Employee Q&A: Sourcing Renewable Energy in Asia Pacific

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Cheria Liu, a Sourcing Specialist at Owens Corning since 2020, is working on sourcing renewable energy for the company's plants in the Asia Pacific region. Her efforts are part of Owens Corning's goal to achieve 100% renewable electricity in the area. The company's approach includes:

1. Implementing solar power rooftop projects in China, India, and Korea.
2. Developing different strategies for each country due to varying renewable energy sourcing capabilities.
3. Collaborating across global Energy teams and other departments to achieve sustainability goals.
4. Encouraging partners and vendors in their value chain to engage in sustainability efforts.

Owens Corning's unique position as both a supplier to the wind power industry and a consumer of renewable energy creates an interesting value chain dynamic in their sustainability efforts.

Cheria Liu, un Specialista in Sourcing presso Owens Corning dal 2020, sta lavorando per reperire energia rinnovabile per gli impianti dell'azienda nella regione Asia-Pacifico. I suoi sforzi fanno parte dell'obiettivo di Owens Corning di raggiungere il 100% di elettricità rinnovabile nell'area. L'approccio dell'azienda include:

1. Implementazione di progetti di pannelli solari sui tetti in Cina, India e Corea.
2. Sviluppo di strategie diverse per ciascun paese a causa delle varie capacità di approvvigionamento di energia rinnovabile.
3. Collaborazione tra i team energetici globali e altri dipartimenti per raggiungere gli obiettivi di sostenibilità.
4. Incoraggiamento ai partner e fornitori della loro catena del valore a partecipare agli sforzi di sostenibilità.

La posizione unica di Owens Corning sia come fornitore dell'industria dell'energia eolica sia come consumatore di energia rinnovabile crea una dinamica interessante nella loro catena del valore per gli sforzi di sostenibilità.

Cheria Liu, especialista en abastecimiento en Owens Corning desde 2020, está trabajando en la obtención de energía renovable para las plantas de la empresa en la región de Asia-Pacífico. Sus esfuerzos forman parte del objetivo de Owens Corning de lograr un 100% de electricidad renovable en la zona. El enfoque de la compañía incluye:

1. Implementación de proyectos de energía solar en techos en China, India y Corea.
2. Desarrollo de diferentes estrategias para cada país debido a las variadas capacidades de abastecimiento de energía renovable.
3. Colaboración entre los equipos globales de energía y otros departamentos para alcanzar los objetivos de sostenibilidad.
4. Fomentar a los socios y proveedores en su cadena de valor a participar en los esfuerzos de sostenibilidad.

La posición única de Owens Corning como proveedor de la industria de energía eólica y como consumidor de energía renovable crea una dinámica interesante en su cadena de valor en los esfuerzos de sostenibilidad.

2020년부터 Owens Corning에서 조달 전문가로 활동 중인 Cheria Liu는 아시아 태평양 지역의 공장을 위한 재생 에너지 조달에 힘쓰고 있습니다. 그녀의 노력은 Owens Corning의 100% 재생 전기를 달성하려는 목표의 일환입니다. 회사의 접근 방식은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 중국, 인도 및 한국에서 태양광 발전 옥상 프로젝트를 구현합니다.
2. 각 국가의 재생 에너지 조달 능력이 다르기 때문에 국가별 다양한 전략을 개발합니다.
3. 지속 가능성 목표를 달성하기 위해 글로벌 에너지 팀 및 다른 부서와 협업합니다.
4. 가치 사슬에 있는 파트너와 공급업체가 지속 가능성 노력에 참여하도록 장려합니다.

워렌스 코닝은 풍력 산업의 공급업체이자 재생 에너지 소비자로서 독특한 위치를 가지고 있어 지속 가능성 노력에서 흥미로운 가치 사슬 역학을 만들어냅니다.

Cheria Liu, spécialiste en approvisionnement chez Owens Corning depuis 2020, travaille à l'approvisionnement en énergie renouvelable pour les usines de l'entreprise dans la région Asie-Pacifique. Ses efforts s'inscrivent dans l'objectif d'Owens Corning d'atteindre 100 % d'électricité renouvelable dans la région. L'approche de l'entreprise comprend :

1. Mise en œuvre de projets de panneaux solaires sur les toits en Chine, en Inde et en Corée.
2. Développement de stratégies différentes pour chaque pays en raison des capacités variées d'approvisionnement en énergie renouvelable.
3. Collaboration avec les équipes mondiales en énergie et d'autres départements pour atteindre les objectifs de durabilité.
4. Encouragement des partenaires et des fournisseurs de leur chaîne de valeur à s'engager dans des efforts de durabilité.

