Profound Medical Appoints Tom Tamberrino as Chief Commercial Officer

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Profound Medical has appointed Tom Tamberrino as its new Chief Commercial Officer. This strategic move comes as the company prepares for the implementation of permanent CPT® Category 1 codes for TULSA, effective at the beginning of 2025. Mr. Tamberrino, who previously worked with Profound's CEO Arun Menawat at NOVADAQ, brings extensive experience in sales and marketing leadership in the U.S. healthcare industry.

Abbey Goodman, the current CCO, will transition to leading Profound's strategic partnerships. Mr. Tamberrino's appointment is aimed at maximizing the anticipated business growth opportunity presented by the new reimbursement codes. His past success includes building NOVADAQ's direct U.S. sales and marketing organization, driving annual revenue from $27 million to over $82 million before its acquisition by Stryker for $701 million in 2017.

Profound Medical ha nominato Tom Tamberrino come suo nuovo Chief Commercial Officer. Questa mossa strategica avviene mentre l'azienda si prepara all'implementazione dei codici CPT® Categoria 1 permanenti per TULSA, che entreranno in vigore all'inizio del 2025. Il signor Tamberrino, che in precedenza ha lavorato con il CEO di Profound, Arun Menawat, in NOVADAQ, porta con sé una vasta esperienza nella leadership di vendite e marketing nel settore sanitario statunitense.

Abbey Goodman, l'attuale CCO, passerà a guidare le partnership strategiche di Profound. La nomina del signor Tamberrino mira a massimizzare l'opportunità di crescita aziendale prevista dai nuovi codici di rimborso. Il suo successo passato include la creazione della rete di vendite e marketing direttamente negli Stati Uniti di NOVADAQ, aumentando il fatturato annuale da 27 milioni a oltre 82 milioni di dollari prima della sua acquisizione da parte di Stryker per 701 milioni di dollari nel 2017.

Profound Medical ha nombrado a Tom Tamberrino como su nuevo Chief Commercial Officer. Este movimiento estratégico se produce mientras la empresa se prepara para la implementación de los códigos CPT® de Categoría 1 permanentes para TULSA, que entrarán en vigor a principios de 2025. El Sr. Tamberrino, que anteriormente trabajó con el CEO de Profound, Arun Menawat, en NOVADAQ, aporta una amplia experiencia en liderazgo de ventas y marketing en la industria de la salud en EE. UU.

Abbey Goodman, la actual CCO, pasará a liderar las asociaciones estratégicas de Profound. La nombramiento del Sr. Tamberrino tiene como objetivo maximizar la oportunidad de crecimiento comercial anticipada presentada por los nuevos códigos de reembolso. Su éxito anterior incluye la construcción de la organización de ventas y marketing directa de NOVADAQ en EE. UU., aumentando los ingresos anuales de 27 millones a más de 82 millones de dólares antes de su adquisición por Stryker por 701 millones de dólares en 2017.

Profound Medical은 Tom Tamberrino를 새로운 Chief Commercial Officer로 임명했습니다. 이 전략적 결정은 회사가 2025년 초부터 적용될 TULSA에 대한 영구 CPT® 카테고리 1 코드의 시행을 준비하면서 이루어졌습니다. Tamberrino 씨는 이전에 Profound의 CEO인 Arun Menawat와 함께 NOVADAQ에서 일했고, 미국 의료 산업에서 판매 및 마케팅 리더십에 대한 폭넓은 경험을 가지고 있습니다.

현재 CCO인 Abbey Goodman은 Profound의 전략 파트너십을 이끌게 됩니다. Tamberrino 씨의 임명은 새로운 환급 코드로 제공되는 예상 비즈니스 성장 기회를 최대화하기 위한 것입니다. 그의 과거 성공에는 NOVADAQ의 미국 직접 판매 및 마케팅 조직 구축이 포함되어 있으며, 연간 수익을 2700만 달러에서 8200만 달러 이상으로 증가시키고 2017년 Stryker에 7억 1천만 달러에 인수되었습니다.

Profound Medical a nommé Tom Tamberrino comme nouveau Chief Commercial Officer. Ce mouvement stratégique intervient alors que l'entreprise se prépare à l'implémentation des codes CPT® de catégorie 1 permanents pour TULSA, qui entreront en vigueur début 2025. M. Tamberrino, qui a précédemment travaillé avec le PDG de Profound, Arun Menawat, chez NOVADAQ, apporte une vaste expérience en leadership des ventes et du marketing dans l'industrie de la santé aux États-Unis.

Abbey Goodman, l'actuel CCO, passera à la direction des partenariats stratégiques de Profound. La nomination de M. Tamberrino vise à maximiser l'opportunité de croissance commerciale anticipée présentée par les nouveaux codes de remboursement. Son succès passé inclut la création de l'organisation de vente et de marketing directe de NOVADAQ aux États-Unis, augmentant le chiffre d'affaires annuel de 27 millions à plus de 82 millions de dollars avant son acquisition par Stryker pour 701 millions de dollars en 2017.

