PacBio Enters Cancer Genomics Research Collaboration in Singapore with Advanced Onso Sequencing

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PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) has announced a Research Collaboration Agreement with the National Cancer Centre of Singapore (NCCS) to accelerate cancer research using PacBio's advanced sequencing technologies. The collaboration will focus on profiling prevalent cancers in Asia using the Onso short-read sequencing system and Kinnex long-read sequencing kit, with emphasis on single-cell RNA sequencing.

The Onso platform, known for its exceptional accuracy, will be used to detect clinically relevant mutations across various cancer types. PacBio's authorized channel partner, DKSH, has installed the Onso platform at the Cancer Discovery Hub in NCCS. This collaboration aims to benefit Singapore and provide access to cutting-edge technology for the broader research community in Asia.

The integration of Onso for short reads and Revio for long reads will enable comprehensive multi-omics studies, offering new possibilities for precision oncology. This initiative combines short-read and long-read sequencing to explore the genomic complexities of cancers prevalent in Asia, with the ultimate goal of improving tailored diagnostic and treatment options for patients.

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) ha annunciato un Accordo di Collaborazione per la Ricerca con il National Cancer Centre di Singapore (NCCS) per accelerare la ricerca sul cancro utilizzando le tecnologie di sequenziamento avanzate di PacBio. La collaborazione si concentrerà sul profilo dei tumori prevalenti in Asia utilizzando il sistema di sequenziamento Onso a lettura breve e il kit di sequenziamento Kinnex a lettura lunga, con un'enfasi particolare sul sequenziamento dell'RNA a singola cellula.

La piattaforma Onso, nota per la sua eccezionale accuratezza, sarà utilizzata per rilevare mutazioni clinicamente rilevanti in vari tipi di cancro. Il partner autorizzato di PacBio, DKSH, ha installato la piattaforma Onso presso il Cancer Discovery Hub di NCCS. Questa collaborazione ha l'obiettivo di avvantaggiare Singapore e fornire accesso a tecnologie all'avanguardia per la più ampia comunità di ricerca in Asia.

L'integrazione di Onso per letture brevi e Revio per letture lunghe consentirà studi multi-omici completi, offrendo nuove possibilità per l'oncologia di precisione. Questa iniziativa combina il sequenziamento a lettura breve e a lettura lunga per esplorare le complessità genomiche dei tumori prevalenti in Asia, con l'obiettivo finale di migliorare le opzioni diagnostiche e terapeutiche su misura per i pazienti.

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) ha anunciado un Acuerdo de Colaboración en Investigación con el Centro Nacional del Cáncer de Singapur (NCCS) para acelerar la investigación del cáncer utilizando las tecnologías avanzadas de secuenciación de PacBio. La colaboración se centrará en perfilar los cánceres prevalentes en Asia utilizando el sistema de secuenciación Onso de lectura corta y el kit de secuenciación Kinnex de lectura larga, con énfasis en la secuenciación de ARN de una sola célula.

La plataforma Onso, conocida por su excepcional precisión, se utilizará para detectar mutaciones clínicamente relevantes en varios tipos de cáncer. El socio autorizado de PacBio, DKSH, ha instalado la plataforma Onso en el Cancer Discovery Hub del NCCS. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo beneficiar a Singapur y proporcionar acceso a tecnología de vanguardia para la comunidad de investigación más amplia en Asia.

La integración de Onso para lecturas cortas y Revio para lecturas largas permitirá estudios multi-ómiques completos, ofreciendo nuevas posibilidades para la oncología de precisión. Esta iniciativa combina el secuenciado de lectura corta y lectura larga para explorar las complejidades genómicas de los cánceres prevalentes en Asia, con el objetivo final de mejorar las opciones diagnósticas y de tratamiento personalizadas para los pacientes.

