Progress Introduces the Latest in Job Orchestration with Chef Courier

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Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) has launched Progress® Chef® Courier™, a new product designed to streamline and automate job orchestration across enterprise software infrastructure. Built on the cloud-native Progress® Chef 360™ platform, Chef Courier enhances Progress' Infrastructure Management portfolio. The product aims to improve efficiency, speed, and trust in complex IT environments.

Key features of Chef Courier include:

  • Customized node lists for systematic job orchestration
  • Reduced troubleshooting time at scale
  • Consolidation of tools to reduce skillset requirements
  • Vendor-agnostic approach
  • Support for open-source community
  • SaaS and marketplace options

The launch aligns with Gartner's view on the evolving importance of Infrastructure Automation & Orchestration in supporting rapidly changing business and technology landscapes.

Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) ha lanciato Progress® Chef® Courier™, un nuovo prodotto progettato per semplificare e automatizzare l'orchestrazione dei lavori nell'infrastruttura dei software aziendali. Basato sulla piattaforma cloud-native Progress® Chef 360™, Chef Courier arricchisce il portafoglio di gestione dell'infrastruttura di Progress. Lo scopo del prodotto è migliorare efficienza, velocità e fiducia in ambienti IT complessi.

Le funzionalità chiave di Chef Courier includono:

  • Liste di nodi personalizzate per un'orchestrazione sistematica dei lavori
  • Riduzione dei tempi di risoluzione dei problemi su larga scala
  • Consolidamento degli strumenti per ridurre i requisiti di competenza
  • Approccio indipendente dal fornitore
  • Supporto per la comunità open-source
  • Opzioni SaaS e marketplace

Il lancio è in linea con la visione di Gartner sull'importanza crescente dell'automazione e dell'orchestrazione dell'infrastruttura per supportare i paesaggi aziendali e tecnologici in rapida evoluzione.

Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) ha lanzado Progress® Chef® Courier™, un nuevo producto diseñado para simplificar y automatizar la orquestación de trabajos en la infraestructura de software empresarial. Construido sobre la plataforma nativa en la nube Progress® Chef 360™, Chef Courier mejora el portafolio de gestión de infraestructura de Progress. El producto tiene como objetivo mejorar la eficiencia, velocidad y confianza en entornos de TI complejos.

Las características clave de Chef Courier incluyen:

  • Listas de nodos personalizadas para la orquestación sistemática de trabajos
  • Reducción del tiempo de resolución de problemas a gran escala
  • Consolidación de herramientas para reducir los requisitos de habilidades
  • Enfoque independiente del proveedor
  • Apoyo a la comunidad de código abierto
  • Opciones SaaS y de marketplace

El lanzamiento se alinea con la visión de Gartner sobre la creciente importancia de la automatización y orquestación de infraestructura para apoyar los paisajes empresariales y tecnológicos en rápida evolución.

Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS)는 Progress® Chef® Courier™를 출시했습니다. 이 새로운 제품은 기업 소프트웨어 인프라 전반에 걸쳐 작업 오케스트레이션을 간소화하고 자동화하도록 설계되었습니다. Progress® Chef 360™ 플랫폼을 기반으로 구축된 Chef Courier는 Progress의 인프라 관리 포트폴리오를 향상시킵니다. 이 제품은 복잡한 IT 환경에서 효율성, 속도 및 신뢰성을 개선하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Chef Courier의 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 체계적인 작업 오케스트레이션을 위한 사용자 정의 노드 목록
  • 대규모 문제 해결 시간 단축
  • 기술 요구 사항을 줄이기 위한 도구 통합
  • 공급업체에 의존하지 않는 접근 방식
  • 오픈 소스 커뮤니티 지원
  • SaaS 및 마켓플레이스 옵션

이 출시는 빠르게 변화하는 비즈니스 및 기술 환경을 지원하기 위한 인프라 자동화 및 오케스트레이션의 중요성이 증가하고 있다는 Gartner의 관점과 일치합니다.

Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) a lancé Progress® Chef® Courier™, un nouveau produit conçu pour rationaliser et automatiser l'orchestration des tâches au sein de l'infrastructure logicielle des entreprises. Construite sur la plateforme cloud-native Progress® Chef 360™, Chef Courier enrichit le portefeuille de gestion des infrastructures de Progress. L'objectif de ce produit est d'améliorer l'efficacité, la rapidité et la confiance dans des environnements informatiques complexes.

