Ward off Energy Waste: Unmask Ghostly Gadgets, Save Energy and Money with Home Energy Efficiency Tricks

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Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is raising awareness about phantom power and its impact on energy bills. These silent energy suckers can account for nearly a quarter of customers' annual electricity bills, costing the average U.S. household up to $200 a year. PG&E offers several tips to reduce energy consumption:

  • Unplug devices when not in use
  • Use advanced power strips
  • Turn off lights when leaving a room
  • Upgrade to Energy Star® certified appliances
  • Utilize PG&E's free energy-saving tools

PG&E also highlights various energy efficiency support programs such as the Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) program, GoGreen Home Financing, and Golden State Rebates. These initiatives aim to help customers reduce energy consumption and save money on their monthly bills.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) sta sensibilizzando riguardo al consumo fantasma e il suo impatto sulle bollette energetiche. Questi dispositivi silenziosi che consumano energia possono rappresentare quasi un quarto delle bollette annuali di elettricità dei clienti, costando alla famiglia media statunitense fino a 200 dollari all'anno. PG&E offre diversi consigli per ridurre il consumo energetico:

  • Stacca i dispositivi quando non sono utilizzati
  • Utilizza ciabatte elettriche avanzate
  • Spegnere le luci quando si esce da una stanza
  • Aggiorna a elettrodomestici certificati Energy Star®
  • Utilizza gli strumenti gratuiti di risparmio energetico di PG&E

PG&E evidenzia anche vari programmi di supporto per l'efficienza energetica come il programma di Assistenza al Risparmio Energetico (ESA), il finanziamento GoGreen Home e i rimborsi Golden State. Queste iniziative mirano ad aiutare i clienti a ridurre il consumo energetico e risparmiare sulle bollette mensili.

Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) está creando conciencia sobre el consumo fantasma y su impacto en las facturas de energía. Estos chupadores de energía silenciosos pueden representar casi una cuarta parte de las facturas de electricidad anuales de los clientes, costando a la familia promedio de EE. UU. hasta 200 dólares al año. PG&E ofrece varios consejos para reducir el consumo de energía:

  • Desconecta los dispositivos cuando no estén en uso
  • Utiliza regletas avanzadas
  • Apaga las luces al salir de una habitación
  • Actualiza a electrodomésticos certificados por Energy Star®
  • Utiliza las herramientas gratuitas para el ahorro de energía de PG&E

PG&E también destaca varios programas de apoyo a la eficiencia energética como el programa de Asistencia para Ahorro de Energía (ESA), Financiamiento GoGreen Home y Reembolsos Golden State. Estas iniciativas tienen como objetivo ayudar a los clientes a reducir el consumo de energía y ahorrar en sus facturas mensuales.

퍼시픽 가스 및 전기 회사(PG&E)는 팬텀 파워와 그것이 에너지 요금에 미치는 영향에 대해 인식을 높이고 있습니다. 이러한 조용한 에너지 소모자들은 고객의 연간 전기 요금의 거의 4분의 1을 차지할 수 있으며, 평균 미국 가정에서는 연간 최대 200달러까지 비용이 들 수 있습니다. PG&E는 에너지 소비를 줄이기 위한 몇 가지 팁을 제공합니다:

  • 사용하지 않을 때 기기를 뽑아 두세요
  • 고급 멀티탭을 사용하세요
  • 방을 나갈 때 불을 꺼주세요
  • Energy Star® 인증 가전제품으로 업그레이드하세요
  • PG&E의 무료 에너지 절약 도구를 활용하세요

PG&E는 에너지 효율 지원 프로그램으로 에너지 절약 지원 프로그램(ESA), GoGreen 주택 금융, Golden State 리베이트 등을 강조합니다. 이러한 이니셔티브는 고객이 에너지 소비를 줄이고 월별 요금을 절약하도록 돕는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

La Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) sensibilise le public concernant le puissance fantôme et son impact sur les factures d'énergie. Ces consommateurs d'énergie silencieux peuvent représenter presque un quart des factures d'électricité annuelles des clients, coûtant à un ménage américain moyen jusqu'à 200 dollars par an. PG&E propose plusieurs conseils pour réduire la consommation d'énergie :

  • Débranchez les appareils lorsqu'ils ne sont pas utilisés
  • Utilisez des multiprises avancées
  • Éteignez les lumières en quittant une pièce
  • Remplacez par des appareils certifiés Energy Star®
  • Tirez parti des outils gratuits d'économie d'énergie de PG&E

PG&E met également en avant divers programmes de soutien à l'efficacité énergétique tels que le programme d'Assistance au Savings d'Énergie (ESA), le financement GoGreen Home et les Remboursements de l'État d'Or. Ces initiatives visent à aider les clients à réduire leur consommation d'énergie et à économiser sur leurs factures mensuelles.

