Phreesia Secures New Contract With CMS as Report Shows Gains in Patient Activation in First Year of Kidney Care Choices (KCC) Model

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Phreesia, a leader in patient intake and activation, has renewed its contract with the CMS Innovation Center (CMMI) for the use of the Patient Activation Measure® (PAM) through 2029. The PAM assesses patients' knowledge, skills, and confidence in managing their healthcare. This renewal follows the success of the Kidney Care Choices (KCC) Model, which aims to improve care for Medicare beneficiaries with chronic kidney disease.

The first annual evaluation of the KCC model revealed significant improvements, including:

  • An average 8.8-point increase in PAM scores
  • A 20% increase in home dialysis
  • A 16% increase in optimal ESRD starts
  • A 15% increase in patients on the transplant waitlist

These results demonstrate the effectiveness of patient activation in improving healthcare outcomes and reducing costs. Phreesia's continued partnership with CMMI may lead to expanded use of PAM in additional healthcare models and settings.

Phreesia, leader nell'accoglienza e attivazione dei pazienti, ha rinnovato il suo contratto con il CMS Innovation Center (CMMI) per l'uso del Patient Activation Measure® (PAM) fino al 2029. Il PAM valuta le conoscenze, le abilità e la fiducia dei pazienti nella gestione della propria assistenza sanitaria. Questo rinnovo segue il successo del modello Kidney Care Choices (KCC), che mira a migliorare le cure per i beneficiari di Medicare affetti da malattie renali croniche.

La prima valutazione annuale del modello KCC ha rivelato miglioramenti significativi, che includono:

  • Aumento medio di 8,8 punti nei punteggi PAM
  • Aumento del 20% della dialisi a domicilio
  • Aumento del 16% negli avvii ottimali di ESRD
  • Aumento del 15% dei pazienti in lista d'attesa per trapianto

Questi risultati dimostrano l'efficacia dell'attivazione dei pazienti nel migliorare gli esiti sanitari e ridurre i costi. La continua collaborazione di Phreesia con il CMMI potrebbe portare a un uso ampliato del PAM in ulteriori modelli e contesti sanitari.

Phreesia, líder en la recepción y activación de pacientes, ha renovado su contrato con el CMS Innovation Center (CMMI) para el uso de la Patient Activation Measure® (PAM) hasta 2029. El PAM evalúa el conocimiento, las habilidades y la confianza de los pacientes para gestionar su atención médica. Esta renovación sigue al éxito del modelo Kidney Care Choices (KCC), que busca mejorar la atención para los beneficiarios de Medicare con enfermedad renal crónica.

La primera evaluación anual del modelo KCC reveló mejoras significativas, que incluyen:

  • Aumento promedio de 8.8 puntos en las puntuaciones de PAM
  • Aumento del 20% en la diálisis en casa
  • Aumento del 16% en los inicios óptimos de ESRD
  • Aumento del 15% en pacientes en lista de espera para trasplante

Estos resultados demuestran la eficacia de la activación de pacientes en la mejora de los resultados de la atención médica y en la reducción de costos. La continua asociación de Phreesia con el CMMI podría llevar a un uso ampliado de PAM en modelos y contextos de atención médica adicionales.

환자 수용 및 활성화의 선두주자인 Phreesia가 CMS 혁신 센터(CMMI)와의 계약을 갱신했습니다 무기한으로 Patient Activation Measure® (PAM)의 사용을 2029년까지. PAM은 환자가 자신의 건강 관리를 관리하는 데 필요한 지식, 기술 및 자신감을 평가합니다. 이 갱신은 만성 신장 질환이 있는 Medicare 수혜자를 위한 치료 개선을 목표로 하는 Kidney Care Choices (KCC) 모델의 성공에 따른 것입니다.

KCC 모델의 첫 번째 연간 평가는 상당한 개선을 보여주었으며, 다음과 같은 내용이 포함됩니다:

  • PAM 점수에서 평균 8.8 포인트 증가
  • 재택 투석 20% 증가
  • 최적 ESRD 시작 16% 증가
  • 이식 대기자 명단에 있는 환자 15% 증가

이 결과는 환자 활성화가 의료 결과 개선 및 비용 절감에 효과적이라는 것을 보여줍니다. Phreesia와 CMMI의 지속적인 파트너십은 PAM의 추가 의료 모델 및 환경에서의 확장된 사용을 이끌어낼 수 있습니다.

Phreesia, leader dans l'accueil et l'activation des patients, a renouvelé son contrat avec le CMS Innovation Center (CMMI) pour l'utilisation de la Patient Activation Measure® (PAM) jusqu'en 2029. La PAM évalue les connaissances, les compétences et la confiance des patients dans la gestion de leurs soins de santé. Ce renouvellement fait suite au succès du modèle Kidney Care Choices (KCC), qui vise à améliorer les soins pour les bénéficiaires de Medicare atteints de maladies rénales chroniques.

