Ocean Biomedical, Inc. (NASDAQ: OCEA) Announces Publication of New Data Deepening Understanding of Novel Cancer Immunotherapy Treatment Approach Targeting CHI3L1 and its Ability to Inhibit Anti-tumor and Related Tissue Remodeling Responses

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Ocean Biomedical (NASDAQ:OCEA) announced new research published in the Journal of Immunology by Scientific Co-founder Dr. Jack A. Elias and colleagues. The study expands understanding of how CHI3L1 inhibits the body's natural immune responses to lung cancers and related diseases like COPD. It demonstrates for the first time how CHI3L1 inhibits macrophage phagocytosis by stimulating two key phagocytosis checkpoint pathways.

The research suggests that CHI3L1-targeted therapeutics are promising interventions in cancer, COPD, and other disorders. Ocean Biomedical's monoclonal antibody is part of a unique oncology platform working to activate natural cancer immune responses by suppressing Chi3L1, with potential for broad application. The company has been granted patent allowance for multiple cancer types, including Prostate, Colon, Rectal, Ovarian, Kidney, Breast, Glioblastoma, Melanoma, and Lung Cancer.

Ocean Biomedical (NASDAQ:OCEA) ha annunciato nuove ricerche pubblicate nel Journal of Immunology dal cofondatore scientifico Dr. Jack A. Elias e colleghi. Lo studio amplia la comprensione di come CHI3L1 inibisca le risposte immunitarie naturali dell'organismo ai tumori polmonari e alle malattie correlate come la BPCO. Dimostra per la prima volta come CHI3L1 inibisca la fagocitosi dei macrofagi stimolando due importanti vie di controllo della fagocitosi.

La ricerca suggerisce che le terapie mirate a CHI3L1 rappresentano interventi promettenti nel trattamento del cancro, della BPCO e di altri disturbi. L'anticorpo monoclonale di Ocean Biomedical fa parte di una piattaforma oncologica unica che lavora per attivare le risposte immunitarie naturali contro il cancro sopprimendo CHI3L1, con potenzialità per un'ampia applicazione. L'azienda ha ricevuto l'approvazione di brevetto per molteplici tipi di cancro, inclusi Prostata, Colon, Retto, Ovaio, Reni, Mammella, Glioblastoma, Melanoma e Cancro ai Polmoni.

Ocean Biomedical (NASDAQ:OCEA) anunció nueva investigación publicada en el Journal of Immunology por el cofundador científico Dr. Jack A. Elias y colegas. El estudio amplía la comprensión de cómo CHI3L1 inhibe las respuestas inmunitarias naturales del cuerpo a los cánceres de pulmón y enfermedades relacionadas como la EPOC. Demuestra por primera vez cómo CHI3L1 inhibe la fagocitosis de macrófagos al estimular dos vías clave de control de la fagocitosis.

La investigación sugiere que las terapias dirigidas a CHI3L1 son intervenciones prometedoras en el cáncer, la EPOC y otros trastornos. El anticuerpo monoclonal de Ocean Biomedical es parte de una plataforma oncológica única que trabaja para activar las respuestas inmunitarias naturales contra el cáncer suprimiendo CHI3L1, con potencial para amplia aplicación. La empresa ha recibido la concesión de patente para múltiples tipos de cáncer, incluido el de próstata, colon, recto, ovario, riñón, mama, glioblastoma, melanoma y cáncer de pulmón.

오션 바이오메디컬 (NASDAQ:OCEA)은 과학 공동 창립자인 Dr. Jack A. Elias 및 동료들이 발표한 연구 결과를 면역학 저널에 발표했다고 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 CHI3L1이 폐암 및 관련 질병 (예: COPD)에 대한 신체의 자연 면역 반응을 어떻게 억제하는지를 이해하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 이 연구는 CHI3L1이 두 가지 주요 포식세포 체크포인트 경로를 자극하여 대식세포의 포식작용을 억제하는 방법을 처음으로 입증합니다.

