Lucid Diagnostics Secures First Positive Commercial Insurance Coverage Policy for its EsoGuard® Esophageal DNA Test
Lucid Diagnostics (LUCD) has achieved a significant milestone with its first positive commercial insurance coverage for the EsoGuard® Esophageal DNA Test through Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield in New York state. The regional BCBS plan will cover non-invasive screening of esophageal precancer and cancer for patients meeting established professional society guidelines for testing.
This landmark coverage decision is expected to serve as a precedent for other commercial insurers to follow suit. According to Dr. Lishan Aklog, Lucid's Chairman and CEO, this development validates their clinical evidence base. The company continues to engage with commercial insurers nationwide to expand access to EsoGuard precancer testing.
Lucid Diagnostics (LUCD) ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo con la sua prima copertura positiva da parte di un'assicurazione commerciale per il Test del DNA EsoGuard® attraverso Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield nello stato di New York. Il piano regionale BCBS coprirà lo screening non invasivo per il precancro e il cancro esofageo per i pazienti che soddisfano le linee guida professionali stabilite per il test.
Questa decisione di copertura storica è destinata a fungere da precedente per altri assicuratori commerciali. Secondo il Dr. Lishan Aklog, Presidente e CEO di Lucid, questo sviluppo convalida la loro base di evidenze cliniche. L'azienda continua a collaborare con assicuratori commerciali a livello nazionale per ampliare l'accesso al test di precancro EsoGuard.
Lucid Diagnostics (LUCD) ha alcanzado un hito significativo con su primera cobertura positiva de seguro comercial para la Prueba de ADN EsoGuard® a través de Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield en el estado de Nueva York. El plan regional de BCBS cubrirá el tamizaje no invasivo de precáncer y cáncer esofágico para los pacientes que cumplan con las pautas establecidas por las sociedades profesionales para la prueba.
Se espera que esta decisión de cobertura histórica sirva como un precedente para que otros aseguradores comerciales sigan el ejemplo. Según el Dr. Lishan Aklog, Presidente y CEO de Lucid, este desarrollo valida su base de evidencia clínica. La empresa continúa colaborando con aseguradoras comerciales a nivel nacional para ampliar el acceso a la prueba de precáncer EsoGuard.
루시드 진단 (LUCD)는 뉴욕주 Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield를 통해 EsoGuard® 식도 DNA 검사에 대한 첫 번째 긍정적인 상업 보험 보장을 달성하며 중요한 이정표를 세웠습니다. 이 지역 BCBS 플랜은 테스트를 위한 전문 학회 가이드라인을 충족하는 환자에 대해 비침습적인 식도 전암 및 암 검사를 보장합니다.
이 역사적인 보장 결정은 다른 상업 보험사들이 뒤따를 수 있는 선례가 될 것으로 기대됩니다. 루시드의 회장 겸 CEO인 리샨 아클로그 박사에 따르면, 이 발전은 그들의 임상 근거를 검증합니다. 회사는 EsoGuard 전암 검사에 대한 접근성을 확대하기 위해 전국의 상업 보험사와 계속 협력하고 있습니다.
Lucid Diagnostics (LUCD) a atteint une étape significative avec sa première couverture d'assurance commerciale positive pour le Test ADN EsoGuard® via Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield dans l'État de New York. Le plan régional de BCBS couvrira le dépistage non invasif des précancéreux et du cancer de l'œsophage pour les patients répondant aux directives établies par les sociétés professionnelles pour le test.
Cette décision de couverture historique devrait servir de précédent pour d'autres assureurs commerciaux. Selon le Dr Lishan Aklog, Président et CEO de Lucid, ce développement valide leur base de preuves cliniques. L'entreprise continue de collaborer avec des assureurs commerciaux à l'échelle nationale pour élargir l'accès au test de précancer EsoGuard.
Lucid Diagnostics (LUCD) hat einen bedeutenden Meilenstein erreicht, indem es die erste positive kommerzielle Versicherungsschutz für den EsoGuard® Esophagealen DNA-Test über Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield im Bundesstaat New York erhalten hat. Der regionale BCBS-Plan wird das nicht-invasive Screening auf Speiseröhren-Vorläufer und -Krebs für Patienten abdecken, die die festgelegten Richtlinien der Fachgesellschaften für Tests erfüllen.
Diese wegweisende Entscheidung wird voraussichtlich als Präzedenzfall für andere kommerzielle Versicherer dienen. Laut Dr. Lishan Aklog, dem Vorsitzenden und CEO von Lucid, bestätigt diese Entwicklung ihre klinische Evidenzbasis. Das Unternehmen arbeitet weiterhin mit kommerziellen Versicherern im ganzen Land zusammen, um den Zugang zu EsoGuard-Vorläufertests zu erweitern.
- First commercial insurance coverage secured for EsoGuard test
- Coverage by major insurer (Highmark BCBS) validates clinical evidence
- Potential catalyst for additional insurance coverage approvals
- Coverage to New York state only
- Coverage restricted to patients meeting specific testing criteria
Regional Blue Cross Blue Shield plan will cover non-invasive screening of esophageal precancer and cancer
"This positive policy coverage decision by a commercial insurer is a landmark event for Lucid," said Lishan Aklog, M.D., Lucid's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. "We believe that this decision will serve as a precedent to drive positive policy coverage decisions from other commercial insurers and further validates the strength of our clinical evidence base. We remain deeply engaged with commercial insurers across the country as we seek to expand access to EsoGuard precancer testing."
About Lucid Diagnostics
Lucid Diagnostics Inc. is a commercial-stage, cancer prevention medical diagnostics company, and subsidiary of (Nasdaq: PAVM). Lucid is focused on the millions of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also known as chronic heartburn, who are at risk of developing esophageal precancer and cancer. Lucid's EsoGuard® Esophageal DNA Test, performed on samples collected in a brief, noninvasive office procedure with its EsoCheck® Esophageal Cell Collection Device, represent the first and only commercially available tools designed with the goal of preventing cancer and cancer deaths through widespread, early detection of esophageal precancer in at-risk patients.
For more information, please visit and for more information about its parent company PAVmed, please visit
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements are any statements that are not historical facts. Such forward-looking statements, which are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of Lucid's management, are subject to risks and uncertainties, which could cause actual results to differ from the forward-looking statements. Risks and uncertainties that may cause such differences include, among other things, volatility in the price of Lucid's common stock; general economic and market conditions; the uncertainties inherent in research and development, including the cost and time required to advance Lucid's products to regulatory submission; whether regulatory authorities will be satisfied with the design of and results from Lucid's clinical and preclinical studies; whether and when Lucid's products are cleared by regulatory authorities; market acceptance of Lucid's products once cleared and commercialized; Lucid's ability to raise additional funding as needed; and other competitive developments. In addition, Lucid continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and the pandemic's impact on Lucid's businesses. These factors are difficult or impossible to predict accurately and many of them are beyond Lucid's control. In addition, new risks and uncertainties may arise from time to time and are difficult to predict. For a further list and description of these and other important risks and uncertainties that may affect Lucid's future operations, see Part I, Item 1A, "Risk Factors," in Lucid's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, as the same may be updated in Part II, Item 1A, "Risk Factors" in any Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed by Lucid Diagnostics after its most recent Annual Report. Lucid disclaims any intention or obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement to reflect any change in its expectations or in events, conditions, or circumstances on which those expectations may be based, or that may affect the likelihood that actual results will differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements.
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