Positron Corporation Introduces New, Advanced Designed, Economically Priced PET-CT

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Positron (OTC: POSC) has introduced its new NeuSight PET-CT 3D 64 slice scanner for the US and North American markets. This advanced imaging system sets a new standard in diagnostic precision, patient comfort, and operational efficiency for nuclear cardiology practices and hospitals. The scanner offers superior image clarity and resolution, essential for accurate cardiac diagnostics, and is designed for both cardiology and oncology clinical studies.

Key features include a spacious 72cm gantry, high-sensitivity acquisition technology, and the smallest footprint and lightest weight of any PET-CT 64 slice system in the industry. Positron has exclusive rights for North American distribution through a partnership with Neusoft Medical Systems. The company aims to meet increased demand in nuclear cardiology driven by technological advancements and favorable reimbursement environment.

Positron (OTC: POSC) ha introdotto il suo nuovo scanner NeuSight PET-CT 3D a 64 slice per i mercati statunitensi e nordamericani. Questo sistema di imaging avanzato stabilisce un nuovo standard in precisione diagnostica, comfort del paziente e efficienza operativa per le pratiche di cardiologia nucleare e ospedali. Lo scanner offre una superiore chiarezza e risoluzione delle immagini, essenziali per diagnosi cardiache accurate, ed è progettato per studi clinici sia in cardiologia che oncologia.

Le caratteristiche chiave includono un grande gantry da 72 cm, tecnologia di acquisizione ad alta sensibilità e il più piccolo ingombro e peso leggero di qualsiasi sistema PET-CT a 64 slice sul mercato. Positron ha diritti esclusivi per la distribuzione nordamericana attraverso una partnership con Neusoft Medical Systems. L'azienda mira a soddisfare l'aumento della domanda nella cardiologia nucleare guidata dai progressi tecnologici e da un ambiente di rimborso favorevole.

Positron (OTC: POSC) ha presentado su nuevo escáner NeuSight PET-CT 3D de 64 cortes para los mercados de Estados Unidos y América del Norte. Este sistema de imágenes avanzadas establece un nuevo estándar en precisión diagnóstica, comodidad del paciente y eficiencia operativa para las prácticas de cardiología nuclear y hospitales. El escáner ofrece una superior claridad y resolución de imagen, esenciales para diagnósticos cardíacos precisos, y está diseñado para estudios clínicos tanto en cardiología como en oncología.

Las características principales incluyen un gantry espacioso de 72 cm, tecnología de adquisición de alta sensibilidad, y el más pequeño espacio y el peso más ligero de cualquier sistema PET-CT de 64 cortes en la industria. Positron tiene derechos exclusivos para la distribución en América del Norte a través de una asociación con Neusoft Medical Systems. La empresa tiene como objetivo satisfacer la creciente demanda en cardiología nuclear impulsada por los avances tecnológicos y un entorno de reembolso favorable.

포지트론 (OTC: POSC)이 미국 및 북미 시장을 위한 뉴사이트 PET-CT 3D 64 슬라이스 스캐너를 출시했습니다. 이 고급 이미징 시스템은 핵심의학 및 병원에서의 진단 정밀도, 환자 편안함 및 운영 효율성의 새로운 기준을 설정합니다. 이 스캐너는 정확한 심장 진단에 필수적인 우수한 이미지 선명도 및 해상도를 제공하며, 심장병학 및 종양학 임상 연구 모두에 적합하게 설계되었습니다.

주요 기능으로는 넓은 72cm 갠트리, 고감도 획득 기술, 그리고 업계에서 가장 작은 설치 면적과 가장 가벼운 무게를 가진 64 슬라이스 PET-CT 시스템이 포함됩니다. 포지트론은 Neusoft Medical Systems와의 파트너십을 통해 북미 배급에 대한 독점권을 보유하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 기술 발전과 유리한 환급 환경에 의해 증가하는 핵심의학 수요를 충족하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Positron (OTC: POSC) a lancé son nouveau scanneur NeuSight PET-CT 3D à 64 coupes pour les marchés américain et nord-américain. Ce système d'imagerie avancé établit une nouvelle norme en matière de précision diagnostique, de confort du patient et d'efficacité opérationnelle pour les pratiques de cardiologie nucléaire et les hôpitaux. Le scanneur offre une clarté et une résolution d'image supérieures, essentielles pour des diagnostics cardiaques précis, et est conçu pour des études cliniques en cardiologie et en oncologie.

