PS International Group Ltd. Announces First Half 2024 Unaudited Financial Results

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PS International Group (NASDAQ: PSIG) reported its unaudited financial results for H1 2024. The company experienced significant declines across key metrics compared to H1 2023:

- Revenue decreased 41.3% to $39.4 million
- Gross profit fell 84.2% to $1.2 million
- Net loss of $0.4 million compared to prior year's profit of $4.4 million

The company's core business remains air freight forwarding, accounting for 98.2% of total revenue. Export shipments, particularly to the United States (70.5% of export revenue), continue to be the primary revenue source. Freight forwarders represent 99.5% of the customer base. The business combination with AIB Acquisition was completed on July 18, 2024, marking PSIG's listing on Nasdaq.

PS International Group (NASDAQ: PSIG) ha riportato i suoi risultati finanziari non auditati per il primo semestre del 2024. L'azienda ha registrato significative diminuzioni in vari indicatori rispetto al primo semestre del 2023:

- I ricavi sono diminuiti del 41,3% a $39,4 milioni
- L'utile lordo è sceso dell'84,2% a $1,2 milioni
- Perdita netta di $0,4 milioni rispetto all'utile di $4,4 milioni dell'anno precedente

Il core business dell'azienda rimane il trasporto aereo, che rappresenta il 98,2% del fatturato totale. I carichi di esportazione, in particolare verso gli Stati Uniti (70,5% del fatturato da esportazione), continuano a costituire la principale fonte di entrate. I trasportatori rappresentano il 99,5% della clientela. La fusione aziendale con AIB Acquisition è stata completata il 18 luglio 2024, segnando la quotazione di PSIG al Nasdaq.

PS International Group (NASDAQ: PSIG) informó sus resultados financieros no auditados para la primera mitad de 2024. La empresa experimentó significativas caídas en los indicadores clave en comparación con la primera mitad de 2023:

- Los ingresos disminuyeron un 41,3% a $39,4 millones
- La utilidad bruta cayó un 84,2% a $1,2 millones
- Pérdida neta de $0,4 millones en comparación con las ganancias de $4,4 millones del año anterior

El negocio principal de la empresa sigue siendo el transporte aéreo, que representa el 98,2% de los ingresos totales. Los envíos de exportación, particularmente hacia los Estados Unidos (70,5% de los ingresos por exportación), siguen siendo la principal fuente de ingresos. Los transitarios representan el 99,5% de la base de clientes. La combinación de negocios con AIB Acquisition se completó el 18 de julio de 2024, marcando la cotización de PSIG en Nasdaq.

PS International Group (NASDAQ: PSIG)는 2024년 상반기의 감사되지 않은 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 2023년 상반기와 비교하여 주요 지표에서 유의미한 감소를 경험했습니다:

- 매출은 41.3% 감소하여 3,940만 달러에 달했습니다.
- 총 이익은 84.2% 감소하여 120만 달러에 불과했습니다.
- 순손실은 40만 달러로, 작년의 440만 달러 이익에 비해 적자입니다.

회사의 핵심 사업은 항공 화물 운송으로, 총 수익의 98.2%를 차지하고 있습니다. 특히 미국(수출 수익의 70.5%)으로의 수출 배송이 주요 수익원으로 계속되고 있습니다. 화물 운송업체는 고객 기반의 99.5%를 차지합니다. AIB Acquisition과의 비즈니스 조합은 2024년 7월 18일에 완료되었으며, 이는 PSIG의 나스닥 상장을 의미합니다.

PS International Group (NASDAQ: PSIG) a publié ses résultats financiers non audités pour le premier semestre 2024. L'entreprise a connu des baisses significatives dans plusieurs indicateurs clés par rapport au premier semestre 2023 :

- Le chiffre d'affaires a diminué de 41,3 % pour atteindre 39,4 millions $
- Le bénéfice brut a chuté de 84,2 % à 1,2 million $
- Perte nette de 0,4 million $ par rapport à un bénéfice de 4,4 millions $ l'année précédente

Le cœur de métier de l'entreprise reste le transport aérien, représentant 98,2 % du chiffre d'affaires total. Les expéditions à l'export, en particulier vers les États-Unis (70,5 % des revenus d'exportation), continuent d'être la principale source de revenus. Les transitaires représentent 99,5 % de la clientèle. La combinaison des activités avec AIB Acquisition a été finalisée le 18 juillet 2024, marquant l'inscription de PSIG au Nasdaq.

