Serica Energy Partners with OpenText to Fuel Operational Excellence

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OpenText™ (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) announced that Serica Energy, a leading British upstream oil and gas company, has chosen OpenText Content Cloud™ and Extended ECM for Engineering™ to enhance its operational efficiency. This strategic move aims to streamline engineering information management, work processes, and risk control across project lifecycles and operations.

Serica Energy, one of the UK's top ten oil and gas producers, will leverage OpenText's cloud-based content management solutions to boost productivity, optimize processes, and ensure compliance with health, safety, security, and environmental requirements. The adoption of these solutions will enable Serica to expand its portfolio, maximize asset value, and contribute to the energy transition.

The partnership with OpenText will help Serica overcome limitations in documentation controls and functionality, significantly enhancing operational efficiencies and reducing risk in managing asset operations. This collaboration supports Serica's growth phase and capital projects planned until 2035 and beyond.

OpenText™ (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) ha annunciato che Serica Energy, una delle principali aziende britanniche nel settore upstream del petrolio e del gas, ha scelto OpenText Content Cloud™ e Extended ECM for Engineering™ per migliorare la propria efficienza operativa. Questa mossa strategica mira a semplificare la gestione delle informazioni ingegneristiche, i processi lavorativi e il controllo dei rischi lungo il ciclo di vita dei progetti e delle operazioni.

Serica Energy, uno dei primi dieci produttori di petrolio e gas nel Regno Unito, sfrutterà le soluzioni di gestione dei contenuti basate sul cloud di OpenText per aumentare la produttività, ottimizzare i processi e garantire la conformità ai requisiti di salute, sicurezza, protezione e ambiente. L'adozione di queste soluzioni permetterà a Serica di ampliare il proprio portafoglio, massimizzare il valore degli asset e contribuire alla transizione energetica.

La collaborazione con OpenText aiuterà Serica a superare le limitazioni nei controlli della documentazione e nelle funzionalità, migliorando notevolmente l'efficienza operativa e riducendo i rischi nella gestione delle operazioni patrimoniali. Questa collaborazione supporta la fase di crescita di Serica e i progetti di capitale pianificati fino al 2035 e oltre.

OpenText™ (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) anunció que Serica Energy, una de las principales compañías británicas de petróleo y gas upstream, ha elegido OpenText Content Cloud™ y Extended ECM for Engineering™ para mejorar su eficiencia operativa. Este movimiento estratégico busca optimizar la gestión de la información de ingeniería, los procesos de trabajo y el control de riesgos a lo largo de los ciclos de vida de los proyectos y operaciones.

Serica Energy, uno de los diez principales productores de petróleo y gas del Reino Unido, aprovechará las soluciones de gestión de contenido en la nube de OpenText para aumentar la productividad, optimizar procesos y asegurar el cumplimiento con los requisitos de salud, seguridad, protección y medio ambiente. La adopción de estas soluciones permitirá a Serica expandir su cartera, maximizar el valor de los activos y contribuir a la transición energética.

La asociación con OpenText ayudará a Serica a superar las limitaciones en los controles de documentación y funcionalidad, mejorando significativamente la eficiencia operativa y reduciendo riesgos en la gestión de operaciones de activos. Esta colaboración apoya la fase de crecimiento de Serica y los proyectos de capital planificados hasta 2035 y más allá.

OpenText™ (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX)는 Serica Energy, 영국의 주요 석유 및 가스 업스트림 회사가 OpenText Content Cloud™와 Extended ECM for Engineering™을 선택하여 운영 효율성을 강화했다고 발표했습니다. 이 전략적 조치는 프로젝트 생애 주기와 운영 전반에 걸쳐 엔지니어링 정보 관리, 작업 프로세스 및 위험 관리를 간소화하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

영국에서 상위 10개의 석유 및 가스 생산업체 중 하나인 Serica Energy는 OpenText의 클라우드 기반 콘텐츠 관리 솔루션을 활용하여 생산성을 높이고, 프로세스를 최적화하며, 보건, 안전, 보안 및 환경 요구 사항을 준수할 예정입니다. 이러한 솔루션의 채택은 Serica가 포트폴리오를 확장하고, 자산 가치를 극대화하며, 에너지 전환에 기여할 수 있게 해줄 것입니다.

OpenText와의 파트너십은 Serica가 문서 관리 및 기능의 한계를 극복하도록 도와주며, 자산 운영 관리의 위험을 줄이고 운영 효율성을 크게 향상시킵니다. 이 협력은 Serica의 성장 단계와 2035년 이후로 계획된 자본 프로젝트를 지원합니다.

