Insulet Celebrates Grand Opening of 400,000-square-foot Manufacturing Facility in Malaysia

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Insulet (NASDAQ: PODD), the global leader in tubeless insulin pump technology, celebrated the grand opening of its new 400,000-square-foot manufacturing facility in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. This state-of-the-art facility will produce the Omnipod® 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System, strengthening Insulet's global operational capabilities and supply chain resiliency.

The facility, twice the size of Insulet's Acton, Massachusetts plant, currently employs over 350 full-time workers, with plans to expand to more than 1,000 in the coming years. It features sustainable elements, including 5,700 solar panels and a rainwater harvesting system, aiming for Green Building Index (GBI) certification and LEED Silver certification.

This $200M investment is expected to have a significant impact on the local economy while ensuring uninterrupted access to Insulet's products for customers worldwide.

Insulet (NASDAQ: PODD), leader globale nella tecnologia delle pompe insuliniche senza tubo, ha celebrato l'inaugurazione del suo nuovo stabilimento di produzione di 400.000 piedi quadrati a Johor Bahru, Malesia. Questa struttura all'avanguardia produrrà il Omnipod® 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System, rafforzando le capacità operative globali di Insulet e la resilienza della catena di approvvigionamento.

Lo stabilimento, che è il doppio rispetto a quello di Insulet a Acton, Massachusetts, attualmente impiega oltre 350 lavoratori a tempo pieno, con piani per espandersi a oltre 1.000 nei prossimi anni. Presenta elementi sostenibili, tra cui 5.700 pannelli solari e un sistema di raccolta dell'acqua piovana, puntando a ottenere la certificazione del Green Building Index (GBI) e la certificazione LEED Silver.

Questo investimento da 200 milioni di dollari avrà un impatto significativo sull'economia locale, garantendo al contempo un accesso ininterrotto ai prodotti di Insulet per i clienti in tutto il mondo.

Insulet (NASDAQ: PODD), líder global en tecnología de bombas de insulina sin tubos, celebró la gran apertura de su nueva planta de fabricación de 400,000 pies cuadrados en Johor Bahru, Malasia. Esta instalación de última generación producirá el Omnipod® 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System, fortaleciendo las capacidades operativas globales de Insulet y la resiliencia de su cadena de suministro.

La planta, que tiene el doble del tamaño de la de Insulet en Acton, Massachusetts, actualmente emplea a más de 350 trabajadores a tiempo completo, con planes de expandirse a más de 1,000 en los próximos años. Cuenta con elementos sostenibles, incluidos 5,700 paneles solares y un sistema de recolección de agua de lluvia, con el objetivo de obtener la certificación del Green Building Index (GBI) y la certificación LEED Silver.

Esta inversión de 200 millones de dólares se espera que tenga un impacto significativo en la economía local, al tiempo que garantiza un acceso ininterrumpido a los productos de Insulet para los clientes de todo el mundo.

인슐렛(주식코드: PODD), 튜브 없는 인슐린 펌프 기술의 글로벌 리더가 말레이시아 조호르바루에 400,000 평방피트 규모의 신규 제조 시설의 개소를 축하했습니다. 이 최신식 시설은 Omnipod® 5 자동 인슐린 전달 시스템을 생산하여 인슐렛의 글로벌 운영 능력과 공급망 회복력을 강화할 것입니다.

이 시설은 인슐렛의 매사추세츠주 액톤 공장보다 두 배 큰 규모로 현재 350명 이상의 정규직 근로자를 고용하고 있으며, 향후 1,000명 이상으로 확장할 계획입니다. 5,700개의 태양광 패널과 빗물 수확 시스템을 포함한 지속 가능한 요소를 특징으로 하며, Green Building Index (GBI) 인증과 LEED Silver 인증을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

이 2억 달러 규모의 투자는 지역 경제에 상당한 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상되며, 동시에 전 세계 고객들이 인슐렛의 제품에 지속적으로 접근할 수 있도록 보장합니다.

Insulet (NASDAQ: PODD), leader mondial de la technologie des pompes à insuline sans tubulure, a célébré l'inauguration de son nouvel établissement de fabrication de 400 000 pieds carrés à Johor Bahru, Malaisie. Cette installation ultramoderne produira le Omnipod® 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System, renforçant les capacités opérationnelles mondiales d’Insulet et la résilience de sa chaîne d'approvisionnement.

L’établissement, qui est deux fois plus grand que l'usine d’Insulet à Acton, Massachusetts, emploie actuellement plus de 350 travailleurs à temps plein, avec des plans pour s'étendre à plus de 1 000 dans les années à venir. Il présente des éléments durables, y compris 5 700 panneaux solaires et un système de collecte des eaux de pluie, visant à obtenir la certification du Green Building Index (GBI) et la certification LEED Argent.

Cet investissement de 200 millions de dollars devrait avoir un impact significatif sur l'économie locale tout en garantissant un accès ininterrompu aux produits d’Insulet pour les clients du monde entier.

Insulet (NASDAQ: PODD), der globale Marktführer in der technologie für tubeless Insulinpumpen, feierte die Eröffnung seiner neuen 400.000 Quadratfuß großen Produktionsstätte in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Diese hochmoderne Einrichtung wird das Omnipod® 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System produzieren und damit die globalen Betriebsfähigkeiten von Insulet sowie die Belastbarkeit der Lieferkette stärken.