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB)는 싱가포르 국립암센터(NCCS)와 함께 암 연구를 가속화하기 위한 연구 협력 계약을 체결했다고 발표했습니다. 이 협력은 PacBio의 첨단 시퀀싱 기술을 사용하여 아시아에서 유병 암을 프로파일링하는 데 중점을 두며, Onso 단기 시퀀싱 시스템Kinnex 장기 시퀀싱 키트를 활용하며, 단일 세포 RNA 시퀀싱에 중점을 둡니다.

우수한 정확도로 알려진 Onso 플랫폼은 다양한 암 유형에서 임상적으로 관련성 있는 돌연변이를 탐지하는 데 사용될 것입니다. PacBio의 공인 파트너인 DKSH가 NCCS의 Cancer Discovery Hub에 Onso 플랫폼을 설치했습니다. 이 협력은 싱가포르에 이익이 되고 아시아의 더 넓은 연구 커뮤니티에 최첨단 기술을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

단기 읽기를 위한 Onso와 장기 읽기를 위한 Revio의 통합은 포괄적인 다중 오믹스 연구를 가능하게 하여 정밀 종양학을 위한 새로운 가능성을 제공합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 아시아에 존재하는 암의 게놈 복잡성을 탐구하기 위해 단기 및 장기 시퀀싱을 결합하여 환자 맞춤형 진단 및 치료 옵션 개선을 최종 목표로 합니다.

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) a annoncé un Accord de Collaboration en Recherche avec le Centre National du Cancer de Singapour (NCCS) pour accélérer la recherche sur le cancer en utilisant les technologies avancées de séquençage de PacBio. La collaboration se concentrera sur le profilage des cancers fréquents en Asie en utilisant le système de séquençage Onso à lecture courte et le kit de séquençage Kinnex à lecture longue, en mettant l'accent sur le séquençage de l'ARN à cellule unique.

La plateforme Onso, reconnue pour sa précision exceptionnelle, sera utilisée pour détecter les mutations cliniquement pertinentes dans divers types de cancer. Le partenaire autorisé de PacBio, DKSH, a installé la plateforme Onso au Cancer Discovery Hub du NCCS. Cette collaboration a pour but de bénéficier à Singapour et de fournir un accès à une technologie de pointe pour la communauté de recherche plus large en Asie.

L'intégration d'Onso pour les lectures courtes et de Revio pour les lectures longues permettra des études multi-omiques complètes, offrant de nouvelles possibilités pour l'oncologie de précision. Cette initiative combine le séquençage à lecture courte et à lecture longue pour explorer les complexités génomiques des cancers fréquents en Asie, avec pour objectif ultime d'améliorer les options de diagnostic et de traitement personnalisées pour les patients.

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) hat eine Forschungskooperationsvereinbarung mit dem Nationalen Krebszentrum Singapur (NCCS) angekündigt, um die Krebsforschung mithilfe von PacBios fortschrittlichen Sequenzierungstechnologien zu beschleunigen. Die Zusammenarbeit wird sich auf das Profiling der verbreiteten Krebsarten in Asien konzentrieren, unter Verwendung des Onso-Short-Read-Sequenzierungssystems und des Kinnex-Long-Read-Sequenzierungskits, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf der Einzelzellen-RNA-Sequenzierung.

Die Onso-Plattform, bekannt für ihre außergewöhnliche Genauigkeit, wird zur Identifizierung klinisch relevanter Mutationen in verschiedenen Krebsarten eingesetzt. PacBios autorisierter Vertriebspartner, DKSH, hat die Onso-Plattform im Cancer Discovery Hub des NCCS installiert. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, Singapur zu nutzen und der breiteren Forschungscommunity in Asien Zugang zu modernster Technologie zu verschaffen.

