Ontrak Health Finalizes Study Results for Prominent Health Plan’s Medicaid Members with WholeHealth+ Program

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Ontrak Health (NASDAQ: OTRK) has announced impressive results from a study evaluating its WholeHealth+ program's impact on a Medicaid health plan customer's medical costs. The 36-month retrospective observational study revealed statistically significant savings in gross all-cause medical costs:

1. $721 PMPM over 24 months for program graduates
2. $508 PMPM for non-graduates enrolled for at least 5 months (average 8.2 months)

These findings validate the effectiveness of Ontrak's program in reducing avoidable healthcare expenditures and improving patient outcomes. The WholeHealth+ program focuses on identifying high-cost, complex Medicaid members with chronic comorbidities and unaddressed behavioral health conditions, providing personalized care coaching and support.

Ontrak Health (NASDAQ: OTRK) ha annunciato risultati impressionanti da uno studio che valuta l'impatto del programma WholeHealth+ sui costi medici di un cliente del piano sanitario Medicaid. Lo studio osservazionale retrospettivo di 36 mesi ha rivelato risparmi statisticamente significativi nei costi medici lordi di ogni causa:

1. $721 PMPM dopo 24 mesi per i laureati del programma
2. $508 PMPM per i non laureati iscritti per almeno 5 mesi (media di 8,2 mesi)

Questi risultati convalidano l'efficacia del programma di Ontrak nel ridurre le spese sanitarie evitabili e migliorare i risultati dei pazienti. Il programma WholeHealth+ si concentra sull'identificazione dei membri Medicaid ad alto costo e complessi con comorbidità croniche e condizioni di salute comportamentale non trattate, fornendo coaching e supporto personalizzati.

Ontrak Health (NASDAQ: OTRK) ha anunciado resultados impresionantes de un estudio que evalúa el impacto de su programa WholeHealth+ en los costos médicos de un cliente del plan de salud Medicaid. El estudio observacional retrospectivo de 36 meses reveló ahorros estadísticamente significativos en los costos médicos brutos por todas las causas:

1. $721 PMPM durante 24 meses para los graduados del programa
2. $508 PMPM para los no graduados inscritos durante al menos 5 meses (promedio de 8.2 meses)

Estos hallazgos validan la efectividad del programa de Ontrak en reducir los gastos de atención médica evitables y mejorar los resultados de los pacientes. El programa WholeHealth+ se centra en identificar a los miembros de Medicaid de alto costo y complejos con comorbilidades crónicas y condiciones de salud conductual no tratadas, proporcionando coaching y apoyo personalizado.

온트락 헬스(Ontrak Health, NASDAQ: OTRK)는 Medicaid 건강 계획 고객의 의료 비용에 대한 WholeHealth+ 프로그램의 영향을 평가한 연구에서 인상적인 결과를 발표했습니다. 36개월의 회고적 관찰 연구는 통계적으로 유의미한 절감 효과가 있음을 보여주었습니다:

1. 24개월 동안 PMPM $721 프로그램 졸업생들에 대한
2. 비졸업생들 중 최소 5개월(평균 8.2개월) 등록에 대해 PMPM $508

이 결과는 온트락의 프로그램이 불필요한 의료 지출을 줄이는 데 효과적이며 환자 결과를 개선하는 데 기여한다는 것을 입증합니다. WholeHealth+ 프로그램은 만성 동반질환과 다루어지지 않은 행동 건강 문제를 가진 고비용 복잡한 Medicaid 회원을 식별하고 맞춤형 돌봄 코칭과 지원을 제공합니다.

Ontrak Health (NASDAQ: OTRK) a annoncé des résultats impressionnants d'une étude évaluant l'impact de son programme WholeHealth+ sur les coûts médicaux d'un client du plan de santé Medicaid. L'étude d'observation rétrospective de 36 mois a révélé des économies statistiquement significatives dans les coûts médicaux bruts toutes causes confondues :

1. 721 $ PMPM sur 24 mois pour les diplômés du programme
2. 508 $ PMPM pour les non-diplômés inscrits pendant au moins 5 mois (moyenne de 8,2 mois)

Ces résultats valident l'efficacité du programme d'Ontrak pour réduire les dépenses de santé évitables et améliorer les résultats des patients. Le programme WholeHealth+ se concentre sur l'identification des membres Medicaid coûteux et complexes ayant des comorbidités chroniques et des problèmes de santé comportementale non résolus, offrant un coaching et un soutien adaptés.

Ontrak Health (NASDAQ: OTRK) hat beeindruckende Ergebnisse aus einer Studie angekündigt, die die Auswirkungen des WholeHealth+ Programms auf die Gesundheitskosten eines Medicaid-Kunden bewertet. Die 36-monatige retrospektive Beobachtungsstudie ergab statistisch signifikante Einsparungen bei den gesamten medizinischen Kosten:

1. 721 $ PMPM über 24 Monate für Programmabsolventen
2. 508 $ PMPM für Nicht-Absolventen, die mindestens 5 Monate (Durchschnitt 8,2 Monate) eingeschrieben waren

Diese Ergebnisse bestätigen die Wirksamkeit von Ontraks Programm zur Reduzierung vermeidbarer Gesundheitsausgaben und zur Verbesserung der Patientenergebnisse. Das WholeHealth+ Programm konzentriert sich darauf, Mitglieder von Medicaid mit hohen Kosten und komplexen chronischen Begleiterkrankungen sowie unbehandelten Verhaltensgesundheitsproblemen zu identifizieren und maßgeschneiderte Pflege-Coachings und Unterstützung anzubieten.

