Oil-Dri Corporation of America Named a Winner of the 2024 Chicagoland Top Workplaces Award by the Chicago Tribune
Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC) has been awarded a 2024 Chicagoland Top Workplace recognition by the Chicago Tribune, marking their seventh time receiving this honor. The award was determined through confidential employee surveys measuring workplace experience, including factors like respect, support, growth opportunities, and empowerment.
CEO Daniel S. Jaffee emphasized the company's commitment to maintaining high ethical standards and their 'We Care' values. The company, with over 80 years of experience, specializes in sorbent products for various markets including pet care, animal health, bleaching clay, fluids purification, agricultural ingredients, sports field, industrial, and automotive sectors.
Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC) ha ricevuto il riconoscimento Top Workplace Chicagoland 2024 dal Chicago Tribune, segnando la settima volta che ottiene questo onore. Il premio è stato determinato attraverso sondaggi riservati tra i dipendenti che misurano l'esperienza lavorativa, includendo fattori come rispetto, supporto, opportunità di crescita e valorizzazione.
Il CEO Daniel S. Jaffee ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda a mantenere elevati standard etici e i loro valori 'We Care'. Con oltre 80 anni di esperienza, l'azienda si specializza in prodotti assorbenti per vari mercati tra cui cura degli animali domestici, salute animale, argilla sbiancante, purificazione dei fluidi, ingredienti agricoli, campi sportivi, industriale e settori automobilistici.
Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC) ha sido galardonada con el reconocimiento Mejor Lugar para Trabajar en Chicagoland 2024 por el Chicago Tribune, marcando la séptima vez que recibe este honor. El premio se determinó a través de encuestas confidenciales a empleados que miden la experiencia laboral, incluyendo factores como respeto, apoyo, oportunidades de crecimiento y empoderamiento.
El CEO Daniel S. Jaffee enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa con el mantenimiento de altos estándares éticos y sus valores 'We Care'. Con más de 80 años de experiencia, la empresa se especializa en productos absorbentes para diversos mercados, incluyendo cuidado de mascotas, salud animal, arcilla blanqueadora, purificación de fluidos, ingredientes agrícolas, campos deportivos, sector industrial y automotriz.
Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC)는 Chicago Tribune으로부터 2024년 시카고 지역 최고의 직장으로 선정되어 이번이 일곱 번째 수상입니다. 이 상은 직장 경험을 측정하는 비공식 직원 설문조사를 통해 결정되었으며, 여기에는 존중, 지원, 성장 기회 및 권한 부여와 같은 요소가 포함됩니다.
CEO 다니엘 S. 자페는 회사의 높은 윤리 기준 유지 및 'We Care' 가치를 강조했습니다. 80년 이상의 경험을 가진 이 회사는 애완동물 관리, 동물 건강, 탈색 점토, 유체 정화, 농업 성분, 스포츠 필드, 산업 및 자동차 분야를 포함한 다양한 시장을 위한 흡수 제품을 전문으로 하고 있습니다.
Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC) a reçu la distinction Meilleur Lieu de Travail à Chicagoland 2024 décernée par le Chicago Tribune, marquant la septième fois qu'elle reçoit cet honneur. Le prix a été déterminé par des enquêtes confidentielles auprès des employés mesurant l'expérience au travail, y compris des facteurs tels que le respect, le soutien, les opportunités de croissance et l'autonomisation.
Le PDG Daniel S. Jaffee a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à maintenir des normes éthiques élevées et leurs valeurs 'We Care'. Avec plus de 80 ans d'expérience, l'entreprise se spécialise dans les produits absorbants pour divers marchés, y compris les soins pour animaux domestiques, la santé animale, l'argile de blanchiment, la purification des fluides, les ingrédients agricoles, les terrains de sport, ainsi que les secteurs industriel et automobile.
Oil-Dri of America (NYSE: ODC) wurde vom Chicago Tribune mit dem 2024 Chicagoland Top Workplace ausgezeichnet, was die siebte Auszeichnung in dieser Art darstellt. Der Preis wurde durch vertrauliche Mitarbeiterbefragungen bestimmt, die die Arbeitsplatz-Erfahrung messen, einschließlich Faktoren wie Respekt, Unterstützung, Wachstumschancen und Empowerment.
CEO Daniel S. Jaffee betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens für hohe ethische Standards und deren 'We Care'-Werte. Mit über 80 Jahren Erfahrung spezialisiert sich das Unternehmen auf absorbierende Produkte für verschiedene Märkte, darunter Tierpflege, Tiergesundheit, Bleicherde, Flüssigkeitsreinigung, landwirtschaftliche Zutaten, Sportplätze, Industrie- und Automobilsektoren.
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- None.
CHICAGO, Nov. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Oil-Dri Corporation of America (NYSE: ODC) has once again received the honor of winning a Chicagoland Top Workplace award by the Chicago Tribune. The 2024 award is based solely on teammate feedback gathered through a confidential survey issued by a third-party. The survey uniquely measures the employee experience and its component themes, such as feeling respected and supported, having opportunities for growth, and being empowered to execute.
Daniel S. Jaffee, President and Chief Executive Officer, stated, “We are truly honored to receive this Chicagoland Top Workplace award for the seventh time. This recognition highlights our dedication to creating a supportive and enriching workplace that embraces high ethical standards based on our We Care values. I am grateful for each and every teammate’s commitment to making Oil-Dri a place where people feel valued and inspired to do their best work. Together, we have created a very special culture, and I could not be more proud.”
About Oil-Dri
Oil-Dri Corporation of America is a leading manufacturer and supplier of specialty sorbent products for the pet care, animal health, bleaching clay and fluids purification, agricultural ingredients, sports field, industrial and automotive markets. Oil-Dri is vertically integrated which enables the Company to efficiently oversee every step of the process from research and development to supply chain to marketing and sales. With over 80 years of experience, the Company continues to fulfill its mission to Create Value from Sorbent Minerals. To learn more about the Company, visit oildri.com.
Leslie A. Garber
Director of Investor Relations
Oil-Dri Corporation of America
(312) 321-1515

What award did Oil-Dri (ODC) receive in 2024?
How is the Chicagoland Top Workplaces award determined for ODC?
What markets does Oil-Dri (ODC) serve?