PotlatchDeltic's Timberlands Environmental Management System

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PotlatchDeltic has implemented a comprehensive timberland environmental management system (EMS) to achieve sustainable forest management objectives. The EMS includes:

  • Training foresters and contractors
  • Prescribing, monitoring, and inspecting forest management practices
  • Tracking stakeholder feedback
  • Internal inspections with implementation rates averaging 95% or higher
  • Monthly regional reporting and annual business unit reviews

The EMS ensures compliance with regulations for wildlife conservation, biodiversity, and protection of water, fish, and endangered species. It also maintains third-party certifications under FSC® or SFI® standards for all timberlands. The system covers log sourcing for wood products facilities under SFI Fiber Sourcing and FSC Chain of Custody standards where applicable.

PotlatchDeltic ha implementato un sistema di gestione ambientale delle foreste (EMS) completo per raggiungere obiettivi di gestione forestale sostenibile. L'EMS include:

  • Formazione per forestali e appaltatori
  • Prescrizione, monitoraggio e ispezione delle pratiche di gestione forestale
  • Tracciamento dei feedback degli stakeholders
  • Ispezioni interne con tassi di attuazione medi del 95% o superiori
  • Report regionali mensili e revisioni annuali delle unità aziendali

L'EMS garantisce il rispetto delle normative per la conservazione della fauna selvatica, la biodiversità e la protezione delle acque, dei pesci e delle specie in pericolo. Mantiene inoltre certificazioni di terze parti secondo gli standard FSC® o SFI® per tutte le foreste. Il sistema copre l'approvvigionamento di legname per le strutture di prodotti in legno secondo gli standard SFI Fiber Sourcing e FSC Chain of Custody, dove applicabile.

PotlatchDeltic ha implementado un sistema de gestión ambiental de tierras forestales (EMS) integral para alcanzar objetivos de gestión forestal sostenible. El EMS incluye:

  • Capacitación para silvicultores y contratistas
  • Prescripción, monitoreo e inspección de prácticas de gestión forestal
  • Seguimiento de las opiniones de las partes interesadas
  • Inspecciones internas con tasas de implementación que promedian el 95% o más
  • Informes regionales mensuales y revisiones anuales de las unidades de negocio

El EMS garantiza el cumplimiento de las normativas para la conservación de la vida silvestre, la biodiversidad y la protección del agua, los peces y las especies en peligro de extinción. También mantiene certificaciones de terceros bajo los estándares FSC® o SFI® para todas las tierras forestales. El sistema cubre el aprovisionamiento de madera para instalaciones de productos de madera bajo los estándares SFI Fiber Sourcing y FSC Chain of Custody, donde sea aplicable.

PotlatchDeltic는 지속 가능한 산림 관리 목표를 달성하기 위해 산림 환경 관리 시스템 (EMS)을 포괄적으로 도입했습니다. EMS는 다음을 포함합니다:

  • 임업인 및 계약자 교육
  • 산림 관리 관행의 처방, 모니터링 및 검사
  • 이해관계자 피드백 추적
  • 평균 95% 이상의 이행률을 가진 내부 검사
  • 매월 지역 보고 및 연간 사업부 검토

EMS는 야생 동물 보호, 생물 다양성 및 수자원, 어류 및 멸종 위기 종 보호에 대한 규정 준수를 보장합니다. 또한 모든 임업에 대해 FSC® 또는 SFI® 기준에 따른 제3자 인증을 유지합니다. 이 시스템은 해당되는 경우 SFI 섬유 조달 및 FSC 책임의 사슬 표준에 따라 목재 제품 시설에 대한 원목 조달을 포함합니다.

