New Data: Gen Z Most Likely to Trust Influencer Gift Recommendations, but Need the Most Touchpoints for a Sell

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A new study by Mavely reveals that 28% of consumers have purchased a gift based on influencer recommendations in the past year, with this number rising to 52% for Gen Z and 36% for Millennials. The study, which surveyed over 1,000 U.S. consumers, found that 34% of respondents are likely to trust gift recommendations from local or micro-influencers, increasing to 58% for Gen Z.

Key findings include:

  • 54% plan to do holiday shopping both online and in-person
  • 56% of consumers say a percentage of their holiday gifts are items promoted by online influencers
  • 36% of consumers need to see a product promoted 2-3 times before considering a purchase
  • Gen Z requires the most touchpoints, with 23% needing 4-5 promotions before considering a purchase

The study highlights the growing importance of influencer marketing, especially for younger generations, in holiday shopping decisions.

Un nuovo studio di Mavely rivela che 28% dei consumatori ha acquistato un regalo basato sulle raccomandazioni degli influencer nell'ultimo anno, con questa cifra che sale a 52% per la Generazione Z e 36% per i Millennial. Lo studio, che ha intervistato oltre 1.000 consumatori negli Stati Uniti, ha trovato che 34% dei partecipanti sono propensi a fidarsi delle raccomandazioni di regali da parte di influencer locali o micro-influencer, con un aumento al 58% per la Generazione Z.

I principali risultati includono:

  • 54% prevedono di fare shopping natalizio sia online che di persona
  • 56% dei consumatori affermano che una percentuale dei loro regali natalizi sono articoli promossi da influencer online
  • 36% dei consumatori necessita di vedere un prodotto promosso 2-3 volte prima di considerare un acquisto
  • La Generazione Z richiede il maggior numero di punti di contatto, con il 23% che ha bisogno di 4-5 promozioni prima di considerare un acquisto

Lo studio mette in evidenza l'importanza crescente del marketing degli influencer, specialmente per le generazioni più giovani, nelle decisioni di acquisto durante le festività.

Un nuevo estudio de Mavely revela que 28% de los consumidores han comprado un regalo basado en recomendaciones de influencers en el último año, siendo este número del 52% para la Generación Z y del 36% para los Millennials. El estudio, que encuestó a más de 1,000 consumidores en EE.UU., encontró que 34% de los encuestados son propensos a confiar en recomendaciones de regalos de influencers locales o micro-influencers, aumentando al 58% para la Generación Z.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • 54% planean hacer compras navideñas tanto en línea como en persona
  • 56% de los consumidores dicen que un porcentaje de sus regalos navideños son artículos promovidos por influencers en línea
  • 36% de los consumidores necesitan ver un producto promocionado entre 2-3 veces antes de considerar una compra
  • La Generación Z requiere el mayor número de puntos de contacto, con un 23% que necesita 4-5 promociones antes de considerar una compra

El estudio destaca la creciente importancia del marketing de influencers, especialmente para las generaciones más jóvenes, en las decisiones de compras navideñas.

마벨리(Mavely)의 새로운 연구에 따르면, 지난 1년 동안 소비자의 28%가 인플루언서 추천을 기반으로 선물을 구매했으며, 이 숫자는 Z세대에서 52%, 밀레니얼 세대에서 36%로 증가했습니다. 1,000명 이상의 미국 소비자를 조사한 이 연구에서는 34%의 응답자가 지역 인플루언서나 마이크로 인플루언서의 선물 추천을 신뢰할 가능성이 있다고 밝혔으며, Z세대는 이 수치가 58%로 증가했습니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 54%가 온라인과 오프라인 모두에서 연말 쇼핑을 할 계획입니다.
  • 56%의 소비자는 그들의 연말 선물 중 일부가 온라인 인플루언서에 의해 홍보된 아이템이라고 말합니다.
  • 36%의 소비자는 구매를 고려하기 전에 제품이 2-3회 홍보되는 것을 봐야 합니다.
  • Z세대는 가장 많은 접점을 필요로 하며, 23%는 구매를 고려하기 전에 4-5회의 프로모션이 필요합니다.

이 연구는 젊은 세대의 연말 쇼핑 결정에서 인플루언서 마케팅의 중요성이 증가하고 있음을 강조합니다.

Une nouvelle étude de Mavely révèle que 28% des consommateurs ont acheté un cadeau basé sur des recommandations d'influenceurs au cours de l'année écoulée, ce chiffre atteignant 52% pour la Génération Z et 36% pour les Millennials. L'étude, qui a interrogé plus de 1.000 consommateurs américains, a révélé que 34% des répondants sont susceptibles de faire confiance aux recommandations de cadeaux provenant d'influenceurs locaux ou de micro-influenceurs, ce chiffre passant à 58% pour la Génération Z.

