Ponce Bank Re-Designs its Westchester Avenue Bank Branch in the Bronx
Ponce Bank has unveiled its redesigned Westchester Avenue branch in the Bronx, marking a significant transformation in its banking experience. The grand re-opening is scheduled for February 27, 2025. The renovation, which resumed after being interrupted by the Covid Pandemic, features state-of-the-art banking technologies combined with community-centric elements.
The branch's new design includes Open Tellers for consultative experiences, centrally located managers, private spaces, and meeting areas with teleconferencing capabilities. As part of the Westchester Banking Development District (BDD), this renovation reinforces the branch's role as a community hub aimed at attracting new depositors and business customers.
The project, led by SVP Steve Hamilton, represents a significant investment in modernizing banking services while maintaining a strong community focus. The initiative has received support from various officials, including New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli and Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson, highlighting its importance in providing access to capital and supporting local economic growth.
Ponce Bank ha svelato la sua filiale ristrutturata di Westchester Avenue nel Bronx, segnando una trasformazione significativa nella sua esperienza bancaria. La riapertura ufficiale è prevista per il 27 febbraio 2025. La ristrutturazione, che è ripresa dopo essere stata interrotta dalla pandemia di Covid, presenta tecnologie bancarie all'avanguardia combinate con elementi centrati sulla comunità.
Il nuovo design della filiale include Sportelli Aperti per esperienze di consulenza, manager situati in posizione centrale, spazi privati e aree riunioni con capacità di teleconferenza. Come parte del Distretto di Sviluppo Bancario di Westchester (BDD), questa ristrutturazione rafforza il ruolo della filiale come centro comunitario volto ad attrarre nuovi depositanti e clienti commerciali.
Il progetto, guidato dal SVP Steve Hamilton, rappresenta un investimento significativo nella modernizzazione dei servizi bancari mantenendo un forte focus sulla comunità. L'iniziativa ha ricevuto supporto da vari funzionari, tra cui il Comptroller dello Stato di New York Thomas P. DiNapoli e la Presidente del Bronx Vanessa L. Gibson, evidenziando la sua importanza nel fornire accesso al capitale e nel sostenere la crescita economica locale.
Ponce Bank ha presentado su sucursal rediseñada en Westchester Avenue en el Bronx, marcando una transformación significativa en su experiencia bancaria. La gran reapertura está programada para el 27 de febrero de 2025. La renovación, que se reanudó después de ser interrumpida por la pandemia de Covid, cuenta con tecnologías bancarias de última generación combinadas con elementos centrados en la comunidad.
El nuevo diseño de la sucursal incluye Cajeros Abiertos para experiencias de consulta, gerentes ubicados en el centro, espacios privados y áreas de reunión con capacidades de teleconferencia. Como parte del Distrito de Desarrollo Bancario de Westchester (BDD), esta renovación refuerza el papel de la sucursal como un centro comunitario destinado a atraer nuevos depositantes y clientes comerciales.
El proyecto, liderado por el SVP Steve Hamilton, representa una inversión significativa en la modernización de los servicios bancarios mientras se mantiene un fuerte enfoque comunitario. La iniciativa ha recibido apoyo de varios funcionarios, incluidos el Contralor del Estado de Nueva York Thomas P. DiNapoli y la Presidenta del Bronx Vanessa L. Gibson, destacando su importancia en proporcionar acceso al capital y apoyar el crecimiento económico local.
폰스 은행이 브롱크스에 위치한 웨스트체스터 애비뉴 지점을 새롭게 단장하여 은행 경험의 중요한 변화를 알렸습니다. 대규모 재개장은 2025년 2월 27일로 예정되어 있습니다. 코로나19 팬데믹으로 중단된 후 재개된 이번 리노베이션은 최첨단 은행 기술과 지역 사회 중심의 요소를 결합하고 있습니다.
지점의 새로운 디자인에는 상담 경험을 위한 오픈 텔러, 중앙에 위치한 관리자, 개인 공간, 그리고 화상 회의 기능이 있는 회의 공간이 포함되어 있습니다. 웨스트체스터 뱅킹 개발 지구(BDD)의 일환으로, 이번 리노베이션은 새로운 예치자와 사업 고객을 유치하는 것을 목표로 하는 지역 사회 허브로서 지점의 역할을 강화합니다.
SVP 스티브 해밀턴이 이끄는 이 프로젝트는 강력한 지역 사회 중심을 유지하면서 은행 서비스를 현대화하는 데 중요한 투자를 나타냅니다. 이 이니셔티브는 뉴욕주 감사관 토마스 P. 디나폴리와 브롱크스 구청장 바네사 L. 깁슨을 포함한 여러 공무원들의 지원을 받았으며, 자본 접근과 지역 경제 성장을 지원하는 데 있어 그 중요성을 강조합니다.
