Peoples Ltd. Announces Fourth Quarter and Annual 2024 Financial Results
Peoples (OTC: PPLL) reported its Q4 and annual 2024 financial results. Q4 2024 net income increased 9.3% to $1,923,000 ($2.23 per share) compared to $1,760,000 ($2.04 per share) in Q4 2023. However, annual net income slightly decreased by 1.2% to $7,214,000 ($8.37 per share) from $7,301,000 ($8.50 per share) in 2023.
Total assets grew 9.3% to $581,946,000, deposits increased 10.4% to $510,640,000, and net loans rose 7.5% to $379,388,000. Return on assets was 1.32% (down from 1.39%), and return on equity was 14.14% (down from 16.66%). The bank maintained strong performance despite sector challenges, attributing success to loan growth, higher yields, increased mortgage sales income, and expense management.
PS Bank ranked #36 on American Banker's 2024 Top 100 Community Banks under $2 billion, marking its twelfth consecutive year on the list. The bank plans to open a new branch in Scranton in late Q1 2025.
Peoples (OTC: PPLL) ha riportato i risultati finanziari del Q4 e annuali del 2024. L'utile netto del Q4 2024 è aumentato del 9.3% a $1,923,000 ($2.23 per azione) rispetto a $1,760,000 ($2.04 per azione) nel Q4 2023. Tuttavia, l'utile netto annuale è leggermente diminuito dell'1.2% a $7,214,000 ($8.37 per azione) rispetto a $7,301,000 ($8.50 per azione) nel 2023.
Il totale delle attività è cresciuto del 9.3% a $581,946,000, i depositi sono aumentati del 10.4% a $510,640,000 e i prestiti netti sono saliti del 7.5% a $379,388,000. Il rendimento sulle attività era dell'1.32% (in calo rispetto all'1.39%) e il rendimento sul capitale proprio era del 14.14% (in calo rispetto al 16.66%). La banca ha mantenuto una forte performance nonostante le sfide del settore, attribuendo il successo alla crescita dei prestiti, ai rendimenti più elevati, all'aumento delle entrate delle vendite di mutui e alla gestione delle spese.
PS Bank si è classificata al #36 nella lista dei 100 migliori banche comunitarie sotto i $2 miliardi secondo American Banker per il 2024, segnando il suo dodicesimo anno consecutivo in classifica. La banca prevede di aprire una nuova filiale a Scranton entro la fine del Q1 2025.
Peoples (OTC: PPLL) presentó sus resultados financieros del Q4 y anuales de 2024. El ingreso neto del Q4 2024 aumentó un 9.3% a $1,923,000 ($2.23 por acción) en comparación con $1,760,000 ($2.04 por acción) en el Q4 2023. Sin embargo, el ingreso neto anual disminuyó ligeramente un 1.2% a $7,214,000 ($8.37 por acción) desde $7,301,000 ($8.50 por acción) en 2023.
Los activos totales crecieron un 9.3% a $581,946,000, los depósitos aumentaron un 10.4% a $510,640,000, y los préstamos netos subieron un 7.5% a $379,388,000. El retorno sobre activos fue del 1.32% (bajando del 1.39%) y el retorno sobre el capital fue del 14.14% (bajando del 16.66%). El banco mantuvo un sólido rendimiento a pesar de los desafíos del sector, atribuyendo el éxito al crecimiento de préstamos, mayores rendimientos, aumento de ingresos por ventas de hipotecas y gestión de gastos.
PS Bank se posicionó en el #36 en la lista de 2024 de American Banker de los 100 mejores bancos comunitarios con menos de $2 mil millones, marcando su duodécimo año consecutivo en la lista. El banco planea abrir una nueva sucursal en Scranton a finales del Q1 2025.
Peoples (OTC: PPLL)는 2024년 4분기 및 연간 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 2024년 4분기 순이익은 9.3% 증가하여 $1,923,000 ($2.23 주당)으로, 2023년 4분기 $1,760,000 ($2.04 주당)과 비교되었습니다. 그러나 연간 순이익은 소폭 1.2% 감소하여 $7,214,000 ($8.37 주당)으로, 2023년 $7,301,000 ($8.50 주당)에서 감소했습니다.
총 자산은 9.3% 증가하여 $581,946,000에 이르렀고, 예치금은 10.4% 증가하여 $510,640,000, 순 대출은 7.5% 증가하여 $379,388,000에 도달했습니다. 자산 수익률은 1.32% (1.39%에서 감소)였고 자본 수익률은 14.14% (16.66%에서 감소)였습니다. 은행은 부문 도전에도 불구하고 강력한 성과를 유지하며, 대출 성장, 높은 수익률, 주택담보대출 판매 수익 증가 및 비용 관리에 기인한다고 밝혔습니다.