Die Integration von Onso für Short Reads und Revio für Long Reads wird umfassende Multi-Omics-Studien ermöglichen und neue Möglichkeiten für die präzise Onkologie eröffnen. Diese Initiative kombiniert Short-Read- und Long-Read-Sequenzierungen, um die genetischen Komplexitäten der in Asien verbreiteten Krebserkrankungen zu erforschen, wobei das letztendliche Ziel darin besteht, maßgeschneiderte Diagnose- und Behandlungsoptionen für Patienten zu verbessern.

  • Collaboration with National Cancer Centre of Singapore to accelerate cancer research in Asia
  • Installation of Onso short-read sequencing platform at NCCS Cancer Discovery Hub
  • Combination of Onso short-read and Revio long-read sequencing for comprehensive multi-omics studies
  • Potential for improved cancer diagnostics and therapeutics through advanced genomic analysis
  • None.


This collaboration between PacBio and NCCS marks a significant step forward in cancer genomics research, particularly for Asian populations. The integration of PacBio's Onso short-read and Revio long-read sequencing technologies offers a comprehensive approach to analyzing cancer genomes at unprecedented depth and accuracy.

Key points to consider:

  • The focus on prevalent Asian cancers could lead to more targeted therapies and improved diagnostics for these populations.
  • Single-cell RNA sequencing capabilities may reveal important insights into tumor heterogeneity and progression.
  • The combination of short-read and long-read sequencing allows for a more complete picture of genetic variants and transcript isoforms, potentially uncovering novel biomarkers.

While this collaboration holds promise for advancing cancer research, investors should note that the immediate financial impact on PacBio may be However, successful outcomes could strengthen PacBio's position in the competitive sequencing market, particularly in Asia, potentially leading to increased adoption of their technologies in clinical and research settings.

This collaboration represents a strategic move for PacBio to expand its presence in the Asian market, particularly in the lucrative field of cancer genomics. Key financial implications include:

  • Potential for increased revenue streams through wider adoption of PacBio's Onso and Revio platforms in Asian research institutions and hospitals.
  • Enhanced market positioning against competitors in the sequencing industry, potentially leading to increased market share.
  • Long-term growth prospects in the precision medicine market, which is projected to grow significantly in coming years.

However, investors should be aware that the financial benefits may not be immediate. Research collaborations often have long development cycles before translating into commercial success. With a current market cap of $419,694,583, PacBio is still a relatively small player in the genomics field. This partnership could be a catalyst for growth, but it's important to monitor the company's ability to capitalize on research outcomes and translate them into tangible market gains.

Groundbreaking collaboration to unlock the full potential of PacBio’s Onso technology, accelerating breakthroughs in cancer genomics across Asia

SINGAPORE, Oct. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB), a leading developer of high-quality, highly accurate sequencing solutions, today announced the signing of a new Research Collaboration Agreement (RCA) with the National Cancer Centre of Singapore (NCCS). This collaboration aims to accelerate cancer research by leveraging PacBio's advanced sequencing technologies, including the innovative Onso short-read sequencing platform, to profile the genomic landscape of prevalent cancers in Asia.

The research project will focus on profiling prevalent cancers in Asia using PacBio’s Onso short-read sequencing system and Kinnex long-read sequencing kit, with a particular emphasis on single-cell RNA sequencing. The Onso platform, known for its exceptional accuracy in short-read sequencing, will enable researchers to detect clinically relevant mutations across various cancer types, such as gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST). Its unique ability to deliver highly accurate data at scale makes it ideal for exploring genomic variants in cancer samples, ensuring robust analysis that could ultimately provide better cancer diagnostics and therapeutics.

As part of the collaborative effort, PacBio’s authorized channel partner in Asia, DKSH, has installed the Onso platform at the Cancer Discovery Hub in NCCS, which is dedicated to expanding cancer research and discovery. The findings from this collaboration are expected to benefit not only Singapore but also provide access to this cutting-edge technology to the broader research community in Asia. The collaboration with DKSH strengthens PacBio’s commitment to supporting local researchers in advancing cancer genomics in the region.

