Novocure Inaugurates New Global Headquarters in Canton of Zug, Switzerland

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Novocure (NVCR) has officially opened its new global headquarters in Baar, Canton of Zug, Switzerland, marking a significant milestone as the company enters its 25th year of business. The oncology company, which develops Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) therapy for aggressive forms of cancer, has grown its Swiss-based workforce to over 200 people since establishing its first office in Switzerland in 2013.

The new cutting-edge facility features collaborative workspaces and incorporates sustainable technologies, including rooftop solar panels and a reversible air-to-water heat pump for heating and cooling. The company relocated from Root, Canton of Lucerne, choosing Zug for its dynamic life sciences cluster and favorable business environment.

Novocure's commercialized products are approved in certain countries for treating adult patients with glioblastoma, non-small cell lung cancer, and malignant pleural mesothelioma, with ongoing clinical trials exploring TTFields therapy in various cancer types.

Novocure (NVCR) ha ufficialmente aperto il suo nuovo quartier generale globale a Baar, nel Canton di Zug, Svizzera, segnando una tappa significativa mentre l'azienda entra nel suo 25° anno di attività. L'azienda oncologica, che sviluppa la terapia Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) per forme aggressive di cancro, ha ampliato la sua forza lavoro in Svizzera a oltre 200 persone da quando ha aperto il suo primo ufficio nel paese nel 2013.

La nuova struttura all'avanguardia presenta spazi di lavoro collaborativi e incorpora tecnologie sostenibili, tra cui pannelli solari sul tetto e una pompa di calore reversibile aria-acqua per riscaldamento e raffreddamento. L'azienda si è trasferita da Root, nel Canton Lucerna, scegliendo Zug per il suo dinamico cluster delle scienze della vita e per il favorevole ambiente commerciale.

I prodotti commercializzati da Novocure sono approvati in alcuni paesi per il trattamento di pazienti adulti con glioblastoma, carcinoma polmonare non a piccole cellule e mesotelioma pleurico maligno, con trial clinici in corso che esplorano la terapia TTFields in vari tipi di cancro.

Novocure (NVCR) ha abierto oficialmente su nueva sede global en Baar, Cantón de Zug, Suiza, marcando un hito significativo mientras la empresa entra en su 25º año de actividad. La empresa oncológica, que desarrolla la terapia Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) para formas agresivas de cáncer, ha aumentado su plantilla en Suiza a más de 200 personas desde que estableció su primera oficina en el país en 2013.

La nueva instalación de vanguardia cuenta con espacios de trabajo colaborativos e incorpora tecnologías sostenibles, incluyendo paneles solares en el techo y una bomba de calor reversible aire-agua para calefacción y refrigeración. La empresa se trasladó desde Root, Cantón de Lucerna, eligiendo Zug por su dinámico clúster de ciencias de la vida y su favorable ambiente empresarial.

Los productos comercializados por Novocure están aprobados en ciertos países para tratar a pacientes adultos con glioblastoma, cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas y mesotelioma pleural maligno, con ensayos clínicos en curso que exploran la terapia TTFields en varios tipos de cáncer.

노보큐어(NVCR)는 스위스 취리히주 바르에 새로운 글로벌 본사를 공식적으로 개소하였으며, 이는 회사가 25주년을 맞이하는 중요한 이정표입니다. 공격적인 형태의 암에 대한 종양 치료 필드(TTFields) 요법을 개발하는 이 종양학 회사는 2013년 스위스에 첫 사무소를 설립한 이후 스위스 내 인력을 200명 이상으로 확장하였습니다.

이 최첨단 시설은 협업 작업 공간을 특징으로 하며, 옥상 태양광 패널 및 냉난방을 위한 가역형 공기-수 조화기를 포함한 지속 가능한 기술을 통합합니다. 이 회사는 루체른주 루트에서 이전하였으며, 생명 과학 클러스터가 역동적이고 비즈니스 환경이 우호적인 취리히를 선택하였습니다.

노보큐어의 상용화된 제품은 특정 국가에서 성인 환자의 신경교종, 비소세포폐암, 악성 흉막 중피종 치료를 위해 승인받았으며, 다양한 암 유형에서 TTFields 요법을 탐구하는 임상 시험이 진행되고 있습니다.

Novocure (NVCR) a officiellement ouvert son nouveau siège social mondial à Baar, dans le canton de Zug, en Suisse, marquant une étape importante alors que l'entreprise entre dans sa 25e année d'activité. La société d'oncologie, qui développe la thérapie Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) pour des formes agressives de cancer, a élargi son personnel basé en Suisse à plus de 200 personnes depuis l'ouverture de son premier bureau en Suisse en 2013.

