PulteGroup Honors Two Veterans with New Mortgage-Free Homes in Orlando

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PulteGroup, a leading U.S. homebuilder, has donated two mortgage-free homes to military veterans in Orlando through its Built to Honor® program. The 88th and 89th homes were presented to U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Kaia Santana and U.S. Army Sergeant James Burse on August 19 in the EverBe community. The custom-built homes feature personalized touches, including surprise backyard pools.

Santana, a 19-year veteran with multiple deployments, and Burse, a nine-year veteran with tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, were deeply moved by the thoughtful details in their new homes. The Built to Honor® program, launched in 2013, supports veterans injured during service and has now gifted 89 homes. These homes were built in partnership with Building Homes for Heroes, a national nonprofit organization.

PulteGroup, un importante costruttore di case negli Stati Uniti, ha donato due case senza mutuo a veterani militari a Orlando attraverso il suo programma Built to Honor®. La 88ª e la 89ª casa sono state consegnate al Master Sergeant Kaia Santana dell'Air Force statunitense e al Sergeant James Burse dell'Esercito statunitense il 19 agosto nella comunità di EverBe. Le case, costruite su misura, presentano dettagli personalizzati, tra cui piscine a sorpresa nel giardino.

Santana, un veterano con 19 anni di servizio e più di un dispiegamento, e Burse, un veterano di nove anni con missioni in Iraq e Afghanistan, sono stati profondamente commossi per i dettagli pensati nelle loro nuove abitazioni. Il programma Built to Honor®, lanciato nel 2013, supporta i veterani feriti durante il servizio e ha ora donato 89 case. Queste case sono state costruite in collaborazione con Building Homes for Heroes, un'organizzazione no-profit nazionale.

PulteGroup, un destacado constructor de viviendas en EE.UU., ha donado dos casas sin hipoteca a veteranos militares en Orlando a través de su programa Built to Honor®. La 88ª y 89ª casa fueron entregadas a la Maestra Sargento Kaia Santana de la Fuerza Aérea de EE.UU. y al Sargento James Burse del Ejército de EE.UU. el 19 de agosto en la comunidad de EverBe. Las casas construidas a medida cuentan con toques personalizados, incluyendo piscinas sorpresa en el patio trasero.

Santana, una veterana de 19 años con múltiples despliegues, y Burse, un veterano de nueve años con misiones en Iraq y Afganistán, quedaron profundamente conmovidos por los detalles considerados en sus nuevos hogares. El programa Built to Honor®, lanzado en 2013, apoya a veteranos heridos durante el servicio y ha donado ya 89 casas. Estas casas fueron construidas en asociación con Building Homes for Heroes, una organización nacional sin fines de lucro.

PulteGroup, 미국의 주요 주택 건설 회사,는 Built to Honor® 프로그램의 일환으로 올랜도에서 군인 퇴역자에게 두 채의 모기지 없는 집을 기부했습니다. 88번째와 89번째 집은 8월 19일 EverBe 커뮤니티에서 미 공군 상사 카이아 산타나미 육군 병장 제임스 버스에게 전달되었습니다. 맞춤형으로 지어진 이 집들은 깜짝 수영장과 같은 개인적인 터치를 특징으로 합니다.

19년 경력의 다수의 배치를 경험한 산타나와, 이라크와 아프가니스탄에서 복무한 9년 경력의 버스는 그들의 새 집에서 세심하게 준비된 세부 사항에 깊은 감동을 받았습니다. 2013년에 시작된 Built to Honor® 프로그램은 복무 중 부상을 당한 퇴역군인을 지원하며, 현재까지 89채의 집을 기부했습니다. 이 집들은 전국적인 비영리 단체인 Building Homes for Heroes와 협력하여 건설되었습니다.

PulteGroup, un constructeur de maisons de premier plan aux États-Unis, a fait don de deux maisons sans hypothèque à des vétérans militaires à Orlando grâce à son programme Built to Honor®. La 88ème et la 89ème maison ont été remises le 19 août à la Maître Sergent Kaia Santana de l'Air Force américaine et à le Sergent James Burse de l'Armée américaine dans la communauté d'EverBe. Les maisons construites sur mesure présentent des touches personnalisées, y compris des piscines surprises dans le jardin.

Santana, une vétérane de 19 ans avec plusieurs déploiements, et Burse, un vétéran de neuf ans ayant servi en Irak et en Afghanistan, ont été profondément touchés par les détails réfléchis de leurs nouvelles maisons. Le programme Built to Honor®, lancé en 2013, soutient les vétérans blessés pendant le service et a maintenant offert 89 maisons. Ces maisons ont été construites en partenariat avec Building Homes for Heroes, une organisation nationale à but non lucratif.

PulteGroup, ein führender Hausbauer in den USA, hat zwei hypothekenfreie Häuser an Militärveteranen in Orlando im Rahmen seines Built to Honor®-Programms gespendet. Die 88. und 89. Häuser wurden am 19. August in der EverBe-Gemeinschaft an U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Kaia Santana und U.S. Army Sergeant James Burse übergeben. Die maßgeschneiderten Häuser bieten persönliche Details, darunter überraschende Pools im Hinterhof.

