Navitas Drives a Paradigm Shift in Power with Single-Stage Bi-Directional Switch (BDS) Converters
Navitas Semiconductor (Nasdaq: NVTS) has unveiled groundbreaking 650V bi-directional GaNFast ICs and high-speed isolated gate-drivers, enabling a shift from two-stage to single-stage topologies in power conversion. This innovation targets multi-billion dollar markets including EV charging, solar inverters, energy storage, and motor drives.
The new technology consolidates traditional two-stage power converters into a single, high-efficiency stage, eliminating bulky capacitors and input inductors. The solution delivers impressive benefits:
- Up to 10% cost savings
- 20% energy savings
- Up to 50% size reductions
The initial product lineup includes the NV6427 (100 mΩ) and NV6428 (50 mΩ) GaNFast ICs, alongside NV1702 and NV1701 IsoFast drivers. A leading EV and solar micro-inverter manufacturer has already begun implementing these single-stage BDS converters. The bi-directional GaNFast ICs are currently available in mass production, while IsoFast samples are available to qualified customers.
Navitas Semiconductor (Nasdaq: NVTS) ha presentato innovativi IC bi-direzionali GaNFast da 650V e driver di gate isolati ad alta velocità, consentendo un passaggio da topologie a due stadi a topologie a singolo stadio nella conversione di potenza. Questa innovazione mira a mercati da miliardi di dollari, tra cui la ricarica di veicoli elettrici, inverter solari, stoccaggio di energia e azionamenti di motori.
La nuova tecnologia consolida i tradizionali convertitori di potenza a due stadi in un singolo stadio ad alta efficienza, eliminando condensatori ingombranti e induttori di ingresso. La soluzione offre vantaggi notevoli:
- Fino al 10% di risparmi sui costi
- 20% di risparmi energetici
- Fino al 50% di riduzione delle dimensioni
La gamma iniziale di prodotti include gli IC GaNFast NV6427 (100 mΩ) e NV6428 (50 mΩ), insieme ai driver IsoFast NV1702 e NV1701. Un importante produttore di micro-inverter per veicoli elettrici e solari ha già iniziato a implementare questi convertitori BDS a stadio singolo. Gli IC GaNFast bi-direzionali sono attualmente disponibili in produzione di massa, mentre i campioni IsoFast sono disponibili per clienti qualificati.
Navitas Semiconductor (Nasdaq: NVTS) ha presentado innovadores ICs bi-direccionales GaNFast de 650V y controladores de puerta aislados de alta velocidad, permitiendo un cambio de topologías de dos etapas a una sola etapa en la conversión de energía. Esta innovación apunta a mercados de miles de millones de dólares, incluyendo la carga de vehículos eléctricos, inversores solares, almacenamiento de energía y accionamientos de motores.
La nueva tecnología consolida los convertidores de potencia tradicionales de dos etapas en una sola etapa de alta eficiencia, eliminando condensadores voluminosos e inductores de entrada. La solución ofrece beneficios impresionantes:
- Ahorros de costos de hasta el 10%
- Ahorros de energía del 20%
- Reducción de tamaño de hasta el 50%
La línea de productos inicial incluye los ICs GaNFast NV6427 (100 mΩ) y NV6428 (50 mΩ), junto con los controladores IsoFast NV1702 y NV1701. Un importante fabricante de micro-inversores para vehículos eléctricos y solares ya ha comenzado a implementar estos convertidores BDS de etapa única. Los ICs GaNFast bi-direccionales están actualmente disponibles en producción masiva, mientras que las muestras de IsoFast están disponibles para clientes calificados.
Navitas 반도체 (Nasdaq: NVTS)는 650V 양방향 GaNFast IC 및 고속 절연 게이트 드라이버를 공개하여 전력 변환에서 2단계 토폴로지에서 단일 단계 토폴로지로의 전환을 가능하게 했습니다. 이 혁신은 전기차 충전, 태양광 인버터, 에너지 저장 및 모터 구동을 포함한 수십억 달러 규모의 시장을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
새로운 기술은 전통적인 2단계 전력 변환기를 단일 고효율 단계로 통합하여 부피가 큰 커패시터와 입력 인덕터를 제거합니다. 이 솔루션은 인상적인 이점을 제공합니다:
- 최대 10% 비용 절감
- 20% 에너지 절약
- 최대 50% 크기 감소
초기 제품 라인업에는 NV6427 (100 mΩ) 및 NV6428 (50 mΩ) GaNFast IC와 NV1702 및 NV1701 IsoFast 드라이버가 포함됩니다. 주요 전기차 및 태양광 마이크로 인버터 제조업체는 이미 이러한 단일 단계 BDS 변환기를 구현하기 시작했습니다. 양방향 GaNFast IC는 현재 대량 생산 중이며, IsoFast 샘플은 자격을 갖춘 고객에게 제공됩니다.
