Paychex Flex® Perks Earns 2024 Top HR Product of the Year Award

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Paychex, Inc. has been awarded the 'Top HR Product of the Year' for Paychex Flex Perks, a curated digital marketplace for employee benefits. This marks the fourth time a Paychex solution has received this recognition. The award, given by Human Resource Executive Magazine, highlights new HR technology innovations that impact the market.

Paychex Flex Perks is integrated into the company's cloud-based SaaS solution, Paychex Flex. It offers a range of benefits including early access to earned wages, financial wellness solutions, and voluntary lifestyle benefits. The platform is designed to address the needs of today's diverse, five-generational workforce and allows employees to self-select additional benefits based on their personal needs.

This solution is particularly beneficial for small and medium-sized businesses, enabling them to compete with larger organizations in attracting top talent. Paychex Flex Perks services are paid through employee payroll deduction at no cost to the employer.

Paychex, Inc. ha ricevuto il 'Miglior Prodotto HR dell'Anno' per Paychex Flex Perks, un mercato digitale curato per i benefici dei dipendenti. Questo segna la quarta volta che una soluzione Paychex riceve questo riconoscimento. Il premio, assegnato dalla rivista Human Resource Executive, evidenzia le nuove innovazioni tecnologiche HR che impattano il mercato.

Paychex Flex Perks è integrato nella soluzione SaaS basata su cloud dell'azienda, Paychex Flex. Offre una gamma di benefici tra cui accesso anticipato agli stipendi guadagnati, soluzioni per il benessere finanziario e benefici volontari per lo stile di vita. La piattaforma è progettata per soddisfare le esigenze della forza lavoro diversificata di oggi, composta da cinque generazioni, e consente ai dipendenti di selezionare autonomamente benefici aggiuntivi in base alle proprie necessità personali.

Questa soluzione è particolarmente vantaggiosa per le piccole e medie imprese, permettendo loro di competere con organizzazioni più grandi nell'attrarre talenti di alto livello. I servizi Paychex Flex Perks sono pagati tramite deduzione dalla busta paga dei dipendenti, senza alcun costo per il datore di lavoro.

Paychex, Inc. ha sido premiada con el 'Mejor Producto de RRHH del Año' por Paychex Flex Perks, un mercado digital curado para beneficios de empleados. Este es el cuarto año que una solución de Paychex recibe este reconocimiento. El premio, otorgado por la revista Human Resource Executive, resalta las nuevas innovaciones tecnológicas en RRHH que impactan el mercado.

Paychex Flex Perks está integrado en la solución SaaS basada en la nube de la empresa, Paychex Flex. Ofrece una variedad de beneficios, incluyendo acceso anticipado a salarios ganados, soluciones de bienestar financiero y beneficios voluntarios de estilo de vida. La plataforma está diseñada para abordar las necesidades de la fuerza laboral diversa de hoy, que incluye cinco generaciones, y permite a los empleados seleccionar beneficios adicionales según sus necesidades personales.

Esta solución es particularmente beneficiosa para las pequeñas y medianas empresas, permitiéndoles competir con organizaciones más grandes para atraer talento de alto nivel. Los servicios de Paychex Flex Perks se financian a través de deducciones en la nómina del empleado, sin costo alguno para el empleador.

Paychex, Inc.는 Paychex Flex Perks, 직원 복지를 위한 curated 디지털 마켓플레이스를 위해 '올해의 최고 HR 제품'으로 선정되었습니다. 이는 Paychex 솔루션이 네 번째로 이 인정을 받는 것입니다. 이 상은 Human Resource Executive Magazine에서 수여하며, 시장에 영향을 미치는 새로운 HR 기술 혁신을 강조합니다.

