Pacira Announces the Presentation of 104-Week Safety and Efficacy Data Following Local Administration of PCRX-201 for Moderate to Severe Osteoarthritis of the Knee

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Pacira BioSciences (NASDAQ: PCRX) announced the upcoming presentation of new 104-week safety and efficacy data for PCRX-201, its gene therapy candidate for moderate to severe osteoarthritis of the knee. The presentation will take place at the ACR Convergence annual meeting in Washington, D.C. on November 17.

PCRX-201 is a locally administered gene therapy designed to produce interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), which reduces IL-1 signaling, a factor in osteoarthritis progression. It uses an inducible promoter to express IL-1Ra when inflammation is present in the joint. In March 2024, PCRX-201 received Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation from the FDA, becoming the first gene therapy for osteoarthritis to do so. This designation provides benefits for expedited development and review. The therapy also received Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) designation from the European Medicines Agency in May 2023.

Pacira BioSciences (NASDAQ: PCRX) ha annunciato la prossima presentazione di nuovi dati di sicurezza ed efficacia a 104 settimane per PCRX-201, il suo candidato per terapia genica per l'osteoartrite moderata a grave del ginocchio. La presentazione avrà luogo durante il congresso annuale ACR Convergence a Washington, D.C. il 17 novembre.

PCRX-201 è una terapia genica somministrata localmente progettata per produrre l'antagonista del recettore dell'interleuchina-1 (IL-1Ra), che riduce il segnale di IL-1, un fattore nella progressione dell'osteoartrite. Utilizza un promotore inducibile per esprimere IL-1Ra quando è presente infiammazione nell'articolazione. Nel marzo 2024, PCRX-201 ha ricevuto la designazione di Terapia Avanzata in Medicina Rigenerativa (RMAT) dalla FDA, diventando la prima terapia genica per osteoartrite a ottenere tale designazione. Questa designazione offre vantaggi per lo sviluppo e la revisione accelerati. La terapia ha anche ricevuto la designazione di Prodotti Medicinali per Terapie Avanzate (ATMP) dall'Agenzia Europea dei Medicinali nel maggio 2023.

Pacira BioSciences (NASDAQ: PCRX) anunció la próxima presentación de nuevos datos de seguridad y eficacia a 104 semanas para PCRX-201, su candidato a terapia génica para la osteoartritis moderada a severa de la rodilla. La presentación tendrá lugar en la reunión anual ACR Convergence en Washington, D.C. el 17 de noviembre.

PCRX-201 es una terapia génica administrada localmente diseñada para producir el antagonista del receptor de interleucina-1 (IL-1Ra), que reduce la señalización de IL-1, un factor en la progresión de la osteoartritis. Utiliza un promotor inducible para expresar IL-1Ra cuando hay inflamación presente en la articulación. En marzo de 2024, PCRX-201 recibió la designación de Terapia Avanzada en Medicina Regenerativa (RMAT) de la FDA, convirtiéndose en la primera terapia génica para osteoartritis en lograrlo. Esta designación proporciona beneficios para el desarrollo y revisión acelerados. La terapia también recibió la designación de Productos Medicinales de Terapia Avanzada (ATMP) de la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos en mayo de 2023.

Pacira BioSciences (NASDAQ: PCRX)는 무릎의 중등도에서 중증 골관절염 치료를 위한 유전자 치료 후보인 PCRX-201의 104주 안전성 및 유효성에 대한 새로운 발표를 할 예정이라고 발표했습니다. 이 발표는 11월 17일 워싱턴 D.C.에서 열리는 ACR Convergence 연례 회의에서 진행됩니다.

PCRX-201은 관절에 염증이 있을 때 IL-1Ra를 생성하도록 설계된 국소적으로 투여되는 유전자 치료제입니다. IL-1Ra는 IL-1 신호를 줄여 골관절염의 진행에 영향을 미치는 요인입니다. 2024년 3월, PCRX-201은 FDA로부터 재생의학고급요법(RMAT) 지명을 받았으며, 이는 골관절염을 위한 최초의 유전자 치료제가 되었습니다. 이 지명은 개발 및 심사의 가속화를 위한 혜택을 제공합니다. 이 치료법은 2023년 5월 유럽 의약청으로부터 고급 치료 의약품(ATMP) 지명도 받았습니다.