Ponce Bank a dévoilé sa succursale rénovée de Westchester Avenue dans le Bronx, marquant une transformation significative de son expérience bancaire. La grande réouverture est prévue pour le 27 février 2025. La rénovation, qui a repris après avoir été interrompue par la pandémie de Covid, présente des technologies bancaires de pointe combinées à des éléments centrés sur la communauté.
Le nouveau design de la succursale comprend des Guichets Ouverts pour des expériences de consultation, des managers situés au centre, des espaces privés et des zones de réunion avec des capacités de téléconférence. Dans le cadre du District de Développement Bancaire de Westchester (BDD), cette rénovation renforce le rôle de la succursale en tant que centre communautaire visant à attirer de nouveaux déposants et clients commerciaux.
Le projet, dirigé par le SVP Steve Hamilton, représente un investissement significatif dans la modernisation des services bancaires tout en maintenant un fort accent sur la communauté. L'initiative a reçu le soutien de divers responsables, y compris le contrôleur de l'État de New York, Thomas P. DiNapoli, et la présidente du Bronx, Vanessa L. Gibson, soulignant son importance pour fournir un accès au capital et soutenir la croissance économique locale.
Ponce Bank hat seine neu gestaltete Filiale in der Westchester Avenue im Bronx vorgestellt, was eine bedeutende Transformation in seinem Bankenerlebnis markiert. Die große Wiedereröffnung ist für den 27. Februar 2025 geplant. Die Renovierung, die nach einer Unterbrechung durch die Covid-Pandemie wieder aufgenommen wurde, bietet modernste Banktechnologien, kombiniert mit gemeindezentrierten Elementen.
Das neue Design der Filiale umfasst Offene Schalter für beratende Erfahrungen, zentral gelegene Manager, private Räume und Besprechungsbereiche mit Videokonferenzmöglichkeiten. Im Rahmen des Westchester Banking Development District (BDD) verstärkt diese Renovierung die Rolle der Filiale als gemeinschaftliches Zentrum, das darauf abzielt, neue Einleger und Geschäftskunden anzuziehen.
Das Projekt, geleitet von SVP Steve Hamilton, stellt eine bedeutende Investition in die Modernisierung der Bankdienstleistungen dar, während ein starker Fokus auf die Gemeinschaft erhalten bleibt. Die Initiative hat Unterstützung von verschiedenen Beamten erhalten, darunter der Comptroller des Bundesstaates New York, Thomas P. DiNapoli, und die Präsidentin des Bronx, Vanessa L. Gibson, was ihre Bedeutung für den Zugang zu Kapital und die Unterstützung des lokalen Wirtschaftswachstums unterstreicht.
- Branch modernization enhances service delivery capabilities
- Strategic location in Banking Development District (BDD)
- Investment in technology and infrastructure improvements
- Enhanced customer service facilities with modern amenities
- Project delayed since 2019 due to Covid Pandemic
The Result is State-Of-The Art Banking Technologies Combined with Community Centric Banking That's Customer Friendly and Supportive
BRONX, N.Y., Feb. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Local dignitaries, Ponce Bank officers and administrators, and members of the public will celebrate Ponce Bank’s transformed branch experience at the Grand Re-Opening, set for 12:30 pm, Thursday, February 27, 2025 at Ponce’s Bank Branch, 2244 Westchester Avenue in the Bronx.
“We incorporated what we’ve learned to be essential in providing service to our customers as well as to our communities. Integrating new technologies and modern design elements yields a branch that is attractive, welcoming, and replete with service options,” says Steve Hamilton, SVP – Designer-in-Residence, who led the project.
“This branch anchors the new Westchester Banking Development District (BDD) proving daily how critical Community Banks like Ponce are to the neighbors they serve.” explains Carlos P. Naudon, President and Chief Executive Officer of Ponce Bank and Ponce Financial Group, Inc. “This branch re-design is the culmination of decisive internal planning and reflection, as well as concerted outreach to the community at large. The result is nothing short of exemplary, and we are proud to showcase the results of our efforts.”
The transformation relaunches a process begun in 2019, and interrupted by the Covid Pandemic, aimed at reinforcing the role of each banking branch as a ‘community hub’ that attracts new depositors and business customers, but anchors Ponce Bank branches as community-centric destinations. The revitalization efforts include Open Tellers that invite a more consultative experience, managers located at a central hub of the branch, private space for sensitive conversations, and meeting spaces as well as open areas with teleconferencing and AV equipment to encourage community-wide gatherings.
Steven A. Tsavaris, Chairman of the Board and Executive Chairman of Ponce Bank, notes “We’ve devoted a considerable amount of time, effort and energy to this re-design effort. It’s not simply a new design, but a fresh perspective in the way we interact with our customers and members of the community at large. We feel the success of this endeavor will augur well for our future and we continue to upgrade our branch offices to provide a better experience for customers and feel more open to the overall community. We’re very excited about this effort and look forward to welcoming visitors and friends."