PotlatchDeltic a mis en œuvre un système de gestion environnementale des forêts (EMS) complet pour atteindre des objectifs de gestion durable des forêts. L'EMS comprend :

  • Formation des forestiers et des sous-traitants
  • Prescription, suivi et inspection des pratiques de gestion forestière
  • Suivi des retours d'expérience des parties prenantes
  • Inspections internes avec des taux d'implémentation de 95 % ou plus
  • Rapports régionaux mensuels et revues annuelles des unités commerciales

L'EMS garantit la conformité aux réglementations concernant la conservation de la faune, la biodiversité et la protection de l'eau, des poissons et des espèces menacées. Il maintient également des certifications tierces selon les normes FSC® ou SFI® pour toutes les forêts. Le système couvre l'approvisionnement en bois pour les installations de produits en bois selon les normes SFI Fiber Sourcing et FSC Chain of Custody, le cas échéant.

PotlatchDeltic hat ein umfassendes Umweltmanagementsystem für Waldflächen (EMS) implementiert, um nachhaltige Forstwirtschaftsziele zu erreichen. Das EMS umfasst:

  • Schulung von Förstern und Auftragnehmern
  • Verschreibung, Überwachung und Inspektion von Forstwirtschaftspraktiken
  • Verfolgung des Feedbacks von Stakeholdern
  • Interne Inspektionen mit Implementierungsraten von durchschnittlich 95 % oder höher
  • Monatliche regionale Berichterstattung und jährliche Bewertungen der Geschäftsbereiche

Das EMS stellt die Einhaltung von Vorschriften zum Schutz der Tierwelt, zur Biodiversität und zum Schutz von Wasser, Fischen und bedrohten Arten sicher. Es hält auch Drittanbieterzertifizierungen gemäß FSC® oder SFI® Standards für alle Waldflächen aufrecht. Das System deckt die Holzbeschaffung für Holzproduktanlagen gemäß SFI Fiber Sourcing und FSC Chain of Custody Standards ab, wenn dies zutrifft.

  • Implementation of comprehensive timberland environmental management system (EMS)
  • High EMS implementation rates averaging 95% or greater
  • Maintenance of third-party certifications (FSC® or SFI®) for all timberlands
  • Compliance with or exceeding federal, state, and local environmental regulations
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 27, 2024 / PotlatchDeltic utilizes a comprehensive timberland environmental management system (EMS) which focuses on continual improvement in achieving our sustainable forest management objectives. The EMS includes training foresters and contractors, and prescribing, monitoring, and inspecting forest management practices in all our operations. It also includes tracking and incorporating stakeholder feedback on our environmental performance. We conduct internal inspections of EMS implementation, and we have implementation rates averaging 95% or greater. The EMS includes monthly regional reporting and annual Timberland business unit reviews of environmental performance indicators.

The implementation of our EMS ensures that we conduct all our activities to meet or exceed federal, state, and local statutes and regulations for conservation of wildlife and biological diversity and protection of water, fish, and endangered species. In addition, the EMS ensures that we achieve and maintain third-party certifications for all our timberlands under either the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) or the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) standards. Our EMS also covers log sourcing for our wood products facilities from responsible third-party sources under the SFI Fiber Sourcing standard and, where applicable, the FSC Chain of Custody standard.

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Contact Info:
Spokesperson: PotlatchDeltic

SOURCE: PotlatchDeltic

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What is PotlatchDeltic's (PCH) approach to sustainable forest management?

PotlatchDeltic uses a comprehensive timberland environmental management system (EMS) focused on continual improvement in sustainable forest management. This includes training, monitoring, inspections, stakeholder feedback tracking, and maintaining third-party certifications under FSC® or SFI® standards.

How does PotlatchDeltic (PCH) ensure compliance with environmental regulations?

PotlatchDeltic's EMS ensures that all activities meet or exceed federal, state, and local statutes and regulations for conservation of wildlife, biological diversity, and protection of water, fish, and endangered species.

What are the implementation rates of PotlatchDeltic's (PCH) environmental management system?

PotlatchDeltic conducts internal inspections of their EMS implementation, with implementation rates averaging 95% or greater.

How does PotlatchDeltic (PCH) manage log sourcing for its wood products facilities?

PotlatchDeltic's EMS covers log sourcing for wood products facilities from responsible third-party sources under the SFI Fiber Sourcing standard and, where applicable, the FSC Chain of Custody standard.

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