La nouvelle installation ultramoderne dispose d'espaces de travail collaboratifs et intègre des technologies durables, y compris des panneaux solaires sur le toit et une pompe à chaleur réversible air-eau pour le chauffage et le refroidissement. L'entreprise a déménagé de Root, dans le canton de Lucerne, choisissant Zug pour son cluster dynamique de sciences de la vie et son environnement commercial favorable.

Les produits commercialisés par Novocure sont approuvés dans certains pays pour le traitement des patients adultes atteints de glioblastome, de cancer du poumon à petites cellules et de mésothéliome pleural malin, avec des essais cliniques en cours explorant la thérapie TTFields dans divers types de cancer.

Novocure (NVCR) hat offiziell seinen neuen globalen Hauptsitz in Baar, Kanton Zug, Schweiz, eröffnet, was einen bedeutenden Meilenstein darstellt, da das Unternehmen sein 25. Geschäftsjahr beginnt. Das Onkologiefirma, die die Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) Therapie für aggressive Krebsformen entwickelt, hat ihre Belegschaft in der Schweiz seit der Gründung des ersten Büros im Jahr 2013 auf über 200 Mitarbeiter erhöht.

Die neue hochmoderne Einrichtung verfügt über collaborative Arbeitsplätze und integriert nachhaltige Technologien, einschließlich Solarplatten auf dem Dach und einer reversiblen Luft-Wasser-Wärmepumpe für Heizung und Kühlung. Das Unternehmen zog von Root, Kanton Luzern, nach Zug, um in dem dynamischen Biowissenschaftscluster und dem vorteilhaften Geschäftsumfeld zu sein.

Die kommerzialisierten Produkte von Novocure sind in bestimmten Ländern zur Behandlung von erwachsenen Patienten mit Glioblastom, nicht kleinzelligem Lungenkrebs und bösartigem pleuralem Mesotheliom zugelassen, während laufende klinische Studien die TTFields Therapie in verschiedenen Krebsarten erkunden.

  • Expansion of Swiss workforce to over 200 employees since 2013
  • Strategic location in Zug's life sciences cluster enhancing business opportunities
  • New sustainable facility supporting operational efficiency and growth
  • None.


While the inauguration of a new headquarters might seem like routine corporate news, this strategic relocation to Zug, Switzerland carries deeper implications. The Canton of Zug, known as Switzerland's 'Crypto Valley', offers significant tax advantages and a robust life sciences ecosystem that could benefit Novocure's long-term operational efficiency.

The new facility's sustainable design features, including solar panels and heat pump systems, align with ESG considerations and may lead to reduced operational costs over time. The emphasis on collaborative workspaces reflects a modern approach to innovation, particularly important for biotech companies where research and development collaboration is vital.

The company's growth from its initial Swiss presence in 2013 to over 200 employees in the Zurich area demonstrates sustained expansion in a key global biotech hub. While this move doesn't directly impact immediate financial performance, it positions Novocure strategically within Europe's life sciences corridor, potentially facilitating easier access to talent, partners and the European market.

New headquarters supports Novocure’s continued growth as it pursues its mission of extending survival in some of the most aggressive forms of cancer

BAAR, Switzerland--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Novocure (NASDAQ: NVCR) announced today the official opening of its new global headquarters in the Canton of Zug, Switzerland. Novocure is an oncology company working to extend survival in some of the most aggressive forms of cancer, through the development and commercialization of its innovative therapy, Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields).

The company opened its first office in Switzerland in 2013 and has grown its Swiss-based workforce to more than 200 people in the greater Zurich area. The company’s new cutting-edge facility offers a variety of collaborative workspaces designed to foster creativity and productivity.

“The opening of our new global headquarters aligns with a significant point in Novocure’s history as we begin our 25th year of business and move closer to realizing the full potential of Tumor Treating Fields therapy,” said Ashley Cordova, Chief Executive Officer, Novocure. “The dynamic life sciences cluster in the Canton of Zug is an ideal location for Novocure’s global headquarters. Our new offices have been thoughtfully designed to foster collaboration and provide flexibility to support Novocure’s continued growth as we pursue our patient-forward mission to extend survival in aggressive forms of cancer.”

Member of the Government Council of the Canton of Zug, Silvia Thalmann-Gut, Director of the Department of Economic Affairs, will join Ms. Cordova at the ribbon-cutting ceremony to open the new headquarters.

