New ‘State of Parenting Report’ Spotlights Universal Parental Struggles; Reveals Exhaustion As The Most Common Emotion Parents Feel In A Baby’s First Year

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Owlet, Inc. (NYSE:OWLT) has released its State of Parenting Report, highlighting the challenges faced by parents during their baby's first year. The study reveals that exhaustion (61%) is the most common emotion experienced by parents, followed by feeling overwhelmed (48%) and anxious (32%). On average, parents lose three hours of sleep per night, with 86% waking up to eight times nightly to check on their baby.

Key findings include:

  • Nearly 40% of parents worry most about their newborn contracting illnesses or SIDS
  • 53% report getting little to no sleep
  • 74% feel less stressed and anxious with baby monitoring technology
  • 50% want a monitor to help determine when to seek medical attention

The report emphasizes the need for solutions to support parents, with Owlet's Dream Sock® providing reassurance to 96% of users surveyed.

Owlet, Inc. (NYSE:OWLT) ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto sullo Stato della Genitorialità, evidenziando le sfide affrontate dai genitori durante il primo anno di vita del bambino. Lo studio rivela che l'esaurimento (61%) è l'emozione più comune vissuta dai genitori, seguita dal sentirsi sopraffatti (48%) e ansiosi (32%). In media, i genitori perdono tre ore di sonno a notte, con l'86% che si sveglia fino a otto volte a notte per controllare il proprio bambino.

I risultati chiave includono:

  • Quasi il 40% dei genitori è più preoccupato per il proprio neonato che contrae malattie o SIDS
  • Il 53% riporta di non dormire quasi per niente
  • Il 74% si sente meno stressato e ansioso grazie alla tecnologia di monitoraggio del bambino
  • Il 50% desidera un monitor per capire quando cercare assistenza medica

Il rapporto sottolinea la necessità di soluzioni per supportare i genitori, con il Sock® Dream di Owlet che offre rassicurazione al 96% degli utenti intervistati.

Owlet, Inc. (NYSE:OWLT) ha publicado su Informe sobre el Estado de la Crianza, destacando los desafíos que enfrentan los padres durante el primer año de vida de su bebé. El estudio revela que el agotamiento (61%) es la emoción más común experimentada por los padres, seguido de sentirse abrumados (48%) y ansiosos (32%). En promedio, los padres pierden tres horas de sueño por noche, con un 86% despertándose hasta ocho veces por noche para verificar a su bebé.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • Casi el 40% de los padres está más preocupado por la posibilidad de que su recién nacido contraiga enfermedades o SIDS
  • El 53% informa que duerme poco o nada
  • El 74% se siente menos estresado y ansioso gracias a la tecnología de monitoreo de bebés
  • El 50% desea un monitor para ayudar a determinar cuándo buscar atención médica

El informe enfatiza la necesidad de soluciones para apoyar a los padres, siendo el Sock® Dream de Owlet un alivio para el 96% de los usuarios encuestados.

Owlet, Inc. (NYSE:OWLT)는 첫 해 아기 양육의 어려움을 강조하는 양육 현황 보고서를 발표했습니다. 연구에 따르면 피로 (61%)가 부모들이 경험하는 가장 흔한 감정으로 나타났으며, 그 다음으로 압도된 느낌(48%)과 불안(32%)이 뒤를 이었습니다. 평균적으로 부모들은 하루에 세 시간의 수면을 잃습니다, 86%는 아기를 확인하기 위해 밤에 여덟 번까지 깨고 있습니다.

주요 발견 사항:

  • 부모의 거의 40%가 신생아가 병에 걸리거나 SIDS에 걸릴까 가장 걱정합니다
  • 53%는 거의 또는 전혀 잠을 자지 못한다고 보고합니다
  • 74%는 아기 모니터링 기술로 인해 덜 스트레스를 받고 불안해합니다
  • 50%는 의료 도움을 받아야 할 시기를 결정하는 데 도움이 되는 모니터를 원합니다

이 보고서는 부모를 지원하기 위한 솔루션의 필요성을 강조하며, Owlet의 Dream Sock®은 조사에 응답한 사용자 중 96%에게 안도감을 제공합니다.

