PotlatchDeltic Announces Waldo, Arkansas Sawmill Construction Completed

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PotlatchDeltic (Nasdaq: PCH) has completed construction of its modernization and expansion project at the Waldo, Arkansas sawmill. The $131 million strategic investment is expected to increase annual capacity by 85 million board feet, reaching a total of 275 million board feet per year. The project aims to improve recovery by 6% and reduce cash processing costs by approximately 30%.

The mill is now entering a 6 to 12-month ramp-up phase. Once fully operational, it is projected to generate an additional $25 million in Adjusted EBITDDA annually under mid-cycle conditions, with an expected internal rate of return of 22%. The modernization includes a new saw line, planer upgrade, continuous kiln, and a Fulghum Industries 170' 45-ton log crane.

PotlatchDeltic (Nasdaq: PCH) ha completato la costruzione del suo progetto di modernizzazione ed espansione presso il segheria di Waldo, Arkansas. Questo investimento strategico di 131 milioni di dollari si prevede che aumenti la capacità annua di 85 milioni di piedi cubici, raggiungendo un totale di 275 milioni di piedi cubici all'anno. Il progetto mira a migliorare il recupero del 6% e ridurre i costi di lavorazione in contante di circa il 30%.

Il mulino sta ora entrando in una fase di ramp-up di 6-12 mesi. Una volta completamente operativo, si prevede che genererà un ulteriore reddito di 25 milioni di dollari in EBITDDA rettificato annualmente in condizioni medie, con un tasso di rendimento interno atteso del 22%. La modernizzazione include una nuova linea di segatura, un aggiornamento della pialla, un forno continuo e una gru per tronchi Fulghum Industries da 170' e 45 tonnellate.

PotlatchDeltic (Nasdaq: PCH) ha completado la construcción de su proyecto de modernización y expansión en el aserradero de Waldo, Arkansas. Se espera que esta inversión estratégica de 131 millones de dólares aumente la capacidad anual en 85 millones de pies tablares, alcanzando un total de 275 millones de pies tablares por año. El proyecto tiene como objetivo mejorar la recuperación en un 6% y reducir los costos de procesamiento en efectivo en aproximadamente el 30%.

La fábrica está entrando en una fase de aumento gradual de 6 a 12 meses. Una vez que esté completamente operativa, se proyecta que generará un ingreso adicional de 25 millones de dólares en EBITDA ajustado anualmente bajo condiciones de ciclo medio, con una tasa interna de retorno esperada del 22%. La modernización incluye una nueva línea de sierra, una actualización de la cepilladora, un horno continuo y una grúa para troncos de Fulghum Industries de 170' y 45 toneladas.

PotlatchDeltic (Nasdaq: PCH)는 아칸소주 월도 제재소에서 현대화 및 확장 프로젝트의 건설을 완료했습니다. 1억3100만 달러의 이 전략적 투자는 연간 용량을 8500만 보드 피트 증가시킬 것으로 예상됩니다, 총 연간 2억7500만 보드 피트에 이를 것입니다. 이 프로젝트의 목표는 회수율을 6% 개선하고 현금 처리 비용을 약 30% 줄이는 것 입니다.

제재소는 이제 6개월에서 12개월의 상승 과정에 들어가고 있습니다. 완전히 가동되면, 중간 사이클 조건에서 연간 조정된 EBITDDA로 2500만 달러의 추가 수익을 생성할 것으로 예상됩니다, 내부 수익률은 22%로 예상됩니다. 현대화에는 새로운 톱 라인, 평면 기계 업그레이드, 연속 가마, Fulghum Industries의 170피트 45톤 나무 크레인이 포함됩니다.

PotlatchDeltic (Nasdaq: PCH) a terminé la construction de son projet de modernisation et d'expansion à la scierie de Waldo, Arkansas. Cet investissement stratégique de 131 millions de dollars devrait augmenter la capacité annuelle de 85 millions de pieds-planche, atteignant un total de 275 millions de pieds-planche par an. Le projet vise à améliorer le taux de récupération de 6% et à réduire les coûts de traitement en espèces d'environ 30%.

La scierie entre maintenant dans une phase de montée en puissance de 6 à 12 mois. Une fois pleinement opérationnelle, elle devrait générer un revenu supplémentaire de 25 millions de dollars en EBITDDA ajusté par an dans des conditions de cycle moyen, avec un taux de rendement interne prévu de 22%. La modernisation comprend une nouvelle ligne de sciage, une mise à niveau de la raboteuse, un four continu, et une grue à grumes de 170 pieds et 45 tonnes de Fulghum Industries.

