Orthofix Highlights New Products and Announces Presentation of Data Supporting the Adjunct Use of Bone Growth Therapy for Lumbar Spine Fusion at North American Spine Society Annual Meeting

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Orthofix Medical Inc. (NASDAQ:OFIX) announced new data supporting the use of their SpinalStim™ bone growth therapy device for increasing fusion rates in lumbar spine fusion surgery. The study, to be presented at the North American Spine Society (NASS) Annual Meeting, showed high fusion success rates and significant improvements in patient outcomes despite risk factors for pseudarthrosis.

At NASS, Orthofix is also showcasing new products including:

  • The full market launch of OsteoStrand™ Plus C, a 100% bone-derived graft with improved packability
  • The launch of M6-C™ Single-Use, Disposable Instrumentation sets for cervical disc arthroplasty

Orthofix is sponsoring educational events on the 7D FLASH™ Navigation System and optimizing fusion techniques. Attendees can visit booth #3017 to learn more about Orthofix's spine solutions.

Orthofix Medical Inc. (NASDAQ:OFIX) ha annunciato nuovi dati a sostegno dell'uso del loro dispositivo per la terapia della crescita ossea SpinalStim™ per aumentare i tassi di fusione nella chirurgia di fusione della colonna vertebrale lombare. Lo studio, che sarà presentato al Congresso Annuale della North American Spine Society (NASS), ha mostrato tassi elevati di successo nella fusione e significativi miglioramenti negli esiti dei pazienti nonostante i fattori di rischio per pseudartrosi.

Durante il NASS, Orthofix presenterà anche nuovi prodotti tra cui:

  • il lancio sul mercato del OsteoStrand™ Plus C, un innesto dérivato al 100% da osso con migliore compattezza
  • il lancio dei set di strumentazione usa e getta M6-C™ per l'arthroplastica del disco cervicale

Orthofix sponsorizza eventi educativi sul 7D FLASH™ Navigation System e l'ottimizzazione delle tecniche di fusione. I partecipanti possono visitare lo stand #3017 per saperne di più sulle soluzioni spinali di Orthofix.

Orthofix Medical Inc. (NASDAQ:OFIX) anunció nuevos datos que respaldan el uso de su dispositivo de terapia de crecimiento óseo SpinalStim™ para aumentar las tasas de fusión en la cirugía de fusión de columna lumbar. El estudio, que se presentará en el Congreso Anual de la North American Spine Society (NASS), mostró altas tasas de éxito de fusión y mejoras significativas en los resultados de los pacientes a pesar de los factores de riesgo para pseudartrosis.

En NASS, Orthofix también mostrará nuevos productos, incluyendo:

  • el lanzamiento completo al mercado del OsteoStrand™ Plus C, un injerto 100% derivado del hueso con mejor capacidad de empaque
  • el lanzamiento de los sets de instrumentación desechables M6-C™ para artroplastia del disco cervical

Orthofix está patrocinando eventos educativos sobre el Sistema de Navegación 7D FLASH™ y la optimización de técnicas de fusión. Los asistentes pueden visitar el stand #3017 para obtener más información sobre las soluciones de columna de Orthofix.

Orthofix Medical Inc. (NASDAQ:OFIX)는 요추 융합 수술에서 융합율을 높이기 위해 그들의 SpinalStim™ 골 성장 치료 장치 사용을 뒷받침하는 새로운 데이터를 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 북미 척추 학회(NASS) 연례 회의에서 발표될 예정이며, 높은 융합 성공률과 가성 관절증에 대한 위험 요소에도 불구하고 환자 결과의 상당한 개선을 보여주었습니다.

NASS에서는 Orthofix가 다음과 같은 새로운 제품들도 선보입니다:

  • OsteoStrand™ Plus C의 전체 시장 출시, 100% 뼈 유래의 이식재로 개선된 포장성을 제공
  • M6-C™ 일회용, 폐기 가능한 기구 세트의 출시, 경추 디스크 성형술을 위한 것입니다

Orthofix는 7D FLASH™ 내비게이션 시스템 및 융합 기술 최적화에 대한 교육 이벤트를 후원하고 있습니다. 참석자들은 부스 #3017을 방문하여 Orthofix의 척추 솔루션에 대해 더 알아볼 수 있습니다.

Orthofix Medical Inc. (NASDAQ:OFIX) a annoncé de nouvelles données soutenant l'utilisation de leur dispositif de thérapie de croissance osseuse SpinalStim™ pour augmenter les taux de fusion lors de la chirurgie de fusion de la colonne lombaire. L'étude, qui sera présentée lors de la Réunion Annuelle de la North American Spine Society (NASS), a montré des taux de réussite de fusion élevés et des améliorations significatives des résultats des patients malgré les facteurs de risque de pseudarthrose.

Lors du NASS, Orthofix présente également de nouveaux produits, notamment :

  • le lancement complet sur le marché de OsteoStrand™ Plus C, un greffon dérivé à 100 % de l'os avec une meilleure capacité de conditionnement
  • le lancement de kits d'instrumentation jetables M6-C™ pour l'arthroplastie du disque cervical

Orthofix sponsorise des événements éducatifs sur le Système de Navigation 7D FLASH™ et l'optimisation des techniques de fusion. Les participants peuvent visiter le stand #3017 pour en savoir plus sur les solutions de colonne vertébrale d'Orthofix.

Orthofix Medical Inc. (NASDAQ:OFIX) hat neue Daten vorgestellt, die die Verwendung ihres SpinalStim™ Knochengrowth-Therapiegeräts zur Erhöhung der Fusionsraten bei der Lendenwirbelsäulenfusion unterstützen. Die Studie, die auf dem Jahrestreffen der North American Spine Society (NASS) präsentiert wird, zeigte hohe Fusionsraten und signifikante Verbesserungen der Patientenergebnisse trotz Risikofaktoren für Pseudoarthrose.