La position unique d'Owens Corning, à la fois comme fournisseur de l'industrie de l'énergie éolienne et comme consommateur d'énergie renouvelable, crée une dynamique intéressante dans leur chaîne de valeur en matière de durabilité.

Cheria Liu, seit 2020 Sourcing-Spezialistin bei Owens Corning, arbeitet an der Beschaffung erneuerbarer Energien für die Anlagen des Unternehmens in der Region Asien-Pazifik. Ihre Bemühungen sind Teil des Ziels von Owens Corning, 100 % erneuerbare Elektrizität in der Region zu erreichen. Der Ansatz des Unternehmens umfasst:

1. Umsetzung von Solarkraftprojekten auf Dächern in China, Indien und Korea.
2. Entwicklung unterschiedlicher Strategien für jedes Land aufgrund variierender Beschaffungsmöglichkeiten für erneuerbare Energien.
3. Zusammenarbeit zwischen globalen Energiemitarbeitern und anderen Abteilungen zur Erreichung der Nachhaltigkeitsziele.
4. Aufforderung an Partner und Lieferanten in ihrer Wertschöpfungskette, sich an Nachhaltigkeitsanstrengungen zu beteiligen.

Owens Cornings einzigartige Position als Lieferant der Windkraftindustrie und als Verbraucher erneuerbarer Energien schafft eine interessante Dynamik in ihrer Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie.

  • Owens Corning is actively working towards 100% renewable electricity in Asia Pacific
  • The company is implementing solar power rooftop projects in multiple countries
  • Cross-functional collaboration is supporting sustainability projects
  • Owens Corning is encouraging partners and vendors to engage in sustainability efforts
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 24, 2024 / Owens Corning
Cheria Liu, Sourcing Specialist

Our people making a difference is a series featured throughout Owens Corning's 2023 Sustainability Report.

While attending university, Cheria Liu recognized that there was a growing need to help companies reduce their environmental impacts and decided it would be a great career path for her. With her degree in environmental engineering, Cheria originally focused on water conservation and other elements of sustainability. Upon arriving at Owens Corning, though, she began working on sourcing renewable energy for our plants in the Asia Pacific region, and she has found it to be a rewarding experience. Cheria has been with Owens Corning since 2020, and already her in-depth understanding of energy sourcing has made her a valuable asset as we seek to achieve our energy goals.

On Owens Corning's unique position within renewable energy

An interesting thing about Owens Corning is that we sell composite products to the wind business, and their end products generate renewable power, which we then purchase. So there is a whole value chain there. Demand for wind power in Asia Pacific is only starting to grow, though, because there are fewer requirements to purchase renewable power than in the U.S. Within our own value chain, however, we are encouraging companies to purchase renewable power as well. We can use our influence and encourage all our partners and vendors to be more engaged in these sustainability efforts.

On the collaborative nature of our energy sourcing efforts

We have a regular touch base with our global Energy teams. They give us updates on how the global side is doing, and we share our progress with them. They also give us feedback on how we can do it better, and of course we need the leaders' alignment on this as they support us with matters. There is also a lot of cross-functional work, because these projects need a great deal of collaboration with other teams, like the Operations team and the Legal team. So I think our broader company supports cooperation because they already support sustainability projects overall.

On the differences in sourcing within the Asia Pacific region

We have two strategies for achieving our goal of 100% renewable electricity in Asia Pacific. We are doing solar power rooftop projects for all the plants here in China, India, and Korea. Sourcing renewable energy is totally different in the three countries, so we have different strategies for each. For example, the ability to source solar power and wind power is very limited in Korea. In China, we will go to the solar power panels first, and we will have some PPAs to achieve 100% step by step. These different strategies require collaborations within the entire company, and I feel that all our employees are cooperating to achieve our goals.

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SOURCE: Owens Corning

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What is Owens Corning's (OC) renewable energy goal for Asia Pacific?

Owens Corning's goal is to achieve 100% renewable electricity in the Asia Pacific region through strategies like solar power rooftop projects and power purchase agreements (PPAs).

How is Owens Corning (OC) sourcing renewable energy in different Asian countries?

Owens Corning is using different strategies for each country. In China, they're focusing on solar power panels and PPAs. In Korea, sourcing options are They're implementing solar power rooftop projects in China, India, and Korea.

What is Owens Corning's (OC) unique position in the renewable energy market?

Owens Corning sells composite products to the wind power industry, creating a value chain where they supply materials for renewable energy generation and then purchase that same renewable power for their operations.

How is Owens Corning (OC) promoting sustainability beyond its own operations?

Owens Corning is encouraging its partners and vendors within its value chain to purchase renewable power and engage in sustainability efforts, using its influence to promote broader adoption of sustainable practices.

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