Key Industry Accolades Highlight Plumas Bank’s Stability & Performance Through Economic Fluctuations

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Plumas Bank, a subsidiary of Plumas Bancorp (PLBC), has received multiple prestigious awards in 2024, recognizing its outstanding performance in serving clients, investors, and communities in northeastern California and northern Nevada. The bank ranked 8th on American Banker's Top 100 community banks under $2 billion in assets, was named to the KBW Bank Honor Roll, and placed among the top 25 banks in its category by the ICBA. Additionally, Plumas Bank ranked #5 in the CB Top Ten™ report for Q1 2024, received the Raymond James Bankers Cup for the seventh consecutive year, and earned the 'Super Premier' rating from The Findley Reports for the sixth year running.

These accolades highlight Plumas Bank's ability to maintain strong performance and stable returns for investors, even during economic fluctuations. The bank's proactive management of earnings, expenses, and margins in a challenging environment has contributed to its continued success.

Plumas Bank, una filiale di Plumas Bancorp (PLBC), ha ricevuto numerosi premi prestigiosi nel 2024, riconoscendo la sua eccellente prestazione nel servire clienti, investitori e comunità nel nord-est della California e nel nord del Nevada. La banca si è classificata nella classifica dei Top 100 community banks di American Banker con meno di 2 miliardi di dollari in attivi, è stata inserita nell'Onore dei Banche KBW e si è posizionata tra le prime 25 banche nella sua categoria secondo l'ICBA. Inoltre, Plumas Bank ha ottenuto il #5 nel rapporto CB Top Ten™ per il primo trimestre del 2024, ha ricevuto la Coppa dei Banchieri Raymond James per il settimo anno consecutivo e ha conquistato il rating 'Super Premier' da The Findley Reports per il sesto anno di fila.

Questi riconoscimenti evidenziano la capacità di Plumas Bank di mantenere una forte prestazione e ritorni stabili per gli investitori, anche durante le fluttuazioni economiche. La gestione proattiva degli utili, delle spese e dei margini in un ambiente difficile ha contribuito al suo continuo successo.

Plumas Bank, una subsidiaria de Plumas Bancorp (PLBC), ha recibido múltiples premios prestigiosos en 2024, reconociendo su destacada actuación en el servicio a clientes, inversores y comunidades en el noreste de California y el norte de Nevada. El banco se clasificó en la lista de los Top 100 community banks de American Banker con menos de 2 mil millones de dólares en activos, fue nombrado en el KBW Bank Honor Roll, y se ubicó entre los 25 principales bancos en su categoría según el ICBA. Además, Plumas Bank ocupó el #5 en el informe CB Top Ten™ para el primer trimestre de 2024, recibió la Copa de Banquero de Raymond James por séptimo año consecutivo y obtuvo la calificación 'Super Premier' de The Findley Reports por sexto año consecutivo.

Estos galardones destacan la capacidad de Plumas Bank para mantener un rendimiento sólido y retornos estables para los inversores, incluso durante las fluctuaciones económicas. La gestión proactiva de ingresos, gastos y márgenes en un entorno desafiante ha contribuido a su continuo éxito.

플루마스 뱅크(Plumas Bank)는 플루마스 뱅크업(Plumas Bancorp) (PLBC)의 자회사로, 2024년에 여러 권위 있는 상을 수상하여 북동부 캘리포니아와 북부 네바다의 고객, 투자자 및 지역 사회에 대한 탁월한 서비스를 인정받았습니다. 이 은행은 8위를 기록하며 2억 달러 미만의 자산을 보유한 미국 은행가의 Top 100 community banks에서 순위를 매겼고, KBW 뱅크 명예 롤에 이름을 올렸으며, ICBA의 카테고리에서 25대 은행 중 하나로 선정되었습니다. 게다가 플루마스 뱅크는 2024년 1분기 CB Top Ten™ 보고서에서 #5를 차지하였고, 7년 연속으로 레이몬드 제임스 은행가 컵을 수상하였으며, 6년 연속으로 핀들리 리포트에서 '슈퍼 프리미어' 등급을 부여받았습니다.

이 상들은 플루마스 뱅크가 경제적 변동성 속에서도 투자자들에게 강력한 성과와 안정적인 수익을 유지할 수 있는 능력을 강조합니다. 어려운 환경에서 수익, 비용 및 마진을 선도적으로 관리함으로써 지속적인 성공에 기여하였습니다.

Plumas Bank, une filiale de Plumas Bancorp (PLBC), a reçu plusieurs prix prestigieux en 2024, reconnaissant sa performance exceptionnelle au service de ses clients, investisseurs et communautés dans le nord-est de la Californie et le nord du Nevada. La banque s'est classée 8e dans le classement des Top 100 community banks d'American Banker avec moins de 2 milliards de dollars d'actifs, a été nommée dans le KBW Bank Honor Roll et s'est placée parmi les 25 meilleures banques de sa catégorie selon l'ICBA. De plus, Plumas Bank a obtenu la 5e position dans le rapport CB Top Ten™ pour le premier trimestre 2024, a reçu la Coupe des Banquiers Raymond James pour la septième année consécutive et a obtenu la note 'Super Premier' des The Findley Reports pour la sixième année d'affilée.

Ces distinctions soulignent la capacité de Plumas Bank à maintenir une performance solide et des rendements stables pour les investisseurs, même en période de fluctuations économiques. La gestion proactive des bénéfices, des dépenses et des marges dans un environnement difficile a contribué à son succès continu.