PS International Group (NASDAQ: PSIG) hat seine ungeprüften Finanzzahlen für das erste Halbjahr 2024 veröffentlicht. Das Unternehmen verzeichnete im Vergleich zum ersten Halbjahr 2023 erhebliche Rückgänge bei den wichtigsten Kennzahlen:

- Der Umsatz ging um 41,3% auf 39,4 Millionen USD zurück
- Der Bruttogewinn fiel um 84,2% auf 1,2 Millionen USD
- Nettoverlust von 0,4 Millionen USD im Vergleich zu einem Gewinn von 4,4 Millionen USD im Vorjahr

Das Kerngeschäft des Unternehmens bleibt die Luftfracht, die 98,2% des Gesamtumsatzes ausmacht. Exportsendungen, insbesondere in die Vereinigten Staaten (70,5% des Exportumsatzes), bleiben die Hauptquelle der Einnahmen. Spediteure machen 99,5% der Kundenbasis aus. Die Unternehmensfusion mit AIB Acquisition wurde am 18. Juli 2024 abgeschlossen, was die Notierung von PSIG an der Nasdaq markiert.

  • Successful completion of business combination and Nasdaq listing in July 2024
  • Strong market position with 98.2% revenue from air freight forwarding
  • Diversified geographical presence with operations in over 140 countries
  • Revenue declined 41.3% to $39.4 million in H1 2024
  • Gross profit decreased 84.2% to $1.2 million
  • Net loss of $0.4 million compared to $4.4 million profit in H1 2023
  • Operating cash flow turned negative at -$2.2 million from +$6.1 million in H1 2023
  • Gross profit margin dropped from 11.3% to 3.0%


The H1 2024 results reveal significant challenges, with revenue declining 41.3% to $39.4M and a concerning shift from a $4.4M profit to a $0.4M loss. The gross profit margin contracted severely from 11.3% to 3.0%, primarily due to compressed spreads in freight charges. Air freight remains the core business at 98.2% of revenue, with heavy exposure to the US market at 70.5%. The shift from positive operating cash flow of $6.1M to negative $2.2M signals working capital pressure. While recent SPAC merger completion provides capital access, the deteriorating operational metrics and margin compression require immediate strategic attention.

The operational metrics show concerning trends in PSIG's core business model. The heavy reliance on air freight forwarding (over 98% of revenue) and concentration in the US market exposes significant vulnerability to market fluctuations. The sharp decline in logistics and warehousing fees relative to revenue suggests challenges in value-added services. The customer base remains heavily skewed toward freight forwarders at 99.5%, indicating success in diversifying to direct customers. While the company mentions technology investments and expansion plans, the immediate focus should be on stabilizing core operations and rebuilding margins.

HONG KONG, Dec. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PS International Group Ltd.(NASDAQ: PSIG) (“PSIG” or the “Company”), a long-established global logistics service provider headquartered in Hong Kong specializes in cross-border air freight services, today announced its unaudited financial results for the six months ended June 30, 2024.

The unaudited financial results presented in this announcement pertain to PSI Group Holdings Ltd and its subsidiaries, rather than PS International Group Ltd., as the business combination had not yet been completed until July 18, 2024.

Financial Summary for the Six Months Ended June 30, 2024 (all results compared to the six months ended June 30, 2023, unless otherwise noted)

  • Revenues were $39.4 million, a decrease of 41.3%.
  • Gross profit were $1.2 million, a decrease of 84.2%.
  • Net loss was $0.4 million, compared with net profit of $4.4 million.

Key Components of Our Results of Operations

The following table sets forth a summary of our consolidated results of operations for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024. This information should be read together with our consolidated financial statements and related notes included elsewhere in this document.

