Piper Sandler Completes 48th Semi-Annual Taking Stock With Teens® Survey

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Piper Sandler has completed its 48th semi-annual Taking Stock With Teens® survey, partnering with DECA to gather insights from over 13,500 U.S. teens. The survey, conducted in fall 2024, reveals key trends in teen spending and preferences:

- Teen self-reported spending increased 4% to $2,361 compared to the spring survey.
- Nike remains the top brand for apparel and footwear.
- New Balance improved to third place in footwear, doubling its mindshare to 8%.
- Amazon is the top shopping website among upper-income teens.
- The beauty category reached its highest spending levels since 2018 at $342.
- TikTok is the favorite social app, followed by Instagram and Snapchat.
- 87% of teens own an iPhone, with 30% planning to upgrade their Apple hardware.
- Netflix leads in daily video consumption.
- Chick-fil-A is the preferred chain restaurant, followed by McDonald's and Chipotle.
- Teens prefer energy drinks over coffee and soda.

Piper Sandler ha completato il suo 48° sondaggio semestrale Taking Stock With Teens®, collaborando con DECA per raccogliere informazioni da oltre 13.500 adolescenti negli Stati Uniti. Il sondaggio, condotto nell'autunno del 2024, rivela tendenze chiave nelle spese e nelle preferenze degli adolescenti:

- La spesa autoriportata dagli adolescenti è aumentata del 4% a $2,361 rispetto al sondaggio primaverile.
- Nike rimane il marchio principale per abbigliamento e calzature.
- New Balance è migliorato al terzo posto nel settore calzature, raddoppiando la sua quota di considerazione all'8%.
- Amazon è il sito di shopping preferito tra gli adolescenti di fascia alta.
- La categoria bellezza ha raggiunto i suoi massimi livelli di spesa dal 2018 a $342.
- TikTok è l'app sociale preferita, seguita da Instagram e Snapchat.
- L'87% degli adolescenti possiede un iPhone, con il 30% che prevede di aggiornare il proprio hardware Apple.
- Netflix è in testa nel consumo quotidiano di video.
- Chick-fil-A è il ristorante della catena preferito, seguito da McDonald's e Chipotle.
- Gli adolescenti preferiscono le bevande energetiche rispetto al caffè e alla soda.

Piper Sandler ha completado su 48º Taking Stock With Teens® encuesta semestral, asociándose con DECA para recopilar información de más de 13,500 adolescentes en EE. UU. La encuesta, realizada en el otoño de 2024, revela tendencias clave en el gasto y preferencias de los adolescentes:

- El gasto auto-reportado por los adolescentes aumentó un 4% a $2,361 en comparación con la encuesta de primavera.
- Nike sigue siendo la marca principal en ropa y calzado.
- New Balance mejoró al tercer lugar en calzado, duplicando su cuota de consideración al 8%.
- Amazon es el sitio de compras favorito entre los adolescentes de altos ingresos.
- La categoría de belleza alcanzó sus niveles más altos de gasto desde 2018 con $342.
- TikTok es la aplicación social favorita, seguida de Instagram y Snapchat.
- El 87% de los adolescentes posee un iPhone, y el 30% planea actualizar su hardware de Apple.
- Netflix lidera el consumo diario de video.
- Chick-fil-A es la cadena de restaurantes preferida, seguida de McDonald's y Chipotle.
- Los adolescentes prefieren las bebidas energéticas sobre el café y los refrescos.

파이퍼 샌들러는 48번째 반기 Taking Stock With Teens® 조사를 완료하고, DECA와 협력하여 13,500명 이상의 미국 청소년들로부터 인사이트를 수집했습니다. 2024년 가을에 실시된 이 조사에서는 청소년의 소비 및 선호도에 대한 주요 트렌드가 드러났습니다:

- 청소년이 자가 보고한 소비가 봄 조사에 비해 4% 증가하여 $2,361에 달했습니다.
- 나이키는 의류 및 신발 분야에서 여전히 최고의 브랜드로 남아 있습니다.
- 뉴 밸런스는 신발 분야에서 3위로 상승했으며, 인지도가 8%로 두 배 증가했습니다.
- 아마존은 고소득 청소년들 사이에서 최고의 쇼핑 웹사이트입니다.
- 뷰티 카테고리는 2018년 이후 가장 높은 소비 수준인 $342에 도달했습니다.
- 틱톡은 인기 있는 소셜 앱으로, 그 다음은 인스타그램과 스냅챗입니다.
- 청소년의 87%가 아이폰을 소유하고 있으며, 30%는 애플 하드웨어를 업그레이드할 계획입니다.
- 넷플릭스는 일일 비디오 소비에서 선두를 달리고 있습니다.
- 칙필레는 선호되는 체인 레스토랑이며, 다음은 맥도날드와 칩otle입니다.
- 청소년은 커피와 탄산음료보다 에너지 음료를 선호합니다.

Piper Sandler a terminé sa 48e enquête semestrielle Taking Stock With Teens®, en partenariat avec DECA pour recueillir des informations auprès de plus de 13 500 adolescents américains. L'enquête, réalisée à l'automne 2024, révèle des tendances clés dans les dépenses et les préférences des adolescents :

- Les dépenses auto-déclarées des adolescents ont augmenté de 4 % pour atteindre $2,361 par rapport à l'enquête de printemps.
- Nike reste la marque la plus populaire pour les vêtements et les chaussures.
- New Balance a progressé au troisième rang dans le domaine des chaussures, doublant sa notoriété à 8%.
- Amazon est le site de shopping préféré des adolescents à revenu élevé.
- La catégorie beauté a atteint ses niveaux de dépenses les plus élevés depuis 2018 à $342.
- TikTok est l'application sociale préférée, suivie par Instagram et Snapchat.
- 87 % des adolescents possèdent un iPhone, et 30 % envisagent de mettre à jour leur matériel Apple.
- Netflix est en tête de la consommation quotidienne de vidéos.
- Chick-fil-A est la chaîne de restaurants préférée, suivie par McDonald's et Chipotle.
- Les adolescents préfèrent les boissons énergétiques au café et aux sodas.