Navitas Semiconductor (Nasdaq: NVTS) a dévoilé des ICs GaNFast bi-directionnels révolutionnaires de 650V et des drivers de porte isolés à haute vitesse, permettant un passage de topologies à deux étages à des topologies à un seul étage dans la conversion d'énergie. Cette innovation cible des marchés de plusieurs milliards de dollars, y compris la recharge de véhicules électriques, les onduleurs solaires, le stockage d'énergie et les entraînements de moteurs.
La nouvelle technologie consolide les convertisseurs de puissance traditionnels à deux étages en une seule étape à haute efficacité, éliminant les condensateurs encombrants et les inducteurs d'entrée. La solution offre des avantages impressionnants :
- Économies de coûts allant jusqu'à 10%
- Économies d'énergie de 20%
- Réduction de taille allant jusqu'à 50%
La gamme de produits initiale comprend les ICs GaNFast NV6427 (100 mΩ) et NV6428 (50 mΩ), ainsi que les drivers IsoFast NV1702 et NV1701. Un important fabricant de micro-onduleurs pour véhicules électriques et solaires a déjà commencé à mettre en œuvre ces convertisseurs BDS à une seule étape. Les ICs GaNFast bi-directionnels sont actuellement disponibles en production de masse, tandis que des échantillons IsoFast sont disponibles pour des clients qualifiés.
Navitas Semiconductor (Nasdaq: NVTS) hat bahnbrechende 650V bidirektionale GaNFast-ICs und Hochgeschwindigkeits-Isolier-Gate-Treiber vorgestellt, die einen Wechsel von Zweistufen- zu Einstufen-Topologien in der Leistungskonversion ermöglichen. Diese Innovation zielt auf milliardenschwere Märkte ab, darunter das Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen, Solarwechselrichter, Energiespeicherung und Motorantriebe.
Die neue Technologie fasst traditionelle Zweistufen-Leistungswandler in einer einzigen hocheffizienten Stufe zusammen und beseitigt sperrige Kondensatoren und Eingangsspulen. Die Lösung bietet beeindruckende Vorteile:
- Bis zu 10% Kosteneinsparungen
- 20% Energieeinsparungen
- Bis zu 50% Platzersparnis
Die anfängliche Produktpalette umfasst die NV6427 (100 mΩ) und NV6428 (50 mΩ) GaNFast-ICs sowie die IsoFast-Treiber NV1702 und NV1701. Ein führender Hersteller von Mikro-Wechselrichtern für Elektrofahrzeuge und Solarenergie hat bereits mit der Implementierung dieser Einstufen-BDS-Wandler begonnen. Die bidirektionalen GaNFast-ICs sind derzeit in der Serienproduktion erhältlich, während IsoFast-Muster für qualifizierte Kunden verfügbar sind.
- Revolutionary technology enabling single-stage power conversion
- Significant cost reduction of up to 10% in power systems
- Energy efficiency improvement of up to 20%
- Size reduction of up to 50% in power systems
- Already adopted by a leading EV and solar micro-inverter manufacturer
- Immediate availability for mass production
- initial product range with only two GaNFast IC variants
- IsoFast products still in sampling phase, not in full production
Navitas Semiconductor's launch of bi-directional GaNFast ICs represents a significant product innovation with substantial market implications. The company is targeting multi-billion dollar markets including EV charging, solar inverters, energy storage, and motor drives - all high-growth sectors in the electrification trend.
The market impact centers on three key metrics: 10% cost savings, 20% energy efficiency improvements, and 50% size reductions compared to conventional two-stage topologies. These performance advantages address critical pain points in power conversion applications where size, efficiency, and cost are paramount concerns.
What's particularly notable is that these products are already in mass production with customer adoption underway from "a leading EV and solar micro-inverter manufacturer." This isn't merely R&D - it's a commercialized technology with revenue potential in the near term.
For Navitas, this represents both technology leadership and potential market expansion. By consolidating multiple components into single-chip designs, the company increases the value proposition and average selling price while attacking larger market segments. The fact that these products enable "disruptive" system-level changes suggests they may drive additional design wins beyond simple component replacements.
While financial projections aren't provided, this launch aligns with Navitas' core strategy of driving GaN adoption in expanding electrification markets, potentially accelerating growth beyond the company's existing business.
Navitas' bi-directional GaNFast ICs represent a breakthrough in power semiconductor design that addresses fundamental limitations in conventional power conversion architectures. The innovation centers on creating truly bi-directional power flow in a single integrated chip - something previously requiring multiple discrete components.
The technical achievement is substantial. Traditional power conversion systems use two-stage topologies with separate circuits for power factor correction and DC-DC conversion, requiring bulky DC-link capacitors between stages. Navitas' approach eliminates this entire stage, drastically reducing component count and size while improving efficiency.
The design incorporates several technical innovations: a merged drain structure, dual gate controls, and an integrated active substrate clamp - all on a single chip. This monolithic integration replaces up to four traditional switches, dramatically simplifying circuit design.
Equally important is the companion IsoFast technology, which provides isolation capabilities with 4x higher transient immunity (200V/ns) than existing solutions. This addresses a critical challenge in high-frequency GaN applications where noise immunity becomes paramount.