Die Plumas Bank, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Plumas Bancorp (PLBC), hat im 2024 mehrere renommierte Auszeichnungen erhalten, die ihre herausragende Leistung im Dienste von Kunden, Investoren und Gemeinschaften in Nordkalifornien und Nordnevada anerkennen. Die Bank belegte Platz 8 im Ranking der Top 100 Community Banks von American Banker mit weniger als 2 Milliarden Dollar an Vermögenswerten, wurde in die KBW Bank Honor Roll aufgenommen und zählte zu den 25 besten Banken ihrer Kategorie laut ICBA. Darüber hinaus belegte die Plumas Bank im CB Top Ten™ Bericht für das 1. Quartal 2024 den 5. Platz, erhielt den Raymond James Bankers Cup zum siebten Mal in Folge und erhielt zum sechsten Mal in Folge die 'Super Premier'-Bewertung von The Findley Reports.

Diese Auszeichnungen unterstreichen die Fähigkeit der Plumas Bank, auch in wirtschaftlichen Schwankungen eine starke Leistung und stabile Renditen für Investoren aufrechtzuerhalten. Das proactive Management von Erträgen, Ausgaben und Margen in einem herausfordernden Umfeld hat zum fortwährenden Erfolg beigetragen.

  • Ranked 8th on American Banker's Top 100 community banks under $2 billion in assets
  • Named to the KBW Bank Honor Roll for the third time
  • Recognized among the top 25 banks in its category by ICBA
  • Ranked #5 in the CB Top Ten™ report for Q1 2024
  • Awarded the Raymond James Bankers Cup for the seventh consecutive year
  • Earned 'Super Premier' rating from The Findley Reports for the sixth year running
  • None.

RENO, Nev., Sept. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Plumas Bank, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Plumas Bancorp, has recently been honored with multiple prestigious awards acknowledging its exceptional performance in serving clients, investors, and communities in northeastern California and northern Nevada.

“For 44 years, we have partnered with businesses in our regions, helping them grow while providing stable returns to our investors, even through cycles of the national economy,” said Andrew Ryback, President and CEO of Plumas Bank. “Our focus is helping our clients achieve their goals and it’s incredibly rewarding to be recognized for our efforts.”

Each of these awards assesses performance via metrics compared with peer institutions. Plumas Bank’s efforts to proactively manage earnings, expenses, and margins in a turbulent environment have allowed the company to continue to achieve strong results.

Recent Awards and Recognitions released in 2024. See full list at

American Banker’s Top-performing Community Banks of 2023
Plumas Bank ranked 8th on American Banker’s 2023 list of the Top 100 community banks under $2 billion in assets, climbing seven spots from last year. The ranking is based on data from year-end 2023 and uses the institutions' three-year average return on average equity, or ROAE. 

Bank Honor Roll by Keefe, Bruyette & Woods, Inc., 2024
Plumas Bancorp has been named to the KBW Bank Honor Roll for the third time. This honor is awarded to publicly traded banks with over $500 million in assets that consistently report increased annual earnings per share over a decade. Only 18 institutions, or 5% of those screened, made the list this year.

Best-Performing Banks of 2024 by Independent Community Bankers of America
Using FDIC return-on-assets data from the last three years, Plumas Bank is recognized among the top 25 banks in its category based on asset size by the ICBA.

CB Resource's CB Top Ten™ Report for Q1 2024
In the first quarter of 2024, Plumas Bank ranked #5 in the CB Top Ten™ report for community banks with assets between $1 billion and $5 billion. This report ranks the top ten percent of community banks by eight performance indicators.

Raymond James Bankers Cup, 2023
For the seventh consecutive year, Plumas Bancorp has been awarded the esteemed Raymond James Bankers Cup. Ranking in the top 10% out of 203 community banks with assets between $500 million and $10 billion, this award highlights exceptional performance and long-term shareholder value.

‘Super Premier’ Performing Bank by The Findley Reports, 2023
Plumas Bank has earned the 'Super Premier' rating from The Findley Reports for the sixth year running. This accolade is awarded based on criteria such as capital adequacy, asset structure, growth, and more.


About Plumas Bancorp and Plumas Bank
Plumas Bank is a locally managed, award-winning community bank founded in 1980 and headquartered in Quincy, California. It is a subsidiary of Plumas Bancorp (NASDAQ: PLBC), a bank holding company headquartered in Reno, Nevada. With 15 branch offices serving Northeastern California and Northern Nevada, and loan production offices in California and southern Oregon, Plumas Bank offers a wide range of financial services to consumers and businesses and is a Preferred Lender with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. For more information regarding Plumas Bancorp and Plumas Bank, visit


What awards did Plumas Bank (PLBC) receive in 2024?

In 2024, Plumas Bank received multiple awards, including ranking 8th on American Banker's Top 100 community banks, being named to the KBW Bank Honor Roll, placing among ICBA's top 25 banks in its category, ranking #5 in the CB Top Ten™ report, receiving the Raymond James Bankers Cup, and earning the 'Super Premier' rating from The Findley Reports.

How did Plumas Bank (PLBC) perform in American Banker's Top 100 community banks ranking for 2023?

Plumas Bank ranked 8th on American Banker's 2023 list of the Top 100 community banks under $2 billion in assets, climbing seven spots from the previous year. The ranking is based on the institutions' three-year average return on average equity (ROAE) using data from year-end 2023.

What is Plumas Bank's (PLBC) ranking in the CB Top Ten™ report for Q1 2024?

In the first quarter of 2024, Plumas Bank ranked #5 in the CB Top Ten™ report for community banks with assets between $1 billion and $5 billion. This report ranks the top ten percent of community banks based on eight performance indicators.

How many consecutive years has Plumas Bancorp (PLBC) received the Raymond James Bankers Cup?

Plumas Bancorp has been awarded the esteemed Raymond James Bankers Cup for seven consecutive years. This award highlights exceptional performance and long-term shareholder value, with Plumas Bancorp ranking in the top 10% out of 203 community banks with assets between $500 million and $10 billion.

Plumas Bancorp


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