Owlet, Inc. (NYSE:OWLT) a publié son Rapport sur l'État de la Parentalité, mettant en lumière les défis auxquels les parents font face au cours de la première année de leur bébé. L'étude révèle que l'épuisement (61%) est l'émotion la plus courante ressentie par les parents, suivie par le sentiment d'être débordé (48%) et d'anxiété (32%). En moyenne, les parents perdent trois heures de sommeil par nuit, 86% se réveillant jusqu'à huit fois par nuit pour vérifier leur bébé.

Les résultats clés comprennent :

  • Près de 40% des parents s'inquiètent le plus que leur nouveau-né attrape des maladies ou SIDS
  • 53% rapportent avoir peu ou pas de sommeil
  • 74% se sentent moins stressés et anxieux grâce à la technologie de surveillance des bébés
  • 50% souhaitent un moniteur pour les aider à déterminer quand chercher une assistance médicale

Le rapport souligne la nécessité de solutions pour soutenir les parents, le Dream Sock® d'Owlet rassurant 96% des utilisateurs sondés.

Owlet, Inc. (NYSE:OWLT) hat seinen Zustandsbericht über die Elternschaft veröffentlicht, der die Herausforderungen beleuchtet, mit denen Eltern im ersten Jahr ihres Babys konfrontiert sind. Die Studie zeigt, dass Erschöpfung (61%) die am häufigsten empfundene Emotion der Eltern ist, gefolgt von Überforderung (48%) und Angst (32%). Im Durchschnitt verlieren Eltern drei Stunden Schlaf pro Nacht, wobei 86% bis zu achtmal in der Nacht aufwachen, um nach ihrem Baby zu sehen.

Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:

  • Fast 40% der Eltern sorgen sich am meisten darüber, dass ihr Neugeborenes Krankheiten oder den plötzlichen Kindstod (SIDS) bekommt
  • 53% berichten von wenig bis keinem Schlaf
  • 74% fühlen sich mit Babyüberwachungstechnologie weniger gestresst und ängstlich
  • 50% wünschen sich einen Monitor, um zu entscheiden, wann medizinische Hilfe in Anspruch genommen werden sollte

Der Bericht betont die Notwendigkeit von Lösungen zur Unterstützung der Eltern, wobei Owlets Dream Sock® 96% der befragten Benutzer beruhigt.

  • 74% of parents feel less stressed and anxious with baby monitoring technology
  • 96% of Owlet parents surveyed reported more peace of mind
  • 94% of Owlet parents surveyed reported better quality of sleep
  • Launch of 'Only Owlet' global initiative to empower parents in baby care
  • Parents lose an average of three hours of sleep per night in the first year
  • 61% of parents experience exhaustion as the most common emotion
  • 86% of parents wake up to eight times a night to check on their baby
  • 53% of parents report getting little to no sleep

The study, conducted by Owlet, brings attention to the public health issue of parental mental health and the challenges of stress, anxiety, and sleep deprivation.

LEHI, Utah--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Owlet, Inc. (“Owlet” or the “Company”) (NYSE:OWLT), the pioneer of smart infant monitoring, today released its State of Parenting Report, which reveals the immense pressure parents face during their baby’s first year of life. On average, parents lose three hours of sleep per night,1 contributing to higher levels of stress and fatigue. With 126 million pediatric visits every year,2 it’s clear that health concerns also weigh heavily on parents’ minds. The number one reason for these visits is respiratory infections,3 and parents remain deeply concerned about sudden and unexpected health issues. Still today, one of the leading causes of infant mortality is unexpected deaths during sleep, caused by sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), suffocation, and other unknown factors.4 The new data sheds even more light on these struggles, along with the common feelings that overwhelm new parents, as well as the tools they seek for support.

