Palamina Bulk Sample Returns 3.6 gpt Gold at the Usicayos Gold Project, Peru

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Palamina Corp. (TSXV: PA) (OTCQB: PLMNF) has reported promising results from a bulk sample study at its Usicayos Gold Project in Peru. The 20 kg sample from the SDO east zone returned an average grade of 3.6 g/t gold, with 99.73% determined to be liberated gold. This study, along with metallic screening and photon assaying, is helping establish optimal protocols for the upcoming drill program.

Key findings include:

  • 99.73% of gold mass was liberated gold
  • 97.88% of gold mass found as free surfaces
  • Approximately 10% of gold occurs in grains larger than 150 microns
  • Only a small proportion (<1%) of gold surfaces associated with gangue minerals

The SDO zone, hosted in Paleozoic Sandia Formation, is controlled by regional shear zones and measures approximately 1.5 km in width and 2.2 km in strike length. The upcoming drill program will test the interpretation of a possible near-vertical feeder zone at the heart of the SDO zone.

Palamina Corp. (TSXV: PA) (OTCQB: PLMNF) ha riportato risultati promettenti da uno studio su campioni bulk presso il suo progetto aurifero Usicayos in Perù. Il campione di 20 kg prelevato dalla zona est SDO ha restituito una legge media di 3,6 g/t oro, con il 99,73% considerato come oro liberato. Questo studio, insieme alla screening metallica e alla valutazione fotonica, sta contribuendo a stabilire protocolli ottimali per il prossimo programma di perforazione.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • Il 99,73% della massa d'oro era oro liberato
  • Il 97,88% della massa d'oro trovata come superfici libere
  • Circa il 10% dell'oro si presenta in grani più grandi di 150 micron
  • Solo una piccola proporzione (<1%) delle superfici d'oro è associata ai minerali di gangue

La zona SDO, ospitata nella Formazione Sandia Paleozoica, è controllata da zone di strisciamento regionali e misura circa 1,5 km di larghezza e 2,2 km di lunghezza. Il prossimo programma di perforazione testerà l'interpretazione di una possibile zona di alimentazione quasi verticale al centro della zona SDO.

Palamina Corp. (TSXV: PA) (OTCQB: PLMNF) ha reportado resultados prometedores de un estudio de muestra a granel en su Proyecto de Oro Usicayos en Perú. La muestra de 20 kg de la zona este SDO devolvió un grado promedio de 3.6 g/t de oro, con un 99.73% determinado como oro liberado. Este estudio, junto con el tamizaje metálico y el análisis fotónico, está ayudando a establecer protocolos óptimos para el próximo programa de perforación.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • 99.73% de la masa de oro era oro liberado
  • 97.88% de la masa de oro encontrada como superficies libres
  • Aproximadamente el 10% del oro ocurre en granos mayores a 150 micrones
  • Sólo una pequeña proporción (<1%) de las superficies de oro está asociada con minerales de ganga

La zona SDO, ubicada en la Formación Sandia Paleozoica, está controlada por zonas de corte regionales y mide aproximadamente 1.5 km de ancho y 2.2 km de largo. El próximo programa de perforación probará la interpretación de una posible zona de alimentación casi vertical en el corazón de la zona SDO.

Palamina Corp. (TSXV: PA) (OTCQB: PLMNF)는 페루의 Usicayos 금 프로젝트에서 대량 샘플 연구 결과가 유망하다고 보고했습니다. SDO 동부 지대에서 채취한 20kg 샘플은 평균 3.6 g/t 금의 품위를 나타내었으며, 99.73%가 자유로운 금으로 확인되었습니다. 이 연구는 금속 스크리닝 및 포톤 분석과 함께 향후 드릴 프로그램을 위한 최적의 프로토콜을 설정하는 데 도움을 주고 있습니다.

주요 발견은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 금의 질량 중 99.73%가 자유로운 금이었다
  • 금의 질량 중 97.88%가 자유로운 표면으로 발견되었다
  • 약 10%의 금이 150마이크론 이상의 입자로 존재한다
  • 갱석 광물과 관련된 금 표면은 매우 적은 비율(<1%)이다

SDO 구역은 고생대 샌디아층에 위치하며, 지역 전단대에 의해 제어되고 있으며, 너비가 약 1.5km이고 스트라이크 길이가 2.2km입니다. 다가오는 드릴 프로그램은 SDO 구역의 중심에 있는 가능한 수직 피더 존의 해석을 시험할 것입니다.

