PSEG Long Island Is Prepared for Summer 2024
PSEG Long Island, a subsidiary of Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE:PEG), has announced its preparedness for Summer 2024, including hurricane season and peak demand periods. The company, which serves approximately 1.2 million customers, has focused on substation, transmission, and distribution improvements. Key initiatives include:
1. Completion of storm hardening work on over 1,000 miles of distribution mainline circuits since 2014.
2. Implementation of the Power On initiative, strengthening an additional 352 miles of circuits since 2020.
3. Achieving a 72% reduction in damage-related outages on storm-hardened sections from 2016 to 2023.
These efforts aim to enhance reliability and resilience of the electric grid, ensuring consistent power delivery during extreme weather conditions.
PSEG Long Island, una filiale di Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE:PEG), ha annunciato la propria preparazione per l'estate 2024, inclusa la stagione degli uragani e i periodi di massima domanda. L'azienda, che serve circa 1,2 milioni di clienti, si è concentrata su miglioramenti delle sottostazioni, della trasmissione e della distribuzione. Le iniziative chiave includono:
1. Completamento dei lavori di rinforzo contro le tempeste su oltre 1.000 miglia di circuiti principali di distribuzione dal 2014.
2. Implementazione dell'iniziativa Power On, che ha rafforzato ulteriormente 352 miglia di circuiti dal 2020.
3. Raggiungimento di una riduzione del 72% delle interruzioni legate ai danni nelle sezioni rinforzate contro le tempeste dal 2016 al 2023.
Questi sforzi mirano a migliorare l'affidabilità e la resilienza della rete elettrica, garantendo una fornitura di energia costante durante condizioni meteorologiche estreme.
PSEG Long Island, una subsidiaria de Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE:PEG), ha anunciado su preparación para el verano de 2024, incluida la temporada de huracanes y los períodos de máxima demanda. La compañía, que atiende a aproximadamente 1,2 millones de clientes, se ha centrado en mejoras en subestaciones, transmisión y distribución. Las iniciativas clave incluyen:
1. Finalización del trabajo de endurecimiento contra tormentas en más de 1.000 millas de circuitos principales de distribución desde 2014.
2. Implementación de la iniciativa Power On, que ha fortalecido 352 millas adicionales de circuitos desde 2020.
3. Logro de una reducción del 72% en cortes relacionados con daños en las secciones endurecidas contra tormentas de 2016 a 2023.
Estos esfuerzos buscan mejorar la confiabilidad y la resiliencia de la red eléctrica, asegurando una entrega constante de energía durante condiciones climáticas extremas.
PSEG 롱아일랜드는 Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE:PEG)의 자회사로서 2024년 여름, 허리케인 시즌 및 최대 수요 기간에 대한 준비 상태를 발표했습니다. 약 120만 고객에게 서비스를 제공하는 이 회사는 변전소, 송전 및 배전 개선에 집중하고 있습니다. 주요 이니셔티브는 다음과 같습니다:
1. 2014년부터 1,000마일 이상의 배전 주요 회로에 대한 폭풍 내구성 작업 완료.
2. Power On 이니셔티브의 시행으로 2020년 이후 352마일의 회로를 추가로 강화했습니다.
3. 2016년부터 2023년까지 폭풍에 견디게-한 구역에서의 손상 관련 정전 72% 감소 달성.
이러한 노력은 전력망의 신뢰성과 회복력을 향상시키고 극한의 기상 조건에서도 지속적인 전력 공급을 보장하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
PSEG Long Island, une filiale de Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE:PEG), a annoncé sa préparation pour l'été 2024, y compris la saison des ouragans et les périodes de pointe de demande. L'entreprise, qui sert environ 1,2 million de clients, s'est concentrée sur les améliorations des postes de transformation, de la transmission et de la distribution. Les initiatives clés comprennent :
1. Achèvement des travaux de renforcement contre les tempêtes sur plus de 1 000 miles de circuits principaux de distribution depuis 2014.
2. Mise en œuvre de l'initiative Power On, qui a permis de renforcer 352 miles de circuits supplémentaires depuis 2020.
3. Réduction de 72% des coupures liées aux dommages dans les sections renforcées contre les tempêtes de 2016 à 2023.
Ces efforts visent à améliorer la fiabilité et la résilience du réseau électrique, garantissant une fourniture d'électricité constante pendant les conditions météorologiques extrêmes.
PSEG Long Island, eine Tochtergesellschaft der Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (NYSE:PEG), hat ihre Bereitschaft für den Sommer 2024, einschließlich der Hurrikansaison und der Spitzenlastzeiten, bekannt gegeben. Das Unternehmen, das etwa 1,2 Millionen Kunden bedient, hat sich auf Verbesserungen von Umspannwerken, Übertragung und Verteilung konzentriert. Zu den wichtigsten Initiativen gehören:
1. Abschluss der Arbeiten zur Sturmsicherung an über 1.000 Meilen von Verteilungs-Hauptleitungen seit 2014.
2. Umsetzung der Power On-Initiative, durch die zusätzlich 352 Meilen von Leitungen verstärkt wurden seit 2020.
3. Erreichung einer 72%igen Reduzierung der wetterbedingten Ausfälle in sturmgesicherten Bereichen von 2016 bis 2023.
Diese Maßnahmen zielen darauf ab, die Zuverlässigkeit und Widerstandsfähigkeit des Stromnetzes zu verbessern und eine konstante Energieversorgung unter extremen Wetterbedingungen zu gewährleisten.
- Completed storm hardening work on over 1,000 miles of distribution mainline circuits since 2014
- Implemented Power On initiative, strengthening an additional 352 miles of circuits since 2020
- Achieved 72% reduction in damage-related outages on storm-hardened sections from 2016 to 2023
- Continuous infrastructure improvements to enhance reliability and resilience
- None.
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"Providing reliable electric service to approximately 1.2 million customers is a long-term commitment, and our personnel work year-round to ensure the grid is ready for summer's extreme weather conditions," said Michael Sullivan, vice president of Electric Operations, PSEG Long Island. "The improvements we have made over the past decade continue to help us deliver consistent, resilient power to our customers, today and in the future."
Electric Infrastructure Improvements
Across Long Island and the Rockaways, PSEG Long Island has prepared the electric infrastructure by focusing on substation, and transmission and distribution improvements, as well as by performing circuit and equipment inspections using helicopters and infrared technology.
Storm Hardening Programs
Since the implementation of the FEMA-funded storm-hardening program in 2014, PSEG Long Island has completed storm hardening and reliability work on more than 1,000 miles of distribution mainline circuits.
PSEG Long Island is proud to continue its storm hardening work with Power On, an initiative started in the spring of 2020 that will continue to improve reliability by strengthening distribution lines, targeting the most vulnerable circuits across Long Island and the Rockaways. Since the launch, an additional more than 352 miles of distribution mainline circuits have been storm hardened with stronger poles, thicker wire and other modern equipment.
These investments have strengthened the system so that fewer customers experience outages and, when they do occur, the duration is shorter, especially during extreme weather. Excluding catastrophic storms, the sections of circuits that PSEG Long Island has storm-hardened have seen a
PSEG Long Island
PSEG Long Island operates the Long Island Power Authority's transmission and distribution system under a long-term contract. PSEG Long Island is a subsidiary of Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. (PSEG) (NYSE:PEG), a publicly traded diversified energy company.
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View original content:
What preparations has PSEG Long Island made for Summer 2024?
How many customers does PSEG Long Island serve?
What is the impact of PSEG Long Island's storm hardening efforts?