Otis Brazil Factory Receives ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems Certification

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Otis Brazil's factory in São Bernardo do Campo has achieved ISO 45001 certification, demonstrating its commitment to occupational health and safety management. This certification brings the total number of Otis factories with ISO 45001 to 13 out of 17 globally. The standard aims to reduce workplace accidents and illnesses while promoting continuous improvement in safety performance.

Adriana Gonsalves, Senior Manager of EH&S at Otis for Latin America, emphasized that safety is an Otis Absolute, alongside ethics and quality. The São Bernardo do Campo factory previously received ISO 14001 certification in 2021, aligning with Otis' ESG goal of certifying all factories by 2025 - a target achieved four years early. Otis (NYSE:OTIS) maintains management systems based on ISO 14001, 50001, and 45001 standards, showcasing its dedication to environmental and safety excellence in its operations.

La fabbrica Otis in Brasile a São Bernardo do Campo ha conseguito la certificazione ISO 45001, dimostrando il suo impegno nella gestione della salute e della sicurezza sul lavoro. Questa certificazione porta il numero totale di fabbriche Otis con ISO 45001 a 13 su 17 in tutto il mondo. Lo standard mira a ridurre gli infortuni e le malattie sul lavoro, promuovendo al contempo un miglioramento continuo delle performance di sicurezza.

Adriana Gonsalves, Senior Manager di EH&S presso Otis per l'America Latina, ha sottolineato che la sicurezza è un Assoluto per Otis, insieme a etica e qualità. La fabbrica di São Bernardo do Campo ha precedentemente ricevuto la certificazione ISO 14001 nel 2021, in linea con l'obiettivo ESG di Otis di certificare tutte le fabbriche entro il 2025 - un traguardo raggiunto con quattro anni di anticipo. Otis (NYSE:OTIS) mantiene sistemi di gestione basati sulle norme ISO 14001, 50001 e 45001, dimostrando il suo impegno per l'eccellenza ambientale e della sicurezza nelle sue operazioni.

La fábrica de Otis en Brasil en São Bernardo do Campo ha obtenido la certificación ISO 45001, demostrando su compromiso con la gestión de la salud y la seguridad en el trabajo. Esta certificación eleva el número total de fábricas de Otis con ISO 45001 a 13 de 17 a nivel global. El estándar busca reducir los accidentes y enfermedades laborales mientras promueve la mejora continua en el rendimiento de seguridad.

Adriana Gonsalves, Gerente Senior de EH&S de Otis para América Latina, enfatizó que la seguridad es un Absoluto para Otis, junto con la ética y la calidad. La fábrica de São Bernardo do Campo recibió anteriormente la certificación ISO 14001 en 2021, alineándose con el objetivo ESG de Otis de certificar todas las fábricas para 2025 - un objetivo logrado cuatro años antes. Otis (NYSE:OTIS) mantiene sistemas de gestión basados en las normas ISO 14001, 50001 y 45001, demostrando su dedicación a la excelencia ambiental y de seguridad en sus operaciones.

브라질 오티스 공장이 상파울루의 상벤나르두두캄푸에서 ISO 45001 인증을 받았으며, 이는 직장 내 건강과 안전 관리에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다. 이 인증으로 오티스의 ISO 45001 인증을 받은 공장 수는 전 세계 17곳 중 13곳으로 증가했습니다. 이 표준의 목적은 직장 내 사고와 질병을 줄이는 것이며, 안전 성과의 지속적인 개선을 촉진하는 것입니다.

오티스의 라틴 아메리카 EH&S 수석 관리자인 아드리아나 곤살베스는 안전이 오티스의 절대적인 가치라고 강조했습니다. 이는 윤리와 품질과 함께합니다. 상벤나르두두캄푸 공장은 2021년에 ISO 14001 인증을 이미 받았으며, 이는 2025년까지 모든 공장을 인증하겠다는 오티스의 ESG 목표와 일치합니다 - 이 목표는 4년 앞당겨 달성되었습니다. 오티스(NYSE:OTIS)는 ISO 14001, 50001 및 45001 기준에 기반한 관리 시스템을 유지하며, 이로써 운영에서 환경과 안전 우수성에 대한 헌신을 보여줍니다.

La usine Otis au Brésil à São Bernardo do Campo a obtenu la certification ISO 45001, démontrant son engagement envers la gestion de la santé et de la sécurité au travail. Cette certification porte à 13 le nombre total d'usines Otis certifiées ISO 45001 sur 17 dans le monde. La norme vise à réduire les accidents et les maladies au travail tout en favorisant l'amélioration continue des performances en matière de sécurité.

