Power Nickel Summer Drilling Program Expands The High Grade Polymetallic Lion Zone by 50%

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Power Nickel Inc. (TSXV: PNPN) (OTCBB: PNPNF) reports successful expansion of the Lion Zone polymetallic discovery at its Nisk project. Key highlights:

  • 10 out of 12 summer drill holes intercepted sulphides mineralization
  • Lion Zone expanded westward and 150m deeper vertically
  • Footprint now reaches 350m laterally and 450m vertically
  • Massive chalcopyrite zone thickness ranges from 5-10m in core to <1m laterally
  • Shallower westward plunge discovered, potentially reducing future costs
  • Ground-based geophysics underway with new targets expected mid-October
  • Fully funded 30,000m winter drill program planned

CEO Terry Lynch states the Lion Zone is developing into a 'world-class polymetallic discovery'. Assay results from promising holes expected late September.

Power Nickel Inc. (TSXV: PNPN) (OTCBB: PNPNF) riporta un'espansione vincente della scoperta polimetallica della Zona Leone nel suo progetto Nisk. Punti salienti:

  • 10 dei 12 fori di perforazione estivi hanno intercettato mineralizzazione di solfuri
  • La Zona Leone si è espansa verso ovest e 150m più in profondità verticalmente
  • L'impronta ora raggiunge i 350m lateralmente e 450m verticalmente
  • Lo spessore della zona massiccia di calcopirite varia da 5-10m nel nucleo a <1m lateralmente
  • È stata scoperta una pendenza più superficiale verso ovest, che potrebbe ridurre i costi futuri
  • La geofisica di superficie è in corso con nuovi obiettivi previsti per metà ottobre
  • Un programma di perforazione invernale di 30,000m totalmente finanziato è pianificato

Il CEO Terry Lynch afferma che la Zona Leone sta diventando una 'scoperta polimetallica di classe mondiale'. Si prevede che i risultati delle analisi dei fori promettenti arriveranno a fine settembre.

Power Nickel Inc. (TSXV: PNPN) (OTCBB: PNPNF) informa sobre la exitosa expansión del descubrimiento polimetálico de la Zona León en su proyecto Nisk. Puntos destacados:

  • 10 de los 12 agujeros de perforación de verano interceptaron mineralización de sulfuros
  • La Zona León se ha expandido hacia el oeste y 150m más profundo verticalmente
  • La huella ahora alcanza 350m lateralmente y 450m verticalmente
  • El grosor de la zona masiva de calcopirita varía de 5-10m en el núcleo a <1m lateralmente
  • Se descubrió una inclinación más superficial hacia el oeste, lo que podría reducir los costos futuros
  • La geofísica terrestre está en marcha con nuevos objetivos esperados a mediados de octubre
  • Se planea un programa de perforación invernal de 30,000m completamente financiado

El CEO Terry Lynch declara que la Zona León se está convirtiendo en un 'descubrimiento polimetálico de clase mundial'. Se esperan resultados de análisis de agujeros prometedores a finales de septiembre.

파워 니켈 주식회사 (TSXV: PNPN) (OTCBB: PNPNF)는 Nisk 프로젝트에서 라이온 존 다중 금속 발견의 성공적인 확장을 보고했습니다. 주요 내용:

  • 여름 굴착 구멍 12개 중 10개가 황화물 광물화를 포착했습니다.
  • 라이온 존은 서쪽으로 150m 더 깊게 확장되었습니다.
  • 발자국은 현재 수평으로 350m, 수직으로 450m에 달합니다.
  • 거대 칠코프라이트 구역의 두께는 핵심에서 5-10m, 수평에서 <1m입니다.
  • 더 얕은 서쪽으로의 경사가 발견되어 향후 비용을 절감할 수 있을 것으로 보입니다.
  • 지반 기반 지구 물리학이 진행 중이며 새로운 타겟이 10월 중순에 예상됩니다.
  • 완전히 자금이 지원되는 30,000m 겨울 굴착 프로그램이 계획되어 있습니다.

CEO 테리 린치는 라이온 존이 '세계적 수준의 다중 금속 발견'으로 발전하고 있다고 말합니다. 유망한 구멍의 분석 결과는 9월 하순에 예상됩니다.