Die Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) sensibilisiert für Phantomstrom und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Energiekosten. Diese stillen Energieschleicher können fast ein Viertel der jährlichen Stromrechnungen der Kunden ausmachen und kosten den durchschnittlichen US-Haushalt bis zu 200 Dollar im Jahr. PG&E gibt mehrere Tipps zur Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs:

  • Geräte unpluggen, wenn sie nicht in Gebrauch sind
  • Verwenden Sie fortschrittliche Steckdosenleisten
  • Lichter ausschalten, wenn Sie den Raum verlassen
  • Auf Energy Star®-zertifizierte Geräte umrüsten
  • Nutzen Sie die kostenlosen Energiesparwerkzeuge von PG&E

PG&E hebt auch verschiedene Programme zur Unterstützung der Energieeffizienz hervor, wie das Programm zur Unterstützung beim Energiesparen (ESA), die GoGreen Wohnungsfinanzierung und die Golden State Rabatte. Diese Initiativen haben das Ziel, Kunden zu helfen, den Energieverbrauch zu senken und Geld bei ihren monatlichen Rechnungen zu sparen.

  • PG&E offers free energy-saving tools like Home Energy Checkup and Energy Action Guide
  • PG&E provides energy efficiency support programs to help customers reduce consumption and costs
  • The company offers a free HomeIntel program for customers with Smart Meters
  • Always-on appliances can cost the average U.S. household up to $200 a year in wasted energy

Identify and Defeat Phantom Power and Treat Your Energy Bill

OAKLAND, Calif., Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Silent energy suckers are scattered throughout your home and business, often hiding in plain sight. These invisible drains on electricity can quietly add up to increased power use, even when appliances and devices are in standby mode or turned off, putting additional strain on energy budgets. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is helping identify these costly energy vampires, and support customers with practical ways to lower their energy consumption and save money on monthly bills.

Many of the appliances and devices customers use are always plugged in. But these always-on appliances and electronics can account for nearly a quarter of customers' annual electricity bill and can cost the average U.S. household up to $200 a year. According to the Natural Resources Defense Council, the wasted energy across the country is equivalent to brewing 234 cups of coffee every single day for a year.

Biggest Electricity-guzzling Ghouls:

  • Television
  • Smart Speakers/Smart Home Devices
  • Cell Phone/Tablet Chargers
  • Modem/Internet Router
  • Gaming Consoles
  • Desktop Computers & Laptops
  • Countertop Kitchen Appliances: coffee makers, kettles, microwaves

These small no-cost and low-cost changes can help lower energy usage and provide relief when every bit of savings matters:

  • Unplug devices when not in use
  • Use advanced power strips
  • Turn lights off when you leave the room
  • Upgrade to Energy Star® certified appliances
  • Use PG&E's free energy and money-saving online tools: Home Energy Checkup and Energy Action Guide.
  • Sign up for HomeIntel: a free program for PG&E customers with a Smart Meter, includes a free Smart Audit account & personal energy coach.
  • Use a Kill A Watt® Meter: a device that plugs into the wall to read how much energy is being consumed by an electrical device.
  • Use a Plug Load Logger: a device that measures and records power and energy consumption and provides time-stamped information for a detailed analysis.
    • Kill A Watt® meters and plug load loggers are available to borrow at the PG&E Energy Centers Tool Lending Library (shipping rates may apply) or check your local library for availability. The devices can also be purchased at your nearest hardware store and online.

A comprehensive home idle load self-diagnosis and action guide can also be found here.

Energy Efficiency DIY Tool Kit
Did you know you can lower energy bills and save money with an energy efficiency DIY tool kit? With an investment of less than $200 in energy-efficient materials, customers can save hundreds of dollars annually on their energy bills.

Energy Efficiency Support Programs

  • Energy Savings Assistance (ESA): provides income-eligible customers with energy-savings improvements at no charge.
  • GoGreen Home Financing: a statewide program which offers affordable financing for energy efficiency upgrades to help homeowners and renters reduce their energy use.
  • Golden State Rebates: This is a statewide program that provides residential residents with instant rebates on energy-efficient products including smart thermostats, air conditioners, and water heaters. Homeowners and renters are eligible to receive these rebates through single-use coupons they can redeem in-store or online at participating retailers.

Additional Assistance Boo-st
Watch this video to see the HomeIntel team in action, as a personal energy coach helps identify and eliminate energy vampires.

Additional energy and money-saving strategies that can help customers prepare for the cooler temperatures can be found at

About PG&E
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE: PCG), is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than sixteen million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and Central California. For more information, visit and  

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SOURCE Pacific Gas and Electric Company


What are the biggest electricity-guzzling devices according to PG&E's press release?

According to PG&E, the biggest electricity-guzzling devices include televisions, smart speakers, cell phone chargers, modems, gaming consoles, computers, and countertop kitchen appliances.

How much can phantom power cost the average U.S. household annually?

PG&E states that phantom power from always-on appliances and electronics can cost the average U.S. household up to $200 a year.

What free tools does PG&E (PCG) offer to help customers save energy?

PG&E offers free energy-saving online tools such as Home Energy Checkup, Energy Action Guide, and the HomeIntel program for customers with Smart Meters.

What energy efficiency support programs does PG&E (PCG) mention in the press release?

PG&E mentions the Energy Savings Assistance (ESA) program, GoGreen Home Financing, and Golden State Rebates as energy efficiency support programs for customers.

PG&E Corporation


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