Oil-Dri Corporation of Georgia Named Large Business of the Year at the 2025 Community Impact Awards
Oil-Dri of Georgia, a subsidiary of Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC), has been awarded the Large Business of the Year at the 2025 Community Impact Awards by the Thomasville-Thomas County Chamber of Commerce.
The company's Ochlocknee, GA facility, operating for over 60 years, processes and packages locally sourced clay with a workforce of 320 hourly teammates from surrounding counties. The award recognizes Oil-Dri's community engagement through initiatives including food drives, toy collections, Rose City Walk participation, and support of local students via the Georgia Mining Foundation Scholarship Program.
Oil-Dri of America is a leading manufacturer of specialty sorbent products, serving various markets including pet care, animal health, fluids purification, and agricultural ingredients, with a vertically integrated business model overseeing operations from R&D to sales.
Oil-Dri della Georgia, una filiale di Oil-Dri dell'America (NYSE: ODC), è stata premiata come Grande Impresa dell'Anno ai Community Impact Awards 2025 dalla Camera di Commercio di Thomasville-Thomas County.
Lo stabilimento dell'azienda a Ochlocknee, GA, attivo da oltre 60 anni, elabora e confeziona argilla di provenienza locale con una forza lavoro di 320 collaboratori orari provenienti dai dintorni. Il premio riconosce l'impegno di Oil-Dri nella comunità attraverso iniziative come raccolte di cibo, collezioni di giocattoli, partecipazione alla Rose City Walk e supporto agli studenti locali tramite il Programma di Borse di Studio della Georgia Mining Foundation.
Oil-Dri dell'America è un produttore leader di prodotti assorbenti specializzati, che serve vari mercati tra cui cura degli animali domestici, salute animale, purificazione dei fluidi e ingredienti agricoli, con un modello di business verticalmente integrato che supervisiona le operazioni dalla R&S alle vendite.
Oil-Dri de Georgia, una subsidiaria de Oil-Dri de América (NYSE: ODC), ha sido galardonada como Gran Empresa del Año en los Community Impact Awards 2025 por la Cámara de Comercio de Thomasville-Thomas County.
La instalación de la empresa en Ochlocknee, GA, que opera desde hace más de 60 años, procesa y empaqueta arcilla de origen local con una fuerza laboral de 320 compañeros horarios de los condados circundantes. El premio reconoce el compromiso de Oil-Dri con la comunidad a través de iniciativas como recolectas de alimentos, colecciones de juguetes, participación en la Rose City Walk y apoyo a los estudiantes locales a través del Programa de Becas de la Georgia Mining Foundation.
Oil-Dri de América es un fabricante líder de productos absorbentes especiales, que sirve a varios mercados, incluidos el cuidado de mascotas, la salud animal, la purificación de fluidos y los ingredientes agrícolas, con un modelo de negocio verticalmente integrado que supervisa las operaciones desde la I+D hasta las ventas.
조지아의 오일드라이는 오일드라이 아메리카(NYSE: ODC)의 자회사로, 올해의 대기업으로 2025 커뮤니티 임팩트 어워드에서 토마스빌-토마스 카운티 상공회의소로부터 수상했습니다.
회사의 조클록니, GA 시설은 60년 이상 운영되어 왔으며, 주변 카운티에서 온 320명의 시간제 직원과 함께 지역에서 조달한 점토를 가공하고 포장합니다. 이 상은 음식 기부, 장난감 수집, 로즈 시티 워크 참여, 조지아 광업 재단 장학 프로그램을 통한 지역 학생 지원 등 커뮤니티 참여를 인정받은 것입니다.
오일드라이 아메리카는 반려동물 관리, 동물 건강, 유체 정화 및 농업 재료 등 다양한 시장을 대상으로 하는 특수 흡수 제품의 주요 제조업체로, R&D부터 판매까지의 운영을 감독하는 수직 통합 비즈니스 모델을 갖추고 있습니다.
Oil-Dri de Géorgie, une filiale de Oil-Dri d'Amérique (NYSE: ODC), a été récompensée en tant que Grande Entreprise de l'Année lors des Community Impact Awards 2025 par la Chambre de Commerce de Thomasville-Thomas County.
Les installations de l'entreprise à Ochlocknee, GA, en activité depuis plus de 60 ans, traitent et conditionnent de l'argile provenant de sources locales avec une main-d'œuvre de 320 employés horaires des comtés environnants. Ce prix reconnaît l'engagement d'Oil-Dri envers la communauté à travers des initiatives telles que des collectes de nourriture, des collectes de jouets, la participation à la Rose City Walk et le soutien aux étudiants locaux via le Programme de Bourses de la Georgia Mining Foundation.
