Pangaea Logistics Solutions Announces Agreement to Purchase Third Party Equity Ownership of Nordic Bulk Partners

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Pangaea Logistics Solutions (Nasdaq: PANL) has announced a definitive agreement to purchase the remaining 50% equity ownership of its consolidated subsidiary, Nordic Bulk Partners , from HS Nordic for $17.2 million in cash. The transaction is expected to be completed by November 1, 2024.

Nordic Bulk Partners was established in 2019 as a joint venture to construct four Ice Class 1A Post-Panamax dry bulk vessels. Upon completion of the transaction, Pangaea will own 100% of the equity in Nordic Bulk Partners. The purchase will extinguish a long-term liability of $16.6 million recorded on Pangaea's balance sheet as of June 30, 2024.

CEO Mark Filanowski stated that this strategic move consolidates Pangaea's fleet of niche Ice Class 1A vessels, improves the balance sheet, and enhances operating cash generation. The company aims to invest in its owned fleet while capitalizing on the favorable dry bulk market conditions.

Pangaea Logistics Solutions (Nasdaq: PANL) ha annunciato un accordo definitivo per l'acquisto del restante 50% di proprietà azionaria della sua sussidiaria consolidata, Nordic Bulk Partners, da HS Nordic per 17,2 milioni di dollari in contante. Si prevede che la transazione si concluda entro il 1 novembre 2024.

Nordic Bulk Partners è stata costituita nel 2019 come una joint venture per costruire quattro navi da carico secco di classe Ice Class 1A post-Panamax. Una volta completata la transazione, Pangaea possiederà il 100% delle azioni di Nordic Bulk Partners. L'acquisto estinguerà una passività a lungo termine di 16,6 milioni di dollari registrata nel bilancio di Pangaea al 30 giugno 2024.

Il CEO Mark Filanowski ha dichiarato che questa mossa strategica consolida la flotta di navi di nicchia di classe Ice Class 1A di Pangaea, migliora il bilancio e aumenta la generazione di cassa operativa. L'azienda intende investire nella propria flotta mentre capitalizza sulle condizioni favorevoli del mercato del carico secco.

Pangaea Logistics Solutions (Nasdaq: PANL) ha anunciado un acuerdo definitivo para comprar el 50% restante de la propiedad de su subsidiaria consolidada, Nordic Bulk Partners, de HS Nordic por 17.2 millones de dólares en efectivo. Se espera que la transacción se complete para el 1 de noviembre de 2024.

Nordic Bulk Partners se estableció en 2019 como una empresa conjunta para construir cuatro buques de carga seca de Clase de Hielo 1A Post-Panamax. Una vez completada la transacción, Pangaea poseerá el 100% de la participación en Nordic Bulk Partners. La compra extinguirá una deuda a largo plazo de 16.6 millones de dólares registrada en el balance de Pangaea al 30 de junio de 2024.

El CEO Mark Filanowski declaró que este movimiento estratégico consolida la flota de buques de nicho de Clase de Hielo 1A de Pangaea, mejora el balance y aumenta la generación de efectivo operativo. La empresa busca invertir en su flota propia mientras capitaliza las condiciones favorables del mercado de carga seca.

판가에 물류 솔루션(Pangaea Logistics Solutions, Nasdaq: PANL)은 HS 노르딕(HS Nordic)으로부터 자회사인 노르딕 벌크 파트너스(Nordic Bulk Partners)의 50% 지분을 현금으로 1,720만 달러에 인수하기 위한 최종 계약을 체결했다고 발표했습니다. 거래는 2024년 11월 1일까지 완료될 것으로 예상됩니다.

노르딕 벌크 파트너스는 2019년 아이스 클래스 1A 포스트 판라마스(Panamax) 건조용 드라이 벌크 선박 네 척을 건설하기 위한 합작 투자로 설립되었습니다. 거래가 완료되면 판가에는 노르딕 벌크 파트너스의 100% 지분을 소유하게 됩니다. 이 인수는 2024년 6월 30일 기준으로 판가의 대차대조표에 기록된 1,660만 달러의 장기 부채를 소멸시킬 것입니다.

CEO 마크 필라노우스키(Mark Filanowski)는 이 전략적 움직임이 판가의 아이스 클래스 1A 선박 플릿을 통합하고, 대차대조표를 개선하며, 운영 현금 흐름 생성을 증대시킨다고 발표했습니다. 회사는 보유한 선박에 투자하고 유리한 드라이 벌크 시장 조건을 활용할 계획입니다.

