Power Nickel Extends Momentum - Closes Acquisition on 80% of Nisk

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Power Nickel Inc. has successfully acquired an additional 30% of the Nisk Project, bringing its ownership to 80%. The company has reported high-grade multi-elements assay results, showcasing impressive mineral discoveries. Power Nickel plans to continue exploration efforts and drilling at the Lion Discovery, with promising results and ongoing progress. The CEO expressed optimism about the project's potential and future production decisions, emphasizing the significant mineralization findings. The company's Winter 2024 drill program ended successfully, with notable intersections and positive assay results. Power Nickel remains committed to funding expenditures at Nisk until a Bankable Feasibility Study is presented, indicating a strong commitment to the project's development.
Power Nickel Inc. ha acquisito con successo un ulteriore 30% del Progetto Nisk, raggiungendo così un possesso dell'80%. La compagnia ha riportato risultati di saggi ad alto grado di multi-elementi, evidenziando scoperte minerali impressionanti. Power Nickel prevede di continuare gli sforzi di esplorazione e le perforazioni nella scoperta di Lion, con risultati promettenti e progressi continui. Il CEO si è espresso con ottimismo riguardo al potenziale del progetto e alle future decisioni di produzione, sottolineando i significativi ritrovamenti di mineralizzazione. Il programma di trivellazione invernale del 2024 della compagnia si è concluso con successo, con intersezioni notevoli e risultati positivi dei saggi. Power Nickel rimane impegnata a finanziare le spese a Nisk fino alla presentazione di uno Studio di Fattibilità Bancabile, indicando un forte impegno nello sviluppo del progetto.
Power Nickel Inc. ha adquirido exitosamente un 30% adicional del Proyecto Nisk, lo que aumenta su propiedad al 80%. La empresa ha reportado resultados de análisis de múltiples elementos de alta calidad, mostrando descubrimientos impresionantes de minerales. Power Nickel planea continuar con los esfuerzos de exploración y perforación en el Descubrimiento Lion, con resultados prometedores y progreso continuo. El CEO expresó optimismo sobre el potencial del proyecto y las futuras decisiones de producción, enfatizando los significativos hallazgos de mineralización. El programa de perforación de invierno 2024 de la compañía concluyó exitosamente, con intersecciones notables y resultados positivos de análisis. Power Nickel sigue comprometida con la financiación de gastos en Nisk hasta que se presente un Estudio de Factibilidad Bancable, indicando un fuerte compromiso con el desarrollo del proyecto.
파워 니켈 주식회사는 니스크 프로젝트의 추가 30%를 성공적으로 인수하여 그 소유지분을 80%까지 끌어올렸습니다. 회사는 높은 등급의 다중원소 분석 결과를 보고하며 인상적인 광물 발견을 보여주었습니다. 파워 니켈은 라이언 발견지에서의 탐사 및 드릴링을 계속할 계획이며, 약속된 결과와 지속적인 진행을 기대하고 있습니다. CEO는 프로젝트의 잠재력과 향후 생산 결정에 대해 낙관적인 견해를 표명하며, 상당한 광물화를 발견한 것을 강조했습니다. 회사의 2024년 겨울 드릴 프로그램은 눈에 띄는 교차점과 긍정적인 분석 결과로 성공적으로 마무리되었습니다. 파워 니켈은은행 적격 타당성 조사가 제출될 때까지 니스크에서의 지출을 계속 자금 지원할 것을 약속하며, 프로젝트 개발에 대한 강한 헌신을 나타냈습니다.
Power Nickel Inc. a réussi à acquérir 30% supplémentaires du Projet Nisk, portant sa participation à 80%. La société a rapporté des résultats d'analyse de multi-éléments de haute qualité, révélant des découvertes minérales impressionnantes. Power Nickel prévoit de continuer les efforts d'exploration et de forage au site de Découverte Lion, avec des résultats prometteurs et des progrès en cours. Le PDG s'est exprimé avec optimisme concernant le potentiel du projet et les futures décisions de production, en soulignant les importantes découvertes de minéralisation. Le programme de forage hivernal 2024 de l'entreprise s'est terminé avec succès, avec des intersections remarquables et des résultats d'analyse positifs. Power Nickel reste engagée à financer les dépenses à Nisk jusqu'à la présentation d'une Étude de Faisabilité Bancaire, indiquant un engagement fort dans le développement du projet.
Power Nickel Inc. hat erfolgreich zusätzliche 30% des Nisk-Projekts erworben und besitzt nun 80% des Unternehmens. Das Unternehmen berichtete über hochgradige Mehrkomponenten-Prüfergebnisse, die beeindruckende Mineralienfunde aufzeigen. Power Nickel plant, die Erkundungs- und Bohrarbeiten am Lion-Entdeckungsort fortzusetzen, mit vielversprechenden Ergebnissen und kontinuierlichen Fortschritten. Der CEO äußerte Optimismus hinsichtlich des Potenzials des Projekts und zukünftiger Produktionsentscheidungen, wobei er die bedeutenden Mineralisierungsfunde betonte. Das Winterbohrprogramm 2024 der Firma endete erfolgreich mit bemerkenswerten Schnittpunkten und positiven Untersuchungsergebnissen. Power Nickel bleibt dazu verpflichtet, die Ausgaben für Nisk zu finanzieren, bis eine Bankfähige Machbarkeitsstudie vorgelegt wird, was ein starkes Engagement für die Entwicklung des Projekts zeigt.
  • None.
  • None.

