Oil-Dri Named One of the Top 100 Finalists for the 23rd Annual Chicago Innovation Awards
Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC) has been selected as one of the Top 100 Finalists for the 23rd annual Chicago Innovation Awards. The company was nominated for its Cat's Pride® Antibacterial Clumping Litter, the first and only EPA-approved cat litter to kill 99.9% of odor-causing bacteria.
This innovative product addresses consumer concerns about bacteria in litter boxes and offers powerful odor control, easy cleanup, and is 40% lighter than traditional scoopable litter. The lightweight nature of this clay-based litter also reduces the number of trucks needed for transportation, lowering the carbon 'pawprint'.
As a finalist, Oil-Dri will receive a $2,500 scholarship to attend The Practical Innovator course at Northwestern's Kellogg School of Management. The company is also in the running for the 'People's Choice Award' and could be among the 20 winners selected by judges for the Chicago Innovation Awards.
Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC) è stata selezionata come uno dei Top 100 Finalisti per il 23° Premio Annuale per l'Innovazione di Chicago. L'azienda è stata nominata per il suo Cat's Pride® Antibacterial Clumping Litter, il primo e unico lettiera per gatti approvato dall'EPA in grado di uccidere il 99.9% dei batteri causatori di odori.
Questo prodotto innovativo affronta le preoccupazioni dei consumatori riguardo ai batteri nelle lettiere e offre un controllo odori potente, una facile pulizia ed è più leggero del 40% rispetto alle lettiere tradizionali. La leggerezza di questa lettiera a base di argilla riduce anche il numero di camion necessari per il trasporto, abbassando l'impronta di carbonio 'pawprint'.
In qualità di finalista, Oil-Dri riceverà una borsa di studio di $2,500 per partecipare al corso The Practical Innovator presso la Kellogg School of Management della Northwestern. L'azienda è anche in lizza per il 'People's Choice Award' e potrebbe essere tra i 20 vincitori selezionati dai giudici per i Premi per l'Innovazione di Chicago.
Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC) ha sido seleccionada como uno de los 100 Finalistas para los 23° Premios Anuales de Innovación de Chicago. La compañía fue nominada por su Cat's Pride® Antibacterial Clumping Litter, la primera y única arena para gatos aprobada por la EPA que elimina el 99.9% de las bacterias causantes de olores.
Este producto innovador aborda las preocupaciones de los consumidores sobre las bacterias en las cajas de arena y ofrece un control de olores potente, fácil limpieza y es un 40% más ligera que la arena tradicional. La ligereza de esta arena a base de arcilla también reduce el número de camiones necesarios para el transporte, disminuyendo su huella de carbono.
Como finalista, Oil-Dri recibirá una beca de $2,500 para asistir al curso The Practical Innovator en la Kellogg School of Management de Northwestern. La empresa también está en la carrera por el 'People's Choice Award' y podría estar entre los 20 ganadores seleccionados por los jueces para los Premios de Innovación de Chicago.
Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC)는 제23회 시카고 혁신상에서 100대 최종 후보 중 하나로 선정되었습니다. 이 회사는 99.9%의 악취 유발 박테리아를 제거할 수 있는 EPA 승인 고양이 모래인 Cat's Pride® 항균 응축 모래로 후보에 올랐습니다.
이 혁신적인 제품은 사용자가 고양이 화장실의 박테리아에 대해 우려하는 문제를 해결하고 강력한 악취 제어, 쉬운 청소를 제공하며 전통적인 스쿱 모래보다 40% 가볍습니다. 이 점토 기반 모래의 가벼운 특성은 운송에 필요한 트럭의 수를 줄여 탄소 발자국을 낮추는 데 도움이 됩니다.
최종 후보로서 Oil-Dri는 노스웨스턴 대학교 켈로그 경영대학원에서의 The Practical Innovator 과정에 참석하기 위해 $2,500 장학금을 받게 됩니다. 또한 이 회사는 '대중 선택상' 후보에 올라 있으며, 시카고 혁신상에서 심사위원들이 선정하는 20명의 수상자 중 하나가 될 수 있습니다.
Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC) a été sélectionnée comme l'un des 100 meilleurs finalistes pour les 23e Chicago Innovation Awards. L'entreprise a été nominée pour son Cat's Pride® Antibacterial Clumping Litter, la première et unique litière pour chats approuvée par l'EPA qui tue 99,9 % des bactéries responsables des odeurs.