연구는 CHI3L1을 겨냥한 치료법이 암, COPD 및 기타 질환에서 유망한 개입이 될 수 있다고 제안합니다. 오션 바이오메디컬의 단클론 항체는 CHI3L1을 억제하여 자연적인 암 면역 반응을 활성화하기 위해 노력하는 독특한 종양학 플랫폼의 일부로, 광범위한 적용 가능성이 있습니다. 이 회사는 전립선암, 대장암, 직장암, 난소암, 신장암, 유방암, 신경교종, 흑색종 및 폐암을 포함한 여러 암 유형에 대해 특허 승인을 받았습니다.

Ocean Biomedical (NASDAQ:OCEA) a annoncé de nouvelles recherches publiées dans le Journal of Immunology par le cofondateur scientifique Dr. Jack A. Elias et ses collègues. L'étude élargit la compréhension de la manière dont CHI3L1 inhibe les réponses immunitaires naturelles du corps face aux cancers du poumon et aux maladies connexes comme la BPCO. Elle démontre pour la première fois comment CHI3L1 inhibe la phagocytose des macrophages en stimulant deux voies clés de contrôle de la phagocytose.

La recherche suggère que les thérapies ciblées sur CHI3L1 représentent des interventions prometteuses dans le cancer, la BPCO et d'autres troubles. L'anticorps monoclonal d'Ocean Biomedical fait partie d'une plateforme oncologique unique visant à activer les réponses immunitaires naturelles contre le cancer en supprimant CHI3L1, avec un potentiel d'application large. La société a reçu l'autorisation de brevet pour plusieurs types de cancer, y compris le cancer de la prostate, le colon, le rectum, les ovaires, les reins, le sein, le glioblastome, le mélanome et le cancer du poumon.

Ocean Biomedical (NASDAQ:OCEA) hat neue Forschungen veröffentlicht, die im Journal of Immunology veröffentlicht wurden, durchgeführt von dem wissenschaftlichen Mitbegründer Dr. Jack A. Elias und Kollegen. Die Studie erweitert das Verständnis darüber, wie CHI3L1 die natürlichen Immunantworten des Körpers auf Lungenkrebs und verwandte Erkrankungen wie COPD hemmt. Sie zeigt zum ersten Mal, wie CHI3L1 die Phagozytose von Makrophagen hemmt, indem es zwei wichtige Phagozytose-Checkpoints aktiviert.

Die Forschung legt nahe, dass therapeutische Ansätze, die auf CHI3L1 abzielen, vielversprechende Interventionen bei Krebs, COPD und anderen Erkrankungen sind. Der monoklonale Antikörper von Ocean Biomedical ist Teil einer einzigartigen Onkologie-Plattform, die darauf abzielt, natürliche Immunreaktionen gegen Krebs zu aktivieren, indem sie Chi3L1 unterdrückt, mit Potenzial für breite Anwendungen. Das Unternehmen hat für mehrere Krebsarten, einschließlich Prostata-, Kolon-, Rektal-, Eierstock-, Nieren-, Brust-, Glioblastom-, Melanom- und Lungenkrebs, die Patenterlaubnis erhalten.

  • New research expands understanding of CHI3L1's role in inhibiting immune responses to cancer
  • Ocean Biomedical's monoclonal antibody shows potential for broad application in cancer treatment
  • Patent allowance granted for multiple cancer types, expanding potential market reach
  • In-vivo testing has shown efficacy in humanized mouse models
  • None.


This publication provides significant insights into the mechanism of action for Ocean Biomedical's novel cancer immunotherapy approach targeting CHI3L1. The research reveals that CHI3L1 inhibits macrophage phagocytosis by stimulating two key checkpoint pathways, offering a mechanistic explanation for its ability to suppress immune responses in cancer and COPD.

The findings suggest that targeting CHI3L1 could simultaneously activate multiple anti-cancer pathways, potentially offering a more comprehensive approach to cancer treatment. This is particularly noteworthy as Ocean Biomedical's patent coverage extends to multiple cancer types, including lung, glioblastoma, prostate, melanoma and breast cancer.