Pacira BioSciences (NASDAQ: PCRX) a annoncé la prochaine présentation de nouvelles données de sécurité et d'efficacité sur 104 semaines pour PCRX-201, son candidat en thérapie génique pour l'arthrose du genou modérée à sévère. La présentation aura lieu lors de la réunion annuelle ACR Convergence à Washington, D.C. le 17 novembre.

PCRX-201 est une thérapie génique administrée localement conçue pour produire l'antagoniste du récepteur de l'interleukine-1 (IL-1Ra), qui réduit la signalisation de l'IL-1, un facteur dans la progression de l'arthrose. Elle utilise un promoteur inductible pour exprimer l'IL-1Ra lorsque l'inflammation est présente dans l'articulation. En mars 2024, PCRX-201 a reçu la dénomination de Thérapie Avancée en Médecine Régénérative (RMAT) de la FDA, devenant ainsi la première thérapie génique pour l'arthrose à obtenir cette dénomination. Cette distinction offre des avantages pour un développement et une évaluation accélérés. La thérapie a également reçu la dénomination de Produits Médicinaux de Thérapie Avancée (ATMP) de l'Agence Européenne des Médicaments en mai 2023.

Pacira BioSciences (NASDAQ: PCRX) gab bekannt, dass am 17. November auf dem ACR Convergence Jahresmeeting in Washington, D.C. neue Sicherheits- und Wirksamkeitsdaten über einen Zeitraum von 104 Wochen für PCRX-201, ihren Gentherapiekandidaten für moderate bis schwere Knieosteoarthritis, präsentiert werden.

PCRX-201 ist eine lokal verabreichte Gentherapie, die dazu entwickelt wurde, den Interleukin-1-Rezeptorantagonisten (IL-1Ra) zu produzieren, der das IL-1-Signal reduziert, ein Faktor im Fortschreiten der Osteoarthrose. Sie nutzt einen induzierbaren Promotor, um IL-1Ra auszudrücken, wenn eine Entzündung im Gelenk vorhanden ist. Im März 2024 erhielt PCRX-201 die Regenerative Medizin Fortgeschrittene Therapie (RMAT) Auszeichnung von der FDA und wurde so zur ersten Gentherapie für Osteoarthrose, die diese Auszeichnung erhielt. Diese Auszeichnung bietet Vorteile für eine beschleunigte Entwicklung und Überprüfung. Die Therapie erhielt auch im Mai 2023 die Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) Auszeichnung von der Europäischen Arzneimittel-Agentur.

  • PCRX-201 received RMAT designation from the FDA, potentially expediting development and review
  • PCRX-201 is the first gene therapy for osteoarthritis to receive RMAT designation
  • The therapy also received ATMP designation from the European Medicines Agency
  • New 104-week safety and efficacy data to be presented at a major industry conference
  • None.


The presentation of 104-week safety and efficacy data for PCRX-201 in treating moderate to severe osteoarthritis of the knee is a significant development for Pacira BioSciences. This gene therapy candidate represents a novel approach in the field of osteoarthritis treatment, potentially offering long-term relief from a single injection.

Key points to consider:

  • PCRX-201 is designed to produce IL-1Ra, targeting a known inflammatory pathway in osteoarthritis
  • The therapy uses an inducible promoter, potentially allowing for a more natural and responsive treatment
  • PCRX-201 has received both RMAT designation from the FDA and ATMP designation from the EMA, indicating its potential to address unmet medical needs
  • The 104-week data suggests sustained clinical effects, which could be a game-changer in osteoarthritis management

While promising, investors should note that this is still a candidate therapy. The upcoming presentation will be important in assessing its long-term efficacy and safety profile, which will influence its potential market impact and regulatory pathway.