Scan to Download Owlet's State of Parenting Report

Scan to Download Owlet's State of Parenting Report

The Link Between Exhaustion, Anxiety, and Parents’ Mental Health
The survey reveals that exhaustion (61%) is the most common emotion parents experience during the first year, followed by feeling overwhelmed (48%) and anxious (32%). This is compounded by 86% of parents waking up as many as eight times a night to check on their baby. A lack of restful sleep, driven by these worries, continues to affect parents’ mental health.

When asked what would benefit their mental health, but is the hardest to find, these parents answered:

  • More sleep - 54%
  • Time for self-care activities or hobbies - 43%
  • Assistance for household chores or responsibilities - 39%
  • More support from my family, friends or partner - 32%

Worry About Baby’s Health is Causing Even More Stress
Exhaustion and overwhelmed feelings aside, these parents are also in a constant state of worry about their newborns’ well-being and health. When looking at common concerns parents may have during the first year of their baby’s life, nearly 40% of parents are most worried about their newborn contracting an illness, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) or passing away during their sleep from SIDS.

These fears further intensify parents’ stress, with 53% reporting they get little to no sleep and more than 40% saying that they feel extremely on edge and anxious when their baby is sick.

Parents Rely on Technology to Help Alleviate Their Anxiety
While the data finds that parents are alike in their worries and fears, it also shows commonality through the tools and solutions parents need to ease their worries and give them more peace of mind.

  • Nearly three out of four parents feel technology that helps them monitor their baby has made them feel less stressed and anxious
  • 50% of parents want a monitor that helps them understand if and when they need to seek medical attention when their baby is sick
  • When their babies are sick, nearly a quarter of parents wish they had medical-grade health monitoring technology at home

This report follows the recent launch of ‘Only Owlet’ – the Company’s global initiative that puts a spotlight on the universal parenting experience and demonstrates first-hand how parents can be more empowered to take the best care of their baby. Technology, such as the Owlet Dream Sock®, provides extra reassurance during parents’ most vulnerable moments and allows them to feel more in control of their baby’s well-being and safety. 96% of Owlet parents surveyed have reported more peace of mind and 94% have reported better quality of sleep.5

“In today’s rapidly changing world, the challenges of parenting have never been more pronounced, and the demands on new parents are greater than ever. This new data paints a vivid picture of the modern parenting experience, revealing both the emotional weight and the necessity for solutions,” said Kurt Workman, Owlet Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder. “We are committed to being a reliable source of support for parents everywhere as we better understand the needs of those who are caring for and raising the next generation.”

To view the full State of Parenting Report and read stories from Owlet parents, please visit

Survey Methodology & Additional References:
The total sample size was 3,012 parents (16+) with children aged 1 and under across Germany, the U.K. and the U.S. The research was conducted from 06.13.2024 – 06.18.2024. Censuswide abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society which is based on the ESOMAR principles. Regional data for the U.S., U.K and German markets can be made available.

5. Reducing Caregiver Stress From At-Home Infant Monitoring: Results from a survey of Owlet Sock user experiences. Lehi, Utah: Owlet Baby Care, Inc.

About Owlet, Inc.
Owlet’s digital health infant monitoring platform is transforming the journey of parenting. Owlet, Inc. (NYSE:OWLT), a small-cap healthcare growth equity, offers FDA-authorized medical and consumer pediatric wearables and an integrated HD visual and audio camera that provide real-time data and insights to parents who safeguard health, optimize wellness, and ensure peaceful sleep, for their children.