Les caractéristiques clés comprennent un gantry spacieux de 72 cm, une technologie d'acquisition haute sensibilité, et le plus petit encombrement et le poids le plus léger de tous les systèmes PET-CT à 64 coupes sur le marché. Positron dispose de droits exclusifs de distribution pour l'Amérique du Nord grâce à un partenariat avec Neusoft Medical Systems. L'entreprise vise à répondre à la demande croissante en cardiologie nucléaire, stimulée par les progrès technologiques et un environnement de remboursement favorable.

Positron (OTC: POSC) hat seinen neuen NeuSight PET-CT 3D 64-Slice-Scanner für die US-amerikanischen und nordamerikanischen Märkte eingeführt. Dieses fortschrittliche Bildgebungssystem setzt einen neuen Standard in diagnostischer Präzision, Patiententransparenz und betrieblicher Effizienz für die nukleare Kardiologie und Krankenhäuser. Der Scanner bietet überlegene Bildklarheit und Auflösung, die für genaue kardiologische Diagnosen unerlässlich sind, und ist sowohl für Kardiologie- als auch Onkologie-Studien ausgelegt.

Zu den Hauptmerkmalen gehören ein geräumiger 72 cm Gantry, hochsensitives Erfassungstechnik und der kleinste Platzbedarf und das geringste Gewicht eines PET-CT 64-Slice-Systems in der Branche. Positron hat exklusive Rechte für die nordamerikanische Distribution durch eine Partnerschaft mit Neusoft Medical Systems. Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, die steigende Nachfrage in der nuklearen Kardiologie zu decken, die durch technische Fortschritte und eine vorteilhafte Erstattungsumgebung angetrieben wird.

  • Introduction of advanced NeuSight PET-CT 3D 64 slice scanner for US and North American markets
  • Exclusive distribution rights for North America
  • Scanner offers superior image clarity and resolution for accurate cardiac diagnostics
  • Versatile system suitable for both cardiology and oncology clinical studies
  • Smallest footprint and lightest weight in its class, improving operational efficiency
  • Approximately 500 systems sold internationally, indicating market acceptance
  • None.

Niagara Falls, NY, July 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Positron Corporation (“Positron” or the “Company”) (OTC: POSC), a leading molecular imaging medical device company offering PET & PET-CT imaging systems, is pleased to present its new NeuSight PET-CT 3D 64 slice scanner, available for US and North American Markets. The NeuSight PET-CT advanced technology sets a new standard in imaging and diagnostic precision, patient comfort, and operational efficiency for nuclear cardiology practices and hospitals.

The NeuSight PET-CT was designed to revolutionize cardiac PET imaging, offering unparalleled value, empowering practices with cutting-edge technology at an unmatched price. The NeuSight PET-CT scanner is a highly acclaimed, top performing scanner, with installations throughout the world.

The NeuSight PET-CT is an innovative, inexpensive PET-CT system making it ideal for both cardiology and oncology clinical studies having superior data acquisition, with identification technology for improved scanning speed and accuracy. The NeuSight PET-CT system provides anatomic and functional imaging with qualified designs and technology, serving multiple molecular imaging functions for heart, tumor, and brain imaging studies.

NeuSight PET-CT’s detector modules are designed to interface with scintillating crystals for improved photoelectric conversion efficiency, high sensitivity, and temporal resolution. Proprietary IPIE technology improves spatial resolution and data accuracy. A key feature of NeuSight PET-CT incorporates clear honeycomb and patented asymmetrical light-guided technology delivering superior image clarity and resolution, essential for accurate cardiac diagnostics. Advanced clinical applications from 4D Gate capabilities for precise attenuation correction and fusion to optimized image fusion algorithms and quality control procedures, the system enables clinicians to achieve superior clinical outcomes with every scan.

An important feature is the systems design for patient comfort with a spacious 72cm gantry and high-sensitivity acquisition technology ensures safety with minimal radiation exposure for patients and technicians. The NeuSight PET-CT scanner has the smallest footprint and lightest weight of any PET-CT 64 slice system in the industry.

The NeuSight PET-CT is manufactured by Neusoft Medical Systems with Positron having exclusive rights for the North American market to sell/distribute the NeuSight PET-CT scanner through a business cooperation agreement with Neusoft Medical Systems’ subsidiary, Shenyang Intelligent Neuclear Medical Technology Co.

Adel Abdullah, President of Positron, stated, “We are excited to bring the NeuSight PET-CT to imaging practices and hospitals serving both segment of nuclear cardiology and oncology imaging. This marks a significant milestone for Positron as it enters the PET-CT market at an opportune time to meet an increased demand in nuclear cardiology driven by advancements in technology and a favorable reimbursement environment for PET-CT technology.”

