Meg Alexander Takes on Expanded Role as President and COO at Ovid Therapeutics, Strengthening Leadership for Future Growth

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Ovid Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: OVID) has promoted Meg Alexander to President and Chief Operating Officer (COO). This strategic move aims to strengthen the company's leadership and drive future growth in its mission to develop disease-halting neurotherapeutics for rare epilepsies and brain conditions.

Alexander, who joined Ovid in 2020, will oversee operations, R&D, program management, investor relations, commercial strategy, human resources, and corporate affairs. She brings extensive experience in the biopharmaceutical industry, having guided the launch of over 25 medicines and shaped major initiatives for leading companies.

The promotion is part of Ovid's strategy to advance its development pipeline, which includes novel ROCK2 inhibitors, KCC2 direct activators, and a GABA-aminotransferase inhibitor. This leadership change positions Ovid to capitalize on its scientific, development, and deal-making expertise to create value and impact the lives of those with intractable brain disorders.

Ovid Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: OVID) ha promosso Meg Alexander a Presidente e Chief Operating Officer (COO). Questa mossa strategica mira a rafforzare la leadership dell'azienda e a guidare la crescita futura nella sua missione di sviluppare neuroterapici in grado di fermare le malattie per le epilessie rare e le condizioni cerebrali.

Alexander, che è entrata in Ovid nel 2020, supervisionerà le operazioni, la R&D, la gestione dei programmi, le relazioni con gli investitori, la strategia commerciale, le risorse umane e gli affari aziendali. Porta con sé una vasta esperienza nel settore biofarmaceutico, avendo guidato il lancio di oltre 25 medicinali e plasmato iniziative importanti per aziende leader.

La promozione fa parte della strategia di Ovid per avanzare nel suo pipeline di sviluppo, che include nuovi inibitori ROCK2, attivatori diretti KCC2 e un inibitore della GABA-aminotransferasi. Questa modifica nella leadership posiziona Ovid per capitalizzare la sua esperienza scientifica, di sviluppo e di conclusione di affari per creare valore e avere un impatto sulle vite di coloro che soffrono di disturbi cerebrali intrattabili.

Ovid Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: OVID) ha promovido a Meg Alexander como Presidenta y Directora de Operaciones (COO). Este movimiento estratégico tiene como objetivo fortalecer el liderazgo de la compañía y impulsar el crecimiento futuro en su misión de desarrollar neuroterapéuticos que detengan enfermedades relacionadas con epilepsias raras y condiciones cerebrales.

Alexander, quien se unió a Ovid en 2020, supervisará las operaciones, la I+D, la gestión de programas, las relaciones con inversores, la estrategia comercial, los recursos humanos y los asuntos corporativos. Aporta una amplia experiencia en la industria biofarmacéutica, habiendo guiado el lanzamiento de más de 25 medicamentos y modelado iniciativas importantes para empresas líderes.

La promoción es parte de la estrategia de Ovid para avanzar en su pipeline de desarrollo, que incluye nuevos inhibidores de ROCK2, activadores directos de KCC2 y un inhibidor de GABA-aminotransferasa. Este cambio de liderazgo posiciona a Ovid para capitalizar su experiencia científica, de desarrollo y en la realización de acuerdos, para crear valor e impactar las vidas de quienes padecen trastornos cerebrales intratables.

Ovid Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: OVID)가 Meg Alexander를 사장 겸 최고 운영 책임자(COO)로 승진시켰습니다. 이 전략적 결정은 회사의 리더십을 강화하고 희귀 간질 및 뇌 질환의 치료제 개발이라는 사명에서 미래 성장을 촉진하기 위한 것입니다.

2020년에 Ovid에 합류한 Alexander는 운영, 연구 및 개발(R&D), 프로그램 관리, 투자자 관계, 상업 전략, 인사 및 기업 업무를 감독하게 됩니다. 그녀는 25종 이상의 의약품 출시를 이끌며 주요 선도 기업의 주요 이니셔티브를 형성한 생물제약 산업에서의 광범위한 경험을 가지고 있습니다.

이번 승진은 혁신적인 ROCK2 억제제, KCC2 직접 활성화제, GABA-아미노 전이효소 억제제를 포함한 Ovid의 개발 파이프라인을 발전시키려는 전략의 일환입니다. 이러한 리더십 변화는 Ovid가 과학적, 개발 및 거래 성사 경험을 활용하여 가치를 창출하고 난치성 뇌 장애로 고통받는 사람들의 삶에 영향을 미칠 수 있도록 합니다.

Ovid Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: OVID) a promu Meg Alexander au poste de Présidente et Directrice des Opérations (COO). Ce mouvement stratégique vise à renforcer le leadership de l'entreprise et à stimuler une croissance future dans sa mission de développer des neurothérapeutiques capables de stopper des maladies liées aux épilepsies rares et aux affections cérébrales.