Oil-Dri d'Amérique est un fabricant leader de produits absorbants spécialisés, servant divers marchés, y compris les soins pour animaux de compagnie, la santé animale, la purification des fluides et les ingrédients agricoles, avec un modèle commercial intégré verticalement supervisant les opérations de la R&D aux ventes.
Oil-Dri von Georgia, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Oil-Dri von Amerika (NYSE: ODC), wurde bei den Community Impact Awards 2025 von der Handelskammer Thomasville-Thomas County als Großunternehmen des Jahres ausgezeichnet.
Die Anlage des Unternehmens in Ochlocknee, GA, die seit über 60 Jahren betrieben wird, verarbeitet und verpackt lokal beschafften Ton mit einer Belegschaft von 320 stündlichen Mitarbeitern aus den umliegenden Landkreisen. Die Auszeichnung würdigt das Engagement von Oil-Dri in der Gemeinschaft durch Initiativen wie Lebensmittelspenden, Spielzeugsammlungen, die Teilnahme am Rose City Walk und die Unterstützung lokaler Schüler über das Georgia Mining Foundation Stipendienprogramm.
Oil-Dri von Amerika ist ein führender Hersteller von Spezial-Absorptionsprodukten, der verschiedene Märkte bedient, darunter Tierpflege, Tiergesundheit, Flüssigkeitsreinigung und landwirtschaftliche Zutaten, mit einem vertikal integrierten Geschäftsmodell, das die Abläufe von F&E bis zum Vertrieb überwacht.
- Strong local workforce presence with 320 employees
- 60+ years of established operations in Georgia
- Vertically integrated business model
- None.
THOMASVILLE, Ga., March 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Oil-Dri Corporation of Georgia, a subsidiary of Oil-Dri Corporation of America (NYSE: ODC), was recently named Large Business of the Year at the 2025 Community Impact Awards, an annual celebration recognizing the outstanding contributions of local businesses and individuals in Thomasville and Thomas County, Georgia. This prestigious award, presented by the Thomasville-Thomas County Chamber of Commerce in partnership with 1915 South | Ashley Homestore and Check-Mate Industries, honors those who have shown exemplary dedication to community service, innovation, leadership, and business growth. This award is a true testament to Oil-Dri’s positive impact and strong ties to its community.
Oil-Dri has been a proud member of the local community for over 60 years, operating its Ochlocknee, GA site, which processes and packages locally sourced clay. With 320 dedicated hourly teammates, many from Thomas, Grady, Mitchell, and Colquitt counties, Oil-Dri is committed to giving back through canned food drives, toy collections, and participation in the Rose City Walk. The Company also supports local students through the Georgia Mining Foundation Scholarship Program, helping invest in the future of the community.
“We are incredibly honored to receive this award from the very community we are proud to serve,” said Thomas Payne, Georgia Plant Manager at Oil-Dri Corporation of America. “This recognition is a reflection of our team’s dedication to making a meaningful impact—not just in business, but in the lives of those around us.”
Daniel S. Jaffee, President and Chief Executive Officer of Oil-Dri Corporation of America, echoed this sentiment, stating, “Being voted Large Business of the Year is a tremendous honor, and we are truly grateful for the support of the Thomasville community. At Oil-Dri, we believe in the power of giving back, and this award reaffirms that our efforts are making a difference. We look forward to continuing our commitment to service, leadership, and community engagement.”
Oil-Dri Corporation of America extends its gratitude to the Thomasville-Thomas County Chamber of Commerce, event sponsors, and the entire community. The Company remains dedicated to upholding its values of corporate responsibility, innovation, and community partnership for years to come.
About Oil-Dri
Oil-Dri Corporation of America is a leading manufacturer and supplier of specialty sorbent products for the pet care, animal health and nutrition, bleaching clay and fluids purification, agricultural ingredients, sports field, industrial and automotive markets. Oil-Dri is vertically integrated which enables The Company to efficiently oversee every step of the process from research and development to supply chain to marketing and sales. With over 80 years of experience, The Company continues to fulfill its mission to Create Value from Sorbent Minerals. To learn more about The Company, visit oildri.com.
Lily Nemeroff, Marketing and Operations Coordinator
Email: lily.nemeroff@amlan.com

What recognition did Oil-Dri (ODC) receive in Thomasville, Georgia for 2025?
How many employees does Oil-Dri (ODC) employ at its Ochlocknee, Georgia facility?
What community initiatives does Oil-Dri (ODC) participate in at its Georgia location?