Die Anlage ist doppelt so groß wie die Insulet-Fabrik in Acton, Massachusetts, und beschäftigt derzeit über 350 Vollzeitmitarbeiter, mit Plänen, in den kommenden Jahren auf mehr als 1.000 zu expandieren. Sie verfügt über nachhaltige Elemente, darunter 5.700 Solarplatten und ein Regenwassernutzungssystem, und strebt die Zertifizierung des Green Building Index (GBI) sowie die LEED Silber Zertifizierung an.

Diese 200 Millionen Dollar Investition wird voraussichtlich erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die lokale Wirtschaft haben und gleichzeitig einen ununterbrochenen Zugang zu Insulet Produkten für Kunden weltweit gewährleisten.

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Global tubeless insulin pump technology leader officially commences manufacturing of Omnipod® 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System at new facility, enabling continued worldwide customer growth

ACTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Insulet Corporation (NASDAQ: PODD) (Insulet or the Company), the global leader in tubeless insulin pump technology with its Omnipod® brand of products, today hosted a grand opening celebration at its new manufacturing facility in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Insulet President and CEO Jim Hollingshead, senior leaders, and local employees celebrate the official grand opening of the new 400,000-square-foot manufacturing facility in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. (Photo: Business Wire)

Insulet President and CEO Jim Hollingshead, senior leaders, and local employees celebrate the official grand opening of the new 400,000-square-foot manufacturing facility in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. (Photo: Business Wire)

“Insulet’s remarkable growth is driven by our market-leading Omnipod 5, the first and only tubeless automated insulin delivery system in the U.S.,” said Jim Hollingshead, Insulet President and Chief Executive Officer. “Our new state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Malaysia positions us strategically to stay ahead of the huge demand for Omnipod, ensuring our customers have uninterrupted access to our products from this thriving region with great talent.”

The new manufacturing facility will strengthen the Company’s global operational capabilities and supply chain resiliency. Located on the southern end of the Malay Peninsula just north of Singapore, the 400,000-square-foot facility is twice the size of Insulet’s highly automated manufacturing facility in Acton, Massachusetts. Currently, more than 350 full-time Insulet employees work at the new facility with plans to grow to more than 1,000 in the coming years, part of a $200M investment in the area.

The new manufacturing facility was designed with sustainable elements to eventually achieve both Green Building Index (GBI) certification and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification, which is part of Insulet’s global efforts to minimize its environmental impact in the areas where it operates.

The nearly 13-acre site includes more than 5,700 solar panels that generate approximately 15% of the buildings’ power needs. To reduce potential stress to local water sources, an underground rainwater harvesting system, comprised of three rainwater capture units, was built with the capacity to satisfy 30% of the landscaping water needs. Additionally, energy efficient equipment and construction materials were used as hardscape material to reduce heat island effects.

“We congratulate Insulet on completing construction ahead of schedule,” said YB Lee Ting Han, Johor State Investment, Trade and Consumer Affairs Committee Chairman. “The manufacturing facility is up and running with a local workforce that has been upskilled and trained. This investment by Insulet will have a profound impact on the local economy for many years to come as they grow globally.”

United States Ambassador to Malaysia Edgard D. Kagan and members of the United States Embassy attended today’s ceremony.

About Insulet Corporation:

Insulet Corporation (NASDAQ: PODD), headquartered in Massachusetts, is an innovative medical device company dedicated to simplifying life for people with diabetes and other conditions through its Omnipod product platform. The Omnipod Insulin Management System provides a unique alternative to traditional insulin delivery methods. With its simple, wearable design, the disposable Pod provides up to three days of non-stop insulin delivery, without the need to see or handle a needle. Insulet’s latest innovation, the Omnipod® 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System, is a tubeless automated insulin delivery system, integrated with a continuous glucose monitor to manage blood sugar with no multiple daily injections, zero fingersticks, and can be fully controlled by a compatible personal smartphone in the U.S. or by the Omnipod 5 Controller. Insulet also leverages the unique design of its Pod by tailoring its Omnipod technology platform for the delivery of non-insulin subcutaneous drugs across other therapeutic areas. For more information, please visit: and

©2024 Insulet Corporation. Omnipod is a registered trademark of Insulet Corporation. All rights reserved.

Investor Relations:

Deborah R. Gordon

Vice President, Investor Relations

(978) 600-7717


Angela Geryak Wiczek

Senior Director, Corporate Communications

(978) 932-0611

Source: Insulet Corporation


What is the size of Insulet's new manufacturing facility in Malaysia?

Insulet's new manufacturing facility in Johor Bahru, Malaysia is 400,000 square feet, which is twice the size of their facility in Acton, Massachusetts.

How many employees does Insulet (PODD) plan to have at the new Malaysia facility?

Insulet currently has over 350 full-time employees at the new Malaysia facility and plans to grow to more than 1,000 employees in the coming years.

What product will be manufactured at Insulet's new facility in Malaysia?

The new facility in Malaysia will manufacture the Omnipod® 5 Automated Insulin Delivery System, Insulet's tubeless automated insulin delivery system.

What sustainable features does Insulet's (PODD) new Malaysia facility include?

The facility includes over 5,700 solar panels generating about 15% of the building's power needs and an underground rainwater harvesting system that can satisfy 30% of landscaping water needs.

What certifications is Insulet aiming for with its new Malaysia facility?

Insulet is aiming to achieve both Green Building Index (GBI) certification and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification for its new Malaysia facility.

Insulet Corporation


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