 For the Six Months
Ended June 30,
Revenues66,925,132 39,291,001 
Revenues - Related Party144,320 75,208 
Revenues67,069,452 39,366,209 
Cost of Revenue56,569,809 36,617,952 
Cost of Revenue – Related Party2,902,985 1,522,111 
Total Cost of Revenue59,472,794 38,140,063 
Gross Profit7,596,658 1,226,146 
General and administrative expenses2,277,814 1,791,485 
Total operating expenses2,277,814 1,791,485 
Income (Loss) from Operations5,318,844 (565,339)
Other (Expense) Income:  
Bank interest income44,900 39,076 
Interest expense(1,291)- 
Other income122,365 80,304 
Exchange (loss) gain(271,736)335 
Total other (expense) income(105,762)119,715 
Income (Loss) Before Income Tax5,213,082 (445,624)
Income Tax816,518 - 
Net Income (Loss)4,396,564 (445,624)


We generate revenue primarily from the provision of air and ocean export and import freight forwarding services during the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024. The table below sets forth the breakdown of our revenue by service type for the years or periods indicated.

 For the Six Months
Ended June 30,
Freight forwarding services  
-  Air freight66,269,29838,744,329
-  Ocean freight800,077621,675
Ancillary logistic services77205

Freight forwarding services

Our freight forwarding services include arranging for consignment upon receipt of booking instructions from customers, cargo pick up, obtaining cargo space, preparation of freight documentation, arranging for customs clearance and cargo handling at origin and destination as well as other related logistics services such as supporting transportation for freight forwarding purposes. For the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024, our revenue was principally derived from the provision of air freight forwarding services, which amounted to US$66.3 million and US$38.7 million, respectively, representing 98.8% and 98.2% of our total revenue for the same period.

Ancillary logistics services

Our ancillary logistics services involve the provision of a wide range of logistics services, such as cargo pickup, cargo handling at ports and local transportation, and warehousing related services, such as repackaging, labelling, palletization, preparation of shipping documentation, arrangement of customs clearance and warehousing.

Revenue from freight forwarding services is mainly derived from export shipments. The following table sets forth the breakdown of revenue from freight forwarding services for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024.

 For the Six Months
Ended June 30,
Export shipments  
-  Air66,256,16038,742,336
-  Ocean785,497616,158
-   Subtotal67,041,65739,358,494
Import shipments  
-   Air13,1381,993
-   Ocean14,5805,517
-   Subtotal27,7187,510

For the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024, we focused on export freight forwarding services, which contributed to US$67.0 million and US$39.4 million, respectively, representing 99.9% and 99.9% of our revenue from freight forwarding services during the same period.

For the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024, our revenue was principally derived from the provision of air and ocean export freight forwarding services. The table below sets forth the breakdown of export revenue by destination for the years or periods indicated.

 For the Six Months
Ended June 30,
 US$, except percentages
United States54,921,46881.92%27,748,42570.50%
United Kingdom1,776,6362.65%2,963,5647.53%
The Netherlands2,997,4004.47%2,786,2577.08%
Others (Note)2,578,3913.85%4,011,23210.18%
Total export revenue67,041,657100%39,358,494100%

Note: Others represent a number of countries including, among others, Luxembourg, Spain, Mexico and Belgium, etc.

For the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024, our revenue from freight forwarding services for export shipments to the United States contributed to US$54.9 million and US$27.7 million, respectively, representing 81.9% and 70.5 % of our total export revenue during the same period.

The following table sets forth the breakdown of our revenue by type of customers for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024:

 For the Six Months
Ended June 30,
Freight forwarders66,707,65739,186,625
Direct customers361,795179,584

We focus on provision of freight forwarding services to freight forwarders, which generated revenue of US$66.7 million and US$39.2 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024, respectively representing 99.4% and 99.5% of our total revenue for the same period.

Cost of Revenue

The table below sets forth the breakdown of cost of revenue by service type for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024.

 For the Six Months
Ended June 30,
Freight forwarding services  
-  Air freight58,762,05537,486,005
-  Ocean freight706,676626,154
Subtotal59,468,731 38,112,159
Ancillary logistic services4,06327,904

Our cost of revenue amounted to US$59.5 million and US$38.1 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024, respectively. The trend of cost of revenue of each of the service types was in line with the trend of the revenue of respective service types during the period.