PotlatchDeltic (Nasdaq: PCH) hat die Bauarbeiten an seinem Modernisierungs- und Expansionsprojekt in der Sägerei in Waldo, Arkansas abgeschlossen. Die strategische Investition in Höhe von 131 Millionen Dollar soll die jährliche Kapazität um 85 Millionen Boardfuß erhöhen, sodass insgesamt 275 Millionen Boardfuß pro Jahr erreicht werden. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, die Rückgewinnung um 6% zu verbessern und die Bargeldverarbeitungskosten um etwa 30% zu senken.

Die Mühle tritt nun in eine 6 bis 12-monatige Hochlaufphase ein. Sobald sie voll betriebsfähig ist, wird erwartet, dass sie einen zusätzlichen Gewinn von 25 Millionen Dollar an bereinigtem EBITDDA jährlich unter mittleren Bedingungen erzielt, mit einer erwarteten internen Rendite von 22%. Die Modernisierung umfasst eine neue Sägezeile, ein Upgrade der Hobelmaschine, einen kontinuierlichen Ofen und einen 170 Fuß langen 45-Tonnen-Holzkran von Fulghum Industries.

  • Completion of $131 million modernization and expansion project
  • Expected increase in annual capacity by 85 million board feet to 275 million board feet
  • Anticipated 6% improvement in recovery
  • Projected 30% reduction in cash processing costs
  • Estimated $25 million incremental annual Adjusted EBITDDA in mid-cycle conditions
  • Expected 22% internal rate of return
  • 6 to 12-month ramp-up phase required before reaching full capacity

The completion of PotlatchDeltic's $131 million Waldo sawmill modernization project is a significant development for the company. This strategic investment is expected to yield substantial benefits, including a 30% reduction in cash processing costs and a 6% improvement in recovery. The projected $25 million incremental annual Adjusted EBITDDA in a mid-cycle sales environment, coupled with an expected 22% internal rate of return, indicates strong potential for enhanced profitability.

However, investors should note the 6-12 month ramp-up period before the mill reaches its new capacity of 275 million board feet per year. This delay in realizing full benefits may impact short-term financial results. The 45% increase in annual capacity (85 million board feet) positions PotlatchDeltic to capitalize on potential upswings in lumber demand, but also exposes them to increased risk if market conditions deteriorate.

The modernization of the Waldo sawmill represents a significant leap in operational efficiency. The installation of a new saw line, planer upgrade and continuous kiln, along with the 170' 45-ton log crane, showcases a comprehensive approach to improving the entire production process. The projected 6% improvement in recovery is particularly noteworthy, as it directly translates to better utilization of raw materials and reduced waste.

The 30% reduction in cash processing costs is a game-changer for PotlatchDeltic's competitiveness in the lumber market. This cost advantage could provide a buffer against market volatility and potentially allow for more aggressive pricing strategies. However, the success of this project will heavily depend on the execution of the ramp-up phase. Achieving and maintaining the projected efficiencies will be important for realizing the full potential of this investment.

PotlatchDeltic's investment in the Waldo sawmill comes at a critical time for the lumber industry. With the housing market facing challenges due to rising interest rates, the company's focus on efficiency and cost reduction is strategically sound. The increased capacity of 85 million board feet per year positions PotlatchDeltic to capture a larger market share as demand fluctuates.

The collaboration with BID Group for this turnkey project suggests a focus on implementing best-in-class technology and processes. This could give PotlatchDeltic a competitive edge in product quality and consistency. However, the success of this investment will ultimately depend on broader market conditions in the construction and housing sectors. Investors should monitor housing starts and lumber prices closely to gauge the potential return on this significant capital expenditure.

SPOKANE, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- PotlatchDeltic Corporation (Nasdaq: PCH) PotlatchDeltic has completed the planned downtime at the Waldo, Arkansas sawmill to tie-in equipment for the modernization and expansion project. The modernization project construction has been completed and the facility is beginning its ramp-up phase, and it is anticipated that it will take 6 to 12 months to reach the mill’s new dimensional lumber capacity of 275 million board feet per year. The Waldo modernization and expansion project is a $131 million strategic investment that is expected to increase the mill’s annual capacity by 85 million board feet, improve recovery by 6%, and reduce cash processing costs by approximately 30%. Once the ramp-up phase is completed, the mill is expected to generate approximately $25 million incremental Adjusted EBITDDA annually under a mid-cycle sales environment and an internal rate of return of approximately 22% in our base case.