Les fonctionnalités clés de Chef Courier comprennent :

  • Listes de nœuds personnalisées pour une orchestration systématique des tâches
  • Réduction du temps de dépannage à grande échelle
  • Consolidation des outils pour réduire les exigences de compétences
  • Approche indépendante des fournisseurs
  • Soutien à la communauté open-source
  • Options SaaS et marketplace

Ce lancement s'aligne sur la vision de Gartner concernant l'importance croissante de l'automatisation et de l'orchestration de l'infrastructure pour soutenir les environnements commerciaux et technologiques en évolution rapide.

Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) hat Progress® Chef® Courier™ eingeführt, ein neues Produkt, das entwickelt wurde, um die Job-Orchestrierung in der Unternehmenssoftware-Infrastruktur zu vereinfachen und zu automatisieren. Basierend auf der cloud-nativen Progress® Chef 360™-Plattform verbessert Chef Courier das Infrastrukturmanagement-Portfolio von Progress. Das Produkt hat zum Ziel, Effizienz, Geschwindigkeit und Vertrauen in komplexen IT-Umgebungen zu steigern.

Die Hauptmerkmale von Chef Courier sind:

  • Benutzerdefinierte KnotListen für systematische Job-Orchestrierung
  • Reduzierung der Fehlersuche in großem Maßstab
  • Konsolidierung von Werkzeugen zur Reduzierung der erforderlichen Fähigkeiten
  • Anbieterunabhängiger Ansatz
  • Unterstützung der Open-Source-Community
  • SaaS- und Marktplatzoptionen

Die Einführung stimmt mit Gartners Ansicht überein, dass die Bedeutung von Infrastrukturautomatisierung und -orchestrierung für die Unterstützung schnell wechselnder Geschäfts- und Technologielandschaften zunimmt.

  • Launch of new product Chef Courier to enhance job orchestration capabilities
  • Built on cloud-native Chef 360 platform, expanding Progress' Infrastructure Management portfolio
  • Aims to improve efficiency, speed, and trust in complex IT environments
  • Reduces troubleshooting time and skillset requirements
  • Vendor-agnostic approach extends investment across different technologies
  • Offers SaaS and marketplace options for easier management
  • None.

Progress's launch of Chef Courier marks a significant advancement in job orchestration technology, potentially impacting the efficiency of IT operations across various industries. However, the immediate financial impact on Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) is likely to be in the short term.

Key points to consider:

  • Chef Courier is part of the broader Chef 360 platform, indicating a strategic expansion of Progress's Infrastructure Management portfolio.
  • The product aims to address critical IT challenges such as speeding up application delivery while maintaining security and compliance, which are pressing concerns in the current business environment.
  • The offering's vendor-agnostic approach and support for open-source community could be attractive for businesses looking to avoid vendor lock-in and maintain flexibility in their IT infrastructure.

While the launch demonstrates Progress's commitment to innovation and meeting market demands, it's important to note that the adoption rate and revenue impact of new enterprise software products can take time to materialize. Investors should monitor future earnings reports for indications of Chef Courier's market traction and contribution to Progress's financial performance.

The Gartner quote suggests a growing importance of Infrastructure Automation & Orchestration markets, which could bode well for Progress's long-term prospects in this space. However, competition in this sector is likely to be intense and Progress will need to demonstrate clear differentiation and value to capture market share.

Chef Courier represents a significant leap in job orchestration capabilities, addressing several pain points in complex IT environments. The product's focus on efficiency, speed and trust aligns well with current DevOps trends and challenges.

Notable features and potential impacts include:

  • Customized node lists: This feature could dramatically reduce the time and effort required for managing large-scale infrastructure, potentially leading to significant operational cost savings.
  • Consolidation of tools: By reducing the need for multiple specialized tools, Chef Courier may help organizations streamline their DevOps toolchain and potentially lower the barrier to entry for DevOps practices.
  • Vendor-agnostic approach: This flexibility is important in today's heterogeneous IT environments and could be a strong selling point against more restrictive competitors.

The availability of SaaS and marketplace options is particularly interesting, as it could accelerate adoption by reducing the overhead of managing the Chef environment itself. This aligns with the broader industry trend towards managed services and could appeal to organizations looking to focus more on their core business rather than infrastructure management.

