Northern Trust and The Talent Tap Host Future Talent Programme

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Northern Trust, in collaboration with The Talent Tap, recently hosted a Future Talent Programme at their London office. This initiative supports Northern Trust's commitment to social mobility and socioeconomic diversity in the workplace. The programme, designed for Year 12 students across the UK, aims to break down geographical and socioeconomic barriers by providing work experience, internships, and employability workshops.

The event included introductory sessions on financial services, team meet-and-greets, an early career panel discussion, mock assessment centres, and team-building presentations. This partnership aligns with Northern Trust's goal of creating accessible and equitable pathways into meaningful careers for young people from diverse backgrounds.

Northern Trust, in collaborazione con The Talent Tap, ha recentemente ospitato un Programma per il Futuro dei Talenti presso il loro ufficio di Londra. Questa iniziativa sostiene l'impegno di Northern Trust per la mobilità sociale e la diversità socioeconomica nel luogo di lavoro. Il programma, progettato per studenti del Year 12 in tutto il Regno Unito, mira a superare le barriere geografiche e socioeconomiche offrendo esperienze lavorative, tirocini e workshop sull'occupabilità.

L'evento ha incluso sessioni introduttive sui servizi finanziari, incontri di presentazione del team, una tavola rotonda prematura sulle carriere, centri di valutazione simulati e presentazioni di team building. Questa partnership è in linea con l'obiettivo di Northern Trust di creare percorsi accessibili ed equi verso carriere significative per i giovani provenienti da contesti diversificati.

Northern Trust, en colaboración con The Talent Tap, organizó recientemente un Programa de Talento Futuro en su oficina de Londres. Esta iniciativa apoya el compromiso de Northern Trust con la movilidad social y la diversidad socioeconómica en el lugar de trabajo. El programa, diseñado para estudiantes de Year 12 en todo el Reino Unido, tiene como objetivo derribar barreras geográficas y socioeconómicas mediante la provisión de experiencias laborales, pasantías y talleres de empleabilidad.

El evento incluyó sesiones introductorias sobre servicios financieros, encuentros de presentación del equipo, una mesa redonda sobre carrera temprana, centros de evaluación simulados y presentaciones de trabajo en equipo. Esta asociación se alinea con el objetivo de Northern Trust de crear caminos accesibles y equitativos hacia carreras significativas para jóvenes de diversos orígenes.

Northern Trust는 The Talent Tap과 협력하여 최근 런던 사무소에서 미래 인재 프로그램을 개최했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 직장에서의 사회적 이동성 및 사회 경제적 다양성에 대한 Northern Trust의 약속을 지원합니다. 이 프로그램은 영국 전역의 Year 12 학생들을 위해 설계되었으며, 근무 경험, 인턴십 및 취업 워크숍을 제공하여 지리적 및 사회경제적 장벽을 허물고자 합니다.

이 이벤트에는 금융 서비스에 대한 소개 세션, 팀 소개 미팅, 초기 경력 패널 토론, 모의 평가 센터 및 팀 빌딩 발표가 포함되었습니다. 이 파트너십은 다양한 배경을 가진 젊은이들이 의미 있는 경로로 진입할 수 있도록 접근 가능하고 공정한 경로를 만드는 Northern Trust의 목표와 일치합니다.

Northern Trust, en collaboration avec The Talent Tap, a récemment organisé un Programme Talent Avenir dans son bureau de Londres. Cette initiative soutient l'engagement de Northern Trust en faveur de la mobilité sociale et de la diversité socio-économique sur le lieu de travail. Le programme, conçu pour les élèves de Year 12 à travers le Royaume-Uni, vise à surmonter les barrières géographiques et socio-économiques en offrant des stages, des ateliers pratiques et des ateliers sur l'employabilité.

L'événement comprenait des sessions d'introduction aux services financiers, des rencontres avec l'équipe, une table ronde sur les carrières précoces, des centres d'évaluation simulés et des présentations de construction d'équipe. Ce partenariat est en accord avec l'objectif de Northern Trust de créer des parcours accessibles et équitables vers des carrières significatives pour les jeunes issus de milieux divers.

Northern Trust hat in Zusammenarbeit mit The Talent Tap kürzlich ein Future Talent Programme in seinem Büro in London veranstaltet. Diese Initiative unterstützt das Engagement von Northern Trust für soziale Mobilität und sozioökonomische Diversität am Arbeitsplatz. Das Programm richtet sich an Schüler der Jahrgangsstufe 12 im gesamten Vereinigten Königreich und zielt darauf ab, geografische und sozioökonomische Barrieren zu überwinden, indem es Berufserfahrungen, Praktika und Workshops zur Beschäftigungsfähigkeit bietet.

Die Veranstaltung beinhaltete Einführungsveranstaltungen zu Finanzdienstleistungen, saisonale Teammeetings, eine Podiumsdiskussion zur frühen Karriere, simulierte Bewertungszentren und Teambuilding-Präsentationen. Diese Partnerschaft entspricht dem Ziel von Northern Trust, zugängliche und faire Wege in bedeutungsvolle Karrieren für junge Menschen aus unterschiedlichen Hintergründen zu schaffen.

  • Demonstrates commitment to social mobility and diversity in the workplace
  • Potential for future talent pipeline development
  • Enhances corporate social responsibility profile
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 24, 2024 / In support of Northern Trust's initiatives to support social mobility and socioeconomic diversity in the workplace our EMEA DE&I and Talent Acquisition teams partnered with The Talent Tap and hosted a vibrant, uplifting, and bespoke student experience as part of their Future Talent Programme at our London office earlier this month.

Talent Tap focuses on breaking down the barriers of geography and socioeconomics to create opportunities for the advancement amongst Year 12 students across the UK through work experience, internships, and employability workshops.

The day was filled with introductory sessions into financial services, a meet our team session, an early career panel discussion, mock assessment centres, and team building presentations.

At Northern Trust, we are committed to creating accessible and equitable pathways into meaningful careers for all young people, and value the continued work of The Talent Tap team.

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Spokesperson: Northern Trust

SOURCE: Northern Trust

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What is the Future Talent Programme hosted by Northern Trust (NTRS) and The Talent Tap?

The Future Talent Programme is an initiative by Northern Trust and The Talent Tap to support social mobility and socioeconomic diversity in the workplace. It provides Year 12 students across the UK with work experience, internships, and employability workshops to break down geographical and socioeconomic barriers.

What activities were included in Northern Trust's (NTRS) Future Talent Programme event?

The event at Northern Trust's London office included introductory sessions on financial services, team meet-and-greets, an early career panel discussion, mock assessment centres, and team-building presentations.

How does the Future Talent Programme align with Northern Trust's (NTRS) diversity initiatives?

The programme aligns with Northern Trust's commitment to creating accessible and equitable pathways into meaningful careers for young people from diverse backgrounds, supporting their initiatives for social mobility and socioeconomic diversity in the workplace.

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