Paychex Flex Perks는 회사의 클라우드 기반 SaaS 솔루션인 Paychex Flex에 통합되어 있습니다. 이 플랫폼은 이미 획득한 급여에 대한 조기 접근, 재정 웰빙 솔루션, 자발적 라이프스타일 혜택 등 다양한 혜택을 제공합니다. 이 플랫폼은 요즘의 다섯 세대로 구성된 다양한 인력의 필요를 충족하도록 설계되었으며, 직원들이 개인의 필요에 따라 추가 혜택을 자율적으로 선택할 수 있습니다.

이 솔루션은 중소기업에 특히 유용하여, 더 큰 조직과 경쟁하며 우수한 인재를 유치할 수 있도록 돕습니다. Paychex Flex Perks 서비스는 직원의 급여에서 공제되어 고용주에게는 비용이 발생하지 않습니다.

Paychex, Inc. a reçu le prix du 'Meilleur Produit RH de l'Année' pour Paychex Flex Perks, un marché numérique sélectionné pour les avantages des employés. C'est la quatrième fois qu'une solution Paychex obtient cette reconnaissance. Ce prix, attribué par le magazine Human Resource Executive, met en lumière les nouvelles innovations technologiques en RH qui impactent le marché.

Paychex Flex Perks est intégré dans la solution SaaS basée sur le cloud de l'entreprise, Paychex Flex. Il offre une gamme d'avantages tels que un accès anticipé aux salaires gagnés, des solutions de bien-être financier et des avantages de style de vie volontaires. La plateforme est conçue pour répondre aux besoins de la main-d'œuvre diversifiée d'aujourd'hui, comprenant cinq générations, et permet aux employés de sélectionner des avantages supplémentaires en fonction de leurs besoins personnels.

Cette solution est particulièrement bénéfique pour les petites et moyennes entreprises, leur permettant de rivaliser avec des organisations plus importantes pour attirer les meilleurs talents. Les services Paychex Flex Perks sont financés par une déduction sur la paie des employés sans coût pour l'employeur.

Paychex, Inc. wurde mit dem 'Top HR Produkt des Jahres' für Paychex Flex Perks ausgezeichnet, einen kuratierten digitalen Marktplatz für Mitarbeiterleistungen. Dies ist das vierte Mal, dass eine Paychex-Lösung diese Auszeichnung erhält. Der Preis, verliehen von der Human Resource Executive Magazine, hebt neue HR-Technologie-Innovationen hervor, die den Markt beeinflussen.

Paychex Flex Perks ist in die cloudbasierte SaaS-Lösung des Unternehmens, Paychex Flex, integriert. Es bietet eine Reihe von Vorteilen, darunter frühzeitigen Zugriff auf verdientes Gehalt, Lösungen für finanzielle Gesundheit und freiwillige Lebensstilvorteile. Die Plattform ist darauf ausgelegt, die Bedürfnisse der heutigen vielfältigen, fünf Generationen umfassenden Belegschaft zu erfüllen und ermöglicht es den Mitarbeitern, zusätzliche Vorteile basierend auf ihren persönlichen Bedürfnissen auszuwählen.

Diese Lösung ist besonders vorteilhaft für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen, die es ihnen ermöglicht, mit größeren Organisationen um die besten Talente zu konkurrieren. Die Dienstleistungen von Paychex Flex Perks werden durch Abzug vom Gehalt des Mitarbeiters bezahlt, ohne Kosten für den Arbeitgeber.

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Human Resource Executive Magazine recognizes new HR technology innovations

ROCHESTER, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Paychex, Inc., a leading provider of integrated human capital management software solutions for human resources, employee benefits, insurance services, and payroll, has earned recognition as a “Top HR Product of the Year” for Paychex Flex Perks, a curated digital marketplace for employee benefits.

This is the fourth time a Paychex solution has been named to the Top HR Product of the Year list as part of this annual awards program, which is designed to showcase new HR technology innovations with an emphasis on how they are breaking new ground and impacting the market.

Market research shows that 63% of American workers stated they were likely to participate in voluntary benefits from their employer, indicating that employees expect their employers to provide programs in addition to traditional benefits such as a retirement plan, paid time off, and healthcare insurance.