Pangaea Logistics Solutions (Nasdaq : PANL) a annoncé un accord définitif pour acquérir les 50% restants de la propriété d'équité de sa filiale consolidée, Nordic Bulk Partners, auprès de HS Nordic pour 17,2 millions de dollars en espèces. La transaction devrait être complétée d'ici le 1er novembre 2024.

Nordic Bulk Partners a été fondée en 2019 en tant que coentreprise pour construire quatre navires de transport de fret sec de classe Ice Class 1A Post-Panamax. Une fois la transaction finalisée, Pangaea possédera 100% des actions de Nordic Bulk Partners. Cet achat va éteindre une dette à long terme de 16,6 millions de dollars enregistrée dans le bilan de Pangaea au 30 juin 2024.

Le PDG Mark Filanowski a déclaré que ce mouvement stratégique consolide la flotte de navires de niche de classe Ice Class 1A de Pangaea, améliore le bilan et augmente la génération de liquidités opérationnelles. L'entreprise vise à investir dans sa flotte détenue tout en capitalisant sur les conditions de marché favorables pour le fret sec.

Pangaea Logistics Solutions (Nasdaq: PANL) hat einen endgültigen Vertrag zur Übernahme der verbleibenden 50% der Eigenkapitalanteile ihrer konsolidierten Tochtergesellschaft Nordic Bulk Partners von HS Nordic für 17,2 Millionen Dollar in bar bekannt gegeben. Die Transaktion soll bis zum 1. November 2024 abgeschlossen sein.

Nordic Bulk Partners wurde 2019 als Joint Venture gegründet, um vier Schüttgutfrachter der Eis-Klasse 1A Post-Panamax zu bauen. Nach Abschluss der Transaktion wird Pangaea 100% des Eigenkapitals von Nordic Bulk Partners besitzen. Der Kauf wird eine langfristige Verbindlichkeit von 16,6 Millionen Dollar tilgen, die zum 30. Juni 2024 in der Bilanz von Pangaea verzeichnet ist.

CEO Mark Filanowski erklärte, dass dieser strategische Schritt die Flotte der Nischen-Schiffe der Eis-Klasse 1A von Pangaea konsolidiert, die Bilanz verbessert und die operative Liquiditätsgenerierung steigert. Das Unternehmen plant, in die eigene Flotte zu investieren und die günstigen Bedingungen auf dem Markt für Schüttgüter zu nutzen.

  • Acquisition of remaining 50% equity in Nordic Bulk Partners for $17.2 million
  • Full ownership of four Ice Class 1A Post-Panamax dry bulk vessels
  • Elimination of $16.6 million long-term liability from balance sheet
  • Expected improvement in operating cash generation
  • Consolidation of niche Ice Class 1A vessel fleet
  • Cash outlay of $17.2 million for the acquisition


This acquisition marks a significant strategic move for Pangaea Logistics Solutions. By purchasing the remaining 50% equity in Nordic Bulk Partners for $17.2 million, PANL is consolidating its ownership of four Ice Class 1A Post-Panamax dry bulk vessels. This transaction has several positive implications:

  • Full control over a specialized fleet segment, enhancing operational flexibility
  • Improved balance sheet structure by eliminating a $16.6 million long-term liability
  • Potential for increased cash flow generation from complete ownership
  • Alignment with the company's strategy to invest in owned vessels

The timing of this move, executed a year earlier than stipulated, suggests management's confidence in the dry bulk market conditions. With a market cap of $322 million, this $17.2 million investment represents a significant but manageable capital allocation. Investors should view this positively as it strengthens PANL's position in the specialized ice-class vessel market, potentially leading to improved margins and competitive advantage in Arctic shipping routes.

Pangaea's acquisition of full ownership in Nordic Bulk Partners is a strategic masterstroke in the current dry bulk market landscape. The four Ice Class 1A Post-Panamax vessels are highly specialized assets, important for operations in ice-prone regions like the Baltic Sea, Northern Sea Route and Arctic waters. This move solidifies Pangaea's position in a niche market with high barriers to entry.

The timing is particularly astute, considering the growing importance of Arctic shipping routes due to climate change and increasing resource exploration in the region. By taking full control now, Pangaea is positioning itself to capitalize on potential growth in these specialized shipping lanes. Moreover, owning 100% of these modern vessels enhances the company's fleet profile, potentially leading to better charter rates and operational efficiency.