8.17% Copper, 69.14 g/t Silver, 8.44 g/t Platinium & 6.25 g/t Palladium,

0.57 g/t Gold & 0.58% Nickel over 14.42 m Highlight Successful Week!

TORONTO, April 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Power Nickel Inc. (the "Company" or "Power Nickel") (OTCBB: PNPNF) (TSXV: PNPN) (Frankfurt: IVV) is pleased to announce it has completed the acquisition of an additional 30% of the Nisk Project from Critical Elements Lithium. The last remaining condition was the acceptance of the filing of an NI 43-101 Technical Report which was accomplished in Q1. This brings Power Nickels percentage to 80%. Power Nickel will continue to fund 100% of expenditures at Nisk until such time as a Bankable Feasibility Study is presented.

"We are pleased to conclude our earn in with Critical Elements on the Nisk Project. As we have seen with the posting of the impressive new NI43-101 Technical Report on the 2023 Mineral Resource Estimate on the Nisk Main Nickel Sulfide zone and the equally impressive high grade Copper, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, Gold & Nickel discoveries at the Lion Zone. We have a real sentiment of having found a large prolific area hosting different styles of multi-elements mineralization, each being a smaller part of a much larger system. We look forward to ramping up our efforts throughout 24 and 25 as we seek to bring these targets to a production decision." - Commented Power Nickel CEO Terry Lynch

Power Nickel has observed a pattern where certain media sites like change our original headlines to the most obscure headline. In recognition of this Power Nickel is reposting the April 22 News release below for those who may have missed it due to this misguided behaviour.

Toronto, Ontario – Apr 22, 2024 – Power Nickel Inc. (the "Company" or "Power Nickel") (TSX-V: PNPN, OTCBB: PNPNF, Frankfurt: IVV) is pleased to announce high-grade multi-elements assay results for holes PN-24-047 and PN-24-051. (see Figure 1 and Table 1 below)


PN-24-047 returned,

14.42 m of 0.59 g/t Au, 69.14 g/t Ag, 8.17% Cu, 6.25 g/t Pd, 8.44 g/t Pt and 0.58% Ni


  • 4.66 m of 0.85 g/t Au, 91.00 g/t Ag, 11.66% Cu, 8.42 g/t Pd, 6.69 g/t Pt, and 0.46% Ni,
  • 3.01 m of 0.95 g/t Au, 167.46 g/t Ag, 17.33% Cu, 13.04 g/t Pd, 29.24 g/t Pt and 1.77% Ni

PN-24-051 returned,

11.40 m of 0.24 g/t Au, 13.95 g/t Ag, 2.51% Cu, 3.20 g/t Pd, 19.59 g/t Pt and 0.18% Ni

Including :

  • 2.60 m of 0.40 g/t Au, 41.18 g/t Ag, 8.09% Cu, 8.37 g/t Pd, 84.75 g/t Pt and 0.54% Ni
  • 4.90 m of 0.23 g/t Au, 7.53 g/t Ag, 1.32% Cu, 2.47 g/t Pd, 0.53 g/t Pt and 0.12% Ni

"What we had previously noted visually has now been more than proven by assays returned from an independent accredited lab. In fact, many of these results were checked twice as they were well over normal detection limits. A good example of the assays being better that what we visually expected is hole 51 in Figure 1 – it doesn't look that thick but as the assays showed, it was a spectacular hole." commented Terry Lynch, Power Nickel CEO.

