Progress Announces Winners of the 2024 OpenEdge North America Partner Awards

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Progress announced the winners of its 2024 OpenEdge North America Partner Awards during the OpenEdge World Tour and PUG Challenge Americas event in Boston. The awards recognize partners who have made significant impacts using Progress® OpenEdge®, the company's flagship application development platform. John Ainsworth, EVP and GM of Application and Data Platform at Progress, emphasized the integral role partners play in customer success.

The award winners include:

  • Vermont Systems: Software Vendor of the Year
  • ISCorp: Cloud Services Provider of the Year
  • FDM4: Industry Achievement Award
  • DMSi: Innovation & Advancement Award
  • Carrier Logistics: SaaS Growth Award
  • The PICAS Group: Rising Star Award

These partners were recognized for their innovative use of OpenEdge technology, commitment to customer success, and contributions to various industries including recreation management, cloud services, apparel and sporting goods, transportation, and horticulture.

Progress ha annunciato i vincitori dei suoi Partner Awards OpenEdge Nord America 2024 durante l'evento OpenEdge World Tour e PUG Challenge Americas a Boston. I premi riconoscono i partner che hanno avuto un impatto significativo utilizzando Progress® OpenEdge®, la piattaforma principale per lo sviluppo di applicazioni dell'azienda. John Ainsworth, EVP e GM della Application and Data Platform di Progress, ha sottolineato il ruolo fondamentale dei partner nel successo del cliente.

I vincitori dei premi includono:

  • Vermont Systems: Fornitore di Software dell'Anno
  • ISCorp: Fornitore di Servizi Cloud dell'Anno
  • FDM4: Premio per il Riconoscimento Industriale
  • DMSi: Premio per Innovazione e Avanzamento
  • Carrier Logistics: Premio per la Crescita SaaS
  • The PICAS Group: Premio Stella Nascente

Questi partner sono stati riconosciuti per il loro uso innovativo della tecnologia OpenEdge, l'impegno per il successo del cliente e i contributi a vari settori, tra cui gestione del tempo libero, servizi cloud, abbigliamento e articoli sportivi, trasporti e orticoltura.

Progress anunció a los ganadores de sus Premios de Socios OpenEdge Norteamérica 2024 durante el evento OpenEdge World Tour y PUG Challenge Americas en Boston. Los premios reconocen a los socios que han tenido un impacto significativo utilizando Progress® OpenEdge®, la plataforma principal de desarrollo de aplicaciones de la empresa. John Ainsworth, EVP y GM de la Application and Data Platform de Progress, enfatizó el papel integral que juegan los socios en el éxito del cliente.

Los ganadores de los premios incluyen:

  • Vermont Systems: Proveedor de Software del Año
  • ISCorp: Proveedor de Servicios en la Nube del Año
  • FDM4: Premio a la Contribución Industrial
  • DMSi: Premio a la Innovación y Avance
  • Carrier Logistics: Premio al Crecimiento de SaaS
  • The PICAS Group: Premio Estrella Emergente

Estos socios fueron reconocidos por su uso innovador de la tecnología OpenEdge, su compromiso con el éxito del cliente y sus contribuciones a diversas industrias, incluyendo gestión recreativa, servicios en la nube, vestuario y artículos deportivos, transporte y horticultura.

Progress는 보스턴에서 열린 OpenEdge World TourPUG Challenge Americas 행사에서 2024년도 OpenEdge 북미 파트너 어워드 수상자를 발표했습니다. 이 상은 Progress® OpenEdge®를 사용하여 중요한 영향을 미친 파트너를 인정합니다. John Ainsworth, Progress의 Application and Data Platform 부문 부사장 겸 총괄 매니저는 고객 성공에 있어 파트너들이 수행하는 필수적인 역할을 강조했습니다.

수상자는 다음과 같습니다:

  • Vermont Systems: 올해의 소프트웨어 공급업체
  • ISCorp: 올해의 클라우드 서비스 제공업체
  • FDM4: 산업 공로상
  • DMSi: 혁신 및 발전상
  • Carrier Logistics: SaaS 성장상
  • The PICAS Group: 신흥 스타 상

이 파트너들은 OpenEdge 기술의 혁신적인 사용, 고객 성공에 대한 헌신 및 레크리에이션 관리, 클라우드 서비스, 의류 및 스포츠 용품, 운송, 원예 등 다양한 산업에 기여한 것으로 인정받았습니다.