What makes this development particularly significant is that it enables entirely new power conversion architectures rather than merely improving existing ones. The transition from two-stage to single-stage topologies represents a paradigm shift in how engineers will approach power system design across multiple industries - potentially establishing new reference designs that could become standard approaches in years to come.
Bi-Directional GaNFast™ plus new IsoFast™ drivers enable advanced ‘single-stage’ topologies to further enhance efficiency, power density, and performance in AC-DC and AC-AC conversion
TORRANCE, Calif., March 13, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Navitas Semiconductor (Nasdaq: NVTS), the only pure-play, next-generation power semiconductor company and industry leader in gallium nitride (GaN) power ICs and silicon carbide (SiC) technology, has announced a latest breakthrough of the world’s first production-released 650 V bi-directional GaNFast ICs and high-speed isolated gate-drivers, creating a paradigm shift in power with single-stage BDS converters, which enables the transition from two-stage to single-stage topologies. Targeted applications range widely and opens up multi-billion dollar market opportunities across EV charging (On-Board Chargers (OBC) and roadside), solar inverters, energy storage and motor drives. The recorded launch event video can be viewed here.
A leading EV and solar micro-inverter manufacturer have already begun their implementation of single-stage BDS converters to improve efficiency, size, and cost in their systems. GaNFast-enabled single-stage converters achieve up to
The ultimate power semiconductor switch (transistor) can block voltage and allow current flow in two directions, with the highest efficiency. Navitas’ leadership in GaN innovation has delivered this landmark - the bi-directional GaNFast power IC.
Previously, two discrete, ‘back-to-back’ single switches had to be used, but new bi-directional GaNFast ICs are leading-edge, single-chip designs (monolithic integration) with a merged drain structure, two gate controls, and a patented, integrated, active substrate clamp. One high-speed, high-efficiency bi-directional GaNFast IC replaces up to 4 older switches, increasing system performance while reducing component count, PCB area, and system costs.
The initial 650 V bi-directional GaNFast ICs include NV6427 (100 mΩ RSS(ON) typ.) and NV6428 (50 mΩ RSS(ON) typ) in thermally enhanced, top-side-cooled TOLT-16L (Transistor Outline Leaded Topside-cooled) packaging. The product family will be extended into lower RSS(ON) offerings in the future.
The new, high-speed IsoFast devices are galvanically isolated, high-speed drivers optimized to drive bi-directional GaN. With 4x higher transient immunity than existing drivers (up to 200 V/ns) and no external negative bias supply needed, they deliver reliable, fast, accurate power control in high-voltage systems. Initial parts are the NV1702 (dual, independent-channel, digital, isolated bi-directional GaN gate driver) and NV1701 (half-bridge GaN digital isolator) in SOIC-16N and SOIC-14W packages.
“These ICs are a truly game-changing and disruptive technology both at the semiconductor and at the system level. They not only deliver improved efficiency, power density, simplicity, and system costs but will also transform multiple multi-billion-dollar markets in the most sustainable way possible.” Gene Sheridan, CEO and co-founder of Navitas commented. “The future of our electrified planet is bi-directional energy flow. From all renewable energy sources, the power grid, and all electrified applications, such as ESS, solar and EVs, energy should flow efficiently & bi-directionally, creating a critical new currency for our future planet. Single-stage BDS converters are the key for this inflection”.
Bi-directional GaNFast ICs (NV6427 and NV6428) are fully qualified and immediately available in mass-production quantities. IsoFast (NV1701 and NV1702) samples are available now to qualified customers.
Single-stage evaluation boards and user guide showcasing both IsoFast and bi-directional GaNFast ICs are available for qualified customers.
Please contact for further information including datasheets, samples, and evaluation boards, or visit
Navitas will feature bi-directional GaNFast ICs and IsoFast at the APEC 2025 power electronics conference in Atlanta, March 17th-19th, booth 1107.
About Navitas
Navitas Semiconductor (Nasdaq: NVTS) is the only pure-play, next-generation power-semiconductor company, celebrating 10 years of power innovation founded in 2014. GaNFast™ power ICs integrate gallium nitride (GaN) power and drive, with control, sensing, and protection to enable faster charging, higher power density, and greater energy savings. Complementary GeneSiC™ power devices are optimized high-power, high-voltage, and high-reliability silicon carbide (SiC) solutions. Focus markets include AI data centers, EV, solar, energy storage, home appliance / industrial, mobile, and consumer. Over 300 Navitas patents are issued or pending, with the industry’s first and only 20-year GaNFast warranty. Navitas was the world’s first semiconductor company to be CarbonNeutral®-certified.
Navitas Semiconductor, GaNFast, GaNSense, GeneSiC, and the Navitas logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Navitas Semiconductor Limited and affiliates. All other brands, product names, and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners.
Contact Information
Llew Vaughan-Edmunds, Sr Director, Product Management & Marketing
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