  • Statistically significant savings of $721 PMPM over 24 months for program graduates
  • Statistically significant savings of $508 PMPM for non-graduates enrolled for at least 5 months
  • Validation of the WholeHealth+ program's effectiveness in reducing healthcare costs
  • Expansion of study to include non-graduates, demonstrating program benefits for a wider range of participants
  • None.

As a financial analyst, I find these study results highly impactful for Ontrak Health (NASDAQ: OTRK) and its investors. The company has demonstrated significant cost savings for its Medicaid health plan customers, which could be a game-changer in the healthcare industry.

The most striking figure is the $721 PMPM (Per Member Per Month) savings over 24 months for program graduates. This represents a substantial reduction in healthcare costs, which is likely to be very attractive to potential customers in the healthcare industry. Even for non-graduates, the $508 PMPM savings is impressive.

These results could potentially lead to:

  • Increased demand for Ontrak's WholeHealth+ program
  • Higher retention rates among existing customers
  • Improved pricing power for Ontrak
  • Potential expansion into new market segments

However, investors should note that while these results are promising, they don't directly translate to Ontrak's financial performance. The company will need to leverage these findings to drive revenue growth and improve profitability. It's important to monitor upcoming financial reports to see if these positive study results materialize into tangible financial gains.

Overall, this news presents a positive outlook for Ontrak Health, potentially positioning it as a leader in AI-powered behavioral healthcare solutions. Investors should keep a close eye on how the company capitalizes on these results in the coming quarters.

From a healthcare analytics perspective, the results of Ontrak Health's study are truly remarkable. The statistically significant savings of $721 PMPM for program graduates and $508 PMPM for non-graduates demonstrate the effectiveness of their WholeHealth+ program in reducing healthcare costs.

What's particularly noteworthy is the comprehensive approach of the program:

  • Advanced data analytics for member identification
  • Proactive engagement through human interaction and AI
  • Personalized care coaching
  • Continuous monitoring and support

This holistic strategy addresses not just behavioral health, but also physical and social health needs, which is important for managing complex, high-cost Medicaid members with chronic comorbidities.

The inclusion of non-graduates in the study is a significant step forward in understanding the program's impact. Showing positive results even for those who don't complete the program ($508 PMPM savings) suggests that the benefits begin accruing early in the intervention process.

However, it's important to note that while these results are impressive, they are specific to one Medicaid health plan customer. The challenge for Ontrak will be to demonstrate consistent results across different customer segments and geographical regions.

If Ontrak can replicate these outcomes consistently, it could position itself as a valuable partner for health plans looking to manage costs and improve outcomes for complex patient populations. This could lead to significant growth opportunities in the rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.

As a behavioral health specialist, I'm particularly impressed by Ontrak Health's approach to addressing the complex interplay between behavioral health and chronic physical conditions. Their WholeHealth+ program's success in reducing healthcare costs highlights the often-overlooked impact of untreated behavioral health issues on overall healthcare utilization and expenses.

The study's findings are significant for several reasons:

  • They demonstrate the effectiveness of integrating behavioral health interventions with physical health management for high-risk populations.
  • The substantial cost savings ($721 PMPM for graduates) suggest that the program is successfully preventing costly hospitalizations and emergency room visits.
  • The positive results for non-graduates ($508 PMPM savings) indicate that even partial engagement with the program can yield benefits, which is important for hard-to-reach populations.

Ontrak's use of AI and technology for member identification and engagement is particularly noteworthy. This approach allows for more precise targeting of interventions to those who need them most, potentially improving the overall efficiency of healthcare delivery.

However, it's important to consider some potential limitations:

  • The study focuses on cost savings, but we don't have information on clinical outcomes or quality of life improvements for participants.
  • The long-term sustainability of these cost savings beyond the 24-month period isn't addressed in this report.
  • The generalizability of these results to other Medicaid populations or different healthcare settings remains to be seen.

Despite these considerations, Ontrak's WholeHealth+ program appears to be a promising approach to addressing the complex needs of high-risk Medicaid members. If these results can be replicated and sustained, it could represent a significant advancement in managing healthcare costs while improving care for vulnerable populations.

$721 PMPM Savings Over 24 Month Period for Graduates

$508 PMPM Savings for Non-Graduates

MIAMI--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Ontrak, Inc (NASDAQ: OTRK), a leading AI-powered and technology-enabled behavioral healthcare company, announced the impressive results of a formal evaluation conducted on the Ontrak WholeHealth+ program. The study evaluated the program’s impact on one of its Medicaid health plan customer’s medical costs. The findings are significant and validate the impact of our program to our customers.

