National Preparedness Month: As Wildfire Season Peaks, PG&E Continues Mitigation and Safety Work to Keep Customers Safe During Seasonally Windy Months
PG&E is preparing for increased wildfire risks during California's peak wildfire season, which extends through late fall. The company has implemented a multi-layered wildfire mitigation program and may use Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) as a last resort to protect customers. PG&E is offering various resources to help customers prepare for potential outages, including:
- Partnering with community-based organizations to provide portable batteries and hotel stays
- Opening Community Resource Centers during PSPS events
- Offering Address Alerts for non-account holders
- Providing notifications in multiple languages
- Supporting customers with medical and independent living needs
The company emphasizes the importance of customer preparedness and offers resources through its Safety Action Center. PG&E is also collaborating with organizations like the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers and 211 to provide additional support for vulnerable populations.
PG&E si sta preparando per il crescente rischio di incendi durante la stagione di incendi più intensa in California, che si estende fino alla fine dell'autunno. L'azienda ha implementato un programma di mitigazione degli incendi a più livelli e potrebbe utilizzare i Interruzioni di corrente per la sicurezza pubblica (PSPS) come ultima risorsa per proteggere i clienti. PG&E offre diverse risorse per aiutare i clienti a prepararsi per potenziali interruzioni, tra cui:
- Collaborazione con organizzazioni comunitarie per fornire batterie portatili e soggiorni in hotel
- Apertura di Centri di Risorse Comunitarie durante gli eventi PSPS
- Offerta di Avvisi all'indirizzo per i non titolari di un conto
- Fornitura di notifiche in più lingue
- Supporto ai clienti con esigenze mediche e di vita indipendente
L'azienda sottolinea l'importanza della preparazione dei clienti e offre risorse attraverso il suo Centro di azione per la sicurezza. PG&E collabora anche con organizzazioni come la California Foundation for Independent Living Centers e 211 per fornire supporto aggiuntivo alle popolazioni vulnerabili.
PG&E se está preparando para el aumento de riesgos de incendios forestales durante la temporada máxima de incendios en California, que se extiende hasta finales de otoño. La empresa ha implementado un programa de mitigación de incendios en múltiples niveles y puede utilizar Cortes de energía por seguridad pública (PSPS) como último recurso para proteger a los clientes. PG&E está ofreciendo varios recursos para ayudar a los clientes a prepararse para posibles cortes, incluidos:
- Colaboración con organizaciones comunitarias para proporcionar baterías portátiles y estancias en hoteles
- Apertura de Centros de Recursos Comunitarios durante los eventos PSPS
- Ofrecimiento de Alertas de Dirección para quienes no tienen cuenta
- Provisión de notificaciones en múltiples idiomas
- Apoyo a clientes con necesidades médicas y de vida independiente
La empresa enfatiza la importancia de la preparación del cliente y ofrece recursos a través de su Centro de Acción de Seguridad. PG&E también está colaborando con organizaciones como la Fundación de California para Centros de Vida Independiente y el 211 para proporcionar apoyo adicional a las poblaciones vulnerables.
PG&E는 캘리포니아의 최고 화재 시즌 동안 증가하는 산불 위험에 대비하고 있으며, 이 시즌은 늦가을까지 지속됩니다. 이 회사는 다층 산불 완화 프로그램을 시행했으며, 고객을 보호하기 위해 공공 안전 전력 차단(PSPS)을 최후의 수단으로 사용할 수 있습니다. PG&E는 고객들이 잠재적인 정전을 대비할 수 있도록 다양한 자원을 제공하고 있습니다. 포함된 내용은 다음과 같습니다:
- 이동식 배터리 및 호텔 숙박 제공을 위한 지역 사회 기반 조직과의 파트너십
- PSPS 이벤트 중 커뮤니티 리소스 센터 개방
- 비계좌 보유자를 위한 주소 알림 제공
- 여러 언어로 알림 제공
- 의료 및 독립 생활 요구를 가진 고객 지원
회사는 고객 준비의 중요성을 강조하고 안전 행동 센터를 통해 자원을 제공합니다. PG&E는 또한 취약한 인구를 위한 추가 지원을 제공하기 위해 캘리포니아 독립 생활 센터 재단 및 211과 협력하고 있습니다.