Les résultats clés incluent :

  • 54% prévoient de faire leurs achats de Noël à la fois en ligne et en personne
  • 56% des consommateurs affirment qu'un pourcentage de leurs cadeaux de Noël est constitué d'articles promus par des influenceurs en ligne
  • 36% des consommateurs doivent voir un produit promu 2-3 fois avant de considérer un achat
  • La Génération Z nécessite le plus de points de contact, avec 23% ayant besoin de 4-5 promotions avant de considérer un achat

L'étude souligne l'importance croissante du marketing d'influence, en particulier pour les jeunes générations, dans les décisions d'achat pendant les fêtes.

Eine neue Studie von Mavely zeigt, dass 28% der Verbraucher im vergangenen Jahr ein Geschenk basierend auf Empfehlungen von Influencern gekauft haben, wobei diese Zahl bei der Generation Z auf 52% und bei den Millennials auf 36% steigt. Die Studie, die über 1.000 US-Verbraucher befragte, ergab, dass 34% der Befragten wahrscheinlich Geschenkevorschläge von lokalen oder Mikro-Influencern vertrauen, wobei der Wert für die Generation Z auf 58% steigt.

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse sind:

  • 54% planen, ihre Weihnachtseinkäufe sowohl online als auch persönlich zu tätigen
  • 56% der Verbraucher geben an, dass ein Teil ihrer Weihnachtgeschenke Produkte sind, die von Online-Influencern beworben werden
  • 36% der Verbraucher müssen ein Produkt 2-3 Mal beworben sehen, bevor sie einen Kauf in Betracht ziehen
  • Die Generation Z benötigt die meisten Berührungspunkte, wobei 23% 4-5 Werbemaßnahmen benötigen, bevor sie einen Kauf in Betracht ziehen

Die Studie hebt die wachsende Bedeutung des Influencer-Marketings, insbesondere für jüngere Generationen, bei Kaufentscheidungen während der Feiertage hervor.

  • 28% of consumers have purchased gifts based on influencer recommendations, rising to 52% for Gen Z
  • 34% of respondents trust gift recommendations from local or micro-influencers, increasing to 58% for Gen Z
  • 56% of consumers say some holiday gifts are items promoted by online influencers
  • Mavely's platform connects brands with everyday influencers, potentially opening new marketing channels
  • Gen Z requires more touchpoints before making a purchase, with 23% needing 4-5 promotions
  • Traditional sources like friends/family (58%) and product reviews (46%) still outrank influencer recommendations for trust


This survey data provides valuable insights into consumer behavior, particularly focusing on influencer marketing's impact on holiday shopping. Key findings include:

  • 28% of consumers have purchased gifts based on influencer recommendations in the past year, rising to 52% for Gen Z.
  • 34% of consumers trust gift recommendations from micro-influencers, increasing to 58% for Gen Z.
  • Gen Z requires more touchpoints (4-5) before making a purchase, indicating a need for sustained marketing efforts.
  • Trusted sources for product recommendations are friends/family (58%), product reviews (46%) and brand content (27%).

For Nu Skin Enterprises (NUS), this data suggests potential opportunities in leveraging influencer marketing, especially targeting younger demographics. However, the need for multiple touchpoints and the preference for trusted sources highlight the importance of authenticity and consistent engagement in influencer strategies. NUS could benefit from incorporating "everyday influencers" into their marketing mix to build trust and drive sales, particularly during holiday seasons.

While this research provides interesting consumer insights, its direct financial impact on Nu Skin Enterprises (NUS) is not immediately clear. However, there are potential implications:

  • NUS's subsidiary Rhyz owns Mavely, the company behind this study. This positions NUS to potentially capitalize on the growing influencer marketing trend.
  • The data suggests a shift towards online and influencer-driven purchasing, especially among younger generations. NUS could leverage this trend to enhance its direct selling model and e-commerce strategies.
  • With a market cap of $344,680,873, NUS is a relatively small player. Adapting to these consumer trends could provide growth opportunities, particularly in reaching younger demographics.

Investors should monitor how NUS integrates these insights into its business strategy. While not directly impacting financials, successful implementation of influencer marketing and e-commerce initiatives could potentially drive future revenue growth and market expansion for the company.

The research by Mavely highlights how consumers of different generations are using influencer recommendations when it comes to holiday shopping decisions

CHICAGO, Oct. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- More than a quarter (28%) of consumers have purchased a gift based on a recommendation from a creator or influencer in the past year, according to a new study by Mavely, the Everyday Influencer Platform®. This number increases to more than half (52%) and more than a third (36%), when looking at Gen Z and Millennials, respectively. Further, 34% of survey respondents said they are very likely or likely to trust a gift recommendation from a local or micro-influencer; with this number rising to 58% and 45% among Gen Z and millennials, respectively.