“We are happy to see our investment helping Ponce’s Westchester Avenue Branch reach even more members of the community,” New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli said. “Supporting community banking is critically important in creating more access to capital and supporting personal wealth and home ownership. We thank Ponce Bank for their partnership.”
"Our banks play a crucial role in the economic success of our borough and the well-being of our residents. They are not just places to manage finances—they serve as community hubs, where relationships are built, resources are shared, and local businesses can thrive. I am proud to see institutions like Ponce Bank embody this vision, transforming their branches into vibrant, community-centric destinations that attract new customers and strengthen the ties between the financial sector and the neighborhoods they serve. I want to thank Ponce Bank for being a true partner and good neighbor, especially as they continue to support our borough through their resilience and commitment to helping local residents and businesses grow.” Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson.
New York State Superintendent of Financial Services Adrienne A. Harris said, "Since joining DFS, my mission has been to ensure that all New Yorkers have access to fair and affordable banking services. The BDD program is an essential tool for DFS to work with banks to enhance the customer experience in the communities they serve.
“Ponce Bank has been a trusted institution in our neighborhoods, making sure working families and small businesses have access to the financial services they need. This redesigned Westchester Avenue branch is a reflection of their commitment to keeping banking local and rooted in the Bronx. As our communities continue to grow and evolve, it's great to see institutions like Ponce Bank investing in the people and neighborhoods they serve. I look forward to celebrating this milestone and the opportunities it will bring for Bronxites.” Senator Nathalia Fernandez
“I am honored to rejoin Ponce Bank on this special occasion for our local depositors in the Southeast Bronx”, said Assembly Member Karines Reyes, R.N., Chair of the NYS Assembly & Senate’s Puerto Rican / Hispanic Task Force. “The reopening and upgrading of Ponce Bank’s Westchester Branch facilities, computer, and customer service systems will help our communities get better access to building wealth and resources. The bank’s leadership, commitment to modernization, and dedication to our community will allow our 21st Century depositors to get 21st Century services, which is a ‘win’ for everyone! I thank Ponce Bank for their hard work on this initiative and look forward to continuing collaboration for the residents of our area.”
"Ponce Bank has long been a pillar of the Bronx, providing essential financial services and unwavering community support. The newly redesigned Westchester Avenue branch modernizes banking with cutting-edge technology while preserving a welcoming, community-focused approach. Investments like this empower local families and small businesses to thrive, and I congratulate Ponce Bank on this exciting milestone." New York City Council, Majority Leader Amanda Farías
“Ponce Bank is an extremely valuable partner and resource for The Bronx, and their reopening of its Westchester Avenue bank branch is a testament to their strong commitment to a borough that has been considered to be a banking desert,” Rob Walsh, President of The Bronx Economic Development Corporation, said. “This will be a tremendous move for the small businesses of The Bronx, as well as the individuals who live and work here in the borough. I look forward to a continued partnership with Ponce Bank.”
"The Bronx Chamber of Commerce celebrates the grand reopening of Ponce Bank's Westchester Avenue branch. Ponce Bank is a true community partner, actively supporting our small businesses, entrepreneurs, and residents. This reimagined branch reflects their commitment to financial empowerment, accessibility, and community building. We look forward to the continued impact of their investment in the Bronx." Lisa Sorin, President of The Bronx Chamber of Commerce
“The grand reopening of Ponce Bank's main branch is an example of this bank's investment in the community,” Rafael Roger, President of the Business Initiative Corporation of New York, said. “This modernization is Ponce’s investment in the Bronx and the greater New York City Region. The services and capital that Ponce provides creates jobs and housing in our community. Our neighborhoods, small businesses, and non-profits will be the beneficiaries of this facility, and we look forward to our continued partnership with Ponce.”
“We’re excited to welcome Ponce Bank’s reopening as a Banking Development District in Castle Hill. This new space strengthens access to financial services, empowering local businesses and residents. By fostering economic growth and opportunity, it plays a key role in the continued revitalization of our community.” Sasha Ortiz, Executive Director, Castle Hill BID
About Ponce Bank … founded in the Bronx in 1960 when most banks fled an area others perceived to be in decline. Our founders saw opportunity in an entrepreneurial community of immigrants and people of color that embodied the diverse cultures that make New York City one of the most innovative and welcoming cities in the world. We focus on supporting small business, providing financial mastery education to our underserved, but highly deserving, communities, and real estate ownership, investment, and development with a particular emphasis on affordable housing. The Bank now has 13 branches and 3 loan production offices throughout the NYC Metro Area, Union City New Jersey and now Coral Gables, Florida and has grown to nearly
Media Contact: Fred Yaeger (914) 525-9198

When is the grand re-opening of PDLB's redesigned Westchester Avenue branch?
What new features are included in PDLB's Westchester Avenue branch redesign?
How does the PDLB Westchester Avenue branch renovation benefit the community?