Palamina Corp. (TSXV: PA) (OTCQB: PLMNF) a rapporté des résultats prometteurs d'une étude d'échantillons en vrac dans son projet aurifère de Usicayos au Pérou. L'échantillon de 20 kg de la zone est SDO a révélé une teneur moyenne de 3,6 g/t d'or, avec 99,73% déterminé comme étant de l'or libéré. Cette étude, couplée à un criblage métallique et un essai photoniques, aide à établir des protocoles optimaux pour le programme de forage à venir.

Les principales conclusions incluent :

  • 99,73% de la masse d'or était de l'or libéré
  • 97,88% de la masse d'or trouvée sous forme de surfaces libres
  • Environ 10% de l'or se présente sous forme de grains de plus de 150 microns
  • Seulement une petite proportion (<1%) des surfaces d'or est associée aux minéraux de gangue

La zone SDO, située dans la formation Sandia Paléozoïque, est contrôlée par des zones de cisaillement régionales et mesure environ 1,5 km de large et 2,2 km de long. Le programme de forage à venir testera l'interprétation d'une possible zone d'alimentation presque verticale au cœur de la zone SDO.

Palamina Corp. (TSXV: PA) (OTCQB: PLMNF) hat vielversprechende Ergebnisse aus einer Bulk-Probenstudie in seinem Usicayos-Goldprojekt in Peru gemeldet. Die 20 kg-Probe aus der SDO-Ostzone ergab einen durchschnittlichen Gehalt von 3,6 g/t Gold, wobei 99,73% als freies Gold bestimmt wurden. Diese Studie, zusammen mit der metallischen Siebung und der photonischen Analyse, hilft dabei, optimale Protokolle für das bevorstehende Bohrprogramm festzulegen.

Wesentliche Ergebnisse sind:

  • 99,73% der Goldmasse war freies Gold
  • 97,88% der Goldmasse wurde als freie Oberflächen gefunden
  • Ungefähr 10% des Goldes kommt in Körnern größer als 150 Mikrometer vor
  • Nur ein kleiner Anteil (<1%) der Goldoberflächen ist mit Gangmineralien verbunden

Die SDO-Zone, die in der paleozoischen Sandia-Formation liegt, wird von regionalen Scherflächen kontrolliert und hat eine Breite von etwa 1,5 km und eine Länge von 2,2 km. Das bevorstehende Bohrprogramm wird die Interpretation einer möglichen nahezu senkrechten Förderzone im Herzen der SDO-Zone testen.

  • Bulk sample returned high-grade gold of 3.6 g/t
  • 99.73% of gold mass determined to be liberated gold
  • Large SDO zone measuring 1.5 km in width and 2.2 km in strike length
  • Upcoming drill program to test potential near-vertical feeder zone
  • Nuggety coarse gold makes it challenging to establish continuity of gold grades

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 22, 2024) - Palamina Corp.'s (TSXV: PA) (OTCQB: PLMNF) 100% owned Usicayos Gold Project is located in the Puno Orogenic Gold Belt where nuggety coarse gold makes it challenging to establish continuity of gold grades. In 2024 Palamina has completed metallic screening, a PhotonAssay® check sampling program and a bulk sample mineralogical study to establish an optimized sampling protocol to minimize variances in gold grades due the nugget effect.

For this first study a 40 kg bulk sample was collected from the SDO east (SDO-E) zone from two adjacent locations, a surface exposure previously channel sampled and a nearby underground adit not previously sampled. The total area sampled measured approximately 15 x 5 metres. Sampling at both locations was continuous and should be considered representative. The composite was then split to a 20 kg sample and delivered to SGS Laboratories ("SGS"). The study returned an overall grade of 3.6 g/t Au where 99.73% was liberated gold and approximately 10% of the gold occurs in grains larger than 150 microns.