Key Findings from the Evaluation:

Final results of the 36-month retrospective observational study have shown statistically significant, difference-in-differences savings of gross all-cause medical costs over 24 months of $721 PMPM (P<0.001) among Ontrak’s treated group of members who graduated the Ontrak WholeHealth+ program compared with matched controls. For the first time, the study went further to evaluate members who did not graduate the Ontrak WholeHealth+ program but were enrolled for a minimum of five months. For this cohort, which averaged an 8.2 month enrollment period, the study shows statistically significant, difference-in-differences savings of gross all-cause medical costs over the enrollment period of $508 PMPM (P<0.05) compared with matched controls. This study provides further evidence of the effectiveness of Ontrak’s WholeHealth+ program in reducing avoidable healthcare expenditures and improving patient outcomes. Ontrak Health has previously measured Medicare and Commercial member difference in difference gross savings of $485 PMPM over 24 months for graduates of its program as part of its independently validated 2021 Treatment Effect Study that was published in the American Journal of Managed Care.

Katie Lord, Vice President of Program Analytics and Outcomes at Ontrak Health, emphasized the significance of these results, stating, “Our latest comprehensive study has once again confirmed the substantial impact of our WholeHealth+ program on healthcare cost reduction. Achieving statistically significant results of $721 PMPM and $508 PMPM for graduates and non-graduates of our program, respectively, is a testament to our commitment to provide evidence-based solutions and data driven insights that our customers need and want.”

This study includes Medicaid members from a prominent existing health plan customer, who are enrolled in Ontrak’s WholeHealth+ program designed around four fundamental capabilities:

  1. Identification: High cost, complex Medicaid members with chronic comorbidities and unaddressed behavioral health conditions in need of specialized care are identified using advanced data analytics and risk assessment tools.
  2. Outreach: Once identified, members are proactively engaged through a unique blend of human interaction combined with augmented intelligence and offered personalized care coaching support to address their behavioral, physical and social health needs.
  3. Engagement: An Advanced Engagement System coupled with an evidence-based clinical model provides care coaching tailored to each member’s specific circumstances, ensuring the most effective care is delivered, including behavioral health provider visits as needed.
  4. Monitoring and Support: Continuous monitoring and data-driven insights empower members to take control of their health while receiving ongoing support from a dedicated care team.

Brandon LaVerne, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer of Ontrak Health, stated, “Ontrak Health continues to innovate and provide solutions for those most impacted in our society by depression, anxiety and substance use disorder. Our data has shown time and again that unaddressed behavioral health issues, combined with multiple comorbid conditions, increases healthcare costs and inpatient care utilization. Ontrak Health’s WholeHealth+ solution has been proven to significantly reduce these costs and unnecessary utilization.”

To learn more about Ontrak Health visit

About Ontrak, Inc.

Ontrak, Inc. is a leading AI and technology-enabled behavioral healthcare company, whose mission is to help improve the health and save the lives of as many people as possible. Ontrak identifies, engages, activates, and provides care pathways to treatment for the most vulnerable members of the behavioral health population who would otherwise fall through the cracks of the healthcare system. We engage individuals with anxiety, depression, substance use disorder and chronic disease through personalized care coaching and customized care pathways that help them receive the treatment and advocacy they need, despite the socio-economic, medical and health system barriers that exacerbate the severity of their comorbid illnesses. The company’s integrated intervention platform uses AI, predictive analytics and digital interfaces combined with dozens of care coach engagements to deliver improved member health, better healthcare system utilization, and durable outcomes and savings to healthcare payors.

Company Contact:

Brandon LaVerne

Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer

Investor Relations:

Ryan Halsted

Gilmartin Group

Source: Ontrak, Inc.


What were the key findings of Ontrak Health's WholeHealth+ program study for Medicaid members?

The study found statistically significant savings of $721 PMPM over 24 months for program graduates and $508 PMPM for non-graduates enrolled for at least 5 months in gross all-cause medical costs compared to matched controls.

How does Ontrak Health's WholeHealth+ program (OTRK) identify and engage high-risk Medicaid members?

The program uses advanced data analytics and risk assessment tools to identify high-cost, complex Medicaid members with chronic comorbidities and unaddressed behavioral health conditions. It then engages them through a combination of human interaction and augmented intelligence, offering personalized care coaching support.

What is the focus of Ontrak Health's WholeHealth+ program for Medicaid members?

The program focuses on addressing behavioral, physical, and social health needs of high-risk Medicaid members through personalized care coaching, behavioral health provider visits, and continuous monitoring to reduce healthcare costs and improve patient outcomes.

How do the savings from Ontrak Health's WholeHealth+ program for Medicaid members compare to its Medicare and Commercial member results?

The Medicaid program showed savings of $721 PMPM for graduates, while a previous study for Medicare and Commercial members showed savings of $485 PMPM over 24 months for program graduates.

Ontrak, Inc.


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