Ayant rejoint Ovid en 2020, Alexander supervisera les opérations, la R&D, la gestion des programmes, les relations avec les investisseurs, la stratégie commerciale, les ressources humaines et les affaires d'entreprise. Elle apporte une vaste expérience dans l'industrie biopharmaceutique, ayant dirigé le lancement de plus de 25 médicaments et façonné des initiatives clés pour des entreprises leaders.

La promotion fait partie de la stratégie d'Ovid pour faire avancer son pipeline de développement, qui comprend de nouveaux inhibiteurs ROCK2, des activateurs directs de KCC2 et un inhibiteur de GABA-aminotransférase. Ce changement de leadership positionne Ovid pour capitaliser sur son expertise scientifique, de développement et de négociation afin de créer de la valeur et d'impacter la vie de ceux qui souffrent de troubles cérébraux intraitables.

Ovid Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: OVID) hat Meg Alexander zur Präsidentin und Chief Operating Officer (COO) befördert. Dieser strategische Schritt soll die Führung des Unternehmens stärken und zukünftiges Wachstum in seiner Mission fördern, neurotherapeutische Ansätze zur Bekämpfung seltener Epilepsien und Gehirnerkrankungen zu entwickeln.

Alexander, die 2020 zu Ovid kam, wird die Bereiche Betrieb, Forschung und Entwicklung (F&E), Programmmanagement, Investorenbeziehungen, kommerzielle Strategie, Personalwesen und Unternehmensbelange betreuen. Sie bringt umfangreiche Erfahrung in der biopharmazeutischen Industrie mit, nachdem sie über 25 Arzneimittel auf den Markt gebracht und wichtige Projekte für führende Unternehmen gestaltet hat.

Die Beförderung ist Teil von Ovids Strategie, ihr Entwicklungspipeline voranzutreiben, die neuartige ROCK2-Inhibitoren, KCC2-Direktivatoren und einen GABA-Aminotransferase-Inhibitor umfasst. Dieser Führungswechsel positioniert Ovid, um seine wissenschaftlichen, entwicklungsbezogenen und geschäftlichen Fachkenntnisse zu nutzen, um Werte zu schaffen und das Leben von Menschen mit therapieresistenten Hirnerkrankungen zu beeinflussen.

  • Promotion of experienced executive Meg Alexander to President and COO
  • Strategic move to strengthen leadership for future growth
  • Focus on advancing development pipeline of potential disease-halting neurotherapeutics
  • Expanded oversight of key operational areas by new President and COO
  • Leveraging Alexander's extensive industry experience in medicine launches and corporate initiatives
  • None.

Meg Alexander's promotion to President and COO at Ovid Therapeutics is a strategic move that could potentially strengthen the company's operational efficiency. Her extensive experience in launching medicines and shaping initiatives for major pharmaceutical companies suggests she may bring valuable insights to Ovid's pipeline development. However, it's important to note that leadership changes often take time to show tangible results. While Alexander's background is impressive, investors should closely monitor Ovid's pipeline progress and financial performance in the coming quarters to assess the impact of this appointment. The focus on rare epilepsies and brain conditions positions Ovid in a niche market with potentially less competition but also a smaller patient pool, which could affect future revenue potential.

This leadership restructuring at Ovid Therapeutics demonstrates a proactive approach to corporate governance. By promoting from within, the company maintains continuity while potentially injecting fresh perspectives into its top-level strategy. The clear delineation of responsibilities between Alexander and CFO Jeff Rona suggests a well-thought-out organizational structure. However, investors should be aware that such significant changes in leadership can sometimes lead to short-term operational disruptions as the new structure settles in. It will be important to monitor how effectively Alexander collaborates with the existing leadership team and whether this new structure translates into improved operational efficiency and pipeline advancement in the medium to long term.

NEW YORK, Sept. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ovid Therapeutics Inc. (NASDAQ: OVID), a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by rare epilepsies and brain conditions, today announced the promotion of Meg Alexander to President and Chief Operating Officer (COO). Alexander will work in collaboration with Ovid’s leadership team to advance Ovid’s development pipeline of potential disease-halting neurotherapeutics and define and execute its go-forward strategy.

“Ovid’s programs are advancing rapidly, and we are taking the critical steps needed for sustainable growth. Meg has proven to be a strong leader, driving change and delivering value across multiple biopharmaceutical companies. Her extensive experience, operational expertise, and business acumen position her well to lead the next phase of the company’s evolution,” said Jeremy Levin, D. Phil, MB BChir, Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Ovid Therapeutics. “The Board and I are confident that she will successfully guide and collaborate with our leadership team to realize the full potential of our company.”