La première évaluation annuelle du modèle KCC a révélé des améliorations significatives, notamment :

  • Une augmentation moyenne de 8,8 points des scores PAM
  • Une augmentation de 20 % de la dialyse à domicile
  • Une augmentation de 16 % des débuts optimaux d'ESRD
  • Une augmentation de 15 % des patients sur la liste d'attente pour une transplantation

Ces résultats démontrent l'efficacité de l'activation des patients dans l'amélioration des résultats de santé et la réduction des coûts. Le partenariat continu de Phreesia avec le CMMI pourrait conduire à un usage élargi de la PAM dans d'autres modèles et contextes de soins de santé.

Phreesia, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der Patientenaufnahme und -aktivierung, hat seinen Vertrag mit dem CMS Innovation Center (CMMI) erneuert für die Nutzung des Patient Activation Measure® (PAM) bis 2029. Der PAM bewertet das Wissen, die Fähigkeiten und das Vertrauen der Patienten in die Verwaltung ihrer Gesundheitsversorgung. Diese Erneuerung folgt dem Erfolg des Kidney Care Choices (KCC) Modells, das darauf abzielt, die Versorgung von Medicare-Begünstigten mit chronischer Nierenerkrankung zu verbessern.

Die erste jährliche Bewertung des KCC-Modells ergab signifikante Verbesserungen, darunter:

  • Ein durchschnittlicher Anstieg um 8,8 Punkte in den PAM-Wertungen
  • Ein Anstieg von 20% bei der Hämodialyse zu Hause
  • Ein Anstieg von 16% bei optimalen ESRD-Starts
  • Ein Anstieg von 15% der Patienten auf der Warteliste für Transplantationen

Diese Ergebnisse zeigen die Wirksamkeit der Patientenaktivierung bei der Verbesserung von Gesundheitsresultaten und der Senkung von Kosten. Die fortgesetzte Partnerschaft von Phreesia mit dem CMMI könnte zu einer erweiterten Nutzung von PAM in zusätzlichen Gesundheitsmodellen und -kontexten führen.

  • Phreesia secured a contract renewal with CMMI through 2029 for the use of PAM
  • KCC Model showed clinically meaningful increases in PAM scores, with an average of 8.8 points
  • 20% increase in home dialysis and 16% increase in optimal ESRD starts in the KCC program
  • 15% increase in patients on the transplant waitlist
  • Potential for expansion of PAM into additional healthcare models and settings
  • None.


The renewal of Phreesia's contract with CMS for the Patient Activation Measure (PAM) through 2029 is a significant development for the company and the healthcare sector. The positive results from the first year of the Kidney Care Choices (KCC) Model demonstrate the effectiveness of PAM in improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

Key points to consider:

  • The 8.8-point average increase in PAM scores is associated with an estimated 8% reduction in costs, which is substantial in healthcare economics.
  • The potential expansion of PAM into additional CMS models could significantly increase Phreesia's market reach and revenue streams.
  • Improvements in home dialysis (20% increase) and transplant waitlist additions (15% increase) indicate better patient outcomes and potential cost savings for the healthcare system.

These results could position Phreesia as a key player in value-based care initiatives, potentially leading to increased adoption of their technologies by healthcare providers and payers. Investors should monitor how this contract renewal and positive data translate into Phreesia's financial performance and market share growth in the coming years.

Phreesia's contract renewal with CMS underscores the growing importance of patient-reported outcome measures (PRO-PMs) in healthcare technology. This development has several implications for the medtech sector:

  • The success of PAM in the KCC Model could accelerate the adoption of similar technologies across various disease states and care settings.
  • Phreesia's position as a provider of one of the first PRO-PMs in a CMS alternative payment model gives it a competitive advantage in the rapidly evolving healthcare IT landscape.
  • The demonstrated effectiveness of PAM in improving patient activation across diverse populations, including those traditionally underserved, could make it an attractive tool for addressing health equity issues.

For investors, this represents a potential growth area in healthcare technology. As value-based care models expand, companies that can provide validated, outcomes-focused tools like PAM may see increased demand. Phreesia's ability to scale its technology, having enabled approximately 150 million patient visits in 2023, positions it well to capitalize on this trend. However, investors should also consider potential competition and the pace of adoption in evaluating the long-term impact on Phreesia's market position.

ALL-REMOTE COMPANY/WILMINGTON, Del.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Phreesia, a leader in patient intake, outreach and activation, is pleased to announce that its contract with the CMS Innovation Center (CMMI) for use of the Patient Activation Measure® (PAM) has been renewed through 2029. The PAM performance measure, which assesses gains in patients’ knowledge, skills and confidence in managing their own healthcare, is one of the first patient-reported outcome performance measures (PRO-PMs) used in a CMS alternative payment model. Under the new contract, Phreesia will provide access to PAM, training, analysis and other support to the Kidney Care Choices Model (KCC). CMMI also has the option to expand the PAM into additional models, including those focused on other disease states, care settings or episodes of care.

