Peoples Ltd. Announces Third Quarter Results
Peoples (OTC: PPLL) reported mixed financial results for Q3 2024. Net income reached $1,853,000 ($2.26 per share), up 5.88% from Q3 2023. However, year-to-date net income decreased 4.54% to $5,289,000 ($6.45 per share). Total assets grew 7.31% to $571.27M, deposits increased 5.44% to $487.91M, and loans rose 6.12% to $378.76M compared to December 2023. Return on assets was 1.31%, down from 1.41% in 2023, while return on equity decreased to 14.14% from 16.92%. The company received approval for a new branch in Scranton, planned to open in Q1 2025.
Peoples (OTC: PPLL) ha riportato risultati finanziari misti per il terzo trimestre del 2024. Il reddito netto ha raggiunto $1,853,000 ($2.26 per azione), in aumento del 5.88% rispetto al terzo trimestre del 2023. Tuttavia, il reddito netto da inizio anno è diminuito del 4.54% a $5,289,000 ($6.45 per azione). Gli attivi totali sono cresciuti del 7.31% a $571.27M, i depositi sono aumentati del 5.44% a $487.91M e i prestiti sono saliti del 6.12% a $378.76M rispetto a dicembre 2023. Il ritorno sugli attivi era dell'1.31%, in calo dall'1.41% del 2023, mentre il ritorno sul capitale è diminuito al 14.14% dal 16.92%. L'azienda ha ricevuto l'approvazione per una nuova filiale a Scranton, prevista per aprire nel primo trimestre del 2025.
Peoples (OTC: PPLL) reportó resultados financieros mixtos para el tercer trimestre de 2024. El ingreso neto alcanzó $1,853,000 ($2.26 por acción), un aumento del 5.88% en comparación con el tercer trimestre de 2023. Sin embargo, el ingreso neto acumulado hasta la fecha disminuyó un 4.54% a $5,289,000 ($6.45 por acción). Los activos totales crecieron un 7.31% a $571.27M, los depósitos aumentaron un 5.44% a $487.91M y los préstamos subieron un 6.12% a $378.76M en comparación con diciembre de 2023. El retorno sobre los activos fue del 1.31%, por debajo del 1.41% en 2023, mientras que el retorno sobre el patrimonio disminuyó al 14.14% desde el 16.92%. La compañía recibió aprobación para una nueva sucursal en Scranton, prevista para abrir en el primer trimestre de 2025.
People (OTC: PPLL)는 2024년 3분기에 혼합된 재무 결과를 보고했습니다. 순이익은 $1,853,000 ($2.26 주당)으로, 2023년 3분기 대비 5.88% 증가했습니다. 그러나 연초 대비 순이익은 4.54% 감소하여 $5,289,000 ($6.45 주당)에 불과했습니다. 총 자산은 7.31% 증가하여 $571.27M에 도달했으며, 예금은 5.44% 증가하여 $487.91M에, 대출은 6.12% 증가하여 $378.76M에 달했습니다. 자산 수익률은 1.31%로 2023년 1.41%에서 하락했으며, 자기 자본 수익률은 16.92%에서 14.14%로 감소했습니다. 회사는 2025년 1분기에 개설될 Scranton에 새로운 지점에 대한 승인을 받았습니다.
Peoples (OTC: PPLL) a rapporté des résultats financiers mitigés pour le troisième trimestre 2024. Le revenu net a atteint $1,853,000 ($2.26 par action), en hausse de 5.88% par rapport au troisième trimestre 2023. Cependant, le revenu net depuis le début de l'année a diminué de 4.54% à $5,289,000 ($6.45 par action). Les actifs totaux ont augmenté de 7.31% pour atteindre $571.27M, les dépôts ont augmenté de 5.44% à $487.91M et les prêts ont augmenté de 6.12% pour atteindre $378.76M par rapport à décembre 2023. Le retour sur actifs était de 1.31%, en baisse par rapport à 1.41% en 2023, tandis que le retour sur les capitaux propres a diminué à 14.14% contre 16.92%. L'entreprise a reçu l'approbation pour une nouvelle agence à Scranton, prévue pour ouvrir au premier trimestre 2025.
Peoples (OTC: PPLL) hat gemischte Finanzergebnisse für das 3. Quartal 2024 berichtet. Das Nettoergebnis erreichte $1,853,000 ($2.26 pro Aktie), was einem Anstieg von 5.88% im Vergleich zum 3. Quartal 2023 entspricht. Allerdings sank das Nettoergebnis seit Jahresbeginn um 4.54% auf $5,289,000 ($6.45 pro Aktie). Die Gesamtvermögenswerte stiegen um 7.31% auf $571.27M, die Einlagen erhöhten sich um 5.44% auf $487.91M, und die Kredite nahmen um 6.12% auf $378.76M im Vergleich zu Dezember 2023 zu. Die Gesamtrendite auf das Vermögen betrug 1.31%, ein Rückgang von 1.41% im Jahr 2023, während die Eigenkapitalrendite auf 14.14% von 16.92% fiel. Das Unternehmen erhielt die Genehmigung für eine neue Niederlassung in Scranton, die im 1. Quartal 2025 eröffnet werden soll.
- Q3 2024 net income increased 5.88% to $1,853,000
- Total assets grew 7.31% to $571.27M
- Deposits increased 5.44% to $487.91M
- Loan portfolio expanded 6.12% to $378.76M
- Regulatory approval received for new branch expansion
- Year-to-date net income declined 4.54% to $5,289,000
- Return on assets decreased to 1.31% from 1.41%
- Return on equity dropped to 14.14% from 16.92%
Consolidated net income year-to-date was
Year-to-date return on assets was
Total assets increased
"Our bank maintained its solid performance in the third quarter, with net income rising
"We recently received regulatory approval for the opening of a new PS Bank branch on Keyser Avenue in
Note: This press release may contain forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results and trends could differ materially from those set forth in such statements due to various factors. These factors include operating, legal and regulatory risks; changing economic and competitive conditions and other risks and uncertainties.
Peoples Ltd. is the holding company for PS Bank. PS Bank is an independent community bank, established 1914, with locations throughout
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SOURCE Peoples Ltd.