The table below sets forth the breakdown of cost of revenue by nature for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024.

 For the Six Months
Ended June 30,
Air freight charges47,081,03029,845,670
Ocean freight charges653,549612,256
Logistics and warehousing fees11,699,4147,676,528
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment38,8015,609
Total59,472,794 38,140,063

Our cost of revenue mainly comprised of air and ocean freight charges, and warehouse and transportation cost. Air and ocean freight charges represented costs of cargo space charged by airlines, shipping liners or other freight forwarders. Air freight charges were the major component of our cost of revenue, which accounted for 79.2% and 78.2%, respectively, for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024.

Logistics and warehousing fees primarily represent costs and service fees incurred in relation to warehousing services such as x-ray screening, storage, palletizing and consolidation performed in our warehouse and costs of local trucking and transportation services. Logistics and warehousing fees represented a significant portion of our cost of revenue, which accounted for 19.7% and 20.2%, respectively, for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024. The increase in the relative proportions is primarily attributed to increased costs in transportation and pre-loading preparation for the aircraft.

Depreciation of property, plant and equipment represents the depreciation of property, plant and equipment related to our warehouse such as x-ray screening equipment and forklifts.

Gross profit

The table below set forth the breakdown of gross profit by service type for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024.

 For the Six Months
Ended June 30,
 US$ US$ 
Freight forwarding services  
Air freight7,507,243 1,258,324 
Ocean freight93,401 (4,479)
Subtotal7,600,644 1,253,845 
Ancillary logistic services(3,986)(27,699)
Total7,596,658 1,226,146 

Our total gross profit amounted to US$7.6 million and US$1.2 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024, respectively. We recorded overall gross profit margin of 11.3% and 3.0% for the same period. Our gross profit and gross profit margin are mainly affected by the spread we earn between the freight charge per kilogram payable by our customers and the freight charges payable to suppliers we are able to secure.

General and administrative expenses

Our general and administrative expenses decreased from US$2.2 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023 to US$1.8 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024, primarily driven by (i) the decrease in staff costs and benefits in the first six months of 2024 and (ii) increased professional service fees relating the proposed listing of our company in the United States.

Interest expenses

Our interest expenses decreased from US$1,291 for the six months ended June 30, 2023 to Nil for the six months ended June 30, 2024, which was primarily attributable to decrease in short-term bank loans.

Other income

Our other income decreased from US$0.12 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023 to US$0.08 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024.

Exchange (loss) gain

Our exchange loss of US$271,736 for the six months ended June 30, 2023 changed to exchange gain of US$335 for the six months ended June 30, 2024, which was primarily driven by fluctuation of RMB and US$ against HKD.

Income tax

Our income tax expense decreased from US$0.8 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023 to Nil for the six months ended June 30, 2024, which was in line with the decrease in our net income for the period.

Net income

As a result of the above factors, our net income decreased by US$4.8 million from US$4.4 million for the six months ended June 30, 2023 to net loss of US$0.4 million for the six months ended June 30, 2024, our net income margin decreased from 6.6% for the six months ended June 30, 2023 to -1% for the six months ended June 30, 2024.

Cash flows

The table below sets forth a summary of our cash flows for the six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2024:

 For the Six Months
Ended June 30,
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities6,090,423 (2,237,934)
Net cash provided by an investing activity2,251,466 9,095 
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities(130,927)26,667 
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash8,210,962 (2,202,172)

Cash provided by operating activities

Our operating cash inflow is primarily from our operating activities principally from the receipt of payments for our provision of freight forwarding services, whereas our outflow from operating activities is principally for freight charges, ancillary service fees payable to suppliers, payment of salaries and employee benefits and general and administrative expenses.

For the six months ended June 30, 2023, our net cash provided by operating activities was US$6.1 million, mainly attributable to (i) our net income of US$4.4 million which was primarily adjusted for depreciation of right-of-use assets of US$59,769, allowance for expected credit loss of US$9,253 and depreciation of property, plant and equipment of US$90,492; (ii) increase in accounts payables to third party of US$7.3 million; (ii) decrease in amounts due to related companies of US$0.2 million; and (iii) decrease in contract liabilities of US$4,430; which was partially offset by (iv) increase in accounts receivables of US$5.0 million.