The study, which surveyed more than 1,000 U.S. consumers, aimed to understand shopping trends for the holiday season, specifically: the role of influencers in purchasing decisions and how and where most consumers plan to shop this year. While more than half (54%) say they plan to do most of their holiday shopping both online and in-person, surprisingly, older generations plan to do more of their holiday shopping solely online:

  • Silent Generation: 30% online, 23% in-person
  • Baby Boomer: 22% online, 20% in-person
  • Gen X: 20% online, 24% in-person
  • Millennial: 16% online, 20% in-person
  • Gen Z: 15% online, 18% in-person

Gen Z: Most Influenced by Influencers
More than half (56%) of consumers say that a percentage of the gifts that they buy during the holidays are items they saw promoted by an online influencer or creator. Further, while younger generations may not do all of their holiday shopping online, they are the most likely to turn to online creators or influencers for inspiration via gift guides and recommendations:

  • A quarter (25%) of consumers have used a gift guide to make holiday shopping decisions, this number rises to nearly half (47%) for Gen Z consumers.
  • More than a third (34%) of consumers are likely to trust the gift recommendations from a local or micro-influencer, this number rises to more than (58%) for Gen Z consumers.

Gen Z: Easily Influenced, but Not Easily Sold
Influencers and content creators have a clear impact on holiday shopping decisions, yet not every engagement is a guaranteed sale. The majority of consumers (36%) say that they would need to see a product promoted by a creator or influencer two to three times before considering purchasing; with 23% of Gen Z saying they would need to see a product promoted four to five times.

"It's no secret that Gen Z is the most online and connected generation, and also the most skeptical," said Evan Wray, CEO, Mavely. "So it is not surprising that Gen Z consumers are turning to online resources like influencers and content creators who they trust for gift recommendations, and that they also need the most convincing to purchase. With Mavely, we aim to connect brands with potential customers via everyday influencers to create more authentic interactions and confident purchasing decisions."

When asked which sources they trust the most for reviews or recommendations of products, consumers say friends / family (58%), product review sections on a retailer's website (46%), and a brand's own promoted content (27%). 

When purchasing a holiday gift, consumers say that customer reviews (39%), recommendation from a friend or family member (37%), and limited time deals and promotions (28%) are the top factors that motivate them to purchase a holiday gift.

"Consumers rely on who they trust when it comes to purchasing decisions, whether that be friends and family or customer reviews," continued Wray. "Through Mavely, we're putting a third group into the mix: everyday influencers – content creators who everyday people feel they can relate to and trust when it comes to what they buy. By working with these types of influencers, brands are unlocking a new and trusted road into their target audiences."

For more information on Mavely, visit:

TEAM LEWIS surveyed 1,000 individuals in the U.S. All respondents were 18 or older, and the sample was census-balanced by age and gender. TEAM LEWIS collected data through an online survey fielded from August 28 to September 4, 2024. The survey respondents were independently sourced from Paradigm Sample.

About Mavely

Mavely is the Everyday Influencer Platform® that empowers real people to monetize their content by promoting the world's favorite brands. Deploying a performance-driven approach to influencer marketing, Mavely's network of creators drives hundreds of millions of dollars each year in sales for brand partners across diverse niches and platforms, with attributable data from post to purchase. Mavely is part of Rhyz, a subsidiary of Nu Skin Enterprises (NYSE: NUS). Learn more about Mavely at

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What percentage of consumers have purchased a gift based on influencer recommendations according to Mavely's study?

According to Mavely's study, 28% of consumers have purchased a gift based on recommendations from a creator or influencer in the past year.

How does Gen Z compare to other generations in trusting influencer gift recommendations?

Gen Z is the most likely to trust influencer gift recommendations, with 58% of Gen Z respondents likely to trust recommendations from local or micro-influencers, compared to 34% of all consumers.

How many times does Gen Z need to see a product promoted before considering a purchase?

23% of Gen Z consumers say they would need to see a product promoted four to five times by a creator or influencer before considering a purchase.

What percentage of consumers plan to do their holiday shopping both online and in-person?

54% of consumers say they plan to do most of their holiday shopping both online and in-person.

How does Mavely's platform aim to impact influencer marketing for brands (NUS)?

Mavely, part of Nu Skin Enterprises (NYSE: NUS), aims to connect brands with everyday influencers to create more authentic interactions and confident purchasing decisions, potentially unlocking a new and trusted marketing channel for target audiences.

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