PotlatchDeltic has collaborated with BID Group for this turnkey project. The project includes a new saw line, planer upgrade, and a new continuous kiln. In addition, a Fulghum Industries, Inc. 170’ 45-ton log crane was installed and commissioned as part of the modernization. “I am very appreciative of the PotlatchDeltic and BID Group team members for their relentless efforts and focus on safety during this project. The productive working relationship with BID Group and the contributions by the suppliers and contractors on this project were an essential part of the on-time start-up,” said Ashlee Cribb, Vice President of Wood Products at PotlatchDeltic.

About PotlatchDeltic

PotlatchDeltic (Nasdaq: PCH) is a leading Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) that owns over 2.1 million acres of timberlands in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina. Through its taxable REIT subsidiary, the company also operates six sawmills, an industrial-grade plywood mill, a residential and commercial real estate development business, and a rural timberland sales program. PotlatchDeltic, a leader in sustainable forest practices, is committed to environmental and social responsibility and to responsible governance. More information can be found at

Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws including, without limitation, our expectations regarding the Waldo, Arkansas sawmill modernization project, its expected completion of the ramp-up phase, corresponding impacts to production capacity, recovery, cash processing costs, operating cost reductions, Adjusted EBITDDA, and anticipated return on investment. Words such as “anticipated,” “expected,” “will,” and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. You should carefully read forward-looking statements, including statements that contain these words, because they discuss the future expectations or state other “forward-looking” information about PotlatchDeltic. A number of important factors could impact our ability and our contractors’ ability to complete the ramp-up phase of the Waldo modernization plan on time and to achieve the expected benefits, such as the factors described in PotlatchDeltic’s Annual Report on Form 10-K and in the company’s other filings with the SEC. PotlatchDeltic assumes no obligation to update the information in this communication, except as otherwise required by law. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, all of which speak only as of the date hereof.

Non-GAAP Measures

This press release references forward-looking estimates of Adjusted EBITDDA, which is a non-GAAP measure that management uses to evaluate the performance of the company. Adjusted EBITDDA, as we define it, is calculated as net income (loss) before interest expense, net, income taxes, basis of real estate sold, depreciation, depletion and amortization and certain special items. Adjusted EBITDDA should not be considered in isolation from, and is not intended to represent an alternative to, our GAAP results. We have not provided a reconciliation of this forward-looking non-GAAP financial measure to the most comparable GAAP measure of net income (loss) because Adjusted EBITDDA, as we define it, excludes the impact of certain items listed above in our definition of Adjusted EBITDDA, and management cannot estimate these items or the impact they will have on Adjusted EBITDDA on a forward-looking basis without unreasonable effort. As a result, investors may be unable to accurately compare the expected impact of the Waldo sawmill modernization and expansion project to our historical results or the results or expected results of other companies that may have treated such matters differently. Nonetheless, management believes that providing this forward-looking non-GAAP information about the Waldo sawmill modernization and expansion project is useful to investors, and given the uncertain nature of forward-looking statements, we believe investors are able to take into account the inherent limitations of this forward-looking non-GAAP information. We cannot predict the occurrence, timing or amount of any of the items that we exclude from our Adjusted EBITDA estimate. Accordingly, the actual effect of these items, when determined, could potentially be significant to the calculation of Adjusted EBITDDA and actual results may differ materially from our estimate.


Wayne Wasechek



Anna Torma


Source: PotlatchDeltic Corporation


What is the new annual capacity of PotlatchDeltic's Waldo, Arkansas sawmill after the expansion?

The new annual dimensional lumber capacity of PotlatchDeltic's Waldo, Arkansas sawmill after the expansion is 275 million board feet per year.

How much did PotlatchDeltic invest in the Waldo sawmill modernization project?

PotlatchDeltic invested $131 million in the Waldo, Arkansas sawmill modernization and expansion project.

What is the expected improvement in recovery for the Waldo sawmill after the modernization?

The modernization project is expected to improve recovery at the Waldo sawmill by 6%.

How long will it take for PotlatchDeltic's Waldo sawmill to reach full capacity after the expansion?

PotlatchDeltic anticipates it will take 6 to 12 months for the Waldo sawmill to reach its new full capacity during the ramp-up phase.

What is the projected increase in Adjusted EBITDDA for PotlatchDeltic's Waldo sawmill after the expansion?

Once the ramp-up phase is completed, the Waldo sawmill is expected to generate approximately $25 million incremental Adjusted EBITDDA annually under a mid-cycle sales environment.

PotlatchDeltic Corporation


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