For the six months ended June 30, 2024, our net cash used in operating activities was US$2.2 million, mainly attributable to (i) our net loss of US$0.4 million which was primarily adjusted for depreciation of right-of-use assets of US$47,659, and depreciation of property, plant and equipment of US$31,716; (ii) decrease in accounts payables to third parties of US$6.9 million; (ii) decrease in amounts due to related companies of US$0.2 million; and (iii) decrease in contract liabilities of US$3,661; which was partially offset by (iv) decrease in accounts receivables of US$6.5 million.

Cash provided by an investing activity

Our cash provided by an investing activity is primarily attributable to proceeds on disposal of equity securities and repayment from related parties. Our cash used in investing activities is primarily for purchase of property, plant and equipment, purchase of equity securities and advance to related parties.

For the six months ended June 30, 2024, our net cash flow provided by an investing activity was US$9,095, as a result of decrease in restricted cash with maturity of more than three months when acquired.

Cash (used in) provided by financing activities

For the six months ended June 30, 2024, our net cash provided by financing activities was US$26,667, due to expiry of unpresented check for dividend paid to a shareholder in prior years.

Recent Development

We have consummated the business combination with AIB Acquisition Corporation, special purpose acquisition company (“SPAC”) on July 18, 2024, pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement entered into on December 27, 2023. The ordinary shares of the Company commenced trading on Nasdaq Stock Market on July 19, 2024. The successful completion of the merger and the listing represents a key moment in the Company’s journey towards growth and expansion.

About PS International Group Ltd.

PSIG is a long-established global logistics and supply chain solution provider, specialized in air freight forwarding services, connecting businesses from Asian transportation hubs to the US and the rest of the world. The company was founded in 1993, since inception it has provided standard and tailored logistics services covering over 140 countries. The company’s vision is to make cross-border trade easier for everyone, helping customers to unlock the value of time through efficient integrated supply chain solutions. PSIG conducts businesses via operational subsidiaries headquartered in Hong Kong, namely Profit Sail Int’l Express (H.K.) Limited and Business Great Global Supply Chain Limited, which derive revenue from air and ocean freight forwarding services and supply chain ancillary services. The company plans to expand its network and enhance its cross-border capacities in the United States, Middle East and Southeast Asia, with more local cooperations and strategic partnerships.  The company continues to invest in its smart logistics system, aiming to be a leading technology-driven logistics service provider in global e-Commerce market.

Safe Harbor Statement

Certain statements in this announcement are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and are based on the Company’s current expectations and projections about future events that the Company believes may affect its financial condition, results of operations, business strategy and financial needs. Investors can identify these forward-looking statements by words or phrases such as “may,” “will,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “aim,” “estimate,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” “is/are likely to,” “potential,” “continue” or other similar expressions. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent occurring events or circumstances, or changes in its expectations, except as may be required by law. Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot assure you that such expectations will turn out to be correct, and the Company cautions investors that actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results and encourages investors to review other factors that may affect its future results in the Company’s registration statement and other filings with the SEC, which are available for review at

For more information, please contact:

PS International Group Ltd.

Louis Tsui

Chief Financial Officer



What caused PSIG's revenue decline in H1 2024?

PSIG's revenue declined 41.3% primarily due to decreased air freight forwarding services, which fell from $66.3 million to $38.7 million in H1 2024.

How much of PSIG's revenue comes from US exports?

In H1 2024, US exports accounted for 70.5% of PSIG's total export revenue, generating $27.7 million.

What is PSIG's current gross profit margin?

PSIG's gross profit margin decreased significantly from 11.3% in H1 2023 to 3.0% in H1 2024.

When did PSIG complete its business combination and Nasdaq listing?

PSIG completed its business combination with AIB Acquisition on July 18, 2024, and began trading on Nasdaq on July 19, 2024.

What percentage of PSIG's business comes from freight forwarders?

Freight forwarders account for 99.5% of PSIG's total revenue in H1 2024, generating $39.2 million.

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Integrated Freight & Logistics
Hong Kong
Kwai Chung