The Company's Winter 2024 drill program ended with 15 successful holes at the Lion Discovery. Additional assays to be released when received shortly could evidence ongoing progress on the significant discovery that has been made (see Figure 1 below). Power Nickel will continue to drill at the Lion Discovery in the upcoming summer season, following up PN-24-051 (this release) and PN-24-062, the deepest mineralized intersections to date.

Figure 1: Longitudinal view of the Lion Discovery zone; Presenting the location of holes PN-24-047 and PN-24-051, as well as the pierce points locations of the other Winter 2024 drillholes. (CNW Group/Power Nickel Inc.)

"With 15 holes through the mineralized zone, we have been able to define the initial footprint of what appears to be a structurally controlled high-grade multi-elements pod. Our 50m grid approach has proven to be successful in helping us to define the geometry of the zone and its plunge. We will continue our analysis of the assay results as they become available to refine our interpretation," stated Kenneth Williamson, Power Nickel's VP Exploration.

As previously stated in the Company's press release dated April 12th, 2024, multiple new holes successfully intersected the chalcopyrite-rich mineralized zone initially discovered in Hole PN-23-031A.

Table 1 below presents the significant results and the current Assay Status for the remaining holes of the program.

Table 1 : Significant Results and Assay Status – Lion Discovery drilling Winter 2024
(Holes presented in this release are shaded in grey)

Note: Length is presented as downhole distance; true width corresponds to 60<percent>-80%</percent> of such downhole distance in function of the orientation of the hole. (CNW Group/Power Nickel Inc.)

Figures 2 and 3 below show a cross-section view along both PN-24-047 and PN-24-051, and a close-up on the core pictures from each hole respectively.

Figure 2: Core picture of hole PN-24-047 showing the strongly mineralized intervals and its location on a vertical cross-section view looking ENE along holes PN-24-047 and PN-24-051. (CNW Group/Power Nickel Inc.)

Figure 3: Core picture of hole PN-24-051 showing the strongly mineralized intervals and its location on a vertical cross-section view looking ENE along holes PN-24-047 and PN-24-051. (CNW Group/Power Nickel Inc.)

Figure 4 below presents core pictures of some of the best intersections to date. It is noticeable that the relative quantity of semi-massive chalcopyrite observed in both PN-23-031A and PN-24-044, while excellent, appears to be dwarfed when compared to some of the other holes coming from the core of the zone.

Figure 4: Core pictures showing the relation between observed massive chalcopyrite and grade, and massive chalcopyrite (MCp) observed in three other recent holes. (CNW Group/Power Nickel Inc.)

From the available data and observations, the mineralized zone can be followed 225m laterally and 300m deep. The thickness of massive chalcopyrite varies, ranging from up to 5-6 m true width in the core of the zone to less than 1 meter laterally. Holes PN-24-047 and PN-24-051 respectively represent both cases. Figure 5 below is a 3D view of the Lion Discovery Zone which illustrates our current interpretation as well as the vast open ground area that could potentially be host of more than one of these mineralized zones.

Figure 5: 3D view showing the current extent of drilling at Lion Discovery as well as some of the proposed holes for the upcoming summer drilling program. (CNW Group/Power Nickel Inc.)

"Although already sizeable at the end of the current program, drilling is far from being over at the Lion Discovery as the zone remains open laterally and at depth. We believe that the whole surrounding area presents a very strong potential of hosting more of such high-grade multi-elements mineralization. We're looking at the possibility of having both drill rigs up there this summer; one that would keep pushing the zone deeper, while another one would be exploring the surrounding ground," commented Kenneth Williamson, Power Nickel's VP Exploration.

QAQC and Sampling

GeoVector's Management Inc is the Consulting company retained to perform the actual drilling program, which includes core logging and sampling of the drill core.