Since 2012, over 2 million parents worldwide have used Owlet’s platform contributing to one of the largest collections of consumer infant health and sleep data. The Company continues to develop software and digital data solutions to bridge the current healthcare gap between hospital and home and bring new insights to parents and caregivers globally. Owlet believes that every child deserves to live a long, happy, and healthy life. To learn more, visit

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 (the “Reform Act”). All statements contained in this press release that do not relate to matters of historical fact should be considered forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements regarding the Company’s expected financial performance, including the Company’s financial outlook, outlook based upon regulatory authorizations or product enhancements, growth prospects, and future operational efficiencies or results and expected market opportunity and acceptance. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as “estimate,” “may,” “believes,” “plans,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “intends,” “goal,” “potential,” “upcoming,” “outlook,” “guidance,” the negation thereof, or similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these identifying words. Forward-looking statements are based on the Company’s expectations at the time such statements are made, speak only as of the dates they are made and are susceptible to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors. For all such forward-looking statements, the Company claims the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Reform Act. The Company’s actual results, performance or achievements may differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by our forward-looking statements. Many important factors could affect the Company’s future results and cause those results to differ materially from those expressed in or implied by the Company’s forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to, (i) the regulatory pathway for Owlet’s products, including submissions to, actions taken by and decisions and responses from regulators, such as the FDA and similar regulators outside of the United States, as well as Owlet’s ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approval or certification for our products and other regulatory requirements and legal proceedings; (ii) Owlet’s competition and the Company’s ability to profitably grow and manage growth; (iii) the Company’s ability to enhance future operating and financial results or obtain additional financing to continue as a going concern; (iv) Owlet’s ability to obtain additional financing in the future, as well risks associated with the Company’s current loan and debt agreements, including compliance with debt covenants, restrictions on the Company’s access to capital, the impact of the Company’s overall debt levels and the Company’s ability to generate sufficient future cash flows to meet Owlet’s debt service obligations and operate Owlet’s business; (v) the ability of Owlet to implement strategic initiatives, reduce costs, grow revenues, develop and launch new products, innovate and enhance existing products, meet customer demands and adapt to changes in consumer preferences and retail trends; (vi) Owlet’s ability to acquire, defend and protect its intellectual property and satisfy regulatory requirements, including but not limited to requirements concerning privacy and data protection, breaches and loss, as well as other risks associated with Owlet’s digital platforms and technologies; (vii) Owlet’s ability to maintain relationships with customers, manufacturers and suppliers and retain Owlet’s management and key employees; (viii) Owlet’s ability to upgrade and maintain its information technology systems; (ix) changes in applicable laws or regulations; (x) the impact of and disruption to Owlet’s business, financial condition, operations, supply chain and logistics due to economic and other conditions beyond the Company’s control, such as health epidemics or pandemics, macro-economic uncertainties, social unrest, hostilities, natural disasters or other catastrophic events; (xi) the possibility that Owlet may be adversely affected by other economic, business, regulatory, competitive or other factors, such as changes in discretionary consumer spending and consumer preferences; and (xii) other risks and uncertainties set forth in the Company’s other releases, public statements and filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including those identified in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, as updated in the Company’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended June 30, 2024, as any such factors may be updated from time to time in the Company’s other filings with the SEC. All such forward-looking statements attributable to the Company or any person acting on the Company’s behalf are expressly qualified in their entirety by the cautionary statements contained or referred to above. Moreover, the Company operates in an evolving environment. Except as required by law, the Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements after the date of this press release, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise, although Owlet may do so from time to time. The Company does not endorse any projections regarding future performance that may be made by third parties.


Source: Owlet, Inc.


What is the most common emotion parents experience in a baby's first year according to Owlet's report?

According to Owlet's State of Parenting Report, exhaustion (61%) is the most common emotion parents experience during their baby's first year.

How many hours of sleep do parents lose on average during a baby's first year?

The report by Owlet (NYSE:OWLT) states that parents lose an average of three hours of sleep per night during their baby's first year.

What percentage of parents feel less stressed with baby monitoring technology?

The Owlet study reveals that nearly three out of four parents (74%) feel less stressed and anxious when using technology that helps them monitor their baby.

What is the primary health concern for parents of newborns according to the Owlet report?

The Owlet (NYSE:OWLT) report shows that nearly 40% of parents are most worried about their newborn contracting illnesses like respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) or passing away from SIDS during sleep.

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