Peoples Ltd. Announces Second Quarter Results
Peoples (OTC: PPLL), holding company for PS Bank, announced its second quarter 2024 results. Key highlights include:
- Net income: $1,787,000 ($2.18 per share), down 1.70% from Q2 2023
- Year-to-date net income: $3,436,000 ($4.19 per share), down 9.34% from H1 2023
- Total assets: $554,707,000, up 4.21% from December 31, 2023
- Deposits: $481,366,000, up 4.03% from December 31, 2023
- Loans: $363,247,000, up 1.78% from year-end 2023
Despite ongoing interest rate margin challenges, the bank's performance remained strong. PS Bank was ranked #36 on American Banker's list of Top 100 Community Banks under $2 billion in the US, improving from #42 in the previous year.
Peoples (OTC: PPLL), la holding di PS Bank, ha annunciato i risultati del secondo trimestre 2024. I punti salienti includono:
- Utile netto: $1,787,000 ($2.18 per azione), in calo dell'1,70% rispetto al Q2 2023
- Utile netto da inizio anno: $3,436,000 ($4.19 per azione), in calo del 9,34% rispetto al primo semestre 2023
- Attività totali: $554,707,000, in aumento del 4,21% rispetto al 31 dicembre 2023
- Depositi: $481,366,000, in aumento del 4,03% rispetto al 31 dicembre 2023
- Prestiti: $363,247,000, in aumento dell'1,78% rispetto alla fine del 2023
Nonostante le sfide persistenti sui margini dei tassi d'interesse, le performance della banca sono rimaste solide. PS Bank è stata classificata al #36 nella lista dei Top 100 Community Banks con meno di 2 miliardi di dollari negli Stati Uniti, un miglioramento rispetto al #42 dell'anno precedente.
Peoples (OTC: PPLL), la empresa matriz de PS Bank, anunció sus resultados del segundo trimestre de 2024. Los puntos destacados incluyen:
- Ingresos netos: $1,787,000 ($2.18 por acción), una disminución del 1.70% respecto al Q2 2023
- Ingresos netos acumulados: $3,436,000 ($4.19 por acción), una disminución del 9.34% en comparación con el primer semestre de 2023
- Activos totales: $554,707,000, un aumento del 4.21% en comparación con el 31 de diciembre de 2023
- Depósitos: $481,366,000, un aumento del 4.03% respecto al 31 de diciembre de 2023
- Préstamos: $363,247,000, un aumento del 1.78% respecto al cierre de 2023
A pesar de los desafíos persistentes en los márgenes de tasas de interés, el desempeño del banco se mantuvo sólido. PS Bank fue clasificada en el puesto #36 de la lista de las 100 Mejores Bancos Comunitarios con menos de $2 mil millones en EE. UU., mejorando desde el puesto #42 del año anterior.
피플스 (OTC: PPLL), PS은행의 지주회사,가 2024년 2분기 결과를 발표했습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:
- 순이익: $1,787,000 ($2.18 per share), 2023년 2분기 대비 1.70% 감소
- 연간 누적 순이익: $3,436,000 ($4.19 per share), 2023년 상반기 대비 9.34% 감소
- 총 자산: $554,707,000, 2023년 12월 31일 대비 4.21% 증가
- 예금: $481,366,000, 2023년 12월 31일 대비 4.03% 증가
- 대출: $363,247,000, 2023년 말 대비 1.78% 증가
지속적인 금리 마진 문제에도 불구하고, 은행의 성과는 여전히 강력했습니다. PS은행은 미국에서 20억 달러 이하의 최고의 100개 커뮤니티 은행 목록에서 36위에 올랐으며, 지난해 42위에서 개선되었습니다.
Peoples (OTC: PPLL), société mère de PS Bank, a annoncé ses résultats du deuxième trimestre 2024. Les points clés incluent :
- Revenu net : 1 787 000 $ (2,18 $ par action), en baisse de 1,70 % par rapport au T2 2023
- Revenu net à ce jour : 3 436 000 $ (4,19 $ par action), en baisse de 9,34 % par rapport au premier semestre 2023
- Total des actifs : 554 707 000 $, en hausse de 4,21 % par rapport au 31 décembre 2023
- Dépôts : 481 366 000 $, en hausse de 4,03 % par rapport au 31 décembre 2023
- Prêts : 363 247 000 $, en hausse de 1,78 % par rapport à la fin de l'année 2023
Malgré les défis persistants liés aux marges d'intérêt, la performance de la banque est restée solide. PS Bank a été classée au 36e rang de la liste des 100 meilleures banques communautaires de moins de 2 milliards de dollars aux États-Unis, améliorant sa position par rapport au 42e rang de l'année précédente.
Peoples (OTC: PPLL), die Holdinggesellschaft von PS Bank, hat die Finanzergebnisse für das zweite Quartal 2024 bekannt gegeben. Die wichtigsten Punkte umfassen:
- Nettogewinn: 1.787.000 $ (2,18 $ pro Aktie), ein Rückgang um 1,70 % im Vergleich zum Q2 2023
- Nettogewinn im laufenden Jahr: 3.436.000 $ (4,19 $ pro Aktie), ein Rückgang um 9,34 % im Vergleich zum ersten Halbjahr 2023
- Gesamte Vermögenswerte: 554.707.000 $, ein Anstieg um 4,21 % seit dem 31. Dezember 2023
- Einlagen: 481.366.000 $, ein Anstieg um 4,03 % seit dem 31. Dezember 2023
- Kredite: 363.247.000 $, ein Anstieg um 1,78 % seit Ende 2023
Trotz anhaltender Herausforderungen bei den Zinsspannen blieb die Leistung der Bank stark. PS Bank wurde auf Platz 36 der Liste der 100 besten Community-Banken in den USA mit weniger als 2 Milliarden US-Dollar aufgeführt und verbesserte sich somit von Platz 42 im Vorjahr.
- Total assets increased by 4.21% to $554,707,000
- Deposits grew by 4.03% to $481,366,000
- Loans increased by 1.78% to $363,247,000
- Improved ranking from #42 to #36 on American Banker's Top 100 Community Banks list
- Net income for Q2 2024 decreased by 1.70% compared to Q2 2023
- Year-to-date net income decreased by 9.34% compared to H1 2023
- Return on assets declined to 1.29% from 1.45% in the same period last year
- Return on average equity decreased to 14.09% from 17.52% in the prior year
Consolidated net income year-to-date was
Year-to-date return on assets was
Total assets increased
"Our bank performed well in the second quarter, despite the ongoing interest rate margin challenges that institutions have continued to face over the past year. While our second quarter and year-to-date net income saw a modest decrease compared to the previous year, our overall performance remained strong. Our return on assets and return on average equity, although lower than prior year, continue to compare very favorably to peer and above our historical levels. Additionally, our solid balance sheet and strong capitalization underscores our ability to navigate challenges effectively.
We are proud to announce that we were recently ranked as the #36 highest bank on American Banker's list of the Top 100 Community Banks under
Note: This press release may contain forward-looking statements as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results and trends could differ materially from those set forth in such statements due to various factors. These factors include operating, legal and regulatory risks; changing economic and competitive conditions and other risks and uncertainties.
Peoples Ltd. is the holding company for PS Bank. PS Bank is an independent community bank, established 1914, with locations throughout
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