For investors, this research strengthens the scientific foundation of Ocean Biomedical's oncology platform. The broad applicability across various cancer types and the potential for a multi-faceted therapeutic approach could significantly enhance the company's market position. However, it's important to note that while promising, this research is still in the preclinical stage and substantial work remains before potential clinical applications.

Ocean Biomedical's announcement represents a significant milestone in their oncology research pipeline. The publication in a respected journal like the Journal of Immunology adds credibility to their scientific approach and could potentially attract attention from larger pharmaceutical companies or research institutions.

The company's focus on CHI3L1 as a target for cancer immunotherapy is particularly intriguing. By addressing multiple immune pathways simultaneously, this approach could potentially offer advantages over existing immunotherapies that target single pathways.

For a small-cap biotech company ($33.15 million market cap), having a broad patent portfolio covering multiple cancer types is a substantial asset. This intellectual property protection could provide significant value in potential licensing deals or partnerships with larger pharmaceutical companies.

However, investors should be aware that the path from preclinical research to marketable drugs is long, expensive and risky. While this news is promising, Ocean Biomedical will need substantial funding to advance their research through clinical trials.

Ocean Biomedical’s Anti-CHI3L1 patent coverage includes multiple methods of use for targeting a broad range of Cancers that include Lung Cancer, Glioblastoma, Prostate Cancer, Melanoma, and Breast Cancer

Providence, RI, Oct. 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ocean Biomedical (NASDAQ:OCEA) announced today that Scientific Co-founder Dr. Jack A. Elias, MD, PhD, and colleagues have published new research in the Journal of Immunology that expands understanding of how CHI3L1 inhibits the body’s natural immune responses to lung cancers and related diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This research demonstrates for the first time the complex ways that CHI3L1 inhibits macrophage phagocytosis by stimulating two key phagocytosis checkpoint pathways. The paper notes, “This inhibition of innate immune responses such as phagocytosis provides a mechanistic explanation for the ability of CHI3L1 to stimulate immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICPs) and inhibit essential adaptive immune responses in cancer and COPD. The ability of CHI3L1 to simultaneously inhibit innate immune responses, stimulate ICPs, inhibit T cell costimulation, and regulate a number of other oncogenic and inflammation pathways suggests that CHI3L1-targeted therapeutics are promising interventions in cancer, COPD, and other disorders.” Dr. Elias’ research has shown that the inhibition of CHI3L1 diminishes natural adaptive immune responses and reduces cancer growth in vivo in standard and humanized mouse models.

Ocean Biomedical’s monoclonal antibody is one piece of a unique oncology platform that is working to build multiple approaches to activating natural cancer immune responses by suppressing Chi3L1, with potential for broad application. The patent allowance has been granted for Prostate Cancer, Colon Cancer, Rectal Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Breast Cancer, Glioblastoma, Melanoma, and Lung Cancer.

“This pathway discovery is an unprecedented leap forward, because if you control Chi3L1, you don’t just control one anti-cancer pathway, you simultaneously control many anti-cancer pathways,” said Dr. Jack A. Elias. “Uncovering the mechanisms by which CHI3L1 works will help us drive cancer research, and eventually treatment and patient outcomes, forward.”

Dr. Jack A. Elias is the former Chair of Yale’s Department of Medicine, and the Dean Emeritus of Medicine and Biological Sciences at Brown University. He is a leading pulmonary care specialist and research pioneer. In 2019 he founded Ocean Biomedical with several Brown University colleagues and alums to help address major unmet medical needs by accelerating more discovery science into needed therapeutics.

“This is one more step in a systematic progression towards IND-enabling studies that we hope will move us towards new cancer therapeutics,” commented Ocean Biomedical CEO Elizabeth Ng. “It is exciting because our in-vivo testing has already shown efficacy in humanized mouse models, and we know that this major regulating mechanism is at work in so many cancers.

“We are excited to see Dr. Elias’ work receive this important validation, and we hope to continue deepening our understanding of the CHI3L1 pathways to help us apply our patented technology for the good of patients globally,” commented Dr. Chirinjeev Kathuria, Ocean Biomedical’s Chairman and Co-founder.