Adriana Gonsalves, Responsable Senior de l'EH&S chez Otis pour l'Amérique latine, a souligné que la sécurité est un absolu chez Otis, au même titre que l'éthique et la qualité. L'usine de São Bernardo do Campo a précédemment reçu la certification ISO 14001 en 2021, conformément à l'objectif ESG d'Otis de certifier toutes ses usines d'ici 2025 - un objectif atteint quatre ans en avance. Otis (NYSE:OTIS) maintient des systèmes de gestion basés sur les normes ISO 14001, 50001 et 45001, prouvant ainsi son engagement envers l'excellence environnementale et de sécurité dans ses opérations.

Die Otis-Fabrik in Brasilien in São Bernardo do Campo hat die ISO 45001-Zertifizierung erreicht und zeigt damit ihr Engagement für das Management von Gesundheit und Sicherheit am Arbeitsplatz. Diese Zertifizierung erhöht die Gesamtzahl der Otis-Fabriken mit ISO 45001 auf 13 von weltweit 17. Der Standard zielt darauf ab, Unfälle und Krankheiten am Arbeitsplatz zu reduzieren und die kontinuierliche Verbesserung der Sicherheitsleistung zu fördern.

Adriana Gonsalves, Senior Managerin für EH&S bei Otis für Lateinamerika, betonte, dass Sicherheit ein absolutes Prinzip bei Otis ist, neben Ethik und Qualität. Die Fabrik in São Bernardo do Campo erhielt 2021 bereits die ISO 14001-Zertifizierung, im Einklang mit dem ESG-Ziel von Otis, bis 2025 alle Fabriken zu zertifizieren - ein Ziel, das vier Jahre im Voraus erreicht wurde. Otis (NYSE:OTIS) unterhält Managementsysteme, die auf den ISO 14001, 50001 und 45001 Standards basieren, und zeigt so sein Engagement für Umwelt- und Sicherheitsexzellenz in seinen Betrieb.

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SÃO BERNARDO DO CAMPO, BRAZIL / ACCESSWIRE / July 22, 2024 / Otis Brazil's factory in São Bernardo do Campo recently received its ISO 45001 certification, an international standard that specifies the requirements and good practices for effective occupational health and safety management systems. Otis Brazil is a subsidiary of Otis (NYSE:OTIS), the world's leading elevator and escalator manufacturing, installation and service company.

ISO 45001 was developed to reduce factors that can cause occupational accidents, injuries and illnesses, and also provides guidelines for the continuous improvement of occupational health and safety performance and management systems in the workplace. With this latest milestone, Otis has now 13 factories out of 17 with ISO 45001 certification.

"Safety is an Otis Absolute, along with our Absolutes of Ethics and Quality. As part of our facilities' progress toward certification under the highest health and safety standards, this certification is a testament to our commitment to provide a safe and healthy working environment for our colleagues and visitors," said Adriana Gonsalves, Senior Manager of Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) at Otis for Latin America.

Otis maintains management systems based on ISO 14001, Environmental management systems, ISO 50001, Energy management systems, and ISO 45001, Occupational health and safety management systems. The São Bernardo do Campo factory received ISO 14001 certification in 2021, in line with Otis' published ESG goal of completing ISO 14001 certification for all Otis factories by 2025, which Otis achieved in 2021, several years ahead of schedule, demonstrating effective environmental management of its factories.

For more information on Otis' EH&S efforts and management systems, please see the latest ESG Report.

Otis Brazil's factory in São Bernardo do Campo recently received its ISO 45001 certification.

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Spokesperson: Otis Worldwide Corporation

SOURCE: Otis Worldwide Corporation

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What certification did Otis Brazil's factory in São Bernardo do Campo recently receive?

Otis Brazil's factory in São Bernardo do Campo recently received ISO 45001 certification, which is an international standard for occupational health and safety management systems.

How many Otis factories now have ISO 45001 certification?

With this latest certification, Otis now has 13 out of 17 factories certified under ISO 45001.

What other ISO certifications does the São Bernardo do Campo factory have?

The São Bernardo do Campo factory also received ISO 14001 certification for environmental management systems in 2021.

What is Otis' (OTIS) ESG goal regarding ISO 14001 certification?

Otis' ESG goal was to complete ISO 14001 certification for all Otis factories by 2025, which they achieved in 2021, several years ahead of schedule.

What are the three Otis Absolutes mentioned in the press release?

The three Otis Absolutes mentioned are Safety, Ethics, and Quality.

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