pour gérer l'exploitation et l'entretien d'un système de traitement des eaux souterraines pour PFAS à la Burlington Air National Guard Base, dans le Vermont. Cet ordre de mission de deux ans concerne l'optimisation du système de traitement actuel au charbon actif granulaire en utilisant le laboratoire de traitabilité de l'eau de Parsons à Syracuse, New York.

Jon Moretta, président des Systèmes Ingénierisés chez Parsons, a souligné l'importance d'aborder les PFAS comme un enjeu environnemental omniprésent. Parsons, leader mondial dans le traitement des eaux et des eaux usées, a réalisé près de 2 000 enquêtes sur les PFAS pour divers clients et a conçu et installé 7 000 systèmes de traitement à l'entrée pour les PFAS. L'expertise de l'entreprise couvre l'hydro-géologie, la santé humaine, l'évaluation des risques écologiques, la restauration et la modélisation.

Parsons (NYSE: PSN) wurde von der Nationalgarde ausgewählt, um den Betrieb und die Wartung eines PFAS-Grundwasserbehandlungssystems an der Burlington Air National Guard Base im Vermont zu übernehmen. Der zweijährige Arbeitsauftrag umfasst die Optimierung des bestehenden Systems zur Behandlung mit granuliertem Aktivkohle unter Nutzung des Wasserbehandlungslabors von Parsons in Syracuse, New York.

Jon Moretta, Präsident von Engineered Systems bei Parsons, betonte die Bedeutung, PFAS als weit verbreitetes Umweltproblem anzugehen. Parsons, ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen in der Wasser- und Abwasserbehandlung, hat nahezu 2.000 PFAS-Untersuchungen für verschiedene Kunden abgeschlossen und 7.000 PFAS-Eingangspunktsysteme entworfen und installiert. Die Expertise des Unternehmens erstreckt sich über Hydrogeologie, menschliche Gesundheit, ökologisches Risikomanagement, Sanierung und Modellierung.

  • Secured a new two-year task order from the National Guard Bureau
  • Opportunity to optimize existing PFAS treatment system using company's Water Treatability Lab
  • Demonstrated expertise with nearly 2,000 PFAS investigations completed
  • Designed and installed 7,000 PFAS point-of-entry treatment systems
  • None.


This contract for PFAS groundwater treatment at Burlington Air National Guard Base represents a significant step in addressing a widespread environmental concern. PFAS contamination is a critical issue affecting water quality across many military installations and communities.

The two-year task order to optimize the existing treatment system demonstrates a commitment to improving environmental remediation efforts. Utilizing Parsons' Water Treatability Lab indicates a research-driven approach to enhance treatment efficacy, potentially leading to more cost-effective and efficient PFAS removal methods.

While the contract's specific value isn't disclosed, Parsons' extensive experience in PFAS remediation, with nearly 2,000 investigations and 7,000 treatment systems installed, positions them well for this project. This expertise could lead to innovations in PFAS treatment technology, benefiting not only military sites but also broader applications in public water systems.

The project aligns with growing regulatory focus on PFAS, potentially positioning Parsons for future contracts as more stringent environmental standards are implemented. Investors should monitor the outcomes of this project for indications of Parsons' competitive edge in the expanding market for PFAS remediation services.

CHANTILLY, Va., Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Parsons Corporation (NYSE: PSN) announced that the company was selected by the National Guard Bureau to manage the operation and maintenance of a per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) groundwater treatment system at Burlington Air National Guard Base, Vermont. The two-year task order is new work for the company.

As part of the contract, Parsons will work to optimize the existing granular activated carbon treatment system by utilizing the company’s Water Treatability Lab in Syracuse, New York.

"PFAS is one of the most significant, widespread environmental issues impacting our communities," said Jon Moretta, president, Engineered Systems for Parsons. "Our teams have utilized Parsons’ Water Treatability Lab to spearhead innovative water treatment research for more than 30 years. We look forward to helping the Burlington Air National Guard improve their PFAS treatment."

Parsons is a global leader in water and wastewater treatment, with a team of PFAS experts focused on hydrogeology, human health, ecological risk assessment, remediation, and modeling. This combination of knowledge positions the company to mitigate risks and liabilities through insight, advocacy, risk assessment, risk communication, remediation, and treatment.

The company has completed nearly 2,000 PFAS investigations for industrial, commercial, and federal clients, and designed and installed 7,000 PFAS point-of-entry treatment systems, in addition to designing, building, and operating large full-scale water treatment plants to remove PFAS from drinking water and wastewater.

To learn more about Parsons’ PFAS experience, visit

About Parsons:
Parsons (NYSE: PSN) is a leading disruptive technology provider in the national security and global infrastructure markets, with capabilities across cyber and intelligence, space and missile defense, transportation, environmental remediation, urban development, and critical infrastructure protection. Please visit and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook to learn how we're making an impact.

Media Contact:
Jonathan Larry
+1 706.832.7330

Investor Relations Contact:
Dave Spille
+1 703.775.6191


What is the new contract Parsons (PSN) secured for PFAS treatment?

Parsons (PSN) secured a two-year task order from the National Guard Bureau to manage the operation and maintenance of a PFAS groundwater treatment system at Burlington Air National Guard Base, Vermont.

How will Parsons (PSN) optimize the PFAS treatment system in Burlington?

Parsons (PSN) will utilize its Water Treatability Lab in Syracuse, New York, to optimize the existing granular activated carbon treatment system at the Burlington Air National Guard Base.

What is Parsons' (PSN) experience with PFAS investigations and treatment systems?

Parsons (PSN) has completed nearly 2,000 PFAS investigations for various clients and has designed and installed 7,000 PFAS point-of-entry treatment systems. They also design, build, and operate large full-scale water treatment plants to remove PFAS from drinking water and wastewater.

What areas of expertise does Parsons (PSN) have in PFAS treatment?

Parsons (PSN) has expertise in hydrogeology, human health, ecological risk assessment, remediation, and modeling related to PFAS treatment. This combination of knowledge allows them to mitigate risks and liabilities through various approaches.

Parsons Corporation


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United States of America