Power Nickel Inc. (TSXV: PNPN) (OTCBB: PNPNF) annonce l'expansion réussie de la découverte polymétallique de la Zone Lion dans son projet Nisk. Principaux points à retenir :

  • 10 des 12 forages d'été ont intercepté une minéralisation de sulfure
  • La Zone Lion s'est élargie vers l'ouest et a été approfondie de 150m verticalement
  • L'emprise atteint maintenant 350m latéralement et 450m verticalement
  • Épaisseur de la zone massive de chalcopyrite variant de 5 à 10m dans le cœur à <1m latéralement
  • Une plongée plus superficielle vers l'ouest a été découverte, ce qui pourrait réduire les coûts futurs
  • La géophysique au sol est en cours, de nouveaux objectifs étant attendus pour mi-octobre
  • Un programme de forage hivernal de 30 000m entièrement financé est prévu

Le PDG Terry Lynch déclare que la Zone Lion est en train de devenir une 'découverte polymétallique de classe mondiale'. Les résultats d'analyse des forages prometteurs sont attendus fin septembre.

Power Nickel Inc. (TSXV: PNPN) (OTCBB: PNPNF) berichtet über die erfolgreiche Erweiterung der Löwenzone polymetallischen Entdeckung in seinem Nisk-Projekt. Wichtige Highlights:

  • 10 von 12 Sommerbohrlöchern haben sulfidhaltige Mineralisierung getroffen
  • Die Löwenzone wurde nach Westen und 150m vertikal tiefer erweitert
  • Der Fußabdruck reicht jetzt 350m seitlich und 450m vertikal
  • Die Dicke der massiven Chalkopyritzone reicht von 5-10m im Kern bis <1m seitlich
  • Eine flachere westliche Neigung wurde entdeckt, die möglicherweise zukünftige Kosten senken könnte
  • Bodenbasierte Geophysik ist im Gange, neue Ziele werden für Mitte Oktober erwartet
  • Ein vollständig finanzierter Winterbohrprogramm von 30.000m ist geplant

CEO Terry Lynch erklärt, dass die Löwenzone sich zu einer 'weltklassigen polymetallischen Entdeckung' entwickelt. Analyseergebnisse aus vielversprechenden Löchern werden Ende September erwartet.

  • Expansion of Lion Zone by 50%, now reaching 350m laterally and 450m vertically
  • 10 out of 12 drill holes intercepted sulphides mineralization
  • Discovery of shallower westward plunge, potentially reducing future drilling and operating costs
  • Fully funded 30,000m winter drill program planned
  • Successful implementation of systematic exploration process
  • None.

TORONTO, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Power Nickel Inc. (the "Company" or "Power Nickel") (TSXV: PNPN) (OTCBB: PNPNF) (Frankfurt: IVV) is pleased to announce that 10 out the 12 holes drilled so far from the Company's summer drilling program at the Lion Zone discovery have intercepted sulphides mineralization.


  • The High-Grade portion of the Lion Zone one continues to the west, with a shallower plunge than what was previously anticipated, as shown by holes PN-24-69 to PN-24-074.
  • The Lion Zone is present at depth, as shown by holes PN-24-063 toPN-24-068, expanding its footprint deeper by another 150m vertical.
  • Ground-based geophysics is underway at Lion Zone and new targets from the consolidated gravity and EM surveys interpretation are anticipated to be available when drilling resumes mid-October, after the traditional month long "Moose Break".

"Our 2024 summer drilling program had two objectives: (1) Grow the Lion Zone and (2) Establish a process designed by Dr. Steve Beresford to maximize our ability to explore the project on a systematic basis, using approaches he used successfully with First Quantum, MMG, and IGO. I am very pleased to report success in accomplishing these objectives. The first results you will note in our Lion Zone growth and in the pictures below. The second will come in our planned fully funded 30,000 meter winter drill program. The Lion Zone, and indeed Nisk overall, is blossoming into what we believe will be a world-class polymetallic discovery. We look forward to building on this summers hard work and success into what we feel will be a company defining winter program," stated CEO Terry Lynch.

The Company's 2024 summer drill program is currently focussed on drilling systematically the Lion Zone using a 50 to 75 m square grid approach, which allows a better understanding of the internal distribution of the high-grade polymetallic mineralization within the zone. Three areas have been successfully tested so far: A- the area directly below the zone (holes PN-24-063 to -068), expanding the zone by 150 m vertically, B- the west boundary (PN-24-069 to -071), where the zone appears to be thicker and more massive in nature, and C- below the known west boundary, following the interpreted plunge of the zone (see Figures 1 and 2 below). With the new holes considered, the Lion Zone now shows a footprint reaching 350 m laterally and 450 m vertically, representing a significant increase in size.

Figure 1: Longitudinal view of the Lion Discovery zone; highlighting the location of holes PN-24-063 to PN-24-075. This figure highlights the current size the of the zone, given the successful intersections of the semi-massive to massive sulphides from the new holes. (CNW Group/Power Nickel Inc.)

Figure 2: Surface plan view of the Lion Discovery zone; highlighting the location of holes PN-24-063 to PN-24-075. The figure highlights the currently projected size the of the zone. (CNW Group/Power Nickel Inc.)

