PG&E Crews Head to Georgia to Restore Power in Aftermath of Hurricane Helene as Part of Nationwide Mutual-Assistance Effort
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is sending an Incident Management Team and over 400 electric workers and support personnel to Georgia to assist in power restoration efforts following Hurricane Helene. The crews will leave Friday from Sacramento International Airport, joining Georgia Power utility workers and others from across North America. More than 300 PG&E trucks will be transported to Georgia as part of this mutual-aid effort.
Hurricane Helene, a Category 4 storm, has caused extensive damage, with over 900,000 customers still without power in Georgia, North and South Carolina as of noon today. The storm has resulted in more than 190 deaths, making it the second deadliest hurricane to hit the continental United States in 50 years.
This mobilization is part of a nationwide effort, with nearly 50,000 electric workers from at least 40 states and Canada dedicated to the Hurricane Helene response and power restoration, according to the Edison Electric Institute.
La Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) sta inviando un Team di Gestione degli Incidenti e oltre 400 lavoratori elettrici e personale di supporto in Georgia per assistere negli sforzi di ripristino dell'energia dopo l'uragano Helene. Le squadre partiranno venerdì dall'Aeroporto Internazionale di Sacramento, unendosi ai lavoratori della Georgia Power e ad altri provenienti da tutta Nord America. Più di 300 camion PG&E saranno trasportati in Georgia come parte di questo sforzo di mutua assistenza.
L'uragano Helene, una tempesta di Categoria 4, ha causato danni estesi, con oltre 900.000 clienti ancora senza energia in Georgia, North e South Carolina a partire da mezzogiorno di oggi. La tempesta ha provocato più di 190 morti, rendendola il secondo uragano più mortale a colpire gli Stati Uniti continentali negli ultimi 50 anni.
Questa mobilitazione fa parte di uno sforzo nazionale, con quasi 50.000 lavoratori elettrici provenienti da almeno 40 stati e dal Canada dedicati alla risposta all'uragano Helene e al ripristino dell'energia, secondo l'Edison Electric Institute.
Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) está enviando un Equipo de Gestión de Incidentes y más de 400 trabajadores eléctricos y personal de apoyo a Georgia para ayudar en los esfuerzos de restauración de la energía tras el huracán Helene. Los equipos saldrán el viernes desde el Aeropuerto Internacional de Sacramento, uniéndose a los trabajadores de la Georgia Power y a otros de toda América del Norte. Más de 300 camiones de PG&E serán transportados a Georgia como parte de este esfuerzo de ayuda mutua.
El huracán Helene, una tormenta de Categoría 4, ha causado daños extensos, con más de 900,000 clientes aún sin energía en Georgia, Carolina del Norte y Carolina del Sur hasta el mediodía de hoy. La tormenta ha resultado en más de 190 muertes, convirtiéndose en el segundo huracán más mortífero en golpear los Estados Unidos continentales en 50 años.
Esta movilización es parte de un esfuerzo nacional, con casi 50,000 trabajadores eléctricos de al menos 40 estados y Canadá dedicados a la respuesta al huracán Helene y la restauración de energía, según el Instituto Edison de Electricidad.
퍼시픽 가스 앤 전기 회사(PG&E)가 허리케인 헬렌이 지나간 뒤 조지아에서 전력 복구 작업을 돕기 위해 400명 이상의 전기 작업자와 지원 인력으로 구성된 사고 관리 팀을 보내고 있습니다. 이 팀은 금요일 새크라멘토 국제공항에서 출발하며, 조지아 전력 회사의 직원들과 북미 전역의 다른 인원들과 합류할 것입니다. 300대 이상의 PG&E 트럭이 이 상호 지원 노력의 일환으로 조지아로 운송됩니다.
허리케인 헬렌은 카테고리 4의 폭풍으로, 오늘 정오 현재 조지아, 노스 캐롤라이나, 사우스 캐롤라이나에서 90만 명 이상이 여전히 전기가 끊긴 상태입니다. 이 폭풍으로 인해 190명 이상의 사망자가 발생하여, 지난 50년간 미국 본토를 강타한 두 번째로 치명적인 허리케인이 되었습니다.
이번 동원은 전국적인 노력의 일환으로, 40개 주와 캐나다에서 거의 5만 명의 전기 작업자가 허리케인 헬렌 대응 및 전력 복구에 헌신하고 있습니다, 에디슨 전기 협회에 따르면.
La Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) envoie une équipe de gestion des incidents et plus de 400 travailleurs électriques et personnel de soutien en Géorgie pour aider aux efforts de rétablissement de l'électricité suite à l'ouragan Helene. Les équipes partiront vendredi de l'aéroport international de Sacramento, rejoignant les travailleurs de la Georgia Power et d'autres venus de toute l'Amérique du Nord. Plus de 300 camions PG&E seront transportés en Géorgie dans le cadre de cet effort d'entraide.
L'ouragan Helene, une tempête de catégorie 4, a causé des dommages considérables, avec plus de 900 000 clients toujours sans électricité en Géorgie, en Caroline du Nord et du Sud à partir de midi aujourd'hui. La tempête a entraîné plus de 190 décès, ce qui en fait le deuxième ouragan le plus meurtrier à frapper le territoire continental des États-Unis en 50 ans.
Cette mobilisation fait partie d'un effort national, avec près de 50 000 travailleurs électriques provenant d'au moins 40 états et du Canada dédiés à la réponse à l'ouragan Helene et au rétablissement de l'électricité, selon l'Institut Edison de l'électricité.
Die Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) sendet ein Incident Management Team und über 400 Elektriker und Unterstützungspersonal nach Georgia, um bei den Bemühungen zur Wiederherstellung der Stromversorgung nach dem Hurrikan Helene zu helfen. Die Teams werden am Freitag vom internationalen Flughafen Sacramento abfliegen und sich den Arbeitern von Georgia Power sowie anderen aus ganz Nordamerika anschließen. Mehr als 300 PG&E-Fahrzeuge werden als Teil dieses gegenseitigen Hilfsprogramms nach Georgia transportiert.
Der Hurrikan Helene, ein Sturm der Kategorie 4, hat umfangreiche Schäden verursacht, wobei mehr als 900.000 Kunden in Georgia, Nord- und Südkarolina bis heute Mittag immer noch ohne Strom sind. Der Sturm hat mehr als 190 Todesfälle verursacht und ist damit der tödlichste Hurrikan, der in den letzten 50 Jahren das Festland der Vereinigten Staaten getroffen hat.
Diese Mobilisierung ist Teil eines landesweiten Einsatzes, wobei fast 50.000 Elektriker aus mindestens 40 Bundesstaaten und Kanada zur Reaktion auf den Hurrikan Helene und zur Wiederherstellung der Stromversorgung beitragen, so das Edison Electric Institute.
- PG&E demonstrating industry leadership and solidarity through participation in large-scale mutual-aid effort
- Potential for positive public relations and improved company image through disaster relief efforts
- Temporary reduction in workforce and equipment availability for PG&E's primary service area
- Potential increased operational costs associated with sending personnel and equipment to Georgia
More Than 400 PG&E Coworkers Will Be Joining an Army of 50,000 Utility Workers in the Repair and Restoration Effort
The crews will be leaving Friday from
Hurricane Helene was a Category 4 storm as it made landfall in
As of noon today, more than 900,000 customers remained without power in
"Mutual aid is a hallmark of the utility industry," said Angie Gibson, PG&E's Vice President of Emergency Preparedness & Response. "Other utilities share the same customer focus that we have here at PG&E. When the chips are down, we start our crews and blue trucks rolling to help. And other companies do the same for us when we need assistance."
In recent years:
- In August of 2023, PG&E provided temporary generation and crews to treat poles with fire suppression to support Pacific Power as it worked to restore customers impacted by the Smith River Complex Fires in far
Northern California . - In 2018, PG&E gas workers traveled to
Massachusetts to support the local utility after a series of explosions and fires affected customers of Columbia Gas. - In 2017, PG&E deployed an emergency Incident Command Team to Puerto Rico as part of an electric industry mutual-aid effort to repair infrastructure destroyed by Hurricane Maria and restore electric service to island residents.
- Also in 2017, PG&E crews deployed to
Florida for two weeks to make repairs after another hurricane, Irma. Working on both coasts of Florida, PG&E crews safely responded to more than 650 repair jobs, restoring more than 41,000 customers.
The Edison Electric Institute, an electric-utility member organization, said on Tuesday that nearly 50,000 electric workers from at least 40 states and
In total, Helene impacted nearly 6 million electric customers in 10 states. As of Wednesday afternoon, power has been restored to approximately 4.51 million customers—or 75.1 percent of customers, EEI said.
"IBEW 1245 is extremely proud that our members will be traveling to
PG&E has gotten support from Cal OES, Caltrans, the
Peter Kenny, PG&E's Senior Vice President of Electric Operations, said, "It's heartbreaking to see the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene. I am so thankful for our PG&E coworkers – serving those in need in
About PG&E
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG), is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than 16 million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and
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