Progress a annoncé les gagnants de ses Prix Partenaires OpenEdge Amérique du Nord 2024 lors de l'événement OpenEdge World Tour et PUG Challenge Americas à Boston. Les prix reconnaissent les partenaires qui ont eu un impact significatif en utilisant Progress® OpenEdge®, la plateforme phare de développement d'applications de l'entreprise. John Ainsworth, EVP et GM de la Application and Data Platform chez Progress, a souligné le rôle essentiel des partenaires dans le succès des clients.

Les lauréats des prix incluent :

  • Vermont Systems : Fournisseur de logiciels de l'année
  • ISCorp : Fournisseur de services cloud de l'année
  • FDM4 : Prix de la contribution industrielle
  • DMSi : Prix de l'innovation et des avancées
  • Carrier Logistics : Prix de la croissance SaaS
  • The PICAS Group : Prix de l'étoile montante

Ces partenaires ont été reconnus pour leur utilisation innovante de la technologie OpenEdge, leur engagement envers le succès des clients et leurs contributions à divers secteurs, notamment la gestion des loisirs, les services cloud, l'habillement et les articles de sport, le transport et l'horticulture.

Progress gab die Gewinner der OpenEdge Nordamerika Partner Awards 2024 während der OpenEdge World Tour und der PUG Challenge Americas Veranstaltung in Boston bekannt. Die Auszeichnungen ehren Partner, die mit Progress® OpenEdge®, der Hauptanwendungserstellungsplattform des Unternehmens, bedeutende Auswirkungen erzielt haben. John Ainsworth, EVP und GM der Application and Data Platform bei Progress, betonte die wesentliche Rolle, die Partner für den Erfolg der Kunden spielen.

Die Preisträger sind:

  • Vermont Systems: Softwareanbieter des Jahres
  • ISCorp: Cloud-Dienstleister des Jahres
  • FDM4: Preis für industrielle Verdienste
  • DMSi: Innovations- und Fortschrittspreis
  • Carrier Logistics: SaaS-Wachstums-Award
  • The PICAS Group: Rising Star Award

Diese Partner wurden für ihren innovativen Einsatz der OpenEdge-Technologie, ihr Engagement für den Kundenerfolg und ihre Beiträge in verschiedenen Branchen wie Freizeitmanagement, Cloud-Dienste, Bekleidung und Sportartikel, Transport und Gartenbau anerkannt.

  • Recognition of successful partnerships in various categories
  • Showcasing innovative applications of OpenEdge technology across different industries
  • Highlighting partners' contributions to customer success and business transformation
  • None.

Announced during the OpenEdge World Tour and PUG Challenge Americas event, the awards recognize partners for their exemplary collaboration, modern business applications and exceptional commitment to customers

BURLINGTON, Mass., Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Progress, the trusted provider of AI-powered infrastructure software, today announced the winners of its 2024 OpenEdge North America Partner Awards. This recognition honors partners who have significantly impacted their business through the utilization of Progress® OpenEdge®, the flagship application development platform used by over 100,000 enterprises worldwide to streamline the delivery of mission-critical business applications. The winners were revealed this week during the joint OpenEdge World Tour and the Progress User Group’s PUG Challenge Americas event in Boston, attended by OpenEdge customers and partners.

“Our partners play an integral role in our customers’ success, and it’s only fitting that we spotlight their achievements,” said John Ainsworth, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Application and Data Platform at Progress. “This year’s recipients have demonstrated a commitment to driving business value and have leveraged Progress technology to deliver innovative products and transformative outcomes for their customers.”