This transaction also demonstrates Pangaea's commitment to fleet modernization and specialization, which are critical factors in maintaining competitiveness in the evolving maritime logistics sector. Investors should view this as a forward-thinking move that could yield significant long-term benefits for the company.

NEWPORT, R.I., Oct. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Pangaea Logistics Solutions Ltd. ("Pangaea" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: PANL), a global provider of comprehensive maritime logistics solutions, today announced a definitive agreement to purchase the remaining 50% equity ownership of its consolidated subsidiary, Nordic Bulk Partners LLC, from HS Nordic LLC, for $17.2 million in cash. Nordic Bulk Partners LLC was established in 2019 as a joint venture to construct four Ice Class 1A Post-Panamax dry bulk vessels. The transaction is expected to be completed by November 1, 2024 subject to customary closing terms and conditions.

Upon the completion of the transaction, Pangea will own 100% of the equity in Nordic Bulk Partners. The terms of the Nordic Bulk Partners operating agreement include ownership put and call provisions, which have been negotiated and exercised a year earlier than originally stipulated. HS Nordic's 50% equity ownership was recorded on Pangaea's balance sheet as of June 30, 2024 as a long term liability of $16.6 million, which will be extinguished as a result of this purchase

"This strategic move to take full ownership of these four modern dry bulk vessels further consolidates our fleet of niche Ice Class 1A vessels, cleans up our balance sheet, and improves our operating cash generation" stated Mark Filanowski, Pangaea's Chief Executive Officer. "We continue to pursue our strategic initiative of investing in our fleet of owned vessels, while taking advantage of the favorable macro backdrop in the dry bulk market to unlock incremental net asset value and maximize future returns on our owned fleet. We thank Hudson Structured Capital Management for their partnership in the expansion of our ice class fleet, which has been instrumental since the delivery of the vessels in 2021."


Pangaea Logistics Solutions Ltd. (Nasdaq: PANL) provides logistics services to a broad base of industrial customers who require the transportation of a wide variety of dry bulk cargoes, including grains, pig iron, hot briquetted iron, bauxite, alumina, cement clinker, dolomite, and limestone. The Company addresses the transportation needs of its customers with a comprehensive set of services and activities, including cargo loading, cargo discharge, vessel chartering, and voyage planning. Learn more at


Certain statements in this press release are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements are based on our current expectations and beliefs and are subject to a number of risk factors and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. The Company disclaims any obligation to publicly update or revise these statements whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law. Such risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, the strength of world economies and currencies, general market conditions, including fluctuations in charter rates and vessel values, changes in demand for dry bulk shipping capacity, changes in our operating expenses, including bunker prices, dry-docking and insurance costs, the market for our vessels, availability of financing and refinancing, charter counterparty performance, ability to obtain financing and comply with covenants in such financing arrangements, changes in governmental rules and regulations or actions taken by regulatory authorities, potential liability from pending or future litigation, general domestic and international political conditions, potential disruption of shipping routes due to accidents or political events, vessels breakdowns and instances of off-hires and other factors, as well as other risks that have been included in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, all of which are available at


Gianni Del Signore
Chief Financial Officer

Noel Ryan or Stefan Neely
Vallum Advisors 

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SOURCE Pangaea Logistics Solutions LTD


What is the value of Pangaea Logistics Solutions' acquisition of Nordic Bulk Partners?

Pangaea Logistics Solutions (PANL) is acquiring the remaining 50% equity ownership of Nordic Bulk Partners for $17.2 million in cash.

When is the Nordic Bulk Partners acquisition expected to close?

The acquisition of Nordic Bulk Partners by Pangaea Logistics Solutions (PANL) is expected to be completed by November 1, 2024, subject to customary closing terms and conditions.

How many vessels will Pangaea Logistics Solutions (PANL) gain full ownership of through this acquisition?

Through this acquisition, Pangaea Logistics Solutions (PANL) will gain full ownership of four Ice Class 1A Post-Panamax dry bulk vessels that were constructed as part of the Nordic Bulk Partners joint venture.

What financial impact will the Nordic Bulk Partners acquisition have on Pangaea Logistics Solutions' (PANL) balance sheet?

The acquisition will extinguish a long-term liability of $16.6 million that was recorded on Pangaea Logistics Solutions' (PANL) balance sheet as of June 30, 2024, related to HS Nordic's 50% equity ownership.

Pangaea Logistics Solutions Ltd.


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Marine Shipping
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