PPG recognized as ‘Exceptional Workplace’ by Gallup for third consecutive year
PPG (NYSE: PPG) has achieved the Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award (GEWA) for the third consecutive year, highlighting its excellence in employee engagement and workplace culture. The company maintained its record-setting Gallup engagement score of 4.22 in 2024, with frontline employees reaching the 50th percentile in the Gallup Manufacturing Workgroup Database.
Key achievements include distributing over 303,000 unique awards through the One PPG Recognition & Rewards Program, and employees contributing more than 31,000 volunteer hours to COLORFUL COMMUNITIES® projects across 30+ countries. The company, which reported net sales of $15.8 billion in 2024, operates in more than 70 countries, serving construction, consumer products, industrial and transportation markets.
PPG (NYSE: PPG) ha ottenuto il Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award (GEWA) per il terzo anno consecutivo, evidenziando la sua eccellenza nell'engagement dei dipendenti e nella cultura aziendale. L'azienda ha mantenuto il suo punteggio record di engagement Gallup di 4.22 nel 2024, con i dipendenti in prima linea che hanno raggiunto il 50° percentile nel Gallup Manufacturing Workgroup Database.
Tra i risultati chiave ci sono la distribuzione di oltre 303.000 premi unici attraverso il programma One PPG Recognition & Rewards, e i dipendenti che hanno contribuito con più di 31.000 ore di volontariato a progetti COLORFUL COMMUNITIES® in oltre 30 paesi. L'azienda, che ha riportato vendite nette di 15,8 miliardi di dollari nel 2024, opera in più di 70 paesi, servendo i mercati della costruzione, dei prodotti di consumo, industriali e dei trasporti.
PPG (NYSE: PPG) ha logrado el Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award (GEWA) por tercer año consecutivo, destacando su excelencia en el compromiso de los empleados y la cultura laboral. La compañía mantuvo su puntuación récord de compromiso Gallup de 4.22 en 2024, con los empleados de primera línea alcanzando el percentil 50 en la base de datos Gallup Manufacturing Workgroup.
Entre los logros clave se incluye la distribución de más de 303,000 premios únicos a través del programa One PPG Recognition & Rewards, y los empleados que contribuyeron con más de 31,000 horas de voluntariado a proyectos COLORFUL COMMUNITIES® en más de 30 países. La compañía, que reportó ventas netas de 15.8 mil millones de dólares en 2024, opera en más de 70 países, sirviendo a los mercados de construcción, productos de consumo, industrial y de transporte.
PPG (NYSE: PPG)는 Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award (GEWA)를 3년 연속으로 수상하여 직원 참여 및 직장 문화에서의 우수성을 강조했습니다. 이 회사는 2024년 Gallup 참여 점수 4.22를 기록하며, 현장 직원들이 Gallup Manufacturing Workgroup Database에서 50번째 백분위수를 달성했습니다.
주요 성과로는 One PPG Recognition & Rewards 프로그램을 통해 303,000개 이상의 고유한 상을 배포하고, 직원들이 30개 이상의 국가에서 COLORFUL COMMUNITIES® 프로젝트에 31,000시간 이상의 자원봉사 시간을 기여한 것이 있습니다. 2024년 순매출이 158억 달러에 달하는 이 회사는 70개 이상의 국가에서 운영되며, 건설, 소비재, 산업 및 운송 시장에 서비스를 제공합니다.
PPG (NYSE: PPG) a obtenu le Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award (GEWA) pour la troisième année consécutive, mettant en avant son excellence en matière d'engagement des employés et de culture d'entreprise. L'entreprise a maintenu son score d'engagement record de 4,22 dans le Gallup en 2024, avec des employés de première ligne atteignant le 50e percentile dans la base de données Gallup Manufacturing Workgroup.
Les réalisations clés incluent la distribution de plus de 303 000 récompenses uniques par le biais du programme One PPG Recognition & Rewards, et les employés ayant contribué à plus de 31 000 heures de bénévolat pour des projets COLORFUL COMMUNITIES® dans plus de 30 pays. L'entreprise, qui a déclaré un chiffre d'affaires net de 15,8 milliards de dollars en 2024, opère dans plus de 70 pays, servant les marchés de la construction, des produits de consommation, de l'industrie et des transports.
PPG (NYSE: PPG) hat zum dritten Mal in Folge den Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award (GEWA) erhalten, was seine Exzellenz in der Mitarbeiterbindung und der Unternehmenskultur unterstreicht. Das Unternehmen hielt seinen rekordverdächtigen Gallup-Bindungswert von 4,22 im Jahr 2024, wobei die Mitarbeiter an vorderster Front den 50. Perzentil in der Gallup Manufacturing Workgroup Database erreichten.
Zu den wichtigsten Erfolgen gehört die Verteilung von über 303.000 einzigartigen Auszeichnungen über das One PPG Recognition & Rewards-Programm sowie die Mitarbeitenden, die mehr als 31.000 Stunden ehrenamtlicher Arbeit zu COLORFUL COMMUNITIES®-Projekten in über 30 Ländern beigetragen haben. Das Unternehmen, das im Jahr 2024 einen Nettoumsatz von 15,8 Milliarden US-Dollar meldete, ist in mehr als 70 Ländern tätig und bedient die Märkte für Bauwesen, Konsumgüter, Industrie und Transport.
- None.
- None.
“At PPG, our employees are key to delivering on our purpose to protect and beautify the world,” said Brenda Broad, PPG global head of talent. “This award reflects our unwavering commitment to fostering a culture of engagement that enables innovation, growth and operational excellence, as well as the hard work and dedication of our entire team.”
In 2024, PPG maintained 2023’s record-setting Gallup engagement score of 4.22. Its frontline employees also achieved record engagement, reaching the 50th percentile in the Gallup Manufacturing Workgroup Database. PPG continued its focus on recognition, with more than 303,000 unique awards to employees through the One PPG Recognition & Rewards Program. In addition, its employees contributed more than 31,000 volunteer hours to COLORFUL COMMUNITIES® projects in more than 30 countries.
Gallup’s meta-analysis on team engagement and performance is the most comprehensive workplace study ever conducted, with data on more than 3.3 million employees in 347 organizations across 53 industries and 90 countries. For a complete list of GEWA winners, visit the 2025 Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award Winners page. Learn more about the awards here.
At PPG (NYSE:PPG), we work every day to develop and deliver the paints, coatings and specialty materials that our customers have trusted for more than 140 years. Through dedication and creativity, we solve our customers’ biggest challenges, collaborating closely to find the right path forward. With headquarters in
Colorful Communities, the PPG Logo and We protect and beautify the world are registered trademarks of PPG Industries Ohio, Inc.
CATEGORY Corporate
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PPG Media Contact:
Mark Silvey
Corporate Communications
+1 412 434 3046
Source: PPG