The OpenEdge North America Partner Awards acknowledge Progress’ most successful and innovative partners across several categories. The 2024 winners are:

  • Software Vendor of the Year: Vermont Systems
    The Software Vendor of the Year award recognizes a partner that exemplifies OpenEdge innovation, competitive differentiation and a significant positive impact on customer success. Vermont Systems excels in providing recreation management for parks and recreation departments, including military organizations, through cutting-edge software, extensive industry expertise and personalized support services. Founded on the belief that there is a better way to help institutions and organizations connect with their communities, Vermont Systems is committed to fairness and equity for all involved.
  • Cloud Services Provider of the Year: ISCorp 
    The Cloud Services Provider of the Year award celebrates the partner that excels in helping customers harness the full potential of cloud scalability and application resiliency. ISCorp stands out by offering comprehensive, custom-designed and managed secure private cloud services. Their expertise has been pivotal in assisting ISVs based on Progress technology with seamless cloud transitions and driving end-user adoption.
  • Industry Achievement Award: FDM4
    The Industry Achievement Award celebrates the partner who delivers unique and innovative OpenEdge solutions tailored to specific industries. FDM4’s ERP and warehouse application empowers apparel and sporting goods organizations to seamlessly integrate new sales channels, adapt to evolving markets and maintain optimal stock levels to meet rising demands.
  • Innovation & Advancement Award: DMSi
    The Innovation & Advancement Award celebrates a partner who has collaborated closely with Progress to envision the future of the OpenEdge platform. This partner exemplifies a dedication to business transformation through modernization and expansion projects, enhancing the ecosystem’s future capabilities. A long-time Progress partner, DMSi has consistently grown and innovated their solutions, playing a crucial role in driving the adoption of new OpenEdge functionalities. Their efforts have significantly improved UI/UX, integration technologies and overall performance.
  • SaaS Growth Award: Carrier Logistics 
    The SaaS Growth Award recognizes the partner that has demonstrated exceptional dedication to their OpenEdge partnership through product innovation, resulting in financial growth, SaaS sales success and market expansion. This year, the award goes to Carrier Logistics, a leading provider of transportation and freight management solutions. By leveraging OpenEdge technology as their core development platform, Carrier Logistics was able to introduce a more economical SaaS version of their product to better serve their customers.
  • Rising Star Award: The PICAS Group
    The Rising Star Award celebrates the partner who achieves remarkable success with their recent adoption of OpenEdge technology. This year, The Picas Group, renowned for its greenhouse management and production software tailored for the horticulture industry, has earned this accolade. By leveraging OpenEdge 12, The Picas Group has seamlessly connected their solution with FedEx and Power BI, enhancing their ability to meet and exceed customer expectations.

OpenEdge is a leading platform for developing enterprise applications needing high performance, high availability and flexible deployment options for extensibility, scalability, security and reliability. Developers around the world are using the OpenEdge application development platform to build innovative business applications that are the backbone of healthcare, financial services, manufacturing and other industries.

For more information, visit

About Progress
Progress (Nasdaq: PRGS) empowers organizations to achieve transformational success in the face of disruptive change. Our software enables our customers to develop, deploy and manage responsible AI-powered applications and experiences with agility and ease. Customers get a trusted provider in Progress, with the products, expertise and vision they need to succeed. Over 4 million developers and technologists at hundreds of thousands of enterprises depend on Progress. Learn more at

Progress and OpenEdge are trademarks or registered trademarks of Progress Software Corporation and/or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. Any other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners.

Press Contact:
Kim Baker


Who won the Software Vendor of the Year award for Progress OpenEdge in 2024?

Vermont Systems won the Software Vendor of the Year award for Progress OpenEdge in 2024, recognized for their innovation in recreation management software.

What is the significance of the OpenEdge North America Partner Awards for Progress (PRGS)?

The OpenEdge North America Partner Awards recognize Progress partners who have significantly impacted their business through the use of Progress OpenEdge, showcasing innovative applications and customer success stories.

Which company received the SaaS Growth Award in the 2024 Progress OpenEdge Partner Awards?

Carrier Logistics received the SaaS Growth Award in the 2024 Progress OpenEdge Partner Awards for their dedication to product innovation and SaaS sales success in transportation and freight management solutions.

How many enterprises use Progress OpenEdge for their business applications?

According to the press release, over 100,000 enterprises worldwide use Progress OpenEdge to streamline the delivery of mission-critical business applications.

Progress Software Corp (DE)


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