Pacific Premier Bank Makes $100,000 Grant to Susan G. Komen’s Financial Assistance Program

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Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: PPBI) announced that its subsidiary, Pacific Premier Bank, has committed $100,000 over two years to support Susan G. Komen's Financial Assistance Program (KFA). The KFA aims to advance health equity for under-insured, uninsured, and underserved populations facing breast cancer.

The Bank's support will help provide breast health education, screening, treatment, and support to those with little or no health insurance. This initiative addresses the stark reality that 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will face a breast cancer diagnosis, with a woman dying from breast cancer every 12 minutes. Experts suggest that one-third of breast cancer deaths in the U.S. could be prevented with universal access to modern treatments.

Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: PPBI) ha annunciato che la sua consociata, Pacific Premier Bank, si è impegnata a fornire $100.000 per due anni per sostenere il Programma di Assistenza Finanziaria di Susan G. Komen (KFA). Il KFA mira a promuovere l'equità sanitaria per le popolazioni sotto-assicurate, non assicurate e svantaggiate che affrontano il cancro al seno.

Il sostegno della Banca contribuirà a fornire educazione sulla salute del seno, screening, trattamento e supporto a coloro che hanno poca o nessuna assicurazione sanitaria. Questa iniziativa affronta la dura realtà che 1 donna su 8 negli Stati Uniti riceverà una diagnosi di cancro al seno, con una donna che muore di cancro al seno ogni 12 minuti. Gli esperti suggeriscono che un terzo delle morti per cancro al seno negli Stati Uniti potrebbe essere prevenuto con accesso universale a trattamenti moderni.

Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: PPBI) anunció que su subsidiaria, Pacific Premier Bank, se ha comprometido a donar $100,000 durante dos años para apoyar el Programa de Asistencia Financiera de Susan G. Komen (KFA). El KFA tiene como objetivo promover la equidad en salud para poblaciones con poca o ninguna cobertura, así como desfavorecidas que enfrentan el cáncer de mama.

El apoyo del Banco ayudará a proporcionar educación sobre salud mamaria, exámenes, tratamiento y apoyo a aquellos con poca o ninguna cobertura de salud. Esta iniciativa aborda la cruda realidad de que 1 de cada 8 mujeres en Estados Unidos enfrentará un diagnóstico de cáncer de mama, con una mujer muriendo de cáncer de mama cada 12 minutos. Los expertos sugieren que un tercio de las muertes por cáncer de mama en EE.UU. podría ser prevenido con acceso universal a tratamientos modernos.

Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: PPBI)는 그 산하 기관인 Pacific Premier Bank가 Susan G. Komen의 재정 지원 프로그램(KFA)을 지원하기 위해 2년간 $100,000을 기부하기로 약속했다고 발표했다. KFA의 목표는 유방암에 직면한 보험 미가입자, 보험이 부족한 사람들 및 저소득층 건강 형평성을 증진하는 것이다.

은행의 지원은 보험이 거의 없거나 전혀 없는 사람들에게 유방 건강 교육, 검진, 치료 및 지원을 제공하는 데 도움이 될 것이다. 이 이니셔티브는 미국에서 8명 중 1명이 유방암 진단을 받을 것이고, 12분마다 한 명의 여성이 유방암으로 사망한다는 냉혹한 현실을 다루고 있다. 전문가들은 미국 내 유방암 사망자의 3분의 1은 현대 치료에 대한 보편적 접근을 통해 예방될 수 있다고 제안하고 있다.

Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: PPBI) a annoncé que sa filiale, Pacific Premier Bank, s'est engagée à donner 100 000 $ sur deux ans pour soutenir le programme d'aide financière de Susan G. Komen (KFA). Le KFA vise à promouvoir l'équité en santé pour les populations sous-assurées, non assurées et défavorisées confrontées au cancer du sein.

Le soutien de la Banque aidera à fournir une éducation sur la santé du sein, des dépistages, des traitements et un soutien à ceux qui ont peu ou pas d'assurance santé. Cette initiative aborde la dure réalité que 1 femme sur 8 aux États-Unis sera confrontée à un diagnostic de cancer du sein, avec une femme mourant du cancer du sein toutes les 12 minutes. Les experts suggèrent qu' avec un accès universel à des traitements modernes.

Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: PPBI) gab bekannt, dass seine Tochtergesellschaft, die Pacific Premier Bank, sich verpflichtet hat, über zwei Jahre $100.000 zu spenden, um das Finanzhilfeprogramm von Susan G. Komen (KFA) zu unterstützen. Das KFA zielt darauf ab, gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit für unterversicherte, nicht versicherte und benachteiligte Bevölkerungsgruppen zu fördern, die an Brustkrebs leiden.

Die Unterstützung der Bank wird helfen, Bildung zur Brustgesundheit, Screening, Behandlung und Unterstützung für Personen bereitzustellen, die wenig oder keine Krankenversicherung haben. Diese Initiative greift die drastische Realität auf, dass 1 von 8 Frauen in den USA eine Brustkrebsdiagnose erhalten wird, während alle 12 Minuten eine Frau an Brustkrebs stirbt. Experten schlagen vor, dass ein Drittel der Brustkrebssterbefälle in den USA verhindert werden könnte, wenn ein universeller Zugang zu modernen Behandlungen gewährleistet wäre.