OpenText™ (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) a annoncé que Serica Energy, une entreprise britannique leader dans le secteur amont du pétrole et du gaz, a choisi OpenText Content Cloud™ et Extended ECM for Engineering™ pour améliorer son efficacité opérationnelle. Ce mouvement stratégique vise à rationaliser la gestion des informations d'ingénierie, les processus de travail et le contrôle des risques tout au long des cycles de vie des projets et des opérations.

Serica Energy, l'un des dix principaux producteurs de pétrole et de gaz au Royaume-Uni, tirera parti des solutions de gestion de contenu basées sur le cloud d'OpenText pour augmenter la productivité, optimiser les processus et garantir la conformité aux exigences en matière de santé, de sécurité, de protection et d'environnement. L'adoption de ces solutions permettra à Serica d'élargir son portefeuille, de maximiser la valeur des actifs et de contribuer à la transition énergétique.

Le partenariat avec OpenText aidera Serica à surmonter les limitations des contrôles de documentation et des fonctionnalités, améliorant ainsi considérablement l'efficacité opérationnelle et réduisant les risques dans la gestion des opérations d'actifs. Cette collaboration soutient la phase de croissance de Serica et les projets d'investissement prévus jusqu'en 2035 et au-delà.

OpenText™ (NASDAQ: OTEX, TSX: OTEX) gab bekannt, dass Serica Energy, ein führendes britisches Unternehmen im Bereich Aufwärtsproduktion von Öl und Gas, OpenText Content Cloud™ und Extended ECM for Engineering™ ausgewählt hat, um die betriebliche Effizienz zu steigern. Dieser strategische Schritt zielt darauf ab, das Management von Ingenieurinformationen, die Arbeitsabläufe und die Risikokontrolle über den gesamten Lebenszyklus von Projekten und Operationen zu optimieren.

Serica Energy, einer der zehn größten Öl- und Gasproduzenten im Vereinigten Königreich, wird die cloudbasierten Content-Management-Lösungen von OpenText nutzen, um die Produktivität zu steigern, Prozesse zu optimieren und die Einhaltung von Gesundheits-, Sicherheits-, Schutz- und Umweltanforderungen sicherzustellen. Die Einführung dieser Lösungen wird es Serica ermöglichen, ihr Portfolio zu erweitern, den Wert von Anlagen zu maximieren und zur Energiewende beizutragen.

Die Partnerschaft mit OpenText wird Serica helfen, Einschränkungen in der Dokumentationskontrolle und -funktionalität zu überwinden, wodurch die Betriebseffizienz erheblich gesteigert und die Risiken im Management von Anlagenbetrieben verringert werden. Diese Zusammenarbeit unterstützt die Wachstumsphase von Serica und die bis 2035 geplanten Investitionsprojekte und darüber hinaus.

  • Serica Energy, a top ten UK oil and gas producer, adopts OpenText solutions for improved operational efficiency
  • Partnership aims to streamline engineering information management and reduce operational risk
  • OpenText solutions will support Serica's growth phase and capital projects until 2035 and beyond
  • Integration with current business application systems ensures a single source of truth across the enterprise
  • None.

Serica Energy's partnership with OpenText marks a significant upgrade in their information management capabilities. The adoption of Content Cloud and Extended ECM for Engineering addresses critical operational challenges in document control and accessibility. This move is likely to yield substantial benefits:

  • Enhanced operational efficiency: Streamlined access to up-to-date engineering documents could significantly reduce project delays and improve asset uptime.
  • Risk mitigation: Improved document control processes will help minimize errors and ensure compliance with safety regulations.
  • Future-proofing: The platform's ability to integrate with existing systems and potential for AI incorporation positions Serica well for future technological advancements.

While this partnership doesn't directly impact Serica's revenue, it lays a strong foundation for operational excellence and cost savings, potentially improving profitability in the long term. For OpenText, securing a top-10 UK oil and gas producer as a client reinforces its market position in the energy sector.

Serica Energy's investment in advanced information management is a strategic move in the competitive upstream oil and gas sector. Key implications include:

  • Competitive advantage: Enhanced operational efficiency could lead to faster project completions and potentially lower operating costs, important in the volatile oil market.
  • Regulatory compliance: Improved document control aligns with stringent industry regulations, potentially reducing legal and operational risks.
  • Energy transition readiness: The flexibility of the new system could support Serica's adaptation to changing energy landscapes, including potential diversification into renewables.

This partnership reflects a broader industry trend towards digital transformation. As the energy sector faces pressure for both efficiency and sustainability, such technological investments are becoming increasingly critical. For Serica, this could translate to improved asset value and operational resilience in the long term.