Santana, eine 19-jährige Veteranin mit zahlreichen Einsätzen, und Burse, ein neun Jahre dienender Veteran mit Einsätzen im Irak und in Afghanistan, waren von den durchdachten Details in ihren neuen Häusern tief berührt. Das Built to Honor®-Programm, das 2013 ins Leben gerufen wurde, unterstützt verwundete Veteranen und hat mittlerweile 89 Häuser gespendet. Diese Häuser wurden in Partnerschaft mit Building Homes for Heroes, einer nationalen gemeinnützigen Organisation, gebaut.

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The Company’s Built to Honor® Program Celebrates 88th and 89th Donations, Surprising Families with Custom Features and Backyard Pools

ORLANDO, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- On August 19, the EverBe community in Orlando became the site of new beginnings for two American heroes. PulteGroup, one of the nation's leading homebuilders, presented two deserving military veterans with keys to their new mortgage-free homes, transforming their service into the solid foundation of a bright future. The homes were awarded through PulteGroup’s Built to Honor program, which supports veterans injured during their term of service.

U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Kaia Santana and family (Photo: Business Wire)

U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Kaia Santana and family (Photo: Business Wire)

U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Kaia Santana and U.S. Army Sergeant James Burse and their families were the grateful recipients of these custom built homes. The summer heat couldn't cool the spirits of those gathered for this heartwarming event, which concluded with a surprise reveal of the homes' backyard pools, leading to an impromptu celebration splash.

"It's so gratifying to know that we are appreciated for our sacrifices," said Master Sergeant Santana, visibly moved by the thoughtful details in her new home. Santana, who served 19 years with deployments in Greece, Guam, Japan, and Iraq, found her children's bedrooms personalized with a drafting table, a karaoke stage, and a Marvel-themed room.

Sergeant Burse, a nine-year veteran with tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, was equally touched by the personal touches in his new home, which included Georgia Bulldogs memorabilia and a signed jersey from the football team he coaches. "This is a huge blessing for me and my wife. Now we can focus on starting a family," he beamed.

During the dedication ceremony, Clint Ball, Division President for PulteGroup, expressed the company's gratitude in saying, "We're so humbled and grateful for your selfless service on behalf of our country."

This event marks another milestone in PulteGroup's ongoing commitment through its Built to Honor® program. These two homes mark the 88th and 89th homes gifted by PulteGroup since its inception in 2013. The Santana and Burse homes were built in partnership with Building Homes for Heroes, a national nonprofit organization devoted to bringing renewed hope and service to injured veterans.

The new homes include personalized features to accommodate the veterans' families' unique interests and needs and surprising elements like swimming pools and customized living spaces. For Master Sergeant Santana, who recently completed a culinary arts program and accepted a position at Walt Disney World, the home represents a new chapter in her life. For Sergeant Burse, who works with Operation Barnabas to assist veterans with homelessness and suicide prevention, it means a safe place to live and the opportunity to start a family.

PulteGroup's Built to Honor® program continues to significantly impact the lives of veterans and their families, creating spaces where they can thrive and build their futures.

For more information about PulteGroup's Built to Honor® program, please visit

About PulteGroup

PulteGroup, Inc. (NYSE: PHM), based in Atlanta, Georgia, is one of America’s largest homebuilding companies with operations in more than 45 markets throughout the country. Through its brand portfolio that includes Centex, Pulte Homes, Del Webb, DiVosta Homes, American West and John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods, the company is one of the industry’s most versatile homebuilders able to meet the needs of multiple buyer groups and respond to changing consumer demand. PulteGroup’s purpose is building incredible places where people can live their dreams.

For more information about PulteGroup, Inc. and PulteGroup brands, go to;;;;;; and Follow PulteGroup, Inc. on X: @PulteGroupNews.

Ally Boyle

office: 404.464.9060

Source: PulteGroup, Inc.


How many homes has PulteGroup's Built to Honor program donated to veterans?

PulteGroup's Built to Honor program has donated 89 homes to veterans since its inception in 2013.

Who received the latest homes from PulteGroup's Built to Honor program in Orlando?

U.S. Air Force Master Sergeant Kaia Santana and U.S. Army Sergeant James Burse received the latest homes from PulteGroup's Built to Honor program in Orlando on August 19.

What special features were included in the homes donated by PulteGroup (PHM) in Orlando?

The homes donated by PulteGroup (PHM) in Orlando included personalized features such as customized children's bedrooms, sports memorabilia, and surprise backyard swimming pools.

When did PulteGroup (PHM) start its Built to Honor program?

PulteGroup (PHM) started its Built to Honor program in 2013.

Which organization did PulteGroup (PHM) partner with for these veteran home donations?

PulteGroup (PHM) partnered with Building Homes for Heroes, a national nonprofit organization, for these veteran home donations.

Pultegroup, Inc.


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