Profound Medical hat Tom Tamberrino zum neuen Chief Commercial Officer ernannt. Dieser strategische Schritt erfolgt, während das Unternehmen sich auf die Implementierung der permanenten CPT®-Kategorie 1-Codes für TULSA vorbereitet, die zu Beginn des Jahres 2025 in Kraft treten werden. Herr Tamberrino, der zuvor mit Profounds CEO Arun Menawat bei NOVADAQ zusammengearbeitet hat, bringt umfangreiche Erfahrung in der Verkaufs- und Marketingführung in der US-Gesundheitsbranche mit.

Abbey Goodman, die derzeitige CCO, wird die strategischen Partnerschaften von Profound leiten. Die Ernennung von Herrn Tamberrino zielt darauf ab, die erwarteten Geschäftswachstumschancen, die sich aus den neuen Erstattungscodes ergeben, zu maximieren. Zu seinen bisherigen Erfolgen gehört der Aufbau der direkten Verkaufs- und Marketingorganisation von NOVADAQ in den USA, die den Jahresumsatz von 27 Millionen auf über 82 Millionen Dollar steigerte, bevor das Unternehmen 2017 für 701 Millionen Dollar von Stryker übernommen wurde.

  • Appointment of experienced Chief Commercial Officer with proven track record
  • Permanent CPT® Category 1 codes for TULSA going into effect in 2025
  • Strategic repositioning of current CCO to lead partnerships
  • No major obstacles identified for widespread adoption of TULSA-PRO®
  • Potential for significant business growth with new reimbursement codes
  • None.

– Mr. Tamberrino and Profound’s CEO, Arun Menawat, previously worked together at NOVADAQ before it was acquired by Stryker in 2017 –

– Appointment comes as Profound continues to make final preparations for the permanent CPT® Category 1 codes for TULSA going into effect at the beginning of 2025 –

TORONTO, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Profound Medical Corp. (NASDAQ:PROF; TSX:PRN) (“Profound” or the “Company”), a commercial-stage medical device company that develops and markets customizable, incision-free therapies for the ablation of diseased tissue, today announced the appointment of Tom Tamberrino as its new Chief Commercial Officer. Abbey Goodman, the Company’s current CCO, will transition to leading Profound’s strategic partnerships, continuing to report to the Company’s CEO and Chairman, Arun Menawat, Ph.D.

Mr. Tamberrino has an accomplished history of sales and marketing leadership, business development, executive management and entrepreneurial success, most of which was gained in the U.S. healthcare industry.

Mr. Tamberrino served as Vice President, Sales and Marketing at NOVADAQ Technologies Inc. (“NOVADAQ”) immediately prior to pursuing his most recent entrepreneurial endeavors outside of the medical technology space. Dr. Menawat, who was Chairman, President and CEO of NOVADAQ during Mr. Tamberrino’s tenure at that company, directly recruited Mr. Tamberrino to serve as Profound’s new CCO.

While at NOVADAQ, Mr. Tamberrino helped to establish the company as the market leader in near infrared fluorescence imaging for visualization of blood flow and tissue perfusion, before, during and after surgical procedures. He built a direct U.S. sales and marketing organization driving an annual revenue run rate of approximately $27 million at the end of 2012, to more than $82 million in annualized revenues when, in 2017, NOVADAQ was acquired by Stryker Corporation (“Stryker”) for approximately $701 million. Mr. Tamberrino remained until 2018 to assist with the integration of the NOVADAQ business into the Stryker organization. Earlier in his career, he held progressive sales management positions with LifeCell Corporation (“LifeCell”), most recently serving as Area Director, where he managed a 50-person sales team across the Northeast of the United States and Canada that marketed LifeCell’s regenerative tissue matrices alongside NOVADAQ’s intraoperative perfusion assessment technology for complex trauma, cancer and general surgery cases to colorectal, general, plastic, transplant and trauma surgeons. Mr. Tamberrino received a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing, Minor in Psychology, from Georgetown University, and a Master of Business Administration from Emory University.

“This is actually the second time that I have personally recruited Tom to build and manage the sales organizations of companies led by me as CEO – first from LifeCell to NOVADAQ and now to Profound,” said Dr. Menawat. “The permanent CPT® Category 1 codes for TULSA going into effect at the beginning of 2025 represent an anticipated major inflection point for our business. Now is the perfect time to bring in a sales and marketing executive that I have worked with closely in the past; and one who has earned my trust, respect and most importantly, confidence, in the process. I am honored and excited to welcome Tom to Profound.”