PG&E se prépare à un risque accru d'incendies de forêt pendant la saison maximale des incendies en Californie, qui s'étend jusqu'à la fin de l'automne. L'entreprise a mis en œuvre un programme de protection contre les incendies multilayer et pourrait recourir aux coupures de courant pour des raisons de sécurité publique (PSPS) en dernier recours pour protéger ses clients. PG&E propose diverses ressources pour aider les clients à se préparer à d'éventuelles coupures, notamment :
- Partenariat avec des organisations communautaires pour fournir des batteries portables et des séjours à l'hôtel
- Ouverture de centres de ressources communautaires lors des événements PSPS
- Offre d'Alertes d'adresse pour les non-titulaires de compte
- Fourniture de notifications en plusieurs langues
- Soutien aux clients ayant des besoins médicaux et de vie indépendante
L'entreprise met l'accent sur l'importance de la préparation des clients et propose des ressources via son Centre d'action pour la sécurité. PG&E collabore également avec des organisations telles que la California Foundation for Independent Living Centers et 211 pour fournir un soutien supplémentaire aux populations vulnérables.
PG&E bereitet sich auf ein erhöhtes Risiko von Waldbränden während der Hauptbrand-Saison in Kalifornien vor, die bis in den späten Herbst dauert. Das Unternehmen hat ein mehrschichtiges Programm zur Brandabwehr implementiert und könnte als letzten Ausweg Öffentliche Sicherheit Stromabschaltungen (PSPS) nutzen, um die Kunden zu schützen. PG&E bietet verschiedene Ressourcen an, um den Kunden bei der Vorbereitung auf mögliche Stromausfälle zu helfen, darunter:
- Partnerschaft mit gemeinnützigen Organisationen zur Bereitstellung von tragbaren Batterien und Hotelaufenthalten
- Eröffnung von Gemeindebezogenen Ressourcen-Zentren während PSPS-Events
- Angebot von Adressbenachrichtigungen für Nicht-Kontoinhaber
- Bereitstellung von Benachrichtigungen in mehreren Sprachen
- Unterstützung von Kunden mit medizinischen und unabhängigen Lebensbedarfen
Das Unternehmen betont die Wichtigkeit der Kundenvorbereitung und bietet Ressourcen durch sein Sicherheitsaktionszentrum an. PG&E arbeitet auch mit Organisationen wie der California Foundation for Independent Living Centers und 211 zusammen, um zusätzliche Unterstützung für gefährdete Bevölkerungsgruppen bereitzustellen.
- Implementation of a robust, year-round wildfire mitigation program
- Provision of portable batteries to income-qualified Medical Baseline customers in high fire-threat areas
- Offering of Address Alerts for non-account holders to receive PSPS notifications
- Partnerships with community-based organizations to support vulnerable populations
- Expansion of multilingual emergency information and outreach
- Increased risk of severe wildfires due to historically hot summer and dry conditions
- Potential for disruptive Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) during fall months
- Higher number of wildfires and acres burned in 2024 compared to 2023
PG&E Provides Customer Resources Before, During and After PSPS Outages
PG&E operates a robust, year-round, multi-layered wildfire mitigation program to prevent catastrophic wildfires, including additional enhancements to address this year's increased wildfire conditions. In addition to PG&E's aggressive wildfire mitigation work, Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) may be necessary this fall to protect the safety of PG&E customers and hometowns.
When it comes to being prepared, PSPS has historically been most prevalent in the fall months. When windy conditions are combined with high levels of dry vegetation and low humidity levels, trees, branches and debris have the potential to make contact with energized electrical equipment. When high wind speeds are forecasted in areas of high wildfire risk, PG&E may need to turn off power proactively for safety. This is known as a PSPS.
PG&E is sharing tips to help ensure customers are prepared at home, work, or on the road for a wildfire or other natural disaster.
PG&E's Safety Action Center ( provides customers with preparedness resources and includes information about how customers can keep their families, homes and businesses safe during wildfire season and in the event a PSPS is necessary.
"PG&E will not take any chances with customer safety," said Mark Quinlan, Senior Vice President of Wildfire, Emergency & Operations. "We have conducted extensive work to mitigate wildfire risk and address this year's increased number of wildfires in
Providing Customer Resources Before, During and After PSPS Outages
PG&E is doing more to help customers and communities before, during and after PSPS outages.
"We know that losing power disrupts lives, especially for those who rely on power for medical devices or medications. That is why we are listening to our customers and finding ways to reduce the impact of PSPS outages, without compromising safety," said Vincent Davis, Senior Vice President of Customer Experience.
To reduce the impact of PSPS outages, we are:
- Partnering with community-based organizations (CBOs) to provide portable batteries and hotel stays to a variety of populations, including low-income, older adults, individuals with disabilities or those who rely on power for certain medical needs.