However, the success of Chef Courier will largely depend on its ability to deliver on its promises of efficiency and ease of use in real-world scenarios. The positive feedback from the beta program is encouraging, but widespread adoption will require consistent performance across various enterprise environments.

New offering delivers efficiency, speed and trust in even the most complex IT environments

BURLINGTON, Mass., July 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS), the trusted provider of AI-powered infrastructure software, today announced the launch of Progress® Chef® Courier™—an innovative product designed to streamline, automate and optimize job orchestration across the entire enterprise software infrastructure. Delivered on the new cloud-native platform, Progress® Chef 360™, Chef Courier adds to the extensive Progress Infrastructure Management portfolio, making the management of complex workflows easier than ever.

“Speeding the delivery of critical applications while meeting security and compliance requirements is a must for every business. With today’s release, we are extending our customers’ ability to do this and much more,” said Sundar Subramanian, EVP & General Manager of Infrastructure Management at Progress. “Chef Courier helps to seamlessly unite people, tools and workflows by streamlining critical IT processes. Along with Chef 360, Chef Courier is the next step of our increased investment in the current Chef portfolio, adding to our already robust capabilities in infrastructure, security, compliance, application delivery and edge management.”

Chef Courier brings advancements in efficiency, speed and trust, extending the overall value of DevSecOps. It bridges the gap between application development and security while retaining the flexibility needed for complex, heterogeneous software infrastructure environments. With the new Chef Courier offering, IT professionals can now harness orchestration capabilities that help to streamline and speed up infrastructure management. They can create customized node lists to run, schedule or create conditions for systematic job orchestration, reducing the time needed to identify and troubleshoot issues at scale. The consolidation of tools also helps reduce skillset requirements and ongoing costs of hiring and retaining talent resources.

“As part of its beta program, we have been thoroughly impressed by the opportunities Chef Courier has unlocked for us,” said Henk Keuris, Senior DevOps Engineer of a large South African medical insurance company. “It’s compact and easy to use, and I can see everything I need on one screen.”

The vendor-agnostic approach of Chef Courier extends investment across different technologies and removes the iterative and error-prone manual approach to managing change. Continued support for the open-source community and transparent licensing terms provide an alternative to ongoing changes introduced by competitive offerings. In addition, the availability of SaaS and marketplace options minimizes the need to manage tasks such as regular upgrades and incident response and resolution in the Chef environment.

According to Gartner, “The IA&O [Infrastructure Automation & Orchestration] market is evolving as more is demanded of infrastructure delivery teams to support rapidly changing business and technology landscapes. Gartner believes with the adoption of IPE [Infrastructure Platform Engineering] to provide the delivery of quality, flexible and optimized infrastructure, the IA&O market will become more important.”1

Chef Courier is available today. To learn more, click here.

About Progress
Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) empowers organizations to achieve transformational success in the face of disruptive change. Our software enables our customers to develop, deploy and manage responsible AI-powered applications and experiences with agility and ease. Customers get a trusted provider in Progress, with the products, expertise and vision they need to succeed. Over 4 million developers and technologists at hundreds of thousands of enterprises depend on Progress. Learn more at

Progress, Chef and Chef Courier are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Any other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

Press Contacts:           
Kim Baker          
+ 1-800-213-3407 

1 Gartner, “Market Guide for Infrastructure Automation and Orchestration Tools,” February 21, 2024


What is Progress Chef Courier and when was it launched?

Progress Chef Courier is a new product designed to streamline and automate job orchestration across enterprise software infrastructure. It was launched by Progress (PRGS) on July 31, 2024.

What are the key features of Progress Chef Courier (PRGS)?

Key features of Progress Chef Courier include customized node lists for systematic job orchestration, reduced troubleshooting time at scale, consolidation of tools to reduce skillset requirements, a vendor-agnostic approach, support for the open-source community, and SaaS and marketplace options.

How does Progress Chef Courier (PRGS) benefit IT professionals?

Progress Chef Courier benefits IT professionals by streamlining critical IT processes, reducing time needed to identify and troubleshoot issues at scale, and helping to reduce skillset requirements and ongoing costs of hiring and retaining talent resources.

What platform is Progress Chef Courier (PRGS) built on?

Progress Chef Courier is built on the new cloud-native platform called Progress Chef 360.

Progress Software Corp (DE)


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Software - Infrastructure
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United States of America