  • Commitment of $100,000 over two years to support breast cancer patients
  • Partnership with Susan G. Komen to advance health equity
  • Potential for positive corporate image and social responsibility
  • None.

IRVINE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc. (NASDAQ: PPBI), the holding company of Pacific Premier Bank (the “Bank”), announced today the Bank has committed $100,000 over the next two years to support Susan G. Komen’s (“SGK”) Financial Assistance Program (“KFA”). The KFA is focused on advancing health equity for under-insured, uninsured, and underserved populations.

The Bank is dedicated to addressing health inequalities and improving access to breast cancer care. SGK helps women and men, including those with little or no health insurance, receive breast health education, screening, treatment, and support. 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will face a breast cancer diagnosis during their lifetime. Every 12 minutes, a woman in the U.S. dies from breast cancer. Experts say one-third of breast cancer deaths in the U.S. could be prevented with universal access to modern treatments.

“The Bank’s support for Komen’s health equity mission grows our ability to deliver on saving lives by meeting the most critical needs in our communities,” said Megan Klink, Vice President of Susan G. Komen’s West Region. “With the Bank's partnership, we are helping breast cancer patients in need access and complete life-saving treatment."

“Pacific Premier is proud to partner with Susan G. Komen in the important fight against breast cancer, particularly in supporting underserved women and men,” said Sherri Scott, Sr. EVP/Chief ESG & Corporate Responsibility Officer for Pacific Premier Bank. “We hope our support provides more access to treatment and education as well as financial peace of mind to those affected by the disease.”

For more information about Susan G. Komen, visit

About Susan G. Komen®

Susan G. Komen® is the world’s leading nonprofit breast cancer organization, working to save lives and end breast cancer forever. Komen has an unmatched, comprehensive 360-degree approach to fighting this disease across all fronts and supporting millions of people in the U.S. and in countries worldwide. We advocate for patients, drive research breakthroughs, improve access to high-quality care, offer direct patient support and empower people with trustworthy information. Founded by Nancy G. Brinker, who promised her sister, Susan G. Komen, that she would end the disease that claimed Suzy’s life, Komen remains committed to supporting those affected by breast cancer today, while tirelessly searching for tomorrow’s cures. To find resources, please visit or call 1-877 GO KOMEN.

About Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc.

Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc. (Nasdaq: PPBI) is the parent company of Pacific Premier Bank, a California-based commercial bank focused on serving small, middle-market, and corporate businesses throughout the western United States in major metropolitan markets in California, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, and Nevada. Founded in 1983, Pacific Premier Bank has grown to become one of the largest banks headquartered in the western region of the United States, with approximately $18 billion in total assets. Pacific Premier Bank provides banking products and services, including deposit accounts, digital banking, and treasury management services, to businesses, professionals, entrepreneurs, real estate investors, and nonprofit organizations. Pacific Premier Bank also offers a wide array of loan products, such as commercial business loans, lines of credit, SBA loans, commercial real estate loans, agribusiness loans, franchise lending, home equity lines of credit, and construction loans. Pacific Premier Bank offers commercial escrow services and facilitates 1031 Exchange transactions through its Commerce Escrow division. Pacific Premier Bank offers clients IRA custodial services through its Pacific Premier Trust division, which has approximately $17 billion of assets under custody and over 32,000 client accounts comprised of self-directed investors, financial institutions, capital syndicators, and financial advisors. Additionally, Pacific Premier Bank provides nationwide customized banking solutions to Homeowners’ Associations and Property Management companies. Pacific Premier Bank is an Equal Housing Lender and Member FDIC. For additional information about Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc. and Pacific Premier Bank, visit our website:

Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc.

Steven R. Gardner

Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President

(949) 864-8000

Ronald J. Nicolas, Jr.

Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

(949) 864-8000

Matthew J. Lazzaro

Senior Vice President and Director of Investor Relations

(949) 243-1082

Source: Pacific Premier Bancorp, Inc.


What is the amount of Pacific Premier Bank's grant to Susan G. Komen's Financial Assistance Program?

Pacific Premier Bank has committed $100,000 over the next two years to support Susan G. Komen's Financial Assistance Program.

What is the purpose of Susan G. Komen's Financial Assistance Program supported by PPBI?

The Financial Assistance Program aims to advance health equity for under-insured, uninsured, and underserved populations facing breast cancer by providing access to breast health education, screening, treatment, and support.

How often does a woman in the U.S. die from breast cancer according to the PPBI press release?

According to the press release, a woman in the U.S. dies from breast cancer every 12 minutes.

What percentage of breast cancer deaths in the U.S. could potentially be prevented with universal access to modern treatments?

Experts say that one-third of breast cancer deaths in the U.S. could be prevented with universal access to modern treatments.

Pacific Premier Bancorp Inc


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