“NeuSight PET-CT is a versatile scanner and an ideal solution for SPECT providers adopting the PET modality. NeuSight PET-CT is also a great fit for oncology practices seeking new systems for enhanced diagnostic and disease management capabilities.” Mr. Abdullah further added, “Positron’s NeuSight PET-CT system combined with our comprehensive clinical services are the best value of technology, operational efficiency and practice sustainability in the industry. We are confident that our new system offers the perfect balance of quality, speed, size, and low cost to own and operate and is the system of choice for any molecular imaging provider seeking to take their practice to the next level with PET-CT imaging.” 

Mr. Abdullah shared, “The NeuSight PET-CT system has been extremely successful for Neusoft Medical Systems with approximately 500 systems sold internationally, and we are confident we will see similar demand in the United States and all of North America.”

About Positron Corporation

Positron Corporation is a medical technology company that co-develops, manufactures, and sells  state-of-the-art PET and PET-CT imaging systems and clinical services to nuclear medicine healthcare providers throughout North America.

Positron specializes in the field of cardiac Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging, the gold standard in cardiac diagnostics. Positron’s innovative PET/PET-CT technologies, clinical services and practice solutions enables healthcare providers to accurately diagnose coronary artery disease and improve patient outcomes while practicing cost effective medicine.

Positron's Attrius® PET and NeuSight PET-CT 3D imaging systems and distinct market position are substantial advantages unique to Positron that will facilitate the adoption of cardiac PET and the growth of the nuclear imaging market. Positron will soon offer a state-of-the-art PET-CT 4D molecular imaging device in the Affinity PET-CT 4D 64-Slice. Positron’s PET-CT(s) will enable nuclear cardiologists to utilize the full capabilities of molecular imaging and nuclear medicine. Positron’s PET-CT systems will also enable the Company to fully service and meet the demands of the vast oncology imaging segment of nuclear medicine. 

Positron is committed to expanding the cardiac and oncology PET-CT by delivering the best technology and value to imaging specialists and will continue to advance its technology through its co-developer, supplier, and R&D venture with Shenyang Intelligent Neuclear Technology Co. a subsidiary of Neusoft Medical Systems.   

About Neusoft Medical Systems Co., Ltd.

Neusoft Medical Systems is a leading global clinical diagnosis and treatment solution provider, headquartered in China. Neusoft Medical Systems is constantly innovating its portfolio of medical imaging diagnosis and clinical solutions in CT, MRI, DSA, XR, PET/CT, RT, US and IVD. Neusoft Medical Systems also is developing MDaaS (Medical Devices & Data as a Service), a strategic product line built using the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, combined with other technologies improving medical institutions' ability to diagnose and treat patients, achieving operational excellence. Innovation is always the driving force of Neusoft Medical Systems. Neusoft Medical Systems is collaborating with global scientists and medical institutions dedicated to advancing the technology of medical imaging solutions. Together with 45,000 installations in more than 110 countries, Neusoft Medical Systems provides advanced, high-quality medical imaging solutions to patients around the world. Neusoft Medical Systems is dedicated to being an excellent value innovator of global healthcare services. Through innovation and excellent operations, Neusoft Medical Systems is advancing healthcare products across a wide range of medical solutions and services to enhance global healthcare to all.

Forward-Looking Statements 

This press release contains statements which may constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Those statements include statements regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of Positron Corporation, and members of its management as well as the assumptions on which such statements are based. Prospective investors are cautioned that any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and that actual results may differ materially from those contemplated by such forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect changed assumptions, the occurrence of unanticipated events or changes to future operating results even if new information becomes available in the future.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, please visit the company’s website at, or contact: 


What is the new product introduced by Positron (POSC)?

Positron (POSC) has introduced the NeuSight PET-CT 3D 64 slice scanner for the US and North American markets.

What are the key features of Positron's (POSC) NeuSight PET-CT scanner?

The NeuSight PET-CT scanner features superior image clarity and resolution, a spacious 72cm gantry, high-sensitivity acquisition technology, and the smallest footprint and lightest weight in its class. It's designed for both cardiology and oncology clinical studies.

How many NeuSight PET-CT systems has Neusoft Medical Systems sold internationally?

According to the press release, Neusoft Medical Systems has sold approximately 500 NeuSight PET-CT systems internationally.

What exclusive rights does Positron (POSC) have for the NeuSight PET-CT scanner?

Positron (POSC) has exclusive rights for the distribution of the NeuSight PET-CT scanner in the North American market.



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Medical Devices
United States of America
Niagara Falls