Piper Sandler hat seine 48. halbjährliche Taking Stock With Teens® Umfrage abgeschlossen und mit DECA zusammengearbeitet, um Einblicke von über 13.500 US-Jugendlichen zu sammeln. Die Umfrage, die im Herbst 2024 durchgeführt wurde, zeigt wichtige Trends im Ausgabeverhalten und in den Vorlieben von Jugendlichen:

- Die selbst berichteten Ausgaben der Jugendlichen sind im Vergleich zur Frühlingsumfrage um 4% auf $2,361 gestiegen.
- Nike bleibt die führende Marke für Bekleidung und Schuhe.
- New Balance hat sich im Schuhbereich auf den dritten Platz verbessert und seinen Marktanteil auf 8% verdoppelt.
- Amazon ist die meistgenutzte Shopping-Website unter wohlhabenden Jugendlichen.
- Die Ausgaben im Beauty-Bereich haben mit $342 den höchsten Stand seit 2018 erreicht.
- TikTok ist die beliebteste Social-App, gefolgt von Instagram und Snapchat.
- 87% der Jugendlichen besitzen ein iPhone, 30% planen, ihre Apple-Hardware zu aktualisieren.
- Netflix führt im täglichen Video-Konsum.
- Chick-fil-A ist die bevorzugte Restaurantkette, gefolgt von McDonald's und Chipotle.
- Jugendliche ziehen Energydrinks Kaffee und Limonade vor.

  • None.
  • None.

Over 13,500 Generation Z U.S. Teens Surveyed

MINNEAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Piper Sandler Companies (NYSE: PIPR), a leading investment bank, completes its 48th semi-annual Taking Stock With Teens® survey in partnership with DECA. The Piper Sandler equity research team now has more than 63 million data points around teen preferences and spending in the 24 plus years of researching teens. To see the full list of key findings, view the report summary and request the full survey report, visit

“Piper Sandler is excited to showcase the results of our fall 2024 Taking Stock With Teens® survey which offers an inside look at how over 13,500 U.S. teens are spending their money and its direct impact on our economy. This fall, teens self-reported spending at $2,361, a four percent increase compared to our spring survey. Nike and e.l.f. Beauty continue to prove their wallet dominance as number one preferences in apparel and beauty,” said Korinne Wolfmeyer, senior research analyst at Piper Sandler.

Clothing and footwear

Nike holds strong as the number one brand for all teens in both apparel and footwear. New Balance is improving to the number three spot and has doubled its mindshare to eight percent this fall. In apparel, lululemon keeps its number three ranking but lost four points of mindshare among upper income teens. Amazon ranks number one among upper income teens as the top shopping website.


The beauty category remains a high priority for teens and this fall survey shows the core beauty wallet reaching the highest levels seen since 2018 at $342. Cosmetics continues to hold the highest share within beauty spending, but fragrance is growing quickly at 25 percent year-over-year.

Technology and social media

TikTok is the favorite social app among teens while Instagram came in second and Snapchat ranks third. 87 percent of teens own an iPhone and nearly 30 percent of teens plan to upgrade their Apple hardware in the next six months because of Apple Intelligence. Netflix is the top choice for teens when it relates to daily video consumption.

Restaurants and food

Chick-fil-A continues to be the preferred chain restaurant among teens while McDonald’s and Chipotle Mexican Grill ranks number two and three. Teens prefer energy drinks over coffee and soda as their source of energy. Monster Beverage, Red Bull, Celsius and Alani Nu continue to hold their top four rankings.


Piper Sandler Companies (NYSE: PIPR) is a leading investment bank driven to help clients Realize the Power of Partnership®. Securities brokerage and investment banking services are offered in the U.S. through Piper Sandler & Co., member SIPC and NYSE; in the U.K. through Piper Sandler Ltd., authorized and regulated by the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority; in the EU through Aviditi Capital Advisors Europe GmbH, authorized and regulated by BaFin as a tied agent of AHP Capital Management GmbH; and in Hong Kong through Piper Sandler Hong Kong Limited, authorized and regulated by the Securities and Futures Commission. Alternative asset management and fixed income advisory services are offered through separately registered advisory affiliates.

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Nick Lawler

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Source: Piper Sandler Companies


What is the average spending amount reported by teens in the Piper Sandler survey for fall 2024?

According to the Piper Sandler Taking Stock With Teens® survey for fall 2024, teens self-reported spending at $2,361, which is a 4% increase compared to the spring survey.

Which brand is the top preference for apparel and footwear among teens in the PIPR survey?

Nike holds strong as the number one brand for all teens in both apparel and footwear, according to the Piper Sandler Taking Stock With Teens® survey.

What is the top shopping website among upper-income teens in the Piper Sandler survey?

Amazon ranks as the number one shopping website among upper-income teens, according to the Piper Sandler Taking Stock With Teens® survey.

How much are teens spending on beauty products according to the PIPR survey in fall 2024?

The Piper Sandler survey shows that the core beauty wallet for teens reached $342, which is the highest level seen since 2018.

What is the favorite social media app among teens according to the Piper Sandler Taking Stock With Teens® survey?

TikTok is reported as the favorite social app among teens, followed by Instagram in second place and Snapchat in third.

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