PS Bank는 2024년 미국 뱅커의 200억 달러 미만 커뮤니티 뱅크 100대 목록에서 36위에 올랐으며, 이는 연속 12년째의 기록입니다. 은행은 2025년 1분기 말에 스크랜턴에 새로운 지점을 열 계획입니다.
Peoples (OTC: PPLL) a publié ses résultats financiers du Q4 et annuels pour 2024. Le revenu net du Q4 2024 a augmenté de 9,3 % pour atteindre 1 923 000 $ (2,23 $ par action) par rapport à 1 760 000 $ (2,04 $ par action) au Q4 2023. Cependant, le revenu net annuel a légèrement diminué de 1,2 % pour atteindre 7 214 000 $ (8,37 $ par action), contre 7 301 000 $ (8,50 $ par action) en 2023.
Les actifs totaux ont augmenté de 9,3 % pour atteindre 581 946 000 $, les dépôts ont augmenté de 10,4 % pour atteindre 510 640 000 $, et les prêts nets ont progressé de 7,5 % pour atteindre 379 388 000 $. Le rendement des actifs était de 1,32 % (contre 1,39 %), et le rendement des capitaux propres était de 14,14 % (contre 16,66 %). La banque a maintenu une solide performance malgré les défis du secteur, attribuant son succès à la croissance des prêts, à des rendements plus élevés, à une augmentation des revenus de ventes hypothécaires et à la gestion des dépenses.
La PS Bank s'est classée au 36e rang dans la liste des 100 meilleures banques communautaires à moins de 2 milliards de dollars d'American Banker pour 2024, marquant sa douzième année consécutive sur la liste. La banque prévoit d'ouvrir une nouvelle succursale à Scranton à la fin du premier trimestre 2025.
Peoples (OTC: PPLL) hat die finanziellen Ergebnisse für Q4 und das Jahr 2024 veröffentlicht. Der Nettogewinn im Q4 2024 stieg um 9,3% auf $1.923.000 ($2.23 pro Aktie) im Vergleich zu $1.760.000 ($2.04 pro Aktie) im Q4 2023. Der jährliche Nettogewinn verringerte sich jedoch leicht um 1,2% auf $7.214.000 ($8.37 pro Aktie) gegenüber $7.301.000 ($8.50 pro Aktie) im Jahr 2023.
Die Gesamtaktiva wuchsen um 9,3% auf $581.946.000, die Einlagen stiegen um 10,4% auf $510.640.000 und die Nettokredite erhöhten sich um 7,5% auf $379.388.000. Die Rendite auf das Vermögen lag bei 1,32% (von 1,39% gesunken), und die Eigenkapitalrendite betrug 14,14% (von 16,66% gesunken). Die Bank erzielte trotz der Herausforderungen im Sektor eine starke Leistung und führt den Erfolg auf das Wachstum der Kredite, höhere Renditen, gestiegene Einnahmen aus Hypothekenverkäufen und das Kostenmanagement zurück.
Die PS Bank belegte den 36. Platz in der Liste der 100 besten Gemeinschaftsbanken unter 2 Milliarden Dollar von American Banker für 2024 und verzeichnete damit ihr zwölftes aufeinanderfolgendes Jahr in der Liste. Die Bank plant, Ende Q1 2025 eine neue Filiale in Scranton zu eröffnen.
- Q4 2024 net income increased 9.3% to $1,923,000
- Total assets grew 9.3% to $581.9M
- Deposits increased 10.4% to $510.6M
- Net loans rose 7.5% to $379.4M
- Ranked #36 on American Banker's Top 100 Community Banks list
- Annual net income decreased 1.2% to $7.2M
- Return on assets declined to 1.32% from 1.39%
- Return on equity dropped to 14.14% from 16.66%
For the quarter ended December 31, 2024, net income totaled
Return on assets was
As of December 31, 2024, total assets were
"Our bank had a successful fourth quarter and a strong overall performance for the 2024 year, despite the ongoing challenges in the banking sector over the past few years. Net income in the fourth quarter of 2024 rose by
We look forward to the opening of our new branch located on Keyser Avenue in
We are ranked as the #36 highest bank on American Banker's 2024 list of the Top 100 Community Banks under
Overall, 2024 was another positive year for our institution, and we continue to position the bank for growth and success in the future," stated Anthony J. Gabello, President and CEO.
Note: This press release may contain forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results and trends could differ materially from those set forth in such statements due to various factors. These factors include operating, legal and regulatory risks; changing economic and competitive conditions and other risks and uncertainties.
Peoples Ltd. is the holding company for PS Bank. PS Bank is an independent community bank, established 1914, with locations throughout
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SOURCE Peoples Ltd.