Ce produit innovant répond aux préoccupations des consommateurs concernant les bactéries dans les bacs à litière et offre un contrôle des odeurs puissant, un nettoyage facile, et est 40 % plus léger que la litière traditionnelle. La légèreté de cette litière à base d'argile réduit également le nombre de camions nécessaires au transport, diminuant ainsi l'empreinte carbone.
En tant que finaliste, Oil-Dri recevra une bourse de 2 500 $ pour assister au cours The Practical Innovator à la Kellogg School of Management de l'Université Northwestern. L'entreprise est également en lice pour le 'People's Choice Award' et pourrait faire partie des 20 lauréats sélectionnés par les juges pour les Chicago Innovation Awards.
Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC) wurde als einer der Top 100 Finalisten für die 23. jährlichen Chicago Innovation Awards ausgewählt. Das Unternehmen wurde für sein Cat's Pride® Antibacterial Clumping Litter nominiert, die erste und einzige von der EPA genehmigte Katzenstreu, die 99.9% der geruchsbildenden Bakterien tötet.
Dieses innovative Produkt greift die Bedenken der Verbraucher hinsichtlich Bakterien in Katzenstreu auf und bietet eine leistungsstarke Geruchsbekämpfung, einfache Reinigung und ist 40% leichter als herkömmliche klumpende Streu. Die leichte Beschaffenheit dieser tonbasierten Streu verringert auch die Anzahl der für den Transport benötigten Lkw und senkt den Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck.
Als Finalist erhält Oil-Dri ein Stipendium in Höhe von $2.500 für die Teilnahme am Kurs The Practical Innovator an der Kellogg School of Management der Northwestern University. Das Unternehmen ist auch für den 'People's Choice Award' nominiert und könnte zu den 20 von den Juroren ausgewählten Gewinnern der Chicago Innovation Awards gehören.
- None.
- None.
CHICAGO, Sept. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Out of 350 nominees, Oil-Dri Corporation of America (NYSE: ODC), headquartered in Chicago, has been selected as one of the Top 100 Finalists in the running for the 23rd annual Chicago Innovation Awards. The awards celebrate the most innovative new products and services in the Chicago region across all organization sizes, sectors and industries. Over 700 business and civic leaders will come together to honor the winners when they are announced on November 14, 2024 at the UIC Forum.
Oil-Dri was nominated for the development of its Cat’s Pride® Antibacterial Clumping Litter which is the first and only EPA-approved cat litter to kill
Daniel S. Jaffee, President and Chief Executive Officer of Oil-Dri stated, “We are honored to be among an impressive group of nominees for the 23rd Annual Chicago Innovation Awards. Our team worked diligently to develop this innovative product and being named a Top 100 Finalist is a strong validation of their efforts.”
“Chicago continues to rise as a global hub of innovation that cuts across industries, large corporations and startups, for-profits and non-profits,” said Luke Tanen, President and CEO of Chicago Innovation. “The impact that this year’s nominees generated is profound – their new products and services generated
As one of the Top 100 Finalists, Oil-Dri will receive a
Each of the Top 100 Finalists is also in the running for the annual “People’s Choice Award,” selected through online balloting at https://chicagoinnovation.com/nominations/
Out of the Top 100 Finalists, the judges will select 20 winners of the Chicago Innovation Awards.
About Oil-Dri Corporation of America
Oil-Dri Corporation of America (“Oil-Dri”) is a leading manufacturer and supplier of specialty sorbent products for the pet care, animal health and nutrition, fluids purification, agricultural ingredients, sports field, industrial and automotive markets. Oil-Dri is vertically integrated which enables the Company to efficiently oversee every step of the process from research and development to supply chain to marketing and sales. With over 80 years of experience, the Company continues to fulfill its mission to Create Value from Sorbent Minerals. To learn more about the Company, visit oildri.com.
Oil-Dri Corporation of America
Leslie A. Garber
Director of Investor Relations
(312) 321-1515
Chicago Innovation
Luke Tanen
(312) 988-1516

What is Oil-Dri's new innovative product that led to its selection as a Top 100 Finalist for the Chicago Innovation Awards?
How does Oil-Dri's new cat litter product contribute to environmental sustainability?
What benefits will Oil-Dri receive as a Top 100 Finalist in the Chicago Innovation Awards?