All samples were submitted to and analyzed at Activation Laboratories Ltd ("Actlabs"), an independent commercial laboratory for both the sample preparation and assaying. Actlabs is a commercial laboratory independent of Power Nickel with no interest in the Project. Actlabs is an ISO 9001 and 17025 certified and accredited laboratories. Samples submitted through Actlabs are run through standard preparation methods and analysed using RX-1 (Dry, crush (< 7 kg) up to 80% passing 2 mm, riffle split (250 g) and pulverize (mild steel) to 95% passing 105 μm) preparation methods, and using 1F2 (ICP-OES) and 1C-OES - 4-Acid near total digestion + Gold-Platinum-Palladium analysis and 8-Peroxide ICP-OES, for regular and over detection limit analysis. Pegmatite samples are analyzed using UT7 - Li up to 5%, Rb up to 2% method. Actlabs also undertake their own internal coarse and pulp duplicate analysis to ensure proper sample preparation and equipment calibration.

GeoVector's QAQC program includes regular insertion of CRM standards, duplicates, and blanks into the sample stream with a stringent review of all results.

The results presented in the current Press Released are complete within the mineralized intervals, but results are still pending for the top portion of both holes reported. QAQC and data validation was performed on these portions of the holes where assays are fully integrated, and no material error were observed.

Qualified Person

Kenneth Williamson, Géo, M.Sc., VP Exploration at Power Nickel, is the qualified person who has reviewed and approved the technical disclosure contained in this news release.

About Power Nickel Inc.

Power Nickel is a Canadian junior exploration company focusing on developing the high-grade Nisk project into Canada's first Carbon Neutral Nickel mine.

The NISK property comprises a significant land position (20 kilometers of strike length) with numerous high-grade intercepts. Power Nickel is focused on expanding the historical high-grade nickel-copper PGE mineralization with a series of drill programs designed to test the initial Nisk discovery zone and to explore the land package for adjacent potential Nickel deposits.

In addition to the Nisk project, Power Nickel owns significant land packages in British Colombia and Chile. The Company is in the process of reorganizing these assets in a related vehicle, through a Plan of Arrangement that will be presented to Power Nickel shareholders of record for their approval.

To obtain Power Nickel's Corporate Presentation, please use the link below:

For further information, readers are encouraged to contact:

Power Nickel Inc.
The Canadian Venture Building
82 Richmond St East, Suite 202
Toronto, ON

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor it's Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This message contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements" concerning the Company within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "potential," "indicates," "opportunity," "possible" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "could" or "should" occur. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance, are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results or realities may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Such material risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, among others, the timing for the Company to close the private placement or the second Nisk option or risk that such transactions do not close at all; raise sufficient capital to fund its obligations under its property agreements going forward; to maintain its mineral tenures and concessions in good standing; to explore and develop its projects; changes in economic conditions or financial markets; the inherent hazards associates with mineral exploration and mining operations; future prices of nickel and other metals; changes in general economic conditions; accuracy of mineral resource and reserve estimates; the potential for new discoveries; the ability of the Company to obtain the necessary permits and consents required to explore, drill and develop the projects and if accepted, to obtain such licenses and approvals in a timely fashion relative to the Company's plans and business objectives for the applicable project; the general ability of the Company to monetize its mineral resources; and changes in environmental and other laws or regulations that could have an impact on the Company's operations, compliance with environmental laws and regulations, dependence on key management personnel and general competition in the mining industry.

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SOURCE Power Nickel Inc.


What percentage of the Nisk Project has Power Nickel acquired?

Power Nickel has acquired an additional 30% of the Nisk Project, bringing its ownership to 80%.

What were the highlights of the high-grade multi-elements assay results reported by Power Nickel?

The highlights include significant findings such as 14.42 m of 0.59 g/t Au, 69.14 g/t Ag, 8.17% Cu, 6.25 g/t Pd, 8.44 g/t Pt, and 0.58% Ni.

What did Power Nickel's Winter 2024 drill program achieve?

The Winter 2024 drill program ended successfully with 15 holes at the Lion Discovery, showcasing promising results and significant mineralized intersections.

Who is the qualified person responsible for reviewing and approving the technical disclosure in the news release?

Kenneth Williamson, Géo, M.Sc., VP Exploration at Power Nickel, is the qualified person responsible for reviewing and approving the technical disclosure.

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