Alexander will oversee all operations, research and development, program management, investor relations, commercial strategy, human resources and corporate affairs, and will report to Dr. Levin. Finance, legal and business development will continue to be overseen by Jeff Rona, Ovid’s Chief Business and Financial Officer.

“I am excited to work with our team to unlock and expand the substantial therapeutic potential within our pipeline, including novel ROCK2 inhibitors, KCC2 direct activators, and a GABA-aminotransferase inhibitor,” said Alexander. “It is a privilege to collaborate with such a talented team of industry veterans and experts at Ovid. Together, we have the scientific, development, and deal-making expertise to create value and make a meaningful difference for people living with intractable brain disorders.”

Alexander joined Ovid in 2020 and previously served as Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Corporate Affairs Officer. In her tenure at Ovid, she has supported the rebuilding of the Company’s pipeline to focus on epilepsies and rare neurological conditions, led operational execution, and strengthened relationships with key stakeholders.

Prior to Ovid, Alexander had a two-decade long career creating strategies to build corporate value, launch medicines, and mitigate risk for biopharmaceutical and Fortune 500 companies. She has guided the launch of more than 25 medicines and shaped major initiatives for leading multinational companies, including Pfizer, Novartis, Amgen, Janssen, Boehringer Ingelheim, Alnylam, BioMarin, Nestle, Coca-Cola and many others. A proven entrepreneur, Alexander founded, and scaled the highly successful Reputation and Risk Management business at Syneos Health, one of the world’s largest clinical and commercial resource organizations.

About Ovid Therapeutics
Ovid Therapeutics Inc. is a New York-based biopharmaceutical company that is dedicated to meaningfully improving the lives of people affected by certain epilepsies and brain conditions with seizure symptoms. The Company is advancing a pipeline of novel, targeted small molecule candidates that modulate the intrinsic and extrinsic factors involved in neuronal hyperexcitability causative of seizures and other neurological symptoms. Ovid is developing: OV888/GV101 capsule, a potent and highly selective ROCK2 inhibitor capsule, for the potential treatment of cerebral cavernous malformations and other rare CNS diseases; OV329, a GABA-aminotransferase inhibitor, a potential therapy for treatment-resistant seizures; and OV350, a direct activator of the KCC2 transporter, for the potential treatment of epilepsies and other psychiatric conditions. For more information about these and other Ovid research programs, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes certain disclosures by Ovid that contain “forward-looking statements,” including, without limitation: statements regarding Ovid’s potential future business development opportunities and statements regarding the potential use and development of OV888/GV101, OV329, and OV350 and compounds from Ovid’s library of direct activators of KCC2. You can identify forward-looking statements because they contain words such as “advances,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “could,” “intends,” “may,” “potential,” “progress,” and “will” and similar expressions (as well as other words or expressions referencing future events, conditions or circumstances). Forward-looking statements are based on Ovid’s current expectations and assumptions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that may differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements, which are neither statements of historical fact nor guarantees or assurances of future performance. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements include, without limitation, uncertainties inherent in the preclinical and clinical development and regulatory approval processes, risks related to Ovid’s ability to achieve its financial objectives, the risk that Ovid may not be able to realize the intended benefits of its technology or its business strategy, or risks related to Ovid’s ability to identify business development targets or strategic partners, to enter into strategic transactions on favorable terms, or to consummate and realize the benefits of any business development transactions. Additional risks that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements are set forth under the caption “Risk Factors” in Ovid’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) on May 14, 2024, and in future filings Ovid makes with the SEC. Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date hereof, and Ovid assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained herein, whether because of any new information, future events, changed circumstances or otherwise, except as otherwise required by law. 

Garret Bonney


Raquel Cabo


Who is the new President and COO of Ovid Therapeutics (OVID)?

Meg Alexander has been promoted to President and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Ovid Therapeutics (NASDAQ: OVID).

What is Ovid Therapeutics (OVID) focused on developing?

Ovid Therapeutics is focused on developing disease-halting neurotherapeutics for rare epilepsies and brain conditions, including novel ROCK2 inhibitors, KCC2 direct activators, and a GABA-aminotransferase inhibitor.

When did Meg Alexander join Ovid Therapeutics (OVID)?

Meg Alexander joined Ovid Therapeutics in 2020, previously serving as Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Corporate Affairs Officer.

What areas will Meg Alexander oversee in her new role at Ovid Therapeutics (OVID)?

As President and COO, Meg Alexander will oversee operations, research and development, program management, investor relations, commercial strategy, human resources, and corporate affairs at Ovid Therapeutics.

Ovid Therapeutics Inc.


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