- Providing thousands of batteries (approximately 4,715 provided in 2023), covering all interested income-qualified Medical Baseline customers in high fire-threat areas.
- Opening Community Resource Center (CRC) locations and improving resources available during PSPS events
- Offering an option for non-account holders to receive a direct notification in advance of and during a PSPS for any addresses of interest.
- Sharing emergency information in 16 languages and partnering with CBOs to conduct multilingual outreach.
- Encouraging customers to self-certify as Vulnerable for additional notifications.
Customer Notifications
To make sure customers have the information they need to plan for a PSPS, we send notifications by automated calls, texts and emails. These notifications let customers know when power will be turned off and back on. Our goal, whenever the forecast will allow, is to send customers notifications one to two days ahead, one day ahead, just before shutting off power, once power is turned off and daily until power is restored.
To serve those who are Deaf or hard of hearing, we also pre-record general notification messaging in American Sign Language. We also provide additional outreach for those who rely on power the most. If a Medical Baseline or Self-Identified Vulnerable customer does not respond to PSPS notifications, we'll notify them in person of the potential upcoming outage.
Address Alerts
To help the community stay safe and informed about PSPS outages, we've created Address Alerts. PG&E sends automatic PSPS notifications for a customer's home or business that is registered under their account. Address Alerts additionally notify anyone about a potential PSPS at any address that's important to them or a loved one.
Address Alerts are a useful tool for those who want to know about a PSPS at their home, work, school or other important location. These Address Alerts also benefit tenants who do not have a PG&E account, those who need to stay informed about a PSPS affecting a friend or loved one and multi-member households.
Anyone can sign up by visiting
Community Resource Centers
During a PSPS, we open CRCs where community members can access a safe location to meet their basic power needs, such as charging medical equipment and electronic devices. Water, snacks, blankets, ADA-accessible restrooms and other essential items to reduce hardships for our customers are available.
We have resources available to help our customers prepare for power outages and stay safe, including:
- The Generator and Battery Rebate Program for financial assistance in the purchase of a qualifying generator or battery.
- The Portable Battery Program, which provides backup batteries for qualified customers who rely on medical devices.
PG&E has Additional Support for Those with Medical and Independent Living Needs
To assist customers with medical and independent living needs before, during and after a PSPS, we partner with community-based organizations (CBOs). Our efforts include:
- Partnering with the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) to offer support through the Disability Disaster Access and Resources Program (DDAR) Program.
- Expanding the availability of materials in American Sign Language (ASL) and providing customers the option to call 1-800-743-5000 to receive communications in Braille, large print and audio.
- Providing emergency information in 16 languages.
- Collaborating with organizations to provide ADA-accessible transportation to and from Community Resource Centers (CRCs).
- Partnering with Meals on Wheels and local food banks to help customers access food during a PSPS.
- Offering hotel rooms and hotel discounts to customers experiencing a PSPS.
- Establishing both a Regional and State level advisory group to help create solutions for emergency preparedness and resilience for customers with medical needs.
- County-specific information and support is available at
PG&E's Medical Baseline Program is an assistance program for residential customers who depend on power for certain medical needs. The program includes an additional monthly allotment of energy or a discount, depending on the customer's rate, and additional PSPS notifications.
Customers who rely on our service for certain medical needs but are not eligible for the Medical Baseline Program can self-certify for Vulnerable Customer Status. Support may include: extra notifications before a PSPS, doorbell rings or a doorhanger if the customer does not respond to previous PSPS notifications, a notice or visit before or at the time-of-service disconnection due to nonpayment.
Learn more about these resources at
Disability Disaster Access and Resources
PG&E partners with the California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) through the Disability Disaster Access and Resources (DDAR) program to provide support to older adults, people with disabilities and chronic medical conditions who require electricity to live independently. This support is available before, during and after a PSPS and other wildfire safety power outages and emergencies. The DDAR Program may assist with signing up for the Medical Baseline Program. obtaining ADA-accessible car rides and hotel stays during a PSPS and receiving food replacement during a PSPS.
For program application instructions, customers can visit or learn more at
PG&E partners with the
This resource is available 24/7 in more than 150 languages. While 211 provides proactive outreach to all PG&E customers, it serves as the first point of contact for those with Access and Functional Needs (AFN) before, during and after a PSPS.
To learn more, customers can dial 211, text 'Prepare' to 211-211 or visit to find their local 211.
About PG&E
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG), is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than 16 million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and
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