Assays from several promising holes are now in at the laboratory and the Company expects to report on these by late September.

The thickness of the massive chalcopyrite zone remains the same, ranging from up to 5-10 meters true width in the core of the zone to less than 1 meter laterally. Figures 3 to 5 below present cross-sections through the Lion Zone area drilled this summer. It is noticeable that most of the new drillholes are close to being perpendicular to the zone, yielding close to true thickness intersections. The figures also present observed sulphides mineralization in the core.

Figure 3: Sections 04+00. Mineralized zone is between Red Brackets. Comprised of Massive And Semi Massive Chalcopyrite and Stringers. Standard core box length is 1.5 metres. (CNW Group/Power Nickel Inc.)

Figure 4: Sections 04+50. Mineralized zone is between Red Brackets. Comprised of Massive And Semi Massive Chalcopyrite and Stringers. (CNW Group/Power Nickel Inc.)

Figure 5: Sections 05+00. Mineralized zone is between Red Brackets. Comprised of Massive And Semi Massive Chalcopyrite and Stringers. (CNW Group/Power Nickel Inc.)

"This new information now allows us to anticipate a much shallower westward plunging chute within the Lion Zone that will benefit both short-term drilling costs and eventually, assuming commercialization, reduce operating costs. As Terry mentioned, we are achieving our two objectives of growing the Lion Zone and establishing an exploration process that incorporates geologic, geophysical, and geochemical data collection. We believe analysis and interpretation of this data will set us up for an aggressive winter exploration program. We look to extend the Lion Zone, and we hope to discover other Lion Zones and find what we believe will be the big brother extensions to Nisk Main, somewhere under the Lion Zone," commented Ken Williamson, VP Exploration. 

Qualified Person

Kenneth Williamson, Géo, M.Sc., VP Exploration at Power Nickel, is the qualified person who has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure contained in this news release.

About Power Nickel Inc.

Power Nickel is a Canadian junior exploration company focusing on developing the high-grade Nisk project into Canada's first Carbon Neutral Nickel mine.

The NISK property comprises a significant land position (20 kilometers of strike length) with numerous high-grade intercepts. Power Nickel is focused on expanding the historical high-grade nickel-copper PGE mineralization with a series of drill programs designed to test the initial Nisk discovery zone and to explore the land package for adjacent potential Nickel deposits.

In addition to the Nisk project, Power Nickel owns significant land packages in British Colombia and Chile. The Company is in the process of reorganizing these assets in a related vehicle, through a Plan of Arrangement that will be presented to Power Nickel shareholders of record for their approval.

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For further information, readers are encouraged to contact:
Power Nickel Inc.
The Canadian Venture Building
82 Richmond St East, Suite 202
Toronto, ON

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Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This message contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements" concerning the Company within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "potential," "indicates," "opportunity," "possible" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "could" or "should" occur. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance, are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results or realities may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Such material risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, among others, the timing for the Company to close the private placement or the second Nisk option or risk that such transactions do not close at all; raise sufficient capital to fund its obligations under its property agreements going forward; to maintain its mineral tenures and concessions in good standing; to explore and develop its projects; changes in economic conditions or financial markets; the inherent hazards associates with mineral exploration and mining operations; future prices of nickel and other metals; changes in general economic conditions; accuracy of mineral resource and reserve estimates; the potential for new discoveries; the ability of the Company to obtain the necessary permits and consents required to explore, drill and develop the projects and if accepted, to obtain such licenses and approvals in a timely fashion relative to the Company's plans and business objectives for the applicable project; the general ability of the Company to monetize its mineral resources; and changes in environmental and other laws or regulations that could have an impact on the Company's operations, compliance with environmental laws and regulations, dependence on key management personnel and general competition in the mining industry.

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SOURCE Power Nickel Inc.


What are the key results of Power Nickel's summer drilling program at the Lion Zone?

Power Nickel's summer drilling program expanded the Lion Zone by 50%, with 10 out of 12 holes intercepting sulphides mineralization. The zone now reaches 350m laterally and 450m vertically, with a shallower westward plunge discovered.

When will Power Nickel (PNPNF) release assay results from the summer drilling program?

Power Nickel expects to report assay results from several promising holes by late September 2024.

What is the thickness of the massive chalcopyrite zone in the Lion Zone?

The massive chalcopyrite zone thickness ranges from 5-10 meters true width in the core of the zone to less than 1 meter laterally.

What are Power Nickel's plans for future exploration at the Nisk project?

Power Nickel has a fully funded 30,000-meter winter drill program planned to further extend the Lion Zone and potentially discover other similar zones and extensions to Nisk Main.

Power Metallic Mines Inc


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