“It is an honor for Paychex Flex Perks to be recognized as a 2024 Top HR Product of the Year for the direct impact we expect this solution will have on business leaders, HR professionals, and ultimately their employees,” said Tom Hammond, Paychex vice president of strategy, partnerships, and business development. “A cross-functional team has worked diligently to bring to market a frictionless, enterprise-level benefits ecosystem that enables small and medium-sized businesses to augment established benefit offerings or make employee benefits available for the first time. Now more than ever, a comprehensive and unique benefits offering is critical to any business competing for talent in a tight labor market.”

Integrated directly into Paychex Flex, the company’s cloud-based SaaS solution, Paychex Flex Perks is a digital marketplace of employee benefits curated to address the needs of today’s diverse, five-generational workforce. The technology is tailored to the employee’s user experience, making it easy and intuitive to enroll in benefits, including early access to earned wages, financial wellness solutions, and voluntary lifestyle benefits. Employees can self-select additional benefits based on their personal needs, which frees up time for business owners and HR leaders to focus on more strategic initiatives that are required to run a business. Paychex Flex Perks services are paid through employee payroll deduction at no cost to the employer.

“Small and medium-sized businesses often face challenges when competing against larger organizations for the best talent in a competitive labor market,” said Steve Boese, president and co-founder of H3 HR Advisors and HR Technology Conference chair. “Paychex Flex Perks gives smaller organizations access to a set of attractive and meaningful employee benefits like access to earned wages, pet insurance, financial wellness tools and more, that augment the employer’s benefits offering and enhance the overall employee value proposition. Additionally, Paychex Flex Perks makes it simple for the organization to adopt these programs and make them available to employees, making it easy to implement and to begin adding value right away, and ultimately drive an improved employee experience.”

This year’s award program received more than 100 written submissions, from which a judging panel selected a subset of technology solutions to demo before awarding 13 products with the honor of Top HR Product of the Year. The full list of the 2024 award-winning products can be viewed here:

Attendees of the 2024 HR Technology Conference & Expo in Las Vegas this September 24-26 can demo Paychex Flex Perks at the Paychex booth (#9009) on the expo floor. A Paychex expert will also present an in-person educational session during the conference, outlining a roadmap for choosing HR technology that meets the user experience expectations for a modern workforce. For a complete overview of how to connect with Paychex at HR Tech, visit

About Paychex
Paychex, Inc. (Nasdaq: PAYX) is an industry-leading HCM company delivering a full suite of technology and advisory services in human resources, employee benefit solutions, insurance, and payroll. The company serves over 745,000 customers in the U.S. and Europe and pays one out of every 12 American private sector employees. The more than 16,000 people at Paychex are committed to helping businesses succeed and building thriving communities where they work and live. Visit to learn more.

Media Contacts

Chelsea Wernick

Public Relations Program Manager II

(585) 216-2974


Caroline Banker

Account Executive

(503) 329-8191


Source: Paychex, Inc.


What award did Paychex Flex Perks receive in 2024?

Paychex Flex Perks received the 'Top HR Product of the Year' award for 2024 from Human Resource Executive Magazine.

How many times has Paychex (PAYX) won the Top HR Product of the Year award?

This is the fourth time a Paychex solution has been named to the Top HR Product of the Year list.

What benefits does Paychex Flex Perks offer to employees?

Paychex Flex Perks offers benefits such as early access to earned wages, financial wellness solutions, and voluntary lifestyle benefits.

Is there a cost to employers for implementing Paychex Flex Perks?

No, Paychex Flex Perks services are paid through employee payroll deduction at no cost to the employer.

Where can attendees demo Paychex Flex Perks at the 2024 HR Technology Conference & Expo?

Attendees can demo Paychex Flex Perks at the Paychex booth (#9009) on the expo floor of the 2024 HR Technology Conference & Expo in Las Vegas, September 24-26.

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