Ms. Thalmann-Gut commented, “The Canton of Zug is home to many nationally and internationally successful life sciences and MedTech companies, from large players to innovative start-ups. We are pleased that Novocure has chosen the Canton of Zug for its global headquarters. The unique combination of a great business environment, access to highly skilled professionals and the central location in the heart of Europe has obviously convinced Novocure. We warmly welcome Novocure’s employees and look forward to supporting the company in its future endeavors.”


After many years of being based in Root, Canton of Lucerne, Novocure has now moved into its new global headquarters in Baar, Canton of Zug. The building in Baar was constructed using state-of-the-art technology reflecting the company’s commitment to reducing the environmental impact of its operations wherever possible. A variety of innovative approaches to increase the sustainability of its workspaces, and decrease consumption and waste were incorporated into the building, including a reversible air-to-water heat pump for heating and cooling, which is powered by rooftop solar panels.


Tumor Treating Fields (TTFields) are electric fields that exert physical forces to kill cancer cells via a variety of mechanisms. TTFields do not significantly affect healthy cells because they have different properties (including division rate, morphology, and electrical properties) than cancer cells. These multiple, distinct mechanisms work together to target and kill cancer cells. Due to these multi-mechanistic actions, TTFields therapy can be added to cancer treatment modalities in approved indications and demonstrates enhanced effects across solid tumor types when used with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immune checkpoint inhibition, or targeted therapies in preclinical models. TTFields therapy provides clinical versatility that has the potential to help address treatment challenges across a range of solid tumors.

To learn more about TTFields therapy and its multifaceted effect on cancer cells, visit


Novocure is a global oncology company working to extend survival in some of the most aggressive forms of cancer through the development and commercialization of its innovative therapy, Tumor Treating Fields. Novocure’s commercialized products are approved in certain countries for the treatment of adult patients with glioblastoma, non-small cell lung cancer, malignant pleural mesothelioma and pleural mesothelioma. Novocure has several additional ongoing or completed clinical trials exploring the use of Tumor Treating Fields therapy in the treatment of glioblastoma, non-small cell lung cancer and pancreatic cancer.

Novocure’s global headquarters is located in Baar, Switzerland, with U.S. headquarters located in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and research and development facilities located in Haifa, Israel. For additional information about the company, please visit and follow @Novocure on LinkedIn and X (Twitter).


In addition to historical facts or statements of current condition, this press release may contain forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements provide Novocure’s current expectations or forecasts of future events. These may include statements regarding anticipated scientific progress on its research programs, clinical trial progress, development of potential products, interpretation of clinical results, prospects for regulatory approval, manufacturing development and capabilities, market prospects for its products, coverage, collections from third-party payers and other statements regarding matters that are not historical facts. You may identify some of these forward-looking statements by the use of words in the statements such as “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “project,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe” or other words and terms of similar meaning. Novocure’s performance and financial results could differ materially from those reflected in these forward-looking statements due to general financial, economic, environmental, regulatory and political conditions and other more specific risks and uncertainties facing Novocure such as those set forth in its Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on February 22, 2024, and subsequent filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Given these risks and uncertainties, any or all of these forward-looking statements may prove to be incorrect. Therefore, you should not rely on any such factors or forward-looking statements. Furthermore, Novocure does not intend to update publicly any forward-looking statement, except as required by law. Any forward-looking statements herein speak only as of the date hereof. The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 permits this discussion.


Ingrid Goldberg:


Catherine Falcetti:

Source: Novocure


What is the significance of Novocure's (NVCR) new headquarters location in Zug, Switzerland?

The new headquarters in Zug's life sciences cluster provides strategic advantages, including access to skilled professionals, a favorable business environment, and a central European location, supporting Novocure's continued growth and global operations.

How many employees does Novocure (NVCR) have in Switzerland as of 2024?

Novocure has grown its Swiss-based workforce to more than 200 people in the greater Zurich area since establishing its first office in Switzerland in 2013.

What sustainable features are included in Novocure's (NVCR) new Swiss headquarters?

The new headquarters features sustainable technologies including rooftop solar panels and a reversible air-to-water heat pump for heating and cooling, demonstrating the company's commitment to reducing environmental impact.

What types of cancer treatments does Novocure (NVCR) currently have approved?

Novocure's products are approved in certain countries for treating adult patients with glioblastoma, non-small cell lung cancer, malignant pleural mesothelioma and pleural mesothelioma.



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