Since 2019, Phreesia has partnered with CMMI to support the KCC Model, which aims to improve care and quality of life for nearly 200,000 Medicare beneficiaries with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The model is designed to delay the onset of dialysis and improve dialysis starts, increase home dialysis and incentivize kidney transplantation. On September 18, CMS released the first annual evaluation of the KCC model from 2022, the first year of the program, which found:

  • Clinically meaningful increases in PAM scores—an average of 8.8 points—across patient populations, with the highest increase—12.8 points—among transplant patients. In previous studies, changes of this magnitude have been associated with an 8% reduction in costs.
  • PAM score increases in the KCC program, in which organizations were incentivized, were double the average 4- to 5-point increase in prior studies of interventions with kidney care patients, in which clinicians were not incentivized.
  • Significant improvements in other targeted outcomes, including a 20% increase in home dialysis, an 8 to 26% increase in peritoneal dialysis, a 16% increase in optimal ESRD starts and an increase of 15% of patients on the transplant waitlist.
  • 85% of large KCC-participating healthcare organizations successfully implemented interventions to address the needs of less-activated patients; most of those organizations had not used PAM previously. Survey responses such as “I know what treatments are available for my health problems” made it easier for care teams to understand patients’ needs.
  • Gains in activation were seen across all patient populations, including those who were older, sicker, economically disadvantaged, or racial or ethnic minorities—a key finding for helping to reduce pervasive disparities in the kidney-care population.

“We’re honored to continue partnering with CMMI and KCC participants, and we congratulate them on their success improving the lives of kidney care patients,” said Hilary Hatch, PhD, a clinical psychologist and Phreesia’s Chief Clinical Officer. “Care teams drove significant increases in PAM scores in the first year of the KCC program, meaning tens of thousands of kidney care patients are taking a more active role in their care. As CMMI expands the use of PRO-PMs to capture the patient voice, we look forward to working closely with them on new models, and we’re excited PAM will be available for more conditions and care settings.”

The PAM is backed up by over 800 peer-reviewed studies and is predictive of health behaviors that are linked to improvements in a patient’s health. When patient activation increases, clinical and mental health outcomes, medication adherence, disease self-management, and treatment satisfaction improve across numerous patient populations and chronic diseases. The PAM performance measure (PAM-PM) is the only performance measure endorsed by the Consensus Based Entity (CBE)—and re-endorsed in 2024—to assess gains in patient activation, based on the change in PAM survey scores over a twelve-month period.

“The year one KCC results are impressive,” said Alan Glaseroff, MD, Co-Founder and former Co-Director, Stanford Coordinated Care, at the Stanford School of Medicine. “The approach of incentivizing clinicians takes the focus on patient activation even further than we’ve seen before. The findings are similar to what we saw in our own CMMI-funded program, which ran from 2012 to 2015 and resulted in lower costs and improved outcomes. Patient activation is powerful, I’ve used it in my own practice, and I’m confident we’ll see continued improvements in outcomes—as well as cost reductions—in future years of the KCC Model.”

For more information on Phreesia, visit

About Phreesia

Phreesia is the trusted leader in patient activation, giving providers, life sciences companies and other organizations tools to help patients take a more active role in their care. Founded in 2005, Phreesia enabled approximately 150 million patient visits in 2023—more than 1 in 10 visits across the U.S.—scale that we believe allows us to make meaningful impact. Offering patient-driven digital solutions for intake, outreach, education and more, Phreesia enhances the patient experience, drives efficiency and improves healthcare outcomes. To learn more, visit


Maureen McKinney


Source: Phreesia, Inc.


What is the Patient Activation Measure (PAM) used by Phreesia (PHR) in the CMS contract?

The Patient Activation Measure (PAM) is a tool that assesses patients' knowledge, skills, and confidence in managing their own healthcare. It's one of the first patient-reported outcome performance measures used in a CMS alternative payment model.

What were the key results of the first year evaluation of the Kidney Care Choices (KCC) Model involving Phreesia (PHR)?

The first year evaluation showed an average 8.8-point increase in PAM scores, a 20% increase in home dialysis, a 16% increase in optimal ESRD starts, and a 15% increase in patients on the transplant waitlist.

How long has Phreesia's (PHR) contract with CMS Innovation Center been renewed for?

Phreesia's contract with the CMS Innovation Center for the use of the Patient Activation Measure (PAM) has been renewed through 2029.

What potential expansion opportunities does Phreesia (PHR) have with the CMS contract renewal?

With the contract renewal, CMMI has the option to expand the use of PAM into additional models, including those focused on other disease states, care settings, or episodes of care beyond the current Kidney Care Choices Model.

Phreesia, Inc.


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