In combination with Revio's long-read sequencing capabilities, this research collaboration will allow scientists to conduct comprehensive multi-omics studies, analyzing transcript isoforms and genetic variants at the single-cell level. The integration of Onso for short reads and Revio for long reads ensures a complete and in-depth analysis of the cancer genome, offering new possibilities for precision oncology.

Asst Prof Jason Chan, Director of the Cancer Discovery Hub at NCCS, said: “We are excited to collaborate with PacBio on this initiative which combines the power of short-read and long-read sequencing, allowing us to delve deeper into the genomic complexities of cancers prevalent in Asia. The ultimate aim is to improve tailored diagnostic and treatment options for our patients.”

Jason Kang, General Manager and Vice President of PacBio APAC, commented, “At PacBio, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of cancer research with our cutting-edge sequencing platforms. With the installation of the Onso platform, enabled by our trusted partner DKSH, we are bringing our advanced sequencing solutions closer to the research community, empowering researchers to unlock new insights into cancer biology.”

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Todd Friedman


About PacBio

PacBio (NASDAQ: PACB) is a premier life science technology company that designs, develops, and manufactures advanced sequencing solutions to help scientists and clinical researchers resolve genetically complex problems. Our products and technologies stem from two highly differentiated core technologies focused on accuracy, quality and completeness which include our HiFi long-read sequencing and our SBB® short-read sequencing technologies. Our products address solutions across a broad set of research applications including human germline sequencing, plant and animal sciences, infectious disease and microbiology, oncology, and other emerging applications. For more information, please visit and follow @PacBio.

PacBio products are provided for Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements, including statements relating to the uses, coverage, advantages, quality or performance of, or benefits or expected benefits of using, PacBio products or technologies, including in connection with the RCA between PacBio and NCCS; unlocking Onso’s potential; accelerating breakthroughs in cancer genomics research; genomic landscape profiling of prevalent cancers; detection of clinically-relevant mutations; expectations that the collaboration will benefit the Singapore and Asian research communities; conducting comprehensive multi-omics studies, and ensuring complete and in-depth analysis of the cancer genome, using Revio and Onso platforms; and other future events. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements because they are subject to assumptions, risks, and uncertainties and could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially from currently anticipated results, including, challenges inherent in sequencing a large number of genomes, and the difficulty of generating discoveries across various areas of research; potential product performance and quality issues; third-party claims alleging infringement of patents and proprietary rights or seeking to invalidate PacBio's patents or proprietary rights; and other risks associated with international operations. Additional factors that could materially affect actual results can be found in PacBio's most recent filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including PacBio's most recent reports on Forms 8-K, 10-K, and 10-Q, and include those listed under the caption "Risk Factors." These forward-looking statements are based on current expectations and speak only as of the date hereof; except as required by law, PacBio disclaims any obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances in the future, even if new information becomes available.


What is the purpose of PacBio's collaboration with the National Cancer Centre of Singapore?

The collaboration aims to accelerate cancer research by profiling the genomic landscape of prevalent cancers in Asia using PacBio's advanced sequencing technologies, including the Onso short-read sequencing platform and Kinnex long-read sequencing kit.

How will the Onso sequencing platform be used in cancer research at NCCS?

The Onso platform will be used to detect clinically relevant mutations across various cancer types, such as gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST), leveraging its exceptional accuracy in short-read sequencing for robust genomic variant analysis.

What are the potential benefits of combining Onso short-read and Revio long-read sequencing in this collaboration?

The combination of Onso for short reads and Revio for long reads will enable comprehensive multi-omics studies, allowing scientists to analyze transcript isoforms and genetic variants at the single-cell level, offering new possibilities for precision oncology.

How does this collaboration impact cancer research in Asia beyond Singapore?

The collaboration is expected to provide access to cutting-edge sequencing technology to the broader research community in Asia, potentially benefiting cancer research and discovery across the region.

Pacific Biosciences of California, Inc.


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