About Ocean Biomedical

Ocean Biomedical, Inc. is a Providence, Rhode Island-based biopharma company with an innovative business model that accelerates the development and commercialization of scientifically compelling assets from research universities and medical centers. Ocean Biomedical deploys the funding and expertise to move new therapeutic candidates efficiently from the laboratory to the clinic, to the world. Ocean Biomedical is currently developing five promising discoveries that have the potential to achieve life-changing outcomes in lung cancer, brain cancer, pulmonary fibrosis, and the prevention and treatment of malaria. The Ocean Biomedical team is working on solving some of the world’s toughest problems, for the people who need it most.

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The announced discoveries were based solely on laboratory and animal studies. Ocean Biomedical has not conducted any studies that show similar efficacy or safety in humans. There can be no assurances that this treatment will prove safe or effective in humans, and that any clinical benefits of this treatment is subject to clinical trials and ultimate approval of its use in patients by the FDA. Such approval, if granted, could be years away.

Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance, conditions or results, and involve a number of known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other important factors, many of which are outside the control of the Company that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements. Important factors, among others, that may affect actual results or outcomes include (i) the outcome of any legal proceedings that may be instituted against the Company; (ii) changes in the markets in which the Company competes, including with respect to its competitive landscape, technology evolution, or regulatory changes; (iii) changes in domestic and global general economic conditions; (iv) risk that the Company may not be able to execute its growth strategies; (v) risks related to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and response, including supply chain disruptions; (vi) risk that the Company may not be able to develop and maintain effective internal controls; (vii) the risk that the Company may fail to keep pace with rapid technological developments to provide new and innovative products and services or make substantial investments in unsuccessful new products and services; (viii) the ability to develop, license or acquire new therapeutics; (ix) the risk that the Company will need to raise additional capital to execute its business plan, which may not be available on acceptable terms or at all; (x) the risk that the Company experiences difficulties in managing its growth and expanding operations; (xi) the risk of product liability or regulatory lawsuits or proceedings relating to the Company’s business; (xii) the risk of cyber security or foreign exchange losses; (xiii) the risk that the Company is unable to secure or protect its intellectual property.

The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties that are described in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2021 and its Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2022, and which are described in the “Risk Factors” section of the Company’s definitive proxy statement filed by the Company on January 12, 2023, and other documents to be filed by the Company from time to time with the SEC and which are and will be available at These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing the Company’s assessments as of any date subsequent to the date of this filing. Accordingly, undue reliance should not be placed upon the forward-looking statements.

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Ocean Biomedical Media Relations


What new research has Ocean Biomedical (OCEA) announced regarding cancer immunotherapy?

Ocean Biomedical announced new research published in the Journal of Immunology that expands understanding of how CHI3L1 inhibits the body's natural immune responses to lung cancers and related diseases like COPD. The study demonstrates how CHI3L1 inhibits macrophage phagocytosis by stimulating two key phagocytosis checkpoint pathways.

What potential applications does Ocean Biomedical's (OCEA) CHI3L1-targeted therapy have?

Ocean Biomedical's CHI3L1-targeted therapy shows potential for broad application in various cancers, including Prostate, Colon, Rectal, Ovarian, Kidney, Breast, Glioblastoma, Melanoma, and Lung Cancer, as well as in COPD and other disorders. The company has been granted patent allowance for these cancer types.

What progress has Ocean Biomedical (OCEA) made in testing its cancer immunotherapy approach?

Ocean Biomedical has conducted in-vivo testing that has shown efficacy in humanized mouse models. The company is progressing towards IND-enabling studies, which they hope will move them towards developing new cancer therapeutics.

Who is the key researcher behind Ocean Biomedical's (OCEA) cancer immunotherapy approach?

The key researcher is Dr. Jack A. Elias, Scientific Co-founder of Ocean Biomedical. Dr. Elias is the former Chair of Yale's Department of Medicine and the Dean Emeritus of Medicine and Biological Sciences at Brown University. He is a leading pulmonary care specialist and research pioneer.

Ocean Biomedical, Inc.


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