Upstream oil and gas company uses OpenText to streamline engineering information and accelerate time to completion while reducing risk

WATERLOO, Ontario, Aug. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- OpenText™ (NASDAQ: OTEX), (TSX: OTEX) today announced that Serica Energy, an independent British upstream oil and gas company with operations centered on the UK North Sea, has selected OpenText Content Cloud™ and OpenText Extended ECM for Engineering™ as strategic solutions to efficiently control engineering information, work processes, and risk across the lifecycle of projects and operations, while accelerating operational efficiencies.

Serica Energy is one of the top ten oil and gas producing companies in the UK, making a vital contribution to the country's security of energy supply. By adopting OpenText's cloud-based content management solutions, Serica Energy will boost productivity and optimize processes, while complying with health, safety, security and environmental requirements – enabling the organization to expand and diversify its portfolio, maximize asset value, and play its part in the energy transition.  

Information management is critical to Serica's operations. The organization relied on SharePoint to store and control complex engineering documents and work processes, from maintenance programs and contracts to safety and inspection reports, and end-to-end project plans. With ever-increasing documentation requirements across its operations, Serica's SharePoint environment became insufficient. Document control processes were manual and labor intensive, and the impact of accessing incorrect versions would be catastrophic. Serica identified the need to migrate its SharePoint environment with an information management solution to ensure easy accessibility and a single source of truth for all documents.

"As Serica Energy enters an exciting phase of growth, it's critical that our asset information is easily accessible, useable, reliable, secure and governed," said Malcolm Gordon, Information Management Lead at Serica Energy. "OpenText will enable us to remove limitations on documentation controls and functionality, allowing us to significantly enhance operational efficiencies and reduce risk in managing asset operations, while leading capital projects planned until 2035 and beyond."

Serica chose Content Cloud – a composable platform that connects people to content, when and where they need it – because of its proven track record in helping organizations across the energy sector and other asset-intensive industries gain control over asset content to work smarter. Enhancing information management across the organization will enable Serica to unlock major time savings and greater productivity to complete projects on time, improve asset uptime, and mitigate operational risk. An additional benefit valued by Serica is the deep integration of the solution with its current business application systems, ensuring a single source of truth across the enterprise. 

"Energy companies are under intense pressure to deliver more reliable and sustainable energy without compromising the health of their employees, the safety of the communities they serve, or the environment in which they operate," said Muhi Majzoub, EVP & Chief Product Officer at OpenText. "More than 75% of the top 100 energy and engineering organizations rely on OpenText for enterprise information management to achieve operational excellence through improved collaboration, reduced operational risk and secure, seamless access to engineering drawings and other asset content."

Leveraging Extended ECM for Engineering enables Serica to gain quick access to correct and up-to-date engineering and process documentation. By efficiently controlling engineering information, work processes, and risk, Serica can accelerate business value and deliver positive experiences – from its engineers to its end users.

With Content Cloud, Serica Energy has the foundational component to take the next step in its information management journey by incorporating the power of generative AI and OpenText Content Aviator to its business processes to further boost employee productivity in the field and in the back office to keep energy flowing safely.

Learn more about OpenText Content Cloud and OpenText Extended ECM for Engineering.

About OpenText 

OpenText™ is the leading Information Management software and services company in the world. We help organizations solve complex global problems with a comprehensive suite of Business Clouds, Business AI, and Business Technology. For more information about OpenText (NASDAQ/TSX: OTEX), please visit us at

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What solutions has Serica Energy chosen from OpenText (OTEX)?

Serica Energy has selected OpenText Content Cloud™ and OpenText Extended ECM for Engineering™ as strategic solutions to efficiently control engineering information, work processes, and risk across the lifecycle of projects and operations.

How will OpenText (OTEX) solutions benefit Serica Energy's operations?

OpenText solutions will help Serica Energy boost productivity, optimize processes, comply with regulatory requirements, expand its portfolio, maximize asset value, and contribute to the energy transition. They will also enable quick access to correct and up-to-date engineering documentation.

What challenges was Serica Energy facing before partnering with OpenText (OTEX)?

Serica Energy was facing limitations with its SharePoint environment, including manual and labor-intensive document control processes, and the risk of accessing incorrect versions of critical documents. These issues were insufficient for managing the increasing documentation requirements across its operations.

How does OpenText (OTEX) Content Cloud benefit energy companies?

OpenText Content Cloud helps energy companies gain control over asset content, enabling them to work smarter, unlock time savings, improve productivity, complete projects on time, improve asset uptime, and mitigate operational risk. It's used by over 75% of the top 100 energy and engineering organizations.

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