“As naturally inclined as I was to be warmly receptive to Arun’s overtures to join him at Profound, I wanted to be certain that I would be able to hit the ground running,” commented Mr. Tamberrino. “And, like many men that I had spoken to, I naturally wondered why any prostate disease patient who was presented with an informed choice of available treatment options would not choose TULSA given its ability to effectively, safely and efficiently treat an unrivaled variety of prostate cancer and/or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) patients. So, I did a lot of diligence. As a result, I am convinced that widespread adoption of TULSA will be driven mostly by increasing patient and physician awareness, and by ensuring TULSA can be readily accessed in the most suitable settings, including hospitals, ASCs and private practice offices/facilities. Importantly, with reimbursement now on the horizon, I was not able to identify any remaining major obstacles to widespread adoption of TULSA-PRO®. I am looking forward to working with Arun, Abbey and the rest of the Profound team to maximize the tremendous opportunity we see ahead.”

Commenting on Ms. Goodman’s transition to leading Profound’s strategic partnerships, Dr. Menawat said, “Over the past several months, Abbey has helped lead the charge as we have begun building closer relationships with MR and other medical technology companies to help create a total diagnostic and interventional MRI solution to support the Modern Treatment Pathway that allows for more accurate and precise prostate disease diagnosis, treatment with the TULSA Procedure, and post-treatment follow-up. I am excited that Abbey has accepted this newly created and important role, and look forward to her continuing contributions to realizing this shared MR-centric vision.”

About Profound Medical Corp.

Profound is a commercial-stage medical device company that develops and markets customizable, incision-free therapies for the ablation of diseased tissue.

Profound is commercializing TULSA-PRO®, a technology that combines real-time MRI, robotically-driven transurethral ultrasound and closed-loop temperature feedback control. The TULSA procedure, performed using the TULSA-PRO® system, has the potential of becoming a mainstream treatment modality across the entire prostate disease spectrum; ranging from low-, intermediate-, or high-risk prostate cancer; to hybrid patients suffering from both prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia (“BPH”); to men with BPH only; and also, to patients requiring salvage therapy for radio-recurrent localized prostate cancer. TULSA employs real-time MR guidance for pixel-by-pixel precision to preserve prostate disease patients’ urinary continence and sexual function, while killing the targeted prostate tissue via a precise sound absorption technology that gently heats it to kill temperature (55-57°C). TULSA is an incision- and radiation-free “one-and-done” procedure performed in a single session that takes a few hours. Virtually all prostate shapes and sizes can be safely, effectively, and efficiently treated with TULSA. There is no bleeding associated with the procedure; no hospital stay is required; and most TULSA patients report quick recovery to their normal routine. TULSA-PRO® is CE marked, Health Canada approved, and 510(k) cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”).

Profound is also commercializing Sonalleve®, an innovative therapeutic platform that is CE marked for the treatment of uterine fibroids and palliative pain treatment of bone metastases. Sonalleve® has also been approved by the China National Medical Products Administration for the non-invasive treatment of uterine fibroids and has FDA approval under a Humanitarian Device Exemption for the treatment of osteoid osteoma. The Company is in the early stages of exploring additional potential treatment markets for Sonalleve® where the technology has been shown to have clinical application, such as non-invasive ablation of abdominal cancers and hyperthermia for cancer therapy.

Forward-Looking Statements

This release includes forward-looking statements regarding Profound and its business which may include, but is not limited to, the expectations regarding the efficacy of Profound’s technology in the treatment of prostate cancer, BPH, uterine fibroids, palliative pain treatment and osteoid osteoma; and the success of Profound’s U.S. commercialization strategy and activities for TULSA-PRO®. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "is expected", "expects", "scheduled", "intends", "contemplates", "anticipates", "believes", "proposes" or variations (including negative variations) of such words and phrases, or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Such statements are based on the current expectations of the management of Profound. The forward-looking events and circumstances discussed in this release, may not occur by certain specified dates or at all and could differ materially as a result of known and unknown risk factors and uncertainties affecting the Company, including risks regarding the medical device industry, regulatory approvals, reimbursement, economic factors, the equity markets generally and risks associated with growth and competition. Although Profound has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results to differ from those anticipated, estimated or intended. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed. Except as required by applicable securities laws, forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and Profound undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, other than as required by law.

For further information, please contact:

Stephen Kilmer
Investor Relations
T: 647.872.4849


Who is the new Chief Commercial Officer of Profound Medical (PROF)?

Tom Tamberrino has been appointed as the new Chief Commercial Officer of Profound Medical (PROF).

When will the permanent CPT® Category 1 codes for TULSA go into effect for Profound Medical (PROF)?

The permanent CPT® Category 1 codes for TULSA will go into effect at the beginning of 2025 for Profound Medical (PROF).

What is Tom Tamberrino's previous experience relevant to his new role at Profound Medical (PROF)?

Tom Tamberrino previously served as Vice President of Sales and Marketing at NOVADAQ, where he helped establish the company as a market leader and grew annual revenue from $27 million to over $82 million before its acquisition by Stryker.

What new role will Abbey Goodman take on at Profound Medical (PROF)?

Abbey Goodman, the current CCO of Profound Medical (PROF), will transition to leading the company's strategic partnerships.

Profound Medical Corp.


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