"Our first 20 kg bulk sample from the SDO-E zone returned an average grade of 3.6 g/t gold where 99.73% was determined to be liberated gold. Results from this study, along with recently completed metallic screening and photon assaying, are aiding in establishing best protocols to achieve representative gold assay values for the upcoming drill program." stated Andrew Thomson, President of Palamina.

The mineralogical study was completed by SGS using a Tescan Integrated Mineral Analyser (TIMA) method, which combines a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and automated digital imagery processing to determine the grain size, mineral association and liberation of mineral phases. SGS prepared an initial kinematic test, using a standard ball mill to determine the optimal grinding time needed to obtain P80 of 212 microns, the maximum size allowed for the TIMA method. The test showed that the acceptable grain size is achieved after 3.7 minutes. Following the initial kinematic test on the 20 Kg bulk sample, a 1 kg sample was pre-concentrated using a Knelson gravity concentrator to obtain a representative sample for the TIMA mineralogy test. Fire Assay analysis of the 1 kg sample yielded 3.6 g/t Au.

The TIMA test also identified 11 gold grains, one of which had a grain size of over 150 microns. As a percentage of the mass of the gold minerals, 99.73% of the mass was determined to be liberated gold, and 97.88% of the mass was found as free surfaces. Only a very small proportion of the gold surfaces (less than 1%) are associated with gangue minerals such as muscovite, quartz and chlorite (Table 1, Figure 1).

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TABLE 1: Mineral association, as a % of mass of all Au grains, from SDO-E bulk sample

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FIGURE 1: Gold grain measuring over 150 microns observed from SDO-E sample

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The SDO zone is hosted in Paleozoic Sandia Formation shale, siltstone and sandstone and is controlled by regional shear zones developed by regional thrusting. The host shear structure at SDO is the widest identified at Usicayos to date, measuring approximately 1.5 km in width and 2.2 km in strike length. Gold mineralization is found along continuous "mantos" developed parallel to foliation along carbonaceous shear zones. The foliation, either side of a major NW-SE fault, dips steeply towards the centre suggesting a possible near vertical feeder zone (or "flower structure") at the heart of the SDO zone. The upcoming drill program at SDO is designed to test this interpretation. A new sampling protocol, designed from the studies completed to date, will be implemented in the upcoming drill program.

Technical Information

The technical information herein has been reviewed and approved by Alvaro Fernandez-Baca (P. Geo.); a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Fernandez-Baca is Vice President of Exploration to Palamina.

About Palamina Corp.

Palamina is a gold exploration company with a land bank of gold projects in the Puno Orogenic Gold Belt in southeastern Peru. Palamina is set to commence a drill program at its Usicayos gold project. Palamina holds a 15.4% equity interest in Winshear Gold Corp. (TSXV: WINS). Winshear are scheduled to conduct an inaugural drill program at their Gaban Gold Project in 2024. Palamina also has an "acquire and hold" strategy with copper silver assets in southeast and northeast Peru. Palamina has 71,284,836 shares outstanding and trades on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol PA and on the OTCQB Venture Market under the symbol PLMNF.

On Behalf of the Board of Directors:
Andrew Thomson, President
Phone: (416) 204-7536 or visit

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What was the gold grade from Palamina's bulk sample at the Usicayos Gold Project?

Palamina Corp. (PLMNF) reported that the 20 kg bulk sample from the SDO east zone at the Usicayos Gold Project returned an average grade of 3.6 g/t gold.

What percentage of gold was determined to be liberated in Palamina's bulk sample?

The study found that 99.73% of the gold mass in the bulk sample from Palamina's Usicayos Gold Project was determined to be liberated gold.

What is the size of the SDO zone at Palamina's Usicayos Gold Project?

The SDO zone at Palamina's (PLMNF) Usicayos Gold Project measures approximately 1.5 km in width and 2.2 km in strike length.

What is Palamina Corp. (PLMNF) planning for the Usicayos Gold Project in the near future?

Palamina Corp. (PLMNF) is planning an upcoming drill program at the Usicayos Gold Project to test the interpretation of a possible near-vertical feeder zone at the heart of the SDO zone.

Palamina Corp


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