The development of PCRX-201 represents a significant advancement in the field of osteoarthritis treatment. As a locally administered gene therapy, it addresses several key challenges in current treatments:

  • Targeted delivery: By administering the therapy directly to the affected joint, it potentially reduces systemic side effects
  • Long-lasting effects: The 104-week data suggests durability, which could greatly improve patient compliance and quality of life
  • Responsive mechanism: The inducible promoter mimics natural inflammatory responses, potentially offering a more physiological treatment approach

The RMAT and ATMP designations are particularly noteworthy, as they may accelerate the regulatory process and market entry. However, investors should be aware that gene therapies often face unique challenges in manufacturing, pricing and reimbursement. The success of PCRX-201 could position Pacira as a leader in non-opioid pain management and regenerative medicine for osteoarthritis, potentially opening up a substantial market opportunity.

-- Poster to be presented at ACR Convergence annual meeting --

TAMPA, Fla., Sept. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pacira BioSciences, Inc. (NASDAQ: PCRX), the industry leader in the delivery of innovative, non-opioid pain therapies, today announced the upcoming presentation of new data in support of its gene therapy candidate, PCRX-201 (enekinragene inzadenovec). The data will be presented at the American College of Rheumatology’s annual ACR Convergence meeting, being held in Washington, D.C. November 14–19.

Presentation Title: Sustained Clinical Effects After a Single Intra-articular Injection of PCRX-201 for Moderate-to-Severe Osteoarthritis of the Knee

Presented By: Stanley Cohen, MD, a board-certified rheumatologist and Co-Medical Director of the Metroplex Clinical Research Center in Dallas, TX

Date & Time: Sunday, November 17 from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm EST

PCRX-201 is a locally administered gene therapy, designed to produce interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), a naturally occurring, anti-inflammatory protein with a proven mechanism of action that reduces interleukin-1 (IL-1) signaling, a known factor in the development and progression of osteoarthritis of the knee. Unlike systemically administered gene therapies, PCRX-201 delivers the medicine where it matters and uses an inducible promoter to mimic the body’s natural response to inflammation by “turning on” the expression of IL-1Ra when inflammation is present in the joint to reduce pain and disability and potentially slow structural progression.

In March 2024, PCRX-201 became the first-ever gene therapy product candidate in osteoarthritis to receive Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

RMAT designation provides the benefits of intensive FDA guidance on efficient drug development, including the ability for early interactions with the FDA to discuss surrogate or intermediate endpoints, potential ways to support accelerated approval and satisfy post-approval requirements, potential priority review of the Biologics License Application (BLA), and other opportunities to expedite development and review. PCRX-201 was also granted Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) designation by the European Medicines Agency in May 2023.

About Pacira BioSciences
Pacira BioSciences delivers innovative, non-opioid pain therapies to transform the lives of patients. Pacira has three commercial-stage non-opioid treatments: EXPAREL® (bupivacaine liposome injectable suspension), a long-acting local analgesic currently approved for infiltration, fascial plane block, and as an interscalene brachial plexus nerve block for postsurgical pain management; ZILRETTA® (triamcinolone acetonide extended-release injectable suspension), an extended-release, intra-articular injection indicated for the management of osteoarthritis knee pain; and ioveraº®, a novel, handheld device for delivering immediate, long-acting, drug-free pain control using precise, controlled doses of cold temperature to a targeted nerve. The company is also advancing the development of PCRX-201, a novel locally administered gene therapy with the potential to treat large prevalent diseases like osteoarthritis. To learn more about Pacira, visit


What is PCRX-201 and what is it designed to treat?

PCRX-201 is a locally administered gene therapy designed to treat moderate to severe osteoarthritis of the knee. It produces interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), which reduces inflammation in the joint.

When and where will the new PCRX-201 data be presented?

The new 104-week safety and efficacy data for PCRX-201 will be presented on November 17 at the ACR Convergence annual meeting in Washington, D.C.

What designations has PCRX-201 received from regulatory agencies?

PCRX-201 received Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT) designation from the FDA in March 2024 and Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMP) designation from the European Medicines Agency in May 2023.

How does PCRX-201 differ from systemically administered gene therapies?

Unlike systemic gene therapies, PCRX-201 is locally administered and uses an inducible promoter to express IL-1Ra only when inflammation is present in the joint, mimicking the body's natural response.

Pacira BioSciences, Inc.


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