Auf der NASS präsentiert Orthofix auch neue Produkte, darunter:

  • den vollständigen Markteintritt des OsteoStrand™ Plus C, einem 100% knochenbasierten Transplantat mit verbesserter Packungsfähigkeit
  • die Einführung der M6-C™ Einweg-Instrumentensets für die zervikale Diskarthroplastik

Orthofix sponsert Schulungsveranstaltungen zum 7D FLASH™ Navigationssystem und zur Optimierung von Fusionsverfahren. Die Teilnehmer können Stand #3017 besuchen, um mehr über die Wirbelsäulenlösungen von Orthofix zu erfahren.

  • New data shows high fusion success rates with SpinalStim™ bone growth therapy device
  • Full market launch of OsteoStrand™ Plus C, a 100% bone-derived graft with improved packability
  • Introduction of M6-C™ Single-Use, Disposable Instrumentation sets for cervical disc arthroplasty
  • Sponsoring educational events to promote their products and techniques
  • None.

LEWISVILLE, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Orthofix Medical Inc. (NASDAQ:OFIX), a leading global medical technology company, today announced the presentation of new data supporting the use of Orthofix’s proprietary Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) stimulation to increase fusion rates as an adjunct to lumbar spine fusion surgery. Patients treated with the SpinalStimbone growth therapy device demonstrated a high rate of successful fusion with significant improvements in pain, function and quality of life, despite having risk factors for pseudarthrosis.

The abstract will be presented by Dr. Marc Weinstein, an orthopedic spine surgeon at the Florida Orthopaedic Institute in Tampa, Florida, at the North American Spine Society (NASS) Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL, on September 25, during the Research and Innovation Showcase in the McCormick Place West Lobby of the McCormick Convention Center.

During the NASS annual meeting, Orthofix is also highlighting a variety of new products including the full market launch of OsteoStrandPlus C. A 100% bone-derived graft, OsteoStrand Plus C is comprised of Demineralized Bone Matrix (DBM) fibers and AccellBone Matrix, a dispersed form of DBM that provides immediate release of growth factors upon implantation and increases the concentration of growth factors in the product, and cancellous chips. Used as a bone graft material in fusion applications, the OsteoStrand Plus C features improved graft packability relative to non-chip containing options – for a denser fill and to ensure minimal graft displacement. Additionally, Orthofix is announcing the launch of the M6-CSingle-Use, Disposable Instrumentation sets, the first FDA-cleared, single-use, disposable instruments designed specifically for cervical disc arthroplasty.

Orthofix Sponsored Events

Orthofix will be sponsoring opportunities to learn more about the 7D FLASHNavigation System through an educational dinner with Dr. Jason McGowan and Dr. Amir Vokshoor. Additionally, the company is offering an educational dinner for surgeons to learn more about optimizing fusion through identifying the right combination of interbody surface technology, data-driven biologics, and bone growth therapies with Dr. Raymond Hah and Dr. James Bruffey.

Those attending NASS can learn more about these events and Orthofix’s portfolio of spine solutions by visiting booth #3017.

About Orthofix

Orthofix is a global medical technology company headquartered in Lewisville, Texas. By providing medical technologies that heal musculoskeletal pathologies, we deliver exceptional experiences and life-changing solutions to patients around the world. Orthofix offers a comprehensive portfolio of spinal hardware, bone growth therapies, specialized orthopedic solutions, biologics and enabling technologies, including the 7D FLASH™ Navigation System. To learn more, visit and follow Orthofix on LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release may include forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “expects,” “plans,” “anticipates,” “believes,” “estimates,” “projects,” “intends,” “predicts,” “potential,” “continue” or other comparable terminology. Orthofix cautions you that statements included in this news release that are not a description of historical facts are forward-looking statements that are based on the Company’s current expectations and assumptions. Each forward-looking statement contained in this news release is subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statement. Applicable risks and uncertainties include, among others: the ability of newly launched products to perform as designed and intended and to meet the needs of surgeons and patients, including as a result of the lack of robust clinical validation; and the risks identified under the heading “Risk Factors” in Orthofix Medical Inc.’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, which was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on March 5, 2024, as well as any subsequent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q or Current Report on Form 8-K filed with the SEC. The Company’s public filings with the SEC are available at You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date when made. Orthofix does not intend to revise or update any forward-looking statement set forth in this news release to reflect events or circumstances arising after the date hereof, except as may be required by law.

Media Relations

Denise Landry


Investor Relations

Julie Dewey


Source: Orthofix Medical Inc.


What new data is Orthofix (OFIX) presenting at the NASS Annual Meeting?

Orthofix is presenting data supporting the use of their SpinalStim™ bone growth therapy device for increasing fusion rates in lumbar spine fusion surgery. The study showed high fusion success rates and significant improvements in patient outcomes despite risk factors for pseudarthrosis.

What new products is Orthofix (OFIX) launching at the NASS Annual Meeting?

Orthofix is launching the full market release of OsteoStrand™ Plus C, a 100% bone-derived graft, and the M6-C™ Single-Use, Disposable Instrumentation sets for cervical disc arthroplasty.

What educational events is Orthofix (OFIX) sponsoring at the NASS Annual Meeting?

Orthofix is sponsoring educational events on the 7D FLASH™ Navigation System and optimizing fusion techniques through identifying the right combination of interbody surface technology, data-driven biologics, and bone growth therapies.

Where can attendees find Orthofix (OFIX) at the NASS Annual Meeting?

Attendees can visit Orthofix at booth #3017 to learn more about their portfolio of spine